Archive > December 2008

Cocaine Traffickers Submarines Semi-Submersibles

» 16 December 2008 » In Crime, Guide, Travel » 1 Comment

Cocaine Traffickers Submarines Semi-Submersibles

Thanks to The Dinnertime Bandit for sending me this:

Squat, bull-necked and sullen-looking, Enrique Portocarrero hardly seems a dashing character out of a Jules Verne science fiction novel.

But law enforcement officers here have dubbed him “Captain Nemo,” after the dark genius of “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.” They say the 45-year-old has designed and built as many as 20 fiberglass submarines, strange vessels with the look of sea creatures, for drug traffickers to haul cocaine from this area of southern Colombia to Central America and Mexico.

Capping a three-year investigation that involved U.S. and British counter-narcotics agents, Colombia’s FBI equivalent, the Department of Administrative Security, arrested Portocarrero last month in the violent port city of Buenaventura, where he allegedly led a double life as a shrimp fisherman.

A day later, they descended on Portocarrero’s hidden “shipyard” in a mangrove swamp 20 miles south of here and destroyed two of the vessels, which police say were each capable of carrying 8 tons of cargo.

“He had a marvelous criminal vision,” Colombian navy Capt. Luis German Borrero said. “He introduced innovations such as a bow that produced very little wake, a conning tower that rises only a foot above the water and a valve system that enables the crew to scuttle the sub in 10 minutes. He is very ingenious.”

Authorities say they know little about Portocarrero except that he was arrested in 2003 on drug charges and soon released, a fact he relayed with a smirk when he was nabbed last month. Most important, he once worked at a dry dock in Buenaventura, where he apparently learned his craft.

Portocarrero was living well. Police, who reported finding $200,000 hidden in the spare tire of his car, say he had invested his reputed $1-million-per-vessel fees in the purchase of five shrimp boats.

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This reminds me, I need to visit a girl I know in Cartagena.

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
The Guide to Getting More Out of Life

Q-Tip – Move

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Dubai’s Palazzo Versace Hotel Refrigerated Beach

» 16 December 2008 » In Travel » 1 Comment

Dubai’s Palazzo Versace Hotel Refrigerated Beach

Sometimes the creativity that blistering hot weather breeds is truly mind-boggling: Pallazo Versace Hotel has decided to create a temperature controlled beach extending out and around its new hotel in Dubai, so that the “top people” (ugh) don’t burn their feet.

“We will suck the heat out of the sand to keep it cool enough to lie on,” says Soheil Abedian, president of Palazzo Versace. Of course, it’s “pure luxury” that the super rich want. REALLY!?

Climate change, eco-tourism, environment, throw them all out the window and you get Dubai, money, and ludicrous.

They’re going to put heat-absorbing pipes under the sand, refrigerate the hotel swimming pool, and have giant air coolers to keep the guests cool in Dubai’s scorching 104F-122F summer heat. The thermostats used in the system will be computer controlled. The hotel is planned to be ready by 2010.

Call it competition, call it thrill, call it whack-job, call it destructive tourism for the filthy rich; do these “top people” for whom this barbarity is being created, care? What is the point? Oh tourism $$$ of course!

Well, environmentalists are more than shrugging: “Dubai is like a bubble world where the things that are worrying the rest of the world, like climate change, are simply ignored so that people can continue their destructive lifestyles,” says Rachael Noble of Tourism Concern. I share the disgust in that statement.


Really no need for this.

Just keep the beach stocked with topless models and I will be there.

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
The Guide to Getting More Out of Life
http://www.thegmanifesto.comChromeo – Bonafide lovin’

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Bernard Madoff: The World’s Biggest Ever Heist

» 15 December 2008 » In Crime, Dope » 3 Comments

Bernard Madoff: The World’s Biggest Ever Heist

I was a little slow on this one. I have been spending time going to charity events, donating toys for kids, and seeing nightclubs with no one stepping to Bottle Service. And swooping a fly Chilanga Mexican girl. All of which makes me happy.

Anyway, here it is:

“I still can’t quite get my head around the enormity of the numbers in the Madoff case. For one thing,

Madoff’s investment advisory business served between 11 and 25 clients and had a total of about $17.1 billion in assets under management.

Now that’s what I call high net worth individuals! And then you read the indictment, and you think you know what to expect, until:

On Dec. 10, 2008, Madoff informed the Senior Employees, in substance, that his investment advisory business was a fraud. Madoff stated that he was “finished,” that he had “absolutely nothing,” that “it’s all just one big lie,” and that it was “basically, a giant Ponzi scheme. Madoff stated that the business was insolvent, and that it had been for years. Madoff also stated that he estimated the losses from this fraud to be at least approximately $50 billion.

Yep, $50 billion. In other words, that $17.1 billion is only the beginning: presumably Madoff’s clients had invested much more than that, and Madoff was sending statements to them, on the one hand, while reporting different numbers to the SEC, on the other — none of which were true.

If the total losses are really $50 billion, that means that the average loss to Madoff’s clients is a minimum of $2 billion, and perhaps as much as $4.5 billion. After all, in a Ponzi scheme, everybody comes out fine, except the last people out: the 11 to 25 clients still with Madoff to this day.

The one thing this does do is get me a little bit more comfortable with Jeffrey Epstein’s business plan of managing billionaires’ money. Clearly there are actually quite a lot of people with a few billion dollars to invest and who feel perfectly comfortable entrusting it to individuals like Madoff and Epstein. Who knew?

Right now, there are a handful people whose world has suddenly been turned upside-down: who have, overnight, suddenly lost billions of dollars of dynastic wealth to a Wall Street con man. I’m sure that their names will appear sooner or later. But there really is no precedent that I can think of: when has one man ever managed to steal $50 billion dollars? If the $100 million Harry Winston heist in Paris was the “steal of the century”, what’s this?”


I have said it before, that G’s and heistmen don’t make the long coin these days. It’s the “tech crims”. It’s the Bankers. It’s the Politicians. It’s the Lawyers. They are the real crooks.

Sometimes I feel like I am being hustled only knowing half the Game.

But my crew hanging with the Wu-Tang Clan, sitting ringside watching Manny Pacquiao destroy Oscar De La Hoya
, and swooping the above mentioned Chilanga has softened the blow.

So to speak.

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
The Guide to Getting More Out of Life

Some of that dope new school non-hip hop shit I mentioned in Why I love a Down Economy?

MGMT – Electric Feel
Electric Feel Music Video – MGMT

Ghost Face Killah – Daytona 500

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Dope Movie: Belly by Hype Williams

» 14 December 2008 » In Dope, hip hop » 16 Comments

Dope Movie: Belly by Hype Williams

Click Here to Buy Belly

Its hard to believe that Belly is already ten years old. Belly was directed by Hype Williams, of the fish eye lens fame on music videos.

“It was the best time of our lives. Getting Money was all we ever did.” – NAS

Most movies starring rappers suck. DMX, Method Man and Nas are good in Belly. Its also hard to believe that Hype Williams never made another movie after this. And Taral Hicks is mad fly.

“Sold my soul to the devil, the price was cheap. It was cold on this level, twice as deep”- DMX

The look and feel of Belly are insane. And it borrows heavy from Scarface. If you are going to borrow heavy from something, Scarface is the place to do it.

The Jamaican scenes are tougher than leather.

Click Here to Buy Belly

Belly Intro

The Belly Soundtrack is dope too.

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA El Campeón De La Gente
The Guide to Getting More Out of Life
The Guide to Getting More Out of Travel

Lady Saw – What a Bum (Belly SoundTrack)

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How To Pick Up Ethiopian Girls

» 10 December 2008 » In Game, Girls, Travel » 80 Comments

How To Pick Up Ethiopian Girls

Click Here to Download The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report (pdf)

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

Roosh, who writes a blog I read, recently wrote a post titled “How To Pick Up An Ethiopian Girl“.

Having never swooped an Ethiopian Girl, he wrote some “hypotheticals” about how he would do it:

“I think Ethiopian girls are disproportionately beautiful, with their mahogany skin color, large eyes, high cheekbones, huge breasts and ass, and wild exotic hair. But unfortunately for non-Ethiopian men everywhere they keep to their own circle, judged by the fact that I have never seen a white guy with an Ethiopian girl. It’s not fair but that’s life.

Buy Roosh’s Book “Bang: More Lays In 60 Days” Here

My postings on game and girls is from experience, but I’m going to have to branch out here and share with you a plan on how I’m going to get my Ethiopian flag. As a Caucasian man limited by his non-Ethiopianness, the plan is based on… exaggerations.

Buy Roosh’s Book “Bang: More Lays In 60 Days” Here

Once I find an Ethiopian girl to approach (shouldn’t be hard considering that Washington DC has more Ethiopians than any other city outside of Ethiopia), I will attack with this two-pronged strategy:”

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Since I am a former “Prince of 18th Street”, I figured I will tell you how its done:


Learn a little of the language. For starters, “Salaam” is Hello. “Dehna nesh?” is How are you? etc. The best person to learn Ethiopian from is of course a fly Ethiopian girl. So each one you meet will help you be more succesful with the next. A Domino effect of sorts.

Click Here to Buy The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists by Neil Strauss

Click Here to Buy Emergency: This Book Will Save Your Life By Neil Strauss

Dress sharp

This actually applies to swooping all types of girls. Wear something like a one button Ozwald Boateng (ticket pocket), with a Purple Haze Borelli Shirt (no pocket), Brioni Pocket Square on Gucci Loafers.

Embi lla by Beyene Habte
Embi Ila – Beyene Habte

Adams Morgan

Know the streets of Adams Morgan like any Prince of the Street should. Know the restaurant owners, bar owners, liquor store owners and even the kids fliping rocks on the side streets. Know where to get an illegal cocktail at 4:30am


Know the history of Ethiopians in DC. Also know that the majority of the Ethiopians in DC are from the capital, Addis Ababa. They are city slickers. Ethiopians in San Diego and Los Angeles are from the country. Different dynamic. A different skill set to swoop applies. And a small piece of knowledge like that will bring you above the fray.

Be Smooth

Take it slow with Ethiopian Girls. These aren’t Orange County girls at a Bachelorette Party at Rehab Sundays. Don’t act like every other idiot in DC when you talk to them. Be smooth. International Playboy style.

Injera Bread

This falls under knowing their culture and having respect for it. Get Zed’s on Lock.

Know how to dance

Ethiopians Girls can dance. It can get pretty hypnotic. You are going to have to hold your own. Some salsa moves can usually get you a pass.

X factor

Do me a favor. I have to keep some moves to myself.

Side note:

These moves work on Eritrean and Somalian girls too. Although there are some nuances with each.

Much respect to Ethiopia, Eritrea and Somalia.

Click Here to Download The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report (pdf)

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

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The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA El Campeón De La Gente
The Guide to Getting More Out of Life
The Guide to Getting More Out of Travel

ethiopiques 3 – alemayehu eshete – tey gedyeleshem

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