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Miguel Cotto VS Antonio Margarito II: The Rematch Prediction

» 28 November 2011 » In Boxing, Dope, G Manifesto, Guide, People » 11 Comments

Miguel Cotto VS Antonio Margarito II: The Rematch Prediction

Antonio Margarito (38-7, 27 KO’s) will square off with Miguel Cotto (36-2, 29 KO’s) at Madison Square Garden on Saturday, December 3rd in the latest instalment of the greatest rivalry in all of sport: Puerto Rico VS Mexico in Boxing.

Miguel Cotto

The Puerto Rican star Miguel Cotto, is a homegrown product of the legendary Bairoa Gym in Caguas. He has been one of boxing’s most exciting and compelling characters over the last ten years. A skillful boxer, great pressure fighter and vicious body puncher, he almost always seems on the brink of disaster. Which of course, makes him an exciting fighter to watch.

Antonio Margarito

Mexican star Antonio Margarito is a tough as they come. He is a relentless pressure fighter with an iron chin that throws deadly body punches and uppercuts. He isn’t pretty to watch, but his style is straight out of the alleys of Tijuana. He even looks like a border cartel member. He also might sport some of the worst hairstyles in Boxing today, but that is neither drug scales or cocaine rails.


Let’s talk about the handwrap issue for a minute. I am 99% sure that Margarito used loaded handwraps in the first fight. I even remember when I watched the fight, something seemed fishy. But that is boxing. If true, it makes Margarito one of the biggest scumbags in recent boxing history.

I have talked to several fighters that have sparred with Margarito (and this was before the Cotto fight) and I remember them telling me that Margarito “hit like he had bricks in his hands”.

HBO Boxing: Cotto vs. Margarito: Face Off with Max Kellerman

Miguel Cotto Keys to Victory

First off, Cotto needs to control, or try to control the pace of the fight. Which means, he will want the fight to go as slow as possible for as long as he can. He needs to move and avoid “the phonebooth”.

This is really a bad matchup for Cotto “style-wise”. He is at his best when he is moving forward and pressuring opponents. With Margarito, he has to fight moving backwards for a multitude of reasons, not the least of which is the size differential.

If Cotto gets hit hard, he is going to have to clinch and slow it down. He probably won’t do this though, since Cotto doesn’t really clinch. However, he is going to have to learn.

When Cotto stops moving, he is going to have to throw with leverage. This of course, gives Margarito a chance to land heavy leather, but Cotto needs to make Margarito respect him, and respect him early.

For Cotto, this is really going to be a battle of footwork, and he can’t stay on the ropes. And at all costs, he is going to have to use head movement and make Margarito miss. The less leather landed on Cotto early the better.

He also needs to throw straight punches thru the gloves of Margarito. The clean 1-2 is going to be a key punch for him.

Other punches to watch for Cotto are the short hook inside. Again, he needs to throw that one from the hip with leverage. He really need to get some rotation on it.

Antonio Margarito Keys to Victory

Essentially, Margarito needs to do exactly what he did last time.

The thing he needs to focus on most is cutting off the ring. The more violent and the more the fight turns into a bloodbath, the better it is for Margarito. He needs to keep the fight inside.

And again, Margarito needs to use his size. Because of their statures, Margarito almost seems like a weightclass or two above Cotto.

The punches to watch for Margarito are the uppercuts to the body from both hands on the inside. If he lands those early, expect a long night for Cotto.

Cotto vs Margarito HD Highlights (GP)

Factors in The Fight

Corners: Both men have different corners in this fight. Not sure who’s advantage this is.

Fight Stoppage: I can see this fight getting an earlier than normal stoppage. I don’t expect they will let Cotto take the kind of punishment he did in the first. And if Margarito’s eye acts up, I don’t think they will play around with that one either. Look for the ending to come quick if and when it does.

Low Blows: Both of these guys are heavy body punchers and they don’t like each other. Maybe even hate each other. Look for a potentially Game changing low blow.

Clashing of heads: These guys styles are prone to clash heads. If a big cut opens up, all bets are off.

The Venue: Madison Square Garden. Need I say more? In An Unforgiving Sport (great book by the way), Paul Malignaggi said that fighting Cotto in the Madison Square Garden is like “fighting the Devil in Hell”. And that is coming from a New Yorker. The heavy Puerto Rican crowd should uplift Cotto. And give him a little leeway on the judges cards.

Cotto: “Madison Square Garden for me, New York for me, it’s like home. And I know that’s going to be a huge Puerto Rican night, the night of December 3.”

Margarito: “The square is always the same in any ring. It’ll just be me and him. I’m going to come out with my hand raised as champion of the world.”

Good stare down:

Miguel Cotto vs. Antonio Margarito 2-Los Angeles Press Conference Highlights

Questions to be answered?

Is Cotto the same fighter after brutal losses to Margarito and Pacman? I have heard some interesting things on the boxing grapevine that say he isn’t. Which is really a shame if Margarito used loaded gloves.

Is Margarito the same fighter? After all, he hasn’t really set the world on fire after his “win” over Cotto. He got destroyed by Sugar Shane Mosley and Manny Pacquiao, and has had just one win over Roberto Garcia.

How is Margarito’s eye? Only the fight will answer this one. Margarito says, “As you can see, we keep training like it’s nothing. My eye is in perfect condition, it’s fine. If it weren’t in perfect condition, believe me, I wouldn’t fight.”

How is Cotto’s emotional state? Personally, I think he is convinced that the reason he lost the first fight was cheating. However, that resolve will be tested in rounds 6-12. Cotto says, “No matter what, I’m preparing myself to beat Margarito’s ass. He played with my health. I’m going to play with his.”


Cotto: “I don’t have any respect for him. And I’m going to take advantage of his eye like he took advantage of the plaster.”

Margarito: “Fuck Cotto (or “Cotto can go to hell, depending on how you translate it). If he thinks that I had plaster, it will hurt like I was using plaster. And he will know it.”

It is safe to say that these guys hate each other. And we have potentially the biggest blood war on our hands this Saturday.

I really think this one will be a slaughter house floor for however long it lasts.

If I was betting, I would bet on the underdog. This fight is razor close on paper.

I typically don’t pick sides in boxing matches, I usually just root for what is best for Boxing.

However in this one, you have to want Cotto to get revenge and redemption.

And I guess that would be the best outcome for Boxing as well.

So f*ck it, he is my (first time) biased prediction:

Cotto by bloody and brutal, close Unanimous Decision.

Click Here for An Unforgiving Sport

Click Here for Home Boxing Workouts

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Watch the first fight in full:

Boxing Classics: Miguel Cotto vs. Antonio Margarito (HBO)

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Undefeated Zippo Lighters

» 27 November 2011 » In Dope, G Manifesto, Gentleman's Club, Girls, Guide, Luxury, Nightlife, Style » 8 Comments

Undefeated Zippo Lighters

A while back we talked about Undefeated Gucci Loafers. Today we are going to talk about what any G worth his salt has: Undefeated Zippo Lighters.

It is no secret that I am a big fan of Zippo lighters.


Great question.

Well, first off they are American Made since 1932. And even though the government and the TSA have tried to destroy a great American company, the company still stands. (Make sure you check out Travel: Zippo Lighter Travel OtterBox Waterproof Case ).

Secondly, they are guaranteed for life.

Thirdly, they make you look even more smooth when you smoke.

And Fourthly, they make that distinct “ping” noise when you open and shut them which is known to put girls under the ether.

Anyways, recently I purchased two new Zippos:

Click Here for Zippo 20903 Gold Floral Flush Lighter Great American Made

And this one because it is kind of obnoxious:

Click Here for Zippo Dancer Pocket Lighter

Pretty smooth.

With the Gold Floral Flush Zippo Lighter, I went 2-0 with 2 KO’s in Montreal, and 1-0 with 1 KO in NYC.

So all in all, the lighter is 3-0 with 3 KO’s.

Keep in mind, I have swooped girls on other nights with this lighter, but these are “fresh swoops”. I am not trying to “pad the record”, so to speak.

With the Zippo Dancer Pocket Lighter, I went 1-0 in NYC, and 1-0 in Los Angeles.

So the Exotic Dancer Zippo’s record stands at a respectable 2-0, with 2 KO’s.

Pretty remarkable actually.

Interestingly enough, I haven’t even used the Exotic Dancer lighter in a Gentleman’s Club. Yet.

But I am pretty sure it will work well.

Hell, if I had known how good these Zippo’s were going to work, I would have paid double.

Actually, make that triple.

But no need to bite my steez, there are plenty of dope Zippo’s out there to match your Game.

Click Here for Zippo 20903 Gold Floral Flush Lighter Great American Made

Click Here for Zippo Dancer Pocket Lighter

On another note, here is the state of America:

Tough little kids.

Here is how you can help:

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Jim Klimek – Lighter Tricks

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Travel Tip: The Bad Neighborhood Mean Dog Gauge

» 25 November 2011 » In Crime, Guide, Travel » 2 Comments

Travel Tip: The Bad Neighborhood Mean Dog Gauge

One thing I have noticed during my travels around the world, and especially in South American cities is you can tell when you are entering a bad hood by one full proof indicator:

Barking Dogs.

Buenos Aires PitBulls

(I really had the lightblub go off earlier this year when I was rolling the South Side of Buenos Aires for a month).

There is a positive or direct relationship between the meaner the sounding of dogs barking and the worse the neighborhood.

In an upmarket hood, you are more likely to hear dogs bark like this:

In a heavy duty hood, dogs sound more like this:

This Data can come in handy as you are stumbling around a foreign city, with a head full of drugs and booze as you can avoid getting jacked.

Or on the flip side, it might make it easier if you are trying to cop some drugs.

Either way, pay attention to the sound of the barking dogs.

And watch the closing doors.

Click Here for Roosh’s Day Bang: How To Casually Pick Up Girls During The Day

Click Here for Kershaw Leek Knife with SpeedSafe

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Black Sheep – Similak Child

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Why You Should Never Sext Message Girls Back Part II

» 22 November 2011 » In Game, Girls, Guide, Travel » 7 Comments

Why You Should Never Sext Message Girls Back Part II

Recently, we covered How To Deal With Girls That Are Sexting You.

Just last night, I got a couple of “sext messages” from this super fly Colombian Girl I know in Miami Beach.

There were a few racy pictures and then a picture of her and some of her girlfriends with the message:

“I cant wait to see you again. Having a martini with my girls in your honor”

Yeah, I know, standard fodder for a Friday night in The Life of an International Playboy.

However, it was kind of a funny “sext message”:

Along with my cell phone number, the message was “CC’d” on with 6 other numbers. Which is kind of rare, I don’t really remember having a text with the “CC” effect to it.

I didn’t think anything strange until a few minutes later I got a message from one of the numbers that was “CC’d” saying:

“Woo woo, your eyes are so beautiful”

I still didn’t think much about it until a few minutes later, I received another text from another one of the numbers “CC’d”:

“You are so hot!”

It then continued on and on and then I realized what was happening:

All the other guys she was sexting were “replying to all” and I was getting a copy.

Basically all the guys were sending these “beta air ball” text messages back to her and playing into her hands (so to speak). Weak Game.

Guess who ignored her “Sext Message”?

Your right, your humble author.

And guess who is going to swoop her for real next month in Miami Beach?

Right again. Your humble author.

Click Here for The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report

Click Here for Roosh’s Day Bang: How To Casually Pick Up Girls During The Day

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Flight Facilities – Crave you Feat. Giselle [Official Video]

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American Girls: Ugg Boots VS High Heels

» 20 November 2011 » In Game, Girls, Guide, Style » 11 Comments

American Girls: Ugg Boots VS High Heels

So I was chilling, Custom Suited Down recently in a certain up-market part of Southern California that I spend a lot of time in when I am back on the Nacirema turf.

I was with one of my droogs from way back when we were flipping Beans, talking biz and trading war stories at a pretty dope lunch spot that is pretty hipstered out (but keep in mind this is Southern California so it is kind of pseudo-hipster).

The owner, some top-flight glam hipster cat who everyone thinks is so cool (and unbelievably girls like the guy, or maybe not so “unbelievably” in this day and age) came over to greet us.

He is a fan.

My friend and I are trying to talk dollars and sense and I got skippy in a fedora yapping in my ear asking me where I have been this year and on and on.

When I finally brushed him off so he could go make yogurt double lattes with extra whipped cream, or whatever the hell hipsters drink, my friend, who is a certified International Playboy just like me said, “Typical stay at home American. Minimal passports stamps, that guy. Probably does the Maui-Las Vegas-Cabo triangle and thinks he is making moves…”

I said, “Yeah, just like those cats that move some ounces and think they are causing a crimewave…” before I noticed something that was making me edgy for the last 10 minutes…

Every goddamn girl sitting outside of this “trendy, up-market, hipster joint” are wearing Ugg Boots.

I almost flipped my lid. (I think it is because I have been sparring again. F*ck Halloween. I have been turning into a Monster. I had to spark up a cigarette to calm down.)

This Ugg Boot stuff really has to stop.

Look. I have heard the excuses from Americant girls.

“High-Heels just aren’t comfortable during the day…”


In Riga, Latvia, girls wear high heels on cobblestones. In wintertime.

And I have heard girls say:

“I just can’t move around in high heels…”

Bullsh*t again.

I know an Exotic Dancer that can do this Bruce Lee Move on the stage in High Heels:

So let’s put this to rest once and for all.

Let’s do a comparison.

Which is better?

Ugg Boots?

Or High Heels?

Any questions?

Click Here for Roosh’s Day Bang: How To Casually Pick Up Girls During The Day

Click Here for The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report


The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

2PAC – To Live and Die in L.A

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