The Scream by Edvard Munch to go back on the Wall
The Scream by Edvard Munch to go back on the Wall
“The Scream” (1893) and “Madonna”(1893-94) by Edvard Munch will go back on display at the Munch Museum in Oslo. Both paintings were stolen and unfortunately damaged in a 2004 heist.
Repairs to the paintings, that were damaged as they were torn from the walls of the museum, are almost complete.
Heistmen gaffled the paintings during the day, during museum hours in a daring if not artistic heist (no pun intended).
The two espressionist masterworks, valued at 110 million dollars at the time of the heist, were later recovered in 2006. Two men involved in the heist are behind bars.
Security is now increased at the Munch Museum.
This heist was considered wack by most pros since the masterpieces were damaged. It doesn’t matter if you are heisting fly girls or fly paintings, you need to respect your target and The Game.
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