Archive > 2007

Dating Girls with Boyfriends

» 07 September 2007 » In Game, Girls, Guide » 15 Comments

Dating Girls with Boyfriends

Here is one of the many differences between regular guy and The G:

When a regular guy finds out a fly girl has a boyfriend he says, “Too bad she has a boyfriend…”

When a G finds out a fly girl has a boyfriend, he says, “What the f*ck does that have to do with me?”

Earlier in my life, I had an infamous era where I caused terror and only dated girls with boyfriends. Still to this day, dating girls with boyfriends is as relevant as ever to The G. Really, the only clear disadvantage to dating girls with boyfriends is that the boyfriend could “OJ” you. So if you want to play it safe, avoid ex-NFL running back’s girls or other people like syndicate guys with “arms that reach”. And I can tell you if OJ came after me, I would have made a hero out of him. I have seen highlight films of him, and he is mad fast, but he is not faster than my hollow tips. I might have heisted his crib too, “the ski mask way”, I am sure his crib had some sports memorabilia I could unload on some Koi Fish Cats I know. (And I am not talking about that dope production on “Ski Mask Way” by Disco D on that 50 Cent track. Disco D, rest in peace…) I am not saying OJ “did it”, keep in mind, I was not there and he was found “not guilty” on all counts. Which means, he is innocent in my book and our justice systems. We have to have faith in our justice system, right? So, don’t play “The Most Dangerous Game” unless you have the proper skill set (The G Manifesto on “The Most Dangerous Game” coming soon…)

Side note:
If you want to know the real truth, I was the one who dropped off Nicole in Brentwood to meet Ron. I am just playing. But I did drop Lewinsky off at the White House.

50 Cent – ‘Ski Mask Way’ produced by Disco D

As long as the boyfriend is a civilian, a celebrity guy or some other weesh regular guy, you have the green light. What is a civilian guy going to do? Although, I am far from the toughest guy in the world, and I hate violence on the innocent, I am known internationally to carry the steel and to be a first rate Pistolier. And I have friends in my crew that would kill for me. And I have a rolodex of guys I know that will body you for a price that I can afford. Again, what is some celebrity guy going to do? “Act” like he is going to beat me up? That stuff only happens on the silver screen (one place you will never see my beautiful hair and brutally handsome mug). So here are some obvious advantages to dating girls with boyfriends:

Increasing your dating population

Many beautiful girls already have boyfriends. So, if you just try to swoop single girls you are cutting your dating pool down. We don’t want to do that. Look at it like the Animal Kingdom. If you are the Alpha, you are not going to let some beta guy get a fly girl. Think, you are actually doing the species a favor.

Big Pun, My Turn (50 cent diss) (there is something aboug Big Pun that I relate to. If I had futuristic lyrics, I would say what Pun says…Big Pun RIP…)

More free time

Girls will always want to spend time with their boyfriends and do the kind of things boyfriends and girlfriends do like, I don’t know, argue over nonsense. This gives you more time to practice Zippo tricks, scheme so you don’t have to give tipsters their cut, and get measured for Custom Suits. This also leaves you a lot of free time to do real important things, like swooping other girls.

Jadakiss, Im an Animal, Freestyle, 50 cent diss


Many fly girls today have little dogs and puppies and stuff. We all know these little guys are not house trained too well. If a girl has a boyfriend, you don’t have to spend as much time with her and her little dog. The big advantage of this is you don’t have to clean up everytime her little Maltese named “Pumkin” gets excited and pees on your red and green imported Italian marble at your crib, like they have in the de’ Medici Tombs in Firenze. Boyfriend guy is cleaning up after some little Yorkie named “Dolce”. I currently have a deal with a fly Nightlife Princess, that she has to drop off her Maltese at her boyfriends crib prior to hanging out with me. I can’t help but laugh when I hang out with her, knowing boyfriend guy is cleaning up after little “Boo Bear” while I am swooping his girl. I know it’s brutal, but in my defense, he is a wack Mortgage broker guy, who wears striped shirts and voted Republican. So you could say I am being easy on him. Get on my bad side, you get stepped on like Puro Coca.

Sheek Louch- Bag ‘Em Up (50 Cent Diss)

Car Problems

Girls are creatures that have many problems (I am sure guys have many problems as well, but I am not interested in guys, nor do I follow their patterns). Car problems are something girls always have if you date them. Yes, little fly girl, you should check the oil every time you get gas. By not being their boyfriend, they will never call you for these unbelievable hassles. Boyfriend guy can call Triple A or dust off the jumper cables. You can kick back at your crib, spark up a smoke and watch “Style Wars” for the eight thousandth time.

Style Wars, The Truth for the young G youth

Money Problems

Girls also constantly have money problems. Chemical Peels, Breast Augmentations, Honey mint body wraps, and Broach d’Orsay pump Manolo Blahniks can add up. The more you date a girl, the more she has her hand out. Even high society girls start rubbing their fingers together after a while. Let boyfriend guy handle the financial end, while you can just handle the bedroom end, which anyways, is my particular field of interest.

Styles P – Good Times


If a girl already has a boyfriend, you don’t need to buy her any gifts (it’s not a bad rule of thumb to “go out of town” the week before a girls birthday or Christmas. I am Swayze come the holiday season, preferably in Saint Bart’s). This can really make a difference to the financially challenged upwardly mobile G. It can really sting if you have to throw down a couple G’s for Leiber Crystal Clutch with Austrian crystals for a girls’ birthday present. This also saves you the pain of trips to the malls. Personally, I would rather spend a few hours in Sing Sing than a few hours at some suburban mall (and keep in mind, I hate Sing Sing, but obviously, we are more Amongst Friends at Sing Sing and there are way more interesting people at Sing Sing than some suburban mall). But maybe that’s just me.

Emotional issues

If a girl has a boyfriend, guess who is going to deal with her emotional problems? That’s right, him.

Girls with boyfriends are in many ways “the perfect girl” if only for a night. Hit hard. But be careful who you are messing with. Keep eyes in the back of your head. You know I am not going out like Stanley Ketchel…

The Rest is Up to You……

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA Your favorite International Playboy’s, favorite International Playboy
AKA The favorite Heist man’s, favorite Heist man
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

(Want to see something in The G Manifesto? Send suggestions to

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New Kanye West Album: Graduation, Kanye West, Good Life

» 04 September 2007 » In Guide, hip hop » 2 Comments

New Kanye West Album: Graduation

There have been alot of people asking me about the New Kanye West album and the song “Good life”. Here they are. My little brother, Nicholas Alfonso Mason, AKA The Jaguar helped me with some of the samples.

Kanye West – Good Life Feat. T-Pain explicit full version (sample Michael Jackson, PYT)

Kanye West – Good Life Feat. T-Pain, New Video

Michael Jackson – PYT (Pretty Young Thing)

Kanye West – Everything I am (co-produced by DJ Premier)

Kanye West – Champion (sample from “Kid Charlemagne” by Steely Dan)

Kanye West – Barry Bonds feat. Lil Wayne

Kanye West – Can’t Tell Me Nothing

Kanye West – Drunk And Hot Girls (samples from “Sing Swan Song” by Can)

Kanye West – Flashing Lights (Ft. Dwele)

Kanye West – The Glory (samples from “Save the Country” by Laura Nyro)

Kanye West – Homecoming

Kanye West – Big Brother

Kanye West, John Mayer – Bittersweet Poetry

Kanye West – Can’t Tell Me Nothing (Remix) ft Young Jeezy (sample from “I Got Money” as by Young Jeezy and backing vocals by Connie Mitchell)

Kanye West – I Wonder

Kanye West – Stronger (samples from “Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger” as performed by Daft Punk which in turn samples Edwin Birdsong “cola bottle baby”)

Nicholas Alfonso Mason
AKA The Jaguar

RealOne SuperPass

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Q & A with Michael Mason on Weed:

» 31 August 2007 » In Crime, Dope, Guide » 4 Comments

Q & A with Michael Mason on Weed:

People have been asking me my thoughts on Weed for a long time. So I decided to share some of mine. Now, I don’t want to get a bunch of emails of people complaining about how you are more the “Weed G” than I am. These are just my opinions and the only reason I am giving them is because I have gotten like 750 emails with people saying things like “Yo, Michael, we know you are down with the grits, but what’s your thoughts on the Indo Smoke, Loc?” and other stuff, so here is a quick Q & A on Weed:

Q: What do you think about smoking out of bongs vs joints?

Michael Mason: Don’t smoke out of Bongs. Bongs are mad dirty and are incubators of colds. Smoke joints if you have to smoke. More style points. Think about it, anywhere in the world that is really Weed heavy, the people smoke Joints: Jamaica, Amsterdam, etc. Sure, you might get higher if you smoke out of a Bong, but ask yourself; how high do you really need to get?

How High (Original Version)

Q: What is a G Manifesto Certified weed move?

Michael Mason: Learn to roll a joint with one hand. Really statement making. And roll them with a filter, Amsterdam style. It’s more cultured.

Q: What about smoking indo in clubs?

Michael Mason: When you are an up and coming young Prototype G it is more than acceptable to be in the VIP of a dope Club with your crew lighting up Blunts. In fact, it might be preferred.

Q: Any G Manifesto tips for The Weed Game?

Michael Mason: The Weed Game is full of idiots. Most of them don’t how to make money. Never move Weed just so “you can smoke for free”. It’s illegal, skippy, (at least according to the Shitstem) and you should be compensated for it. If you are not on the Smuggling, Distributing or Growing end of things before age 26, I feel bad for you.

Q: Don’t you think some activities are better while smoking Chronic?

Michael Mason: Yes, some activities are more fun when you are smoking weed. Like, when swooping on two fly Southern California Beach Bunnies that you just scooped off the beach with The Greatest Pick up Line of all time: “Do you want to Smoke some Weed?” Or, when swooping two dope Jamaican girls with body and braids back at the Half Moon Resort in Montego Bay (The Ritz Carlton, Rose Hall, Jamaica works as well) .

Q: Does The G Manifesto think pot should be legalized?

Michael Mason: Great question. On paper I would say “Yes, all drugs should be legalized”. But then again, The Drug Game employs so many people in this world, that if we legalized drugs, our unemployment rates would skyrocket. I wouldn’t want to see the government or Wal-Mart make all that money, I would rather see the money in the hands of The People. I am kind of on the fence on this one (one of the few instances you will see me on the fence).

The Slickers- Johnny Too Bad (on the Jamaican G Tip)

Q: Do you puff haze?

Michael Mason: I once smoked Weed before I did anything. Now, I don’t smoke anymore unless of course, the situation Absolutely calls for it, i.e. a Fly Model girl wants me to smoke with her while we are in bed and I haven’t swooped her yet.

007(Shanty Town) – Desmond Dekker (also on the Jamaican G Tip)

Q: What is better, The Northern Lights, The G13, White Widow, Blue Cheese or the Silver Haze?

Michael Mason: Who cares? When you are smoking Weed of that quality, you are going to be out of your dome piece and more twisted than dreadlocks regardless. (By the way, “Nord light” is how they say it in Amsterdam, fyi…)

Q: Do you think hash is cool?

Michael Mason: Yeah, hashish is cool.

I hope this helped. The Rest is Up to You….

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Steppin’ Razor
AKA Johnny Too Bad
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

(Want to see something in The G Manifesto? Send suggestions to )

Bob Marley Waiting In Vain

Bob Marley- Waiting in Vain –

Damian And Stephen Marley, Pimpas Paradise

I-WAYNE cant satisfy her

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The Greatest Pick up Line of All Time

» 31 August 2007 » In Game, Guide » 8 Comments

The Greatest Pick up Line of All Time

Click Here to Buy The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists by Neil Strauss

Click Here to Buy Emergency: This Book Will Save Your Life By Neil Strauss

Click Here for Q & A with Michael Mason on Weed:

Every Player and Pick up Artist out there today always says the same thing. They say, “There are no good Pick up Lines”, “Pick up lines don’t work” and other crap as if they are saying something so earth shattering and innovative. As if this line of thinking is so contrarian or something. Come on, tell me something I don’t know, like the where is best spot to get Amberjack Tartare in Dubai? (anybody who knows, feel free to tell me, I have to go to Dubai soon).

They do have a point though, almost all pick up lines are stupid and never work. Save one. The craziest thing about this line is I don’t even use it anymore. So enough build up, The Greatest Pick up Line in the World is:

“Do you want to Smoke some Weed?”

Sure, “Do you want to Smoke some Weed?” (keep in mind that this is more a Street Game, Beach Game type line) doesn’t work on Every girl, but it does work on the vast majority. I have used this line to great success from London to Kingston to Washington to Hamilton (Bermuda) to Edmonton to Baton (Rouge) to (Boca) Raton to Boston to Charleston to Galveston to Wilmington to Winston (Salem) to Wellington (New Zealand) to Houston. I am actually lying, I haven’t been to all those places, some of those spots are weesh.

“Do you want to Smoke some Weed?” is known to work extremely well on Southern California, Beach town and Extreme sports girls. Trust me, I have gotten more fly Pro Snowboarder Girls between my sheets than Transworld Magazine. And I have been right up next to more naked fly Pro Surf Girls than this year’s Roxy bathing suit line.

Click Here to Buy The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists by Neil Strauss

Click Here to Buy Emergency: This Book Will Save Your Life By Neil Strauss

The Rest is Up to You…..

Redman & Method Man – How High Remix

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Hustler’s Hustler
AKA The Pusher’s Pusher
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

(Want to see something in The G Manifesto? Send suggestions to

The Dove Shack – Summertime in the LBC

This Is The Shack – The Dove Shack

The Twinz – Round & Round feat Nanci Fletcher

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Venetian Macao Resort Hotel Opens

» 29 August 2007 » In Guide, Luxury, Travel » 3 Comments

Venetian Macao Resort Hotel Opens

Sheldon Adelson’s Venetian Macao Resort Hotel is now open for biz on the Cotai Strip. The 2.4 Billion dollar casino is the largest casino in the world and the second largest building in the world.

The resort features 3,000 rooms and 3 indoor canals (as opposed to one in the Venitian in Las Vegas) and mad fresco paintings. This casino tips the balance of power in the casino world in Macao’s favor over Las Vegas. Macao already does more in gaming revenue than Las Vegas (keep in mind Vegas has diversified its income).

Adelson has plans to invest up to $12 billion and build some 20,000 hotel rooms on the Cotai Strip in the near future. Go long Las Vegas Sands Corp. (if you haven’t already).

I haven’t taken a trip to Macao since Stanley Ho (G Manifesto Hall of Fame member) was the main gun and the Hotel Lisboa (Casino Lisboa) regined supreme. I have also chilled with Pansy and Daisy Ho back in the day. Looks like it is time for a return trip. The Rest is Up to You…….

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Hustler’s Hustler
AKA The Pusher’s Pusher
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

(Want to see something in The G Manifesto? Send suggestions to

American Cream Team Raekwon RZA – It’s Not A Game

50 Shots – Papoose

dj honda-on the mic, Beatnuts, Cuban Link

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