Joe Calzaghe defeats Mikkel Kessler, Determination over Technique

» 04 November 2007 » In Boxing, Guide »

Joe Calzaghe defeates Mikkel Kessler, Determination over Technique

Joe Calzaghe defeats Mikkel Kessler in a unanimous 12 round decision in Wales. Calzaghe used his superior hand speed and will to win to beat the technically sound and hard punching Kessler in a very good boxing match. The scores read 117-111, 116-112, 116-112 for Calzaghe. Calzaghe now is the Undisputed Super Middleweight Champion of the World.

The fight started out very close with good action. Kessler caught Calzaghe with some solid uppercuts, but Calzaghe showed a solid chin. Calzaghe’s determination and will took over in the middle rounds. Kessler deserves mad props as he continued to throw heat throughout the fight, but was unable to crack Calzaghe’s much underated defense in front of 50,000 plus in attendance at Millennium Stadium.

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What’s next for The The Italian Dragon? Probably a showdown with Bernard Hopkins. That would be a very interesting row. Kelly Pavlik or Jermain Taylor also loom as big money action packed punch ups.

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

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2 Comments on "Joe Calzaghe defeats Mikkel Kessler, Determination over Technique"

  1. The G Manifesto
    2nd Story West Ave
    05/11/2007 at 3:16 pm Permalink

    X versus Calzaghe is the fight that should happen next. Can B-Hop withstand the pressure? Can Calzaghe deal with a fighter as frustrating to hit as B-Hop? And Kessler should get to Vegas and start booking some fights. He’s 12 rounds of entertainment and should get paid.

  2. The G Manifesto
    09/12/2007 at 3:55 pm Permalink

    Bernard Hopkins is simply too old he had his day and its about the money. I don’t think he can beat Calzaghe but I don’t believe Calzaghe can hurt him he is still too smart and hard to hit!! He does deserve a payday and Hopkins has the best of both worlds when he loses he can say look I am 44years old if hewins by some miracle he can say look how great I am

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