Archive > 2007

Guest G Manifesto: The Dinnertime Bandit

» 09 July 2007 » In Crime, G Manifesto, Guide » 6 Comments

(This is the first “Guest” G Manifesto. By The Dinnertime Bandit)

Dear G Manifesto,

“He has the agility of a cat, the cunning of a spy and the eye of a jeweler.”

“He can break into your house while you’re eating dinner and be gone with all your valuables before dessert.”

Following his arrest in Antwerp, Belgium on 14th December 2006 by Belgian Federal Police, I realized just how much of a G, Alan really is. His criminal career has come to a sudden and abrupt end, and he faces the rest of his life in jail due to Parole Violations and the crimes he is also wanted for. He may also end up serving time in Belgium itself.

Alan William Golder, born on 9th August 1955, is quite possibly America’s most talented jewel thief of all time. His story far surpasses that of the “Dinnerset Gang”, as he worked alone.

The son of a career criminal who was caught several times, and a mother who worked part-time as a waitress, living in a dilapidated wooden shack in Queens, Alan Golder knew he came from the wrong side of an American society that places so much emphasis on material wealth and status.

Alan turned to crime because he couldn’t legally have what other kids had. His first theft a matchbox toy car from Woolworths aged 6 years old. By the age of 10 he had graduated to stealing bikes. At 16, he dropped out of high school to pursue crime full-time, first hitting small businesses and then home burglaries for baubles by Faberge, and jewelry from Harry Winston and David Webb. By 21, Golder was stealing millions in jewels, funneling them onto the black market through a New York City jewelry store which had Genovese crime family fences. His equipment consisted of a ski mask, large flashlight and a long screwdriver. He never carried a gun, but always wore tan Isotoner gloves, which appeared less suspicious than black ones.

Alan used Architectural Digest and Unique Homes to scope out suitable targets, as well as the advice of the Genovese Crime Family, who knew only too well the route that rich jewelry kept to.

In the late ’70s Mr. Golder stole from the houses of talk-show host Johnny Carson, country singer Glen Campbell, author and screenwriter Irving Wallace and Jackie O’s mother.

According to his own story Golder reached the zenith of his criminal career in the late 1970s, after coming to the attention of mob figures while regularly disposing of high-quality hot gems at a Manhattan jewelry store that was a front for the Genovese organized crime family. The store’s two owners and a Genovese associate named “Figgy” (Anthony Ficarotta), saw the young thief’s potential and groomed him for bigger and better heists. They taught him to look for anything bearing such designer names as David Webb, Carl Faberge, Harry Winston and Tiffany, and to leave less-valuable baubles behind.

Golder’s overseers were members of a jewelry fencing operation so sophisticated that a diamond necklace stolen in the United States one week would be for sale on the European black market the next. The FBI’s code name for it’s investigation of the organization was “Gold Ring.”

Golder’s mob handlers instructed him on how the affluent usually took their most precious gems with them as they migrated seasonally, and had him follow victims to such places as the Hamptons, N.Y., Newport, R.I., and Nantucket Island, Mass., in the summer, Houston and Bel Air in the fall, and Palm Beach, Fla., in the winter. Despite being a star performer, Golder was pressured into scoring even bigger and was told by his overseers to go for the bigger “stones” – the diamond, rubies and emerald rings that some wealthy women wore all the time, even to bed.

Between 1976 and 1980, the FBI estimated that Golder had stolen at least $25 million worth of gold and precious gems from the homes of some of the richest and most famous people in America.

He stripped a 6-carat pear-shaped diamond ring right off the finger of Mrs. Glen Campbell as she stood screaming in the dining room of her hilltop mansion.

A similar scene was repeated with oil baroness Marjorie Phillips, from whom Golder grabbed a 21-carat diamond, and from Johnny Carson’s first ex-wife, Joanna, whom he forced to open a safe containing $250,000 in jewelry.

Things changed for Golder on Dec. 4, 1978, when multimillionaire developer Lawrence Lever walked into the master bedroom of his Old Brookville, New York mansion and found two ski-masked men ransacking it. As he tried to reach a shotgun hidden in the closet, the intruders drew guns and one shot him in the chest. Golder, under the pressure of the mob,was trying to “train” two young thai men in the art of his style of crime. One of the Thai men came armed. A confrontation in the estate ensued and Lawrence Lever ended up losing his life. Golder was sentence to 15 years to life, in exchange for a deal where he informed on 24 mob figures, most in New York City, the rest spread all over America.

Golder was paroled from prison in June 1996, after serving the minimum amount of time on a 15-years-to-life sentence for the 1978 murder of Long Island real estate developer Lawrence Lever. In that incident, he is not believed to have been the triggerman. It is believed that “Boonlert Thanarajakools” of Thailand was the triggerman. He is thought to be in Thailand since 1978.

His Unsolved Mysteries page ( states “Since his parole in 1996, authorities estimate he has stolen $5 million in gems from estates in Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. In November 1997, Golder disappeared from his Queens, New York apartment and went on the run. He is known to have contacts in Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Texas and Florida. Golder is in great physical shape and is known to frequent gyms, tanning salons, fine restaurants and nightclubs.”

Date: October 1997.

Location: New York City, NY.

The Score: Police are investigating whether Golder may have been responsible for the heist of $500,000 in jewelry from the home of the consul general of Thailand as she was entertaining 15 dinner guests in New York City.

Date : October 2nd 1997.

Location: Scarsdale, NY.

The Score: Alan Golder is suspected of stealing $50,000 worth of jewelry from a house in Scarsdale, NY, as 30 people celebrated the Jewish New Year, Rosh HaShana, downstairs.

Date: January 10th-11th 1998.

Location: Preston Hollow, suburb of Dallas, Texas.

The Score: Alan William Golder is suspected in the theft of least 100 pieces of jewelry valued at about $1 million, from a “secured area” in the bathroom of the home of billlionaire and republican fundraiser, Harold Simmons.

On Dec. 14, police in Belgium collared Golder, 51, in Antwerp, the diamond capital of the world. He is not currently charged with any crime yet. He has been held for over 6 months now, and is not allowed phone or mail contact. It is not known if he is allowed a court-appointed lawyer. The US wants his extradition as soon as possible, but the Belgian authorities are holding things up.


If you wish to refer to my site or please feel free to do so.

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Please understand this is a very basic summary of Alan Golder’s life and crimes. I have tried to demonstrate why it’s an interesting case for your site to feature, and I believe the public would like to hear the story.

Kind Regards


Big Daddy Kane, Smooth Operator (G Manifesto Certified Track)

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Hotel Review: Wynn Las Vegas , Las Vegas

» 28 June 2007 » In Guide, Luxury, Style, Travel » 10 Comments

Hotel Review: Wynn Las Vegas , Las Vegas

Click Here to Download The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report (pdf)

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

I have been a huge advocate of The Wynn Las Vegas even before I went to the grand opening in 2005. I have had a sizeable position in the stock since back in 2003 (when it was trading at about $13.00 on the New York Stock Exchange, today it sits in the mid eighties). So I figured to protect my investment I might as well drop some scratch in the place.

Wynn was basically Steve Wynn’s opportunity to build his dream hotel. Sure I would have done it a little different, but all in all he did a great job for the $2.7 Billion he spent on it (2,716 rooms so roughly a stick a room). Many times I have used the Wynn as my Base of Operations in Las Vegas , and I must say it never disappoints. High-end cuisine, plenty of dope/functional bars, decently dope cocktail waitresses, beautiful architecture, some marvels of modern construction, great customer service, and high priced enough to generally speaking keep out the low end riff raff. Most importantly, it is a great place to swoop girls back to and check and see if the shower can fit two comfortably (to save water, for environmental reasons of course)

Nas, Street Dreams


As you enter the Wynn you are greeted by a wonderland of flowers, mosaics, and colorful, beautiful tile work. Kind of like an Absinthe buzz mixed with Poppy Seeds, I would imagine (and I don’t mean that Exotic Dancer I know from Seemless named Imagine, real name Cindy either). Steve Wynn, always the innovator, made the focus of the hotel seen from the inside versus the old-school way of making the focus the outside of the hotel. Light also can be seen in the casino giving it a fresh feel. The “Lake of Dreams” is worth checking out preferably from the terrace at Daniel Boulud Brasserie with a bottle of red, a pack of smokes, a Charcuterie board (which is really just like a regular Charcuterie board just a lot more exquisite), an Original NY DB Burger with black truffles and foie gras, Braised short ribs (braised for 5 to 6 hours) a pack of well behaved fly girls that have never been.

AZ featuring Nas, How Ya Livin


I always stay in the multi-room suites. I can tell you first hand that they are worth how ever many C-notes they are peddling them for. The views of Las Vegas are always worth a few moments with a cancer stick in hand and terry cloth robe on while you are warming up for the evening. Even the smaller rooms (which I have gotten a few times when I was doing a “Double Room” move) are plenty spacious. The TV’s are flat screen although I don’t care if my TV’s are flat screened or not. I don’t even like TV unless it’s The Nature Channel, I prefer shows on Predators. The towels in the bathroom aren’t as nice as the ones at my crib but are still very nice. The textured wallpaper and marble sinks are also noteworthy. The Showers are great and I have done a pretty extensive unofficial case study and have discovered that up to three Fly girls and one G (your humble author) can fit in the shower and still emerge very crispy and clean. Complementary products are decent.


Softer than Armani leathers. As with anywhere more or less in Las Vegas the competition you get from regular guy is pretty flimsy. Sure you have older guys with major cheese looking to leverage their position, but very few of them have any legitimate Game. As the for the younger guys, its mostly spazzed out California Guys with Shiny Shirts, Striped Shirts, t-shirts with some stupid design on it, or what ever the Shirt De Jour is for the regular guy set. Usually the only people I run into with Deadly, Devilish, Bloody Game are G’s I already know from The G Manifesto Tour. By the way, I have an Angel’s face, but Devilish Game. I actually saw a guy waiting in line to get into Tryst with long blond hair, a shinny shirt, designer jeans, and a Cowboy Hat! Yeah you read that correctly, a Cowboy Hat. I guess he was going for some queer Suburban, Orange County , Surfer, Cowboy fusion look. And I am pretty certain the guy was straight! (You can guess at this point I was completely over Tryst and had no interest in going in). Best to avoid the Nightclubs in Las Vegas in general. I really wish Wynn would raise its prices across the board to keep guys like that Surf-Cowboy out. It was really disturbing for me. Or at least have a stricter door policy at the Casino entrance.

Az featuring Nas, Mo Money Mo Murder


The restaurants, and of course the rooms are really the draw at Wynn. I guess there is some top-less pool at Wynn as well, but I have never been (I know enough Gentleman’s Clubs in Las Vegas that have topless girls already, and at any given time, my room usually has girls full nude. Plus, by going to the Gentleman’s Clubs, you can avoid those harmful UV rays, which can make you look older.) My favorite spots to chill, swoop girls and throw some food down are Bartolotta Ristorante di Mare, the aforementioned Daniel Boulud Brasserie (great bar) and Alessandro Stratta’s joint, Alex. I have eaten a few times at Alex and I really am hard pressed to think of a better meal I have had. Well, in the case against Alex, I did have great company each time. Alex also does have a secret spot in it that might be the most Tranquillo place in all of Las Vegas . And that’s all I am going to say about it in a effort to keep it Tranquillo.

The G Manifesto Move:

Get rooms on the lower floors. Insist on it. The reason? There are way more floors in Wynn than it seems for the outside (an architectural trick) and you can get caught in the elevators for unreasonable amounts of time. Even though it’s a long night in Vegas, time is always of the essence. The last thing you want to be doing when your trying to meet a girl at the Parasol Down bar before she heads to work is to be caught in a elevator with some Couple from Dallas and four “party guys” from Scottsdale and the elevator stopping on every floor with more uninteresting people. Also, kids often times hit all the buttons and you can get speed bumped on your way up to your room with a few Fly Rhino Girls. Speaking of Parasol Down, you want to lock it down as well as Parasol Up. These are the two most functional bars for swooping girls and for “meeting points” than any place at Wynn. I utilize the Parasol Down Bar early in the night, and the Parasol Up Bar later in the night and early morning. I have had so much success in both these bars, that when ever I walk up to them I can’t help but smile. The Rest is Up to You…

Email of the week in regards to: The Greatest Athletes in the World Share one thing in common: Smoking

Just FYI, the greatest cyclist in the history of the sport, Eddy Merckx, smoked then (1960s) and still smokes to this day. The guy was a monster on the road, won 5 Tours de France, the world championships, the hour record, too many classics to name, and always came off like a true G. Look him up, you’ll see.


Hard hitting info from the most credible underground source known across the US . I know you have run with a few athletes in your day and have defeated plenty along the way, and I remember seeing you put out your Monte Cristo on Derek Jeter’s forehead like it was an ash tray in Vegas years back and instantly became a big fan. I also witnessed you KO all pro NFL linebacker Shawne Merriman with a right cross in a plush LA nightclub over a nightlife princess, but you fail to mention the power and popularity of the hemp cigarette in this weeks manifesto. Many famous athletes toke the tangi and poke the lettuce wrapped swisher sweets. In fact last night I pulled 4 bong loads, took 3 vaporizer rips, and toasted 2 J’s all while sipping on Krug and having weird sex with 2 Asian supermodels imported freshly off the runway from a high end Tokyo fashion show. Mingas wasn’t happy when I dropped my roach clip in her hair during a doggie session but that’s not my problem now is it Mason?

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA Sosa
AKA El Campeador
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

(Want to see something in The G Manifesto? Send suggestions to

AZ, Hey AZ

Picasso, Le Reve

AZ, The Come up (COOKIN SOUL REMIX)…Swagger Defined

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The Greatest Athletes in the World Share one thing in common: Smoking

» 28 June 2007 » In Guide, People, Style » 7 Comments

The Greatest Athletes in the World Share one thing in common: Smoking

I was recently chilling at Gary Danko in San Francisco with one of my old school crew members, who we will call “Hugo” AKA The Viper, enjoying the excellent food (the Quail Stuffed with Porcini Mushrooms, Cipollini Onions, Foie Gras with Artichoke Puree and Chickpea Galette is really can’t miss) and wine (Joesph Phelps Insignia from Napa Valley) Danko’s is know internationally for. We were both suited down (I was in a flash two button Navy blue Paul Smith from Italy, ice cold blue Gucci shirt, Gucci lace ups, Hugo was Armanied Down in total, but his shirt might have been Canali, I am not 100% certain, I probably looked more fresh than him overall, but he did have a insanely sick black and grey Armani tie on) and tooled up (I had a S & W .38 snub nose Hugo almost always has a Glock 17, I don’t really like them because of the jamming factor). Every Sophisto Girl in the spot in Danko’s was sweating us (actually a couple of girls walked up and said, “HI” to HIM, but in my defense I don’t think they really got a good look at me), but we hadn’t seen each other in a while and we needed to update each other on Schemes, Maneuvers, and Breaking News on the Playboy Circuit in general. Plus it was early in the night, and San Francisco is tailor made territory for clean KO’s if you follow The G Manifesto.

Hugo told me about making a killing on betting on Angel Cabrera in the U.S. Open Golf tournament. I don’t follow golf at all, in fact I don’t really follow really any sports. I don’t care about football, baseball or basketball. I know Boxing, Martial Arts, and Horse Racing. But my friend did get my attention when he told me Angel Cabrera beat Tiger Woods while smoking a cigarette the whole way. Now that’s G. After dinner we met up with Hugo’s uncle who’s occupation is a “Sportsman” (he was also a well respected Playboy and earlier generation G, or so the docket reads on him) and he gave us a lot of insight on historically great athletes. We came to the conclusion that in EVERY sport, the top Athletes have always been smokers.

Click here for Irish Thunder: The Hard Life and Times of Micky Ward


Click Here for 45 Fantastic Fights Of The Century


Michael Jordan is widely considered the greatest basketball player of all time. Personally, I have always preferred Latrell Sprewell, Allen Iverson, Victor “Sky” Page, Jason Williams, God Shamgod, Earl “The Goat” Manigault and Pee Wee Kirkland. But that’s neither here nor there. How did Jordan enjoy winning multiple NBA Championships? With a Cigar (Cuban Montecristo No. 2). Interestingly enough, I often celebrate swooping models and winning different legs of The International Playboy Tour with cigars as well.

Red Auerbach also enjoyed the spoils of victory by lighting up a Hoyo de Monterrey in the closing minutes of Boston Celtic victories on the bench. Pretty smooth any way you slice and dice it.

Kurtis Blow, Basketball


I don’t really know all that much about Joe Namath, although word on the street is he won the Super Bowl and was somewhat of a Playboy in his day. I actually did see some pictures of him in a pretty smooth fur coat, which I am sure was the height of fashion in those days. The docket on him was he was a big social cigarette smoker.

Paul “Bear” Bryant smoked a Chesterfield under the goalpost before each game. Hugo’s uncle told me some other stuff about him but I can’t remember.

Az, The Format, One of the most underated MC’s of all time


Wayne Gretzky is probably the only hockey player I can name. Loves cigars, word on the street is Macanudo is his brand of choice.


Diego Maradonna was probably the greatest soccer player ever. Just ask anyone in Argentina . He also liked to live the good life. Loved cigars and cigarettes among other things. Top notch playboy as well.

Marcello Lippi (Italy ’s coach) celebrated winning the 2006 FIFA World Cup (only the biggest sporting event in the world) The G Way ….with a cigar on the field.

Click here for Irish Thunder: The Hard Life and Times of Micky Ward


Click Here for 45 Fantastic Fights Of The Century

Mobb Deep Burn


Who knows? Who cares? But I am sure whoever is the best at bowling, smokes. (Bowling alleys are not really G Manifesto Turf.)


Pete Rose, great baseball player and gambler. Cigarette and cigar smoker. I still really don’t understand what he did wrong to keep him out of the Hall of Fame.

Babe Ruth was the greatest slugger of all time. He was also smart enough to focus on the important things in life off the baseball diamond: good food, good drinks, beautiful women, and of course Cigars.

Sammy Sosa. Obviously prefers strong Dominican Cigars.

Joe Dimaggio. Baseball player, but most importantly, a first rate Playboy always with cigarette in hand.


John McEnroe and Jimmy Connors, G Manifesto Certified tennis players. Both Irish, both Playboys. They had to have smoked.

Andre Agassi chokes down premium cigars. I have seen him puffing them in Las Vegas .

Anna Kournakova, of course she is a cigarette smoker (have you ever really met a truly sexy girl that wasn’t a cigarette smoker? Seriously ask yourself that question). Sure, she never won a major tournament but it hard to argue that she is not the greatest female tennis player of all time.


Sylvester Stallone. Sure, he wasn’t a real boxer but he played a great movie one. And I mean all five Rocky movies (I haven’t seen the sixth). Cigars and cigarettes.

Also too many to mention. Mickey Walker, Mickey Ward, Rocky Graziano, Rock Marciano, Arturo Gatti, Harry Greb and Jack Lamotta come to mind immediately.

Ali VS SMOKING Joe Frazier- The Thrilla in Manilla

Any questions? No? Then I rest my case. The Rest is Up to You……….

Side Note:

The attack on smoking has reached ridiculous proportions. Even in Las Vegas you cannot smoke in restaurants now. Joe Dimaggio would never be able to completely enjoy a dinner with Marilyn Monroe in today’s world. Very sad. Smoking is illegal outdoors in Parks and Beaches now in California . So this is illegal:

Are you kidding me? That is illegal in California (Cantifornia).

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA Sosa
AKA El Campeador
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

(Want to see something in The G Manifesto? Send suggestions to

Juelz Santana- Days Of Our Lives (Official Video)

Get Premium Tickets at TicketsNow

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Models, Murder and Mayhem, The South Beach War Report Part II

» 20 June 2007 » In Game, Guide, Luxury, Nightlife, Travel » 14 Comments

Models, Murder and Mayhem, The South Beach War Report Part II

Click Here for The South Beach War Report Part I: The Basics

Click Here for Fool’s Paradise: Players, Poseurs, and the Culture of Excess in South Beach by Steven Gaines

Click Here to Buy Cocaine Cowboys

So you’re on a roll in your crappy hometown (and I don’t mean beans either). You have been swooping mad girls. Your Game is water-tight at the dive bars. Your Day Game is lacking no zip at the malls. You have been cleaning up at your local Hooters. You even somersaulted a pound of the G 13 you got from the V 13. You think your ready for South Beach and all the Models that come with it right? No, you’re not ready. Not until you read The G Manifesto. (Not like there is anything wrong with Hooters girls. In fact, I have done an unofficial case study and I have found out that Hooters Girls are like a farm team for future Playboy Playmates. The G Manifesto on swooping Hooters Girls, coming soon…)

We have already gone thru basic technique in The South Beach War Report Part I: The Basics (click link); if you haven’t yet read it now would be a good time to etch it in your skull. Today we are going go over Advanced moves and techniques for Boa Constricting South Beach.

Rass Kass, Miami Life

Street Game

We have already gone over Street Game techniques in Street Game…It’s kinda like The Crack Game (click link), so you should have a good idea of what I am talking about. Street Game is at a premium in South Beach (especially in comparison to cities like Las Vegas where Street Game is almost non-existent). Some of the most beautiful girls you will see in South Beach are going to be on the Street. Corner to Corner. Curb serving. Anticipation is paramount. You need to Anticipate which direction a girl is walking when she is at a street corner. This is true for Day Game, Evening Game and After-Hours Game (I never have overstood why people call it “after-hours”, if you are looking for heist-tips or swooping, these are “peak hours”). If you see a fly Paraguayan Model Girl with a Nancy Gonzales turquoise Crocodille Clutch in hand at northeast corner of Collins and 17th and you are across from The Delano, you need to make quick calculations and Anticipate. Is she going to mash up 17th? Or do I need to cross Collins and cut her off in front of The Sagamore and pitch her on cocktails and pro-bono Lamb Cigars at the Bar at Social Miami? Its questions like these and proper Anticipation that separate the perpetrator G’s from The Truth. Posting up, dressed sharp (Rakish Ozwald Boateng 2 button suit, side vents and Gucci loafers, loosened Mint green Zegna tie, and I don’t mean Club Mynt either, 9 milly, rubber grip, should work) with a cigarette hanging out of your mouth, clacking a Zippo near a modeling agency has never been bad for anyone’s health either.

Slave, Watching You


“Time spent on reconnaissance is never wasted”-El Cid (G Manifesto Certifed Castilian Nobleman, Conquerer and 11th century G). You need to know which spots are the right places to be on which nights in South Beach. This is easy if you are me and you have this Data memorized. But if you are regular everyday Guy, you are going to have no chance unless you have the intell. The easiest way to get this data is to post up at a High-end hotel and lock the bartender down. Grease them if you need to. Get the info. If you lock the bartender they will probably give you a name or two to drop as well. Make sure you get the times you want to arrive, door guys names, afterhour’s spots and restaurants wired. If the bartender is a fly girl, pitch her….skippy.

Early Leads

A lot of people don’t utilize this angle. Miami Beach is the kind of town where it’s easy to be unfocused and get Caught Up (and I don’t mean that Bokeem Woodbine film either). It’s a long night in Miami Beach; getting Early Leads is like investing in Mutual Funds with some jerkoff stockbroker before the Bubble burst. Or investing in real estate before the equally jerkoff mortgage brokers got their pockets turned inside out. Call the Early Leads later in the night as an “escape hatch” if need be. Sure you have to listen to Fergie’s “Glamorous” track on every girl’s ringer but trust me; you will be thanking me at 3:30 am eastern standard time.


Late night, certain sections of the street become a Track in South Beach. You will see a lot of Pimps and their girls rolling the streets. We have already touched on The Pimp Game in: Veins of Ice: Lessons from The Pimp. I always say, “what up” to the Pimps on the Ave. Game recognizes Game type situation. Player Recognition. They always respect my swagger. And they are usually blinded by my suit game. I always take a little time out from the evening and chop it up with these guys.


There are plenty of tough guys on South Beach. A lot of these guys work out a lot. Now, I hit hard, have solid Muay Thai and my submission defense is up to snuff, but that last thing you are going to see me do is roll around on the Concrete in a $2100.00 custom Prada suit (my goal, of course , in Miami Beach is to roll around with a Model girl or two on high thread count Egyptian Cotton Sheets). So I always carry chrome on Miami Beach. Historically speaking, the Mack 11 with silencer has been de rigueur on Miami Beach. But recently, I have been favoring the Heckler & Koch MP5 when I can feel it in the air…more high class, more style points. (And I’m not Phil Collins; I’m more like Joseph Stalin). I drop 3 G’s on suits imagine what I spend gun shopping……(and I don’t care what I spend on security it helps me sleep during the day.)

Click Here for Fool’s Paradise: Players, Poseurs, and the Culture of Excess in South Beach by Steven Gaines

Click Here to Buy Cocaine Cowboys

In the Air Tonight


Even the most Sinister G’s can hurt after a good three day runner in Miami Beach. Now try three months. The good news is (and I don’t mean News Café either) is that getting a workout on and Entering The Dragon in South Beach is as easy as picking up a dope Hollywood Party Girl with a faux talent agent card (especially compared to getting a workout on in Las Vegas). Bust a beach jog up to the Fountaine Bleu and back like that. Keep your head right, don’t go insane and try to hit the same vein as Kurt Cobain. The humidity will help you sweat out the good stuff with a quickness. I always like to box a few rounds as well to keep my hand speed and reaction times up. Many times I will leave Miami Beach in better shape than I arrived. Make sure you intermix a steady diet of Stone Crabs and Haute Cuisine with Cuban food (home cooked Ropa Vieja, Ajiaco Cubano, Roast Suckling Pig and Pollo con Quimbobo y Platanos as well) to Fuel The Dragon. Also, make sure you Gulp down plenty of Café con leche to keep the Skull Game tight. And, chain smoke to keep your lungs in order.


Connections are King in South Beach. Which is good for me since I have them in Spades. Cuban G’s, Club owners, Door guys, G’s who move two kinds of Miami Bass, Colombian Rakes, Vip Hosts, Euro Playboys, South American General’s kids, Cocaine Cowboys, Matre D’s, NYC Kool Kids, Bensonhurst, Bay ridge, Gravesend, Bath Beach top Guns, Marielitos (did I miss anyone?), you name it I got them. Then you too can be slick as a curl and smooth as a pearl. Now you just got to spit more Game than a mouth full of poker chips to get the Models with the bony hips….

Innovate and Undefeated

“El Cid never defeated by any man on the Earth”. One of the reasons for El Cid’s success was that he constantly analyzed warfare. If you have a tight crew, all of you should analyze what works and what doesn’t. Take suggestions. He also was a great innovator and used unexpected strategies in War. Do the same. Create your own moves. Pioneer your own techniques. The Rest is Up to You…….

Soon we will tackle Getting into Clubs: South Beach Style. And later we will get into The Framework for Swooping Models. Till then, The Rest is Up to You…..

Click Here for The South Beach War Report Part I: The Basics

Click Here for Fool’s Paradise: Players, Poseurs, and the Culture of Excess in South Beach by Steven Gaines

Click Here to Buy Cocaine Cowboys

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA Sosa
AKA El Campeador
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

(Want to see something in The G Manifesto? Send suggestions to

Good Knock Outs, In the Air Tonight

Mobb Deep’s Its Mine

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The G Manifesto Wins “The Best of Miami 2007”

» 07 June 2007 » In Dope, G Manifesto, Guide » 5 Comments

The G Manifesto wins “The Best of Miami 2007”

The G Manifesto wins “Best Manifesto” for 2007 in The Miami New Times (click to read) . The People have spoken!

“The author’s main passions in life are making money via shady enterprises, sleeping with models, and dressing to kill.”

Willie Hutch, Come Home Baby

“So for all of you players and wannabe international playboys, this is your bible.”

Back like that Remix, Ghostface, Kanye, Ne-YO (Come home baby sample)

The Manifesto is All City….

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

(Want to see something in The G Manifesto? Send suggestions to

The Most slept on track ever All City’s The Actual

Ghostface Killah ft. Ne-Yo – Back Like That

DJ Premier – The Actual *instrumental* (DJ’s put this in your rotation or your wack)

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