Archive > 2007

Bottle Service: America’s Nightlife Nightmare

» 19 July 2007 » In Game, Guide, Nightlife » 29 Comments

Bottle Service: America’s Nightlife Nightmare

Click Here to Download The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report (pdf)

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

I can’t front. There was a time when I liked Bottle Service in Nightclubs. I still remember the first time I experienced Bottle Service. It was about 12 years ago in a very high-end nightclub in Tijuana, Mexico when I was associating with some of the Arellano-Felix crew based out of TJ. The advantages were obvious: beautiful girls came up to your table (in this case upper class fly Mexican girls, which I do have a thing for), you had a place to relax, re-group, and everyone thought you were balling out of control. (For the record, I never did anything illegal with the Arellano-Felix cartel, but I do remember having a Magical Night that night…chicas were sweating me like condensation in a steam room, which was really no different than a night for me without Bottle Service.)

Fast forward to 2007, and Bottle Service has become the standard (and I don’t mean that overrated Andre Balazs hotel in Los Angeles either) for most high-end clubs all across the bubble. It has been popular in Miami and NYC for at least ten years, but my sources tell me it is currently popular in many C-grade cities and they even offer it in many D-grade cities as well. The advantages are still there, primarily, Bottle Service allows a group of Investment Bankers, Hedge fund guys, commercial real estate jerkoffs, or any type of weesh 9 to 5 guys the ability to enter a club with out too much hassle. But there are many problems that Bottle Service brings to nightclubs in general and nightlife in particular. There are also a few more reasons why I am not a big fan of Bottle Service.

Camp Lo, Dj Honda, Disco Tec

The Crowd Bottle Service Brings

In the 2000’s we have seen a corporatization of nightclubs. Now when you go to a nighclub everyone is some kind of corporate jerkoff. Interesting people are no longer found in Nightclubs. The artists, writers, intellectuals, underground DJ’s etc have been effectively priced out of the nightclub with bottle service. The only people that can afford it are the Investment bankers, real estate types, and Celebs (and of course, underworld figures). That is why when you walk into a club you see so many striped shirts that you think you are seeing some kind of 3-D optical illusion. The funny thing is that these are the type of guys who would have never gotten into a club in the old days (nights) when you were picked out because of how you looked, dressed, if you had connections, or by reputation. So today, clubs are full of people that normally would have been standing in line in nights gone by.

Juelz Santana and Lil Wayne, Blow

Too common place

The whole purpose of Bottle Service is that it separates you from the masses. But today, there are clubs with 40 tables of bottle service. All it has done is raised the bar on what is the norm. Every fool with a platinum card can buy exclusivity. What is so exclusive about that?

Wale, I ain’t sprung…lyrics

Stuck it the same spot

I really don’t like Bottle service because I like to be agile when I go out. If a nightclub sucks for whatever reason, I don’t want to be tied down to some table with a three bottle minimum. I like to stick and move (so to speak).

Camp Lo, Lucini

Don’t realize how expensive it is

For me, where CASH is no object, this is a non-issue. But for everyday regular guy out there this can be a major problem. When you get a table at a nightclub, you think “OK, two bottle minimum, bottles start at $200, there are four of us…that’s only $100 each!” Wrong equation. Once you get there you realize that the Smirnov is $200 but the Goose is $350-400 per bottle. You have to get the Goose, or it defeats the whole purpose of getting the table in the first place. Then you have to pay for the overpriced mixers. Then the table of the guys with the professional Athlete next to you has just ordered two bottles of Cristal, and the Girls that were hanging out with you are slowly shimming their way over to their table. So you need to counter attack and get two bottles of Crist to keep pace. Keep in mind at the end of the night you have to tip the Vip Waitress in the corset that brought you everything. And you can’t be cheap now, because all night you have been hitting on her with your “big balling” paper thin game and she gave you her number (you don’t realize yet, skippy, but it was a fake). Pretty soon your $400 night is $2700. Good for the club, bad for the chumpy patron.

Click Here to Download The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report (pdf)

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

Divvying up the Bill

This is when things get interesting. Let’s say you rolled in with 5 guys and got a table. Without fail, at least two guys are going to come up real short. Or they can’t be found when its time to settle up the bill.

These weak crews also always have one guy that just brings over other guys to the table. These other guys also probably won’t have a problem ordering 15 Patron shots on your tab as well as doing heavy pours off your Goose bottle. Like clockwork, once some Platinum Diggers, Nightlife Princesses, or Table Hawks finally do make it to your table, the 2nd Goose bottle will run out. That’s when some guy, (usually one who has no cash when the bill comes or says “where is the ATM in the club?” and usually reports back “the ATM is broken, I will get you next week, you know I am good for it”) will order up two more Goose bottles without hesitation. This guy also usually has a tendency to disappear when the bill comes.

Don’t be the card holder

If you do make the mistake of getting Bottle Service, you never want to be the card holder in a Bottle Service situation. This puts the burden of responsibility on you. You Will get stuck at the end of the night. Remember you and your “Fly Crew” can’t pull out 5 credit cards and split the bill up 5 ways…remember the whole goal was to look like you were flush with CASH.

Friendships Broken

More friendships have been broken over Bottle Service. Everyone involved thinks they were “done wrong” by someone in the crew. Angry, acusatory emails usually follow then following Monday: “You and your boy drank off our bottles all night and didn’t even offer any cash”, “Remember you said you would split the bill with us?” “Why do you go out if you don’t have any money?” etc.

Final thoughts

Never get bottle service. But if you do, don’t be the card holder. Don’t get it with a weak crew. Avoid other peoples tables as well, even if you don’t have a single drink off their bottles, they will think you did and try to hit you up for $500 the next week. The only time I will do it is if I am taking some people I care about and just pay CASH for the whole thing.

I can’t help but laugh every time I see a table of Real Estate or Investment guys dressed in striped shirts, gay t-shirts with writing on them, designer jeans, at the end of the night, their bottles nearing empty, no girls, trying in vain to salvage their night with some weird dance moves. But there is no saving them. It’s like when you stab someone in the jugular with a big serrated knife and you twist. The ambulance might be on its way, but it’s too late…you are losing too much blood…you fade out…The Rest is Up to You…

Click Here to Download The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report (pdf)

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

Side Note:

Tonight I am going to a nightclub with Bottle Service (a necessary thing for Heist men looking for tips). I am meeting two of my best childhood friends in town who are young up and coming guns with the Mossad. I am paying…CASH.

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Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA Your favorite International Playboy on the Rise’s favorite International Playboy on the Rise
AKA I can’t leave the Streets alone, The Game needs Me
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

(Want to see something in The G Manifesto? Send suggestions to

T-Pain featuring Akon, Bartender

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Arturo Gatti VS Alfonso Gomez Fight Video

» 17 July 2007 » In Boxing, Guide » 1 Comment

Arturo Gatti VS Alfonso Gomez Fight Video

A lot of people are asking me for this. This is the only video of the knockout I could find. Low quality but you can still see it was pretty Brutal.

Click here for Irish Thunder: The Hard Life and Times of Micky Ward


Click Here for 45 Fantastic Fights Of The Century

Fight Video of Gatti VS Gomez

Farewell Arturo, you were the most exciting fighter of our generation….

Click here for Irish Thunder: The Hard Life and Times of Micky Ward


Click Here for 45 Fantastic Fights Of The Century

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Seventh Letter
AKA I can’t leave the Streets alone, The Game needs Me
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

(Want to see something in The G Manifesto? Send suggestions to

Get Premium Tickets at TicketsNow

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Execution time: Bernard Hopkins VS Winky Wright

» 16 July 2007 » In Boxing, Guide » 6 Comments

Execution time: Bernard Hopkins VS Winky Wright

Click here for Irish Thunder: The Hard Life and Times of Micky Ward


Click Here for 45 Fantastic Fights Of The Century

Two of boxing’s greatest practitioners will toe the line on July 21st, Bernard “The Executioner” Hopkins and Ronald “Winky” Wright. This fight does not necessarily shape up to be the most exciting fight, but should be a real tactical war. Both fighters should be hungry and after one more significant win.

Bernard Hopkins is a future Hall of Famer and defended his middleweight title 20 straight times. I have rolled in his Entourage plenty of times and I know he is a very hungry and is as intense as they come (If you watch tapes of Hopkins fights from the late 90’s its easy to pick me out in his Entourage; I am the handsome, young, sharp dressed guy, usually Versace or Armani’d down, also the only guy who is not African American). Hopkins is a tough customer that can almost always find a way to win with his rough and tumble style. He is a defensive master who has patience to wait for an opening then strikes. His boxing style is a lot like my Game.

Check this out For the Best Deals on Boxing Tickets – all Upcoming Fights – (Click Here!)

Dope Bernard Hopkins Video, Gangstarr

Hopkins has power, but has usually knocked out opponents by grinding them down. He should be physically stronger than Wright, but I think his mental strength is what is going to give him an edge.

Click here for Irish Thunder: The Hard Life and Times of Micky Ward


Click Here for 45 Fantastic Fights Of The Century

Another Dope Hopkins Video, CNN

Winky Wright is a defensive master with a venomous jab. He keeps his hands very high, but is also adept at slipping punches. He has two big wins over Sugar Shane Mosley, a dominant victory over Felix “Tito” Trinidad, and a good win over Ike “Bazooka” Quartey. With his airtight defense he has looked very dominant over otherwise great fighters.

The Prediction

Although Hopkins final days have to be soon (he is 42 years old), I think he has one more great performance left. If there is anyone out there that can solve the puzzle that is Winky Wright it is Hopkins. He is really going to have to be aggressive, but willing to exchange, and rough up Winky. On the flip side, Winky might dominate Hopkins. But I think Hopkins win over Antonio Tarver proves that he still has plenty left. I see Hopkins taking a hard fought decision. That is of course if the judges see it that way. The Rest is Up to You………

Side Note:

Let’s hope Arturo Gatti stays retired. The only category that Gatti beat Alfonso Gomez in was “better hair” during their fight last Saturday. Having “better hair” is important for a Playboy out on the town, but in a boxing ring it doesn’t matter too much. However, Gatti was swooping a pretty fly girl after the fight so the night wasn’t a total loss…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Seventh Letter
AKA I can’t leave the Streets alone, The Game needs Me
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

(Want to see something in The G Manifesto? Send suggestions to

Check this out For the Best Deals on Boxing Tickets – all Upcoming Fights – (Click Here!)

Bernard Hopkins training for fight with Winky Wright

Hopkins video anesthesizing De La Hoya

Hopkins video finishing Trinidad

Group Home, Living Proof, (G Manifesto Certified Classic)

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Warriors at the Gates: Arturo Gatti VS Alfonso Gomez

» 13 July 2007 » In Boxing, Guide » 1 Comment

Warriors at the Gates: Arturo Gatti VS Alfonso Gomez

Click here for Irish Thunder: The Hard Life and Times of Micky Ward


Click Here for 45 Fantastic Fights Of The Century

(If you are going to this fight, now would be a good time to review Fight Night (click here)

On the evening of July 14th in Atlantic City, we might have the Fight of The Year when two boxers/playboys, Arturo “Thunder” Gatti and Alfonso Gomez square off. Alfonso Gomez is best known for “The Contender” series (the only reality show I really watch, save America’s Next Top Model, which I only watch because I have swooped on a bunch of the girls that have been on that Show), where he proved himself to be an action packed fighter with plenty of heart. Unless you have lived under a rock for the last 16 years, you know Arturo Gatti as the most action packed fighter with the most heart of our generation. Hell, he has been involved in four of Ring Magazine’s Fights of the Year, and has at least a dozen more that could easily have taken those honors. The big questions for this fight are: How much does Gatti have left? And, Is Gomez the real deal? We will find out on July 14th in a fight that is all but guaranteed to be dope.

Check this out For the Best Deals on Boxing Tickets – all Upcoming Fights – (Click Here!)

An interesting side not is that Mickey Ward will be working Gatti’s corner. You know Mickey Ward, the guy that went to the best war of the 2000’s (the war in Iraq being the worst war of the 2000’s) in a trilogy with Gatti. It will be interesting to see if Ward will be a plus in his corner. He will get Gatti in shape, no doubt, but will he tell Gatti to box and jab and not war? But I truly believe that having Ward as a motivator for Gatti will help. Gomez is for sure the hungrier fighter.

Good Gatti Video

Everyone loves a warrior. And throughout his whole career, Arturo has been The quintessential warrior. Gomez appears to be the heir apparent. We will see on June 14th. Let’s break it down:

Click here for Irish Thunder: The Hard Life and Times of Micky Ward


Click Here for 45 Fantastic Fights Of The Century


Big edge to Gatti. His left hook to the body is the thing nightmares are made of. (Which is weird because my Game is the thing that gives nightmares to rival players.) Gomez can punch, but hasn’t shown the kind of one punch power that Gatti can.

LL Cool J, Mamma Said Knock You Out

Physical Attributes

I have sparred with Gatti and he is a monster, but Gomez is the Natural welterweight. This could be dangerous for Gatti, since Gomez is somewhat like Carlos Baldomir in this respect.

Gatti VS Ward

Hand Speed

This is an interesting one. Gatti would appear to have the faster hands, but if Gomez can rough up Gatti, we could see him slow down considerably.

Good Gatti Video


Same as hand speed. Gatti would appear to have the edge, but in the middle rounds when this fight show turn into an all out war, this could be even.


Gomez is no Pernell Whitaker or Winky Wright, but Gatti’s defense is like regular guy’s Game in a Nightclub: Full of holes.

Click here for Irish Thunder: The Hard Life and Times of Micky Ward


Click Here for 45 Fantastic Fights Of The Century


Gatti is as durable as a VVS diamond. But he cuts if you breathe on him too heavy. He cuts easier than window glass of a socialite’s mansion that you are heisting. Gomez has proven to be mighty durable against the competition he has faced so far. Keep in mind though; the competition Gomez has faced couldn’t lace up the gloves of the competition Gatti has faced.

LL Cool J ft. Keith Murray, Fat Joe & Foxy Brown- I Shot Ya (G Manifesto Certified Track)


Not to take anything away from Gomez, but nobody can be Gatti in this category (save your humble author). If the chips are down, Gatti only becomes more dangerous. A coward dies a thousand deaths and a warrior dies just one. If Gatti loses, best believe he will be carried out on his shield.

Gatti come from behind win

Killer instinct

Gatti. If Gatti has got you, then he has got you. He can kill you fast, he can kill you slow, and he isn’t afraid to put a tag on your toe.


Gomez being the younger man, should have a slight edge here.

Ring Generalship

Gatti has been in more wars than Alexander the Great. He knows his way around the ring. Sometimes, when he gets into trouble, however he forgets to clinch. This can get him into serious trouble. But keep in mind, this is why people love Gatti so much, he is a flawed warrior (unlike why people like me so much, I my Game has zero flaws, but I still remain The Peoples Champ).

This fight will come down to heart as I see it. And I would love to see Gatti pull off one more miracle. But the good news is, if Gatti does lose, we will have another warrior to take his place. Alfonso Gomez.

No disrespect to Gomez, but I will be strongly in Gatti’s corner come July 14th. As far as the smart money? I am placing my bet right before the fight (I still have to assimilate some data). But you can bet that you will hear about who I picked after the fight. The Rest is Up to You……….

Email of the Week in regards to The Gentleman’s Club Theorem AKA The Local Bar Theorem:

“Mason delivers like Holyfield in the 9th once again. I learned from underground sources of your “lock down” on the gentlemen’s clubs in NYC, NO, LA, Vegas and Miami for some time now, and it is a work of art to say the least. What is your policy on being strapped in a club? Grinder and shakers could feel the piece, so to speak. Word on the street is your order take out from the finest restaurants in town to your booth and you hand feed the meat performers the finest pâté, caviar and escargot money can buy? I tend to think you leave out key elements in your manifesto’s out of fear a up and coming top G like myself may dissect key ingredients to your finest dishes?

In any event, exotics are exotics, much like a zoo exhibit and I even heisted a few in my day just for fun, making out with hard cash, soiled panties and even one exotics rollie. I know it sounds cruel, but a G is a G, and we do what we do best! A toast to you Mason on another hard hitting manifesto.”

Click here for Irish Thunder: The Hard Life and Times of Micky Ward


Click Here for 45 Fantastic Fights Of The Century

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Seventh Letter
AKA I can’t leave the Streets alone, The Game needs Me
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

(Want to see something in The G Manifesto? Send suggestions to

Side note:

The Fernando Vargas VS Ricardo Mayorga could also be the Fight of the Year. Good press conference. Good Business. Machismo.

LL Cool J, Rock The Bells (G Manifesto Certified Track)

Get Premium Tickets at TicketsNow

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The Gentleman’s Club Theorem AKA The Local Bar Theorem

» 09 July 2007 » In Game, Gentleman's Club, Girls, Guide, Nightlife » 10 Comments

The Gentleman’s Club Theorem AKA The Local Bar Theorem

Click Here to Download The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report (pdf)

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

Now is a good time to review Innovative Gentleman’s Club Concepts (Click Here) and Manifesto Destiny: The Gentleman’s Club (Click Here)

It’s no secret that G’s are often found in Gentleman’s Clubs. As for me, I was kind of sucked into the lifestyle (so to speak). Why? Dumb question. Gentleman’s Clubs are pound for pound, round for round, night for night, consistently the best incubators of Fly girls to swoop for The G. Another benefit is you can see how fly a girl really is before you swoop on her due to the lack of clothing Exotic Dancers wear at work (if female pharmaceutical reps went to work half naked, I am sure would have become a Doctor instead of a Heist Man, make sense?) No surprises. I don’t like surprise parties let alone surprise un-fly girls.

The advantage of The Gentleman’s Club Theorem is once you are running full throttle, you can swoop two to three new, fresh girls a week even before the weekend starts. Without breaking a sweat. Now if you say you don’t want to swoop three more fly girls a week; have fun lying to yourself, Skippy. And your head must be more messed up than cornrows put in by blindfolded upper-middle class white suburban girls. You can’t just roll up in The Gentleman’s Club and keep on spitting the same paper thin routines you have been spitting. You can’t keep playing checkers. You need to play Chess. You need to recondition your mind. So Get Ready, you need to read The Gentleman’s Club Theorem (I also call it “The Local Bar Theorem” because my “local bar” in each city just happens to have topless girls. How is your local bar?).

The Temptations Get Ready

Lock the Spot Down

This is probably the most important aspect of The Gentleman’s Club Theorem. You want to have the whole spot under your influence. This is going to take time, work, and repeated showings at The Gentleman’s Club. It starts with the valet guys. They are the first ones you see when you approach The Gentleman’s Club. They can give you info on which girls are working, which Exotics have knocked off work early, or if a hitter from a rival faction is waiting at the bar to levitate you. This is life or death type stuff. Locking these guys down along with the head bartender and the head Bouncer/ Manager is the trinity of Gentleman’s Club Lock Downs (and I don’t mean that Super fly Model style Exotic Dancer I know from Scores in New York City named Trinity, real name Rachel, either).

Click Here to Download The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report (pdf)

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

René & Angela – I’ll be good

Dress Sharp like a Box Cutter

The Goal is to be the flyest Cat in the Litter. Which really isn’t too hard these days since so many fools are coming Straight Outta tha Mall. (I go boutique, or work with designer and tailors direct in case you wanted to know.) Or at best regular guy is dressing straight out of Details or GQ Magazine which in case you didn’t know is run by Gay guys. Nothing against gay people, (In fact, I love Bi girls) and gay guys are cool, since they are non-competitors. I just find it funny when straight guys that hate gay people dress like gay people. So, anyways, to avoid confusion, dress like this as an example; Black with Sugar Bear Blue pinstripe custom Prada, Bespoke two button suit with notched lapels and side vents, Grimace purple Gucci shirt, Prada cap toed lace ups, tie optional and Violet Brioni Pocket square (and I don’t mean that Catwalk style, La Perla Exotic Dancer I know named Violet from The Penthouse Executive Club in New York City, real name Jennifer either). It’s also a good move to get a good haircut or shave before hand. Be careful thought, these days you can even get bad haircut at Drucker’s in Beverly Hills . Although, you would be hard pressed to have a better haircut experience than Drucker’s (outside of course, Taylors of Old Bond Street London and Geo F. Trumper, London , the original on Curzon Street ). I mean, that’s where Bugsy Siegel used to get his hair cut for God’s sake. In fact, Benny and I both got our last hair cuts at the same place. (The Shave of Beverly Hills is decent also as well as Aidan Gil in New Orleans )

The Chiffons, He’s So Fine (Ever since I was a kid I have thought The Chiffons were singing about me with this song)


Grease is a necessary component of Locking a place down. Gentleman’s Club + Grease + G = Lockdown. And I mean Grease everyone. Refer to: The Art of The Grease (click here). Greasing is priceless (and I don’t mean that Cajun Cutie with Flapper Hair Exotic Dancer I know named Priceless from Rick’s Cabaret in New Orleans , real name Erica either).

Foxy Brown ft. Jay -Z – Ill Be

Chill and Lamp

Very important. Relax like Mitch “Blood” Green’s perm. You have to seem like you have more important things on your mind than Beautiful, naked girls. Which of course, you don’t. When ever I am running The Local Bar Theorem I always seem very distracted. But in reality, my mind is working overtime, running computations, figuring out which girls are friends with whom, which bouncers are going to try to put salt in my game, which girls are best prospects for The Trio, etc. Relax and have patience (and I don’t mean that Sophisto Style, Mac Gloss Girl Exotic Dancer I know named Patience from Hustler Club in San Francisco, real name Veronica either).

T-pain ft. Yung Joc, Buy you a drink

Friendly and Gentlemanly

You want to give off positive waves of energy when you are Locking down a Gentleman’s Club. Catch a girl that falls off balance coming off the stage with her clear plastic high-heels. Light every girl’s cigarette before yours (or do a double light move). Let waitresses pass by with a tray full of Ketel One shots in front of you (worth its weight in heron). Offer girls waters occasionally instead of cocktails. Tip waitresses for no reason. Tell Dancers which guys are sure thing Marks. Give some encouragement to an Exotic that is having a rough night. Know The Game. Don’t bug girls that are working and fleecing a customer (and I don’t mean that caliente Colombiana style Exotic Dancer with Shakira hair, I know named Felice from Solid Gold in North Miami Beach, real name Tesara either).

Fabulous ft. Ne-Yo, You make me better

Back Story

You need an Air tight Back Story. First off, you are Always from somewhere else, even if you live full time in the city you are currently in. But you do “keep” a place in the current city you are at. Or you are staying at some Fly hotel in town for an undetermined amount of time. Always act like CASH is no object. Come up with a real vague occupation when asked, like; “I am in international business”, “I am in the Caviar trade” or “My family produces Champagne in France ”. Have fun with it. Pick something that sounds legit but implies a lot of money but has an illegal tinge to it. Exotic Dancers like that stuff. Saying, “I am a real estate agent” doesn’t work. If you have a good back story, and you follow The Local Bar Theorem to The Seventh Letter it will spread through The Gentleman’s Club, like only gossip, rumors, and Tragedy does. Use your Imagination. Sky’s the limit. (And I don’t mean those Hippy flippy, SuicideGirl style sister Exotic Dancers I know named Imagination and Skye from Deja Vu in Seattle, real names are I think Imagination and Skye, (their parents were hippies) either).

DJ Khaled with Young Jeezy, Juelz Santana, Rick Ross, Lil’ Wayne & Fat Joe, Brown Paper Bag (G Manifesto Certified Track)

Exude Class and Wealth

Although I am the Son of Revolutionary Killers and I have spent plenty of time on The Street, Alleys (and I don’t mean that Fly Exotic Dancer I know named Ally with lips like Angeline from The Spearmint Rhino in Las Vegas, real name Allison either), and The Underworld, I have spent an equal amount of time in the Upperworld with the fortunate and privileged. And, truth be told, the blessed from the Upperworld can be just as treacherous as the dwellers of the Underworld. But that is another story. Throw in a dash of snobbery and arrogance for good measure for the devils pie.

Click Here to Download The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report (pdf)

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

Click Here to Buy Emergency: This Book Will Save Your Life By Neil Strauss

D’Angleo Devils pie


I usually try to target the Exotic or Exotics that know a lot of other girls and will run her mouth about how cool you are to hang out with to all the other Exotics. Always keep Champagne on Ice like Winnipeg at your Crib and treat the girl’s first class. This data will spread to the other girls. You can go to her crib, but chances are her Pug Dog will get his dirty paws all over your Brioni slacks. Better to play on your court (and I don’t mean that dope sunset style Exotic Dancer with Pixie hair, I know named Kourtney from Body Shop in Los Angeles, I think Kourtney is her real name also, either).

Diana ross, It’s my house

Don’t Scalp

Once you have things cooking with The Local Bar Theorem and things are on the up and up, many G’s have the tendency to Pillage and Plunder the Gentleman’s Club. Don’t do it like Zheng Zhilong or Henry Morgan. Don’t scalp like the Indians did on Custer’s Crew. You don’t want to do this. You want to just skim the Cream off the top. Don’t attack with the ferociousness of a pack of Lions on the Serengeti in Kenya (and I don’t mean that illmatic coco Exotic Dancer with Kelly Rowland hair I know named Kenya from Seamless in Las Vegas , real name Kelly, either). Stay low-profile and The Local Bar Theorem will be the gift that keeps on giving, like an Atari during the days of “Just Say No”. Or a fresh out the box Desert Eag with no bodies attached. Or a never been fired seven plus two.

D’Angelo ft. AZ, Lady

The Whirlpool Effect

Once you spend a little time, and Dress Sharp, Grease, Chill, act Gentlemanly, have a good Back Story, Exude Class and Wealth, have Champagne on Ice like Alberta (and I don’t mean that dope Latina Exotic Dancer I know named Alberta from Scores in Las Vegas, real name Jasmine, either) and Don’t Scalp you will create what is called in the industry “The Whirlpool Effect”. This happens when you step in the spot and every Exotic looks at you like a welcome friend. They don’t want your money. They don’t want you for dances. You are their refuge and safe haven, or a flight to quality (much like investing in gold bullion during down markets when done correctly). And they all just keep getting sucked in (so to speak) hence the name, “The Whirlpool Effect”.

Camp Lo, Black Hollywood (First look)

Currently, I have the “The Whirlpool Effect” going in Clubs in at least seven different cities, and that’s just America (not counting Canada ). If you are able to do this, you will have enough Exotic Dancer Jewelery and Clothes left behind at your Crib to open up your own Boutique Clothing and Jewelery stores. You should look into it.

The Rest is Up to You…….

Click Here to Download The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report (pdf)

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

Papoose Chess

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Seventh Letter
AKA I can’t leave the Streets alone, The Game needs Me
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

(Want to see something in The G Manifesto? Send suggestions to

Johnnie Taylor – Who’s Makin’ Love…ice cold track

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