Roissy: Artist Game
Roissy: Artist Game
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Roissy in DC, a Blog I read, had a great post today on Artist Game called The Painter.
Roissy talks about how he recognized a guy in his neighborhood flipping some Artist Game with two fly girls:
I’ve never seen him painting outdoors on a weekday morning either, and until now I’d never seen him in the company of women. This new painter’s schtick he had devised was clearly working. There he was, three random colors on a tiny canvas, a cheap art store easel on the sidewalk corner, and two hot blondes eating out of his palm. He was probably smacking himself for not coming up with this idea sooner.
Go ahead and try it. Buy an easel and a canvas board. Set up shop on a corner in the daytime, ideally during the morning or evening pedestrian commute. Dangle a paintbrush from your hand effeminately whilst cocking your head like you’re deciding how best to capture the majesty of the street corner. Wait for girls to approach you (which automatically signals their lower status relative to yours, as girls are programmed to never approach men), and run your normal game as usual.
I actually stumbled upon “Artist Game” years ago.
My running partner at the time and I were super bored, super lifted off chronic and it was a super weird overcast day in the most beautiful beach town in Southern California.
We threw on some floppy hats and scarves (think Salvador Dali in the height of fashion), grabbed some paints and two easels and walked down to the beach.
A fly Nightlife Princess/Photographer that I had a “loose” relationship with at the time, came along to take pictures of us (this was pre-my no photo policy). Adding to the hustle.
We brought some fruit and started painting mad still lifes and beachscapes.
Fly Girls were constantly coming up to us thinking we were the next Joan Miró and Gerhard Richter.
I completely forgot about this move until Roissy reminded me.
I have said it before, and I will say it again, I have forgotten more Dope Game Moves than most people will ever learn.
(Here is my Facebook, New Twitter and The G Manifesto Facebook Page)
Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!
Crush It!: Why NOW Is the Time to Cash In on Your Passion
Click Here for Mack Tactics: World Famous Dating Program For Men!
The Rest is Up to You…
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