Category > Girls

How to Pick Up Fly Girls on Airplanes

» 23 March 2011 » In Game, Girls, Guide, Travel » 15 Comments

How to Swoop Fly Girls on Airplanes

I arrive very early in the morning at Lindbergh Field waiting to bust out a SAN to MCI to FLL combo punch and stay in Fort Lauderdale with one of my friends that runs a hedge fund before continuing on to Bogota.

The airport is way more crowded than normal; lines snaking every which way, people unable to handle their luggage, fat poorly dressed Americans not knowing which way is up etc.

I quickly deduce which is my correct line and chill for the long wait ahead. Suddenly, a super fly girl gets in line behind me.

I am feeling great, like your idol, the highest title, numero uno. I’m not a Puerto Rican but my Game hits hard like Cotto.

So I don’t hesitate, “Is this the line for Southwest?”, I ask.

She responds, “Yeah, I think so.”, with a pretty big smile for early morning in an airport. Could be my brutally handsome good looks. Could be the Custom Suit. Not really sure, nor do I care.

It’s on. I give a decent pause, so I don’t seem too anxious.

“You flying to Fort Lauderdale?”, I ask.

“No” she replies, “I am going home to Kansas City.”

I contemplate saying I drove through there once during my “transport” days but decide against and instead say, “Cool. We are on the same flight. I am going to Fort Lauderdale after.”

“Are you staying in Fort Lauderdale?”

“For a few days, then I am going to Bogota, Colombia.” (I say this with a young-dashing-handsome-mysterious-false grinning-soft spoken-with a wild side-well dressed-millionaire-smuggler type vibe for maximum effect).

“Really, that is so cool. I have never been before. Have you?”

The hook is set.

We continue on in the line and the conversation moves on at a relatively rapid pace, especially considering its mad early in the morning. She hangs on my every word. And she is mad cool. And mad fly. And a sweetheart. I am impressed. Especially since she is an American girl (with some kind of exotic mix I can’t quite put my finger on yet, kind of a mix of Lisa “Left Eye” Lopes, and Rozonda “Chilli” Thomas with a little Tionne “T-Boz” Watkins thrown in) and from Kansas City no less.

(Note to self: maybe I have been making a mistake by dissing the American Heartland all these years and should check it out. Then again, maybe not.)

I then do a double take as we go past the TSA security monkeys when she takes off her coat, reveals a body that was made for only one thing. Or maybe a few things.

We finally get to our gate. It’s mad crowded.

“We should sit next to each other and continue this conversation.” I say.

“Sure. If we can.” She responds with a smile.

We grab a seat in the back, which is kind of lucky since the plane is pretty full. I toss her luggage in the overhead like a gentleman, let her sit by the window, and I wisely take the middle seat. This is smooth for two reasons. 1) I can let her see out the window, and I can point out a bunch of sites. 2) I effectively “box out” any chatter box that my join us in our aisle and throw salt in my Game.

Now let me take a step back for a moment.

It is kind of a running joke with my friends and I about how Unlucky I am on the random seating arrangement tip on Plane Flights. Since I have been counting, it has been almost 45 straight flights where I haven’t sat next to a swoopable girl. And that is since I started counting. Hell, I have friends that always get sat (randomly) next to fly girls. Not me. And this has really put a damper on my Plane Swoop Numbers. Trains, are another story completely. I chainsaw it on trains since most of the time there are no assigned seats. (Full Data Sheet on how to swoop fly girls on trains coming soon). However, this flight was Southwest, so I was able to take advantage of their “no assigned seats” policy.

We take off and I point out beaches and other visuals of note. We get to know each other more.

When I ask her what are her favorite things to do, she responds “Well, I would say, Dancing, Sewing, Cooking and playing Piano”.

Are you serious? That answer from a young modern day American Girl?

If I didn’t have so many goddamn options with fly girls in my life, I may have fallen in love right there.

I move closer to point out some clouds, our lips touch and…

Smooth. I finally broke my losing streak.

You can figure out how this ends up.

Side note I: I have a way for the Airlines to get themselves out of their precarious financial situation they find themselves in: Sell seats to International Playboys next to fly girls for a premium.

Hell, I would drop heavy scratch if they would sit me next to fly girls on each flight.

To the airline industry: Yes, I do accept thank you cards.

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The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

213 – So Fly

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Sex and Clients

» 15 March 2011 » In Game, Girls, Guide, money » 2 Comments

Sex and Clients

Here is a recent question from one of our readers:

“I respect your writing style and literary swagger, and I enjoy the hell out of your content. Keep it up.

I hold down a very respectable (redacted) startup in its (redacted) year, (redacted) employees, annual rev around $(redacted)m. We sell (redacted) to medium and large firms. I am not the owner but I have respectable share in the company, and I function as a vice president.

Many business employ women in their marketing departments. I bang on average at least one client every 4 months, often more now the recession is over. How advisable is this? I’m not asking at a dating advice level, I’m asking for sheer baller status. Is it weak sauce game to pounce so heavily where ones money cometh from? Does banging clients over time erode your ability to extract more funds from them? Guy from Mad Men wouldnt care but his world had very different parameters than ours does.

Just curious. I am a complete loss for whether this is good, bad or neither.

Thanks brother, keep tossing out that fuego,


Excellent question.

I have never watched “Mad Men” but I am familiar with the gist of the show. (It is amazing how many people mention this show to me, I probably need to watch it sometime).

And yes, our world has changed a lot in comparison to years gone by. I often rap out and watch big boxing matches at this older biz cat’s crib that I am good friends with. He is always talking about the glory days of when he would drink non-stop at work and swoop his secretaries. But that is neither high heels nor greased up construction deals.

To get back to the heart of your question, I would say for sure it’s a bad move.

Thankfully, I have most of my life been working in “industries” where there are not many women around. And I like it this way. I like separating women and biz, since the two mix together like combustible pool chemicals.

Often I have been enticed by “glamour businesses” where you can swoop mad girls along with work (coincidentally, I almost just invested in one with a lot of model swooping upside), but I have been glad that I haven’t gotten involved. Bottom line:

1. Glamour businesses always seem difficult to get your money out
2. I love women as much as the next psychotic International Playboy, but hanging out with them 24/7 is for the weesh
3. See #2

Swooping work girls is understandable if those “work girls” happen to be Models (or girls with Beauty, Intelligence, Money and Family. BIMF’s) .

But 9-5 girls? No shot.

And all that extra risk for an additional 3 swoops per year? Better off taking a Mini-Retirement to Las Vegas and increase those numbers 10 fold.

Most importantly, you never want to mess with anything that can potentially jeopardize your CASH flow.

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In other news, here is Marc Faber On The Japanese Disaster, On A 20% Market Correction And On QE18

Via Zero Hedge

And here is Marc Faber on Money and Women

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

The Whispers – Emergency Official Video

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The Best Nightclubs in Bogotá Colombia

» 14 March 2011 » In Food, Game, Girls, Guide, Luxury, Music, Nightlife, Travel, Wine » 5 Comments

The Best Nightclubs in Bogotá Colombia

Bogotá, Colombia-

Anyone who reads The G Manifesto knows I don’t get impressed easily by modern day nightlife in general or modern day nightclubs in particular. Especially in America which has been on a heavy downward slide (in fact, if I was the owner of even some of the best American nightclubs I would commit suicide because of the pathetic product they are serving up). In Bogotá however there are a couple of places that impressed the hell out of me:

Andres Carne de Res

The New York Times called Andres Carne de Res “profound, spellbinding, beautiful, tumultuous, confusing and fattening all at once“. I am not sure about the “fattening” part, but it’s a pretty accurate description. Andres Carne de Res does that thing that seems to be impossible to do in America: combining a great restaurant with a great nightclub. Even more amazing is that is does both at the same time.

Here is how the place breaks down:

– Five or Six floors with a couple of “half floors”
– holds 1200 people ( I did some math in my gulliver and the place is clocking un-Godly dough)
– Way more girls than guys
– Insane meat grinds
– Great Service (It is incredible that this place even functions with all the mayhem and food service, but it does)
– Open super late
– Mindblowing energy levels
– Performace art
– Everyone, and I mean everyone is dancing non-stop

Fly girls, steaks served at all hours, crazy dancing? I think I found heaven on Earth.

(Side note: the original is outside the city in Chia. I didn’t go, but it is supposed to hold 3000 people. I can only imagine how dope that place is.)

Salto del Angel

Kind of similar to Andres Carne de Res only smaller and the food isn’t quite as good.

Insane Vibe, dancing and fly girls though.

Your life wouldn’t be complete without at least 20 nights in each of these places.

And swooping mass amounts of fly Colombianas while you are at it.

My life is complete, Oh my brothers.

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The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Plan B – Si No Le Contesto

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Travel Tips for Americans

» 07 March 2011 » In G Manifesto, Girls, Guide, Style, Travel » 7 Comments

Travel Tips for Americans

Traveling has become a real drag lately. Or I should say the “process” of traveling has really become a drag. Here are some tips for Americans to make traveling more enjoyable for all involved.

Go easy on the carry-ons

I know that Airlines sometimes lose bags, but everyone needs to start going easy on the carry-ons. Or at least people need to go easy on carry-ons if they can’t handle them. (If you can’t lift your bag into an overhead, check it. This is more directed at men, women and the elderly are excused). Personally, I always check my bags. It keeps me more agile for swooping girls in airports.

Fat-Free Flights

Ok, so we now have smoke-free flights. Now that Obesity is the #1 killer in America, and with Obesity rates in our Country hitting something like 95%, it would only make sense if we had Fat–People-Free flights. Right?

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Dressing sharp

In the good old days, people used to dress with style and elegance when they traveled. Today, as we all know, it’s a real slob fest. It’s embarrassing. If I see one more girl in Ugg boots and sweats or another fool in a “hipster fedora”, I may take down a plane myself. Recently, I was on a flight where there were three weesh Twenty-something American girls in, get this, Pajamas. And it was a weesh connecter from the Midwest to the East Coast. It wasn’t like we were flying to Macau to chill with the Ho family or something.

Please, have some respect for yourself, and Dress Sharp.

I honestly think when people in the future look back to the fall our country; they are going to trace it to the loss of freedom (ie smoking bans, TSA) and loss of self-respect (people dressing like slobs).

And don’t even get me started on Stewardesses today.

How it should be:

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The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Frank Sinatra – Fly Me To The Moon (Live)


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Phone Game is Dead or is it?

» 03 March 2011 » In Dope, Game, Girls » 10 Comments

Phone Game is Dead

Bogotá, Colombia –

It seems that with the rise of Text Messaging, BBMing, Twittering, Facebooking and all that crap, all the “pseudo-players” out there have proclaimed Phone Game is Dead.

As you should know by now, over here at The G Manifesto, if we see everyone on one side of the Yacht, we move over to the other side of the Yacht. (Kind of similar to Jim Rogers trading philosophy). And we are here to say, Phone Game is not Dead.

In fact, Phone Game is more Alive than Ever.

However, I can’t front, when Text Messaging first entered The Game, and I got a hang of it, I kind of liked it. I would typically post up each night at my Base of Operations, Custom Suited Down of course, order a glass of Claret and send out a big Text Blaster to all the fly girls in my pipe. I would typically get a pretty good response rate and simply work off whatever leads it generated for the night. (This is one of many reasons, I have swooped girls almost every night I have rolled out over the last few years).

There came a time (I am guessing about 24 months ago or so), that Text Messaging became the preferred mode of contact for people. This hit old-school G’s like myself who are masters of Phone Game like a rapid fire Andre Berto combination.

Phone Game almost became extinct. Which was a real shame since I’m an intellectual and of Phone Game I am a professional and that’s no question, Yo.

At that point, I thought of trying to master Text Message Game, but then I came back to my senses and remembered how gay and weesh text messaging is.

So I then decided to flip the script on everyone once again and bring Phone Game back.

Here is the kicker: since every weak regular guy in America is busting Text Message Game (everyone on one side of the Yacht), using Phone Game is now more effective than ever.

Which is great because I can give girls muliples just by the tone of my voice in the vocal booth.

And all is right in the world again.

Click Here for Griftopia: Bubble Machines, Vampire Squids, and the Long Con That Is Breaking America by Matt Taibbi

Click Here for How to Pick up Strippers

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

Side Note I: I was actually kind of torn on writing this, after all, it is to my advantage to have guys continue tapping on their Iphones and texting like monkeys. However, I figure that the amount of cats that will actually take this advice is probably really small. Like five people. And probably, I already know all of them.

Side Note II: The above mostly applies to American Game. Some texting might make sense in some foreign countries, depending on the dynamic of that country. And just so you know, I remain extremely bearish on American Girls and American Nightlife. And I remain extremely bullish on International Girls and International Nightlife.

You should be too. The trade has really been paying off huge.

Click Here for Zippo Black Ice Pocket Lighter

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Nas – Hip Hop Is Dead Ft Krs One, Dead Prez, Talib Kweli & Joa

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