Downtown Los Angeles Jewelry Heist

» 06 May 2009 » In Crime, Dope »

Downtown Los Angeles Jewelry Heist

Click Here for Confessions of a Master Jewel Thief

Click Here for The G Manifesto’s The Complete Guide to Burglary

Click Here for The Man Who Robbed the Pierre: The Story of Bobby Comfort

Click Here for Secrets of a Superthief by Jack MacLean

Click Here for The G Manifesto’s Criminality in The Luxury Sector

Click Here for The Top Ten ways to Make Money in a Down Economy

Los Angeles police are looking for two armed thieves who set up camp in an empty business on Broadway, then broke through a wall into an adjacent jewelry store and robbed the owner of more than $500,000 in gold chains and earrings.

The heist was reported at B. Lewis Jewelry Manufacturing at 610 S. Broadway Friday afternoon, about the same time as the May Day protest downtown, said LAPD Lt. Paul Vernon.

It was not immediately clear if the robbery was timed to coincide with the protest, but Vernon said the thieves took unusual steps, including staying in the business overnight, employing a listening device to monitor employees next door and sawing through drywall.

“This was an unusually sophisticated robbery where the suspects apparently lay in wait, and it took a great deal of planning and patience,” Vernon said.

The jewelry thieves, who wore ski masks, pistol whipped and bound a man at the jewelry store with duct tape. The men, one short and portly and the other tall and skinny, also took the store’s video security system to try to hide their identity, Vernon said.

Police said the men left behind empty potato chip bags and a new ladder. One of the suspects sustained a severe bite to his finger. Police said one of the men went by the name Tony.


Smooth heist.

If these guys were smart, they would have used fake names. Hence the “Tony”.

Never leave behind evidence like the “potato chip bags” unless its fake evidence.

And if you are going to leave food behind, make sure its something smooth…like a plate of Foie Gras. For style points.

Its getting harder and harder in this technological world for the Heistman. Most of us are switching to work with “Tech Crim Crews“.

Click Here for Confessions of a Master Jewel Thief

Click Here for The G Manifesto’s Criminality in The Luxury Sector

Click Here for The Top Ten ways to Make Money in a Down Economy

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Dmx Here we go again

Here We Go Again – DMX

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2 Comments on "Downtown Los Angeles Jewelry Heist"

  1. The G Manifesto
    the new foie gras
    07/05/2009 at 5:37 pm Permalink

    check it out.. this is how real Gs eat foie gras nowadays:

  2. The G Manifesto
    The G Manifesto
    07/05/2009 at 7:10 pm Permalink

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