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Carlos Monzón: Chain Smoker, Boxing Champion, and International Playboy

» 25 October 2011 » In Guide » 13 Comments

Carlos Monzón: Chain Smoker, Boxing Champion, and International Playboy

Contrary to popular modern day belief, we have proven over at The G Manifesto that all the Greatest Athletes throughout history were smokers.

Possibly the greatest of all, was Carlos Monzón. For the young up-and-coming G’s on the rise out there who don’t know their International Playboy history, Carlos Monzón was arguably the greatest middleweight Champion of all time, along with other G Manifesto Hall of Fame Members, Marvin Hagler and Sugar Ray Robinson.

Not suprisingly, Carlos Monzón was also a top notch International Playboy and traveled the world with Argentine and Italian models and actresses.

Let’s break down this G a little as there is a lot to learn from Carlos Monzón:

On Carlos Monzón’s Stamina and Training Habits:

Monzon’s stamina was probably his most impressive and illogical asset, since he was ever bit as proficient as Stanley Ketchel and Harry Greb at taking the rule book and throwing it out of the window. Ketchel invariably whiled away his leisure time by drinking and whoring out on the old Barbary Coast. Greb was a walking encyclopaedia on the best nightclubs and pool halls in any given town.

Monzon kept his body beautiful in trim by resting it horizontally against any passably attractive woman and by blow-torching his lungs with up to a hundred cigarettes a day. His nicotine intake would decrease by an impressive fifty a day when he got down to serious training, including a few smokes on the run to relieve the tedium of roadwork.

Author George Diaz Smith wrote of Carlos, “A guy like Ricardo Mayorga (another G Manifesto Hall of Fame Member) would be a novice compared to the likes of the iron lunged Monzon. Nobody could figure this out. For all of the years that I’d seen him, Monzon never gasped for air, tired or opened his mouth gagging for oxygen in any round.”

Click Here for Hommage a Carlos Monzon by Jean Messagier

Click Here for Zippo Lighter Armor Brushed Sterling Silver

On Carlos Monzón’s Confidence:

“There was an arrogance, even an insolence about Monzon. He carried himself like a winner. I was in the office of the promoter, Rodolfo Sabbatini in Rome with my wife of the time when Monzon strolled in, impeccable in a white suit, bronzed skin, smoking a cigarette, looking as if he had walked in off the set of a Federico Fellini film.

“He was a very cool looking guy and obviously a man absolutely full of confidence. He was one of those boxers who entered the ring as if he KNEW he was going to win, just a matter of how he did it.

“Although very good at long range, Monzon could bring up shorter punches. My memory tells me that he really hurt Jose Napoles with a right to the body in Paris. Although that fight was officially stopped because Napoles was cut, believe me, Angelo Dundee was glad to get his guy out of there because Jose was starting to get destroyed.”



On Carlos Monzón being an International Playboy:

When Monzon shocked the boxing world by winning the World Middleweight Title by knocking out Nino Benvenuti, people rubbed their heads and said, “Carlos Who?!” Fame and fortune were now his. His ego and temper grew. Even though he was married, he had countless romances on the side. Actress Suzanna Gimenez was seen with him. Monzon acted in eight Italian and French films, including starring in the movie, EL MACHO. He jet-setted with movie star Alain Delon. He kept winning and winning. He survived a gun shot to the shoulder from his wife; an accident they said.

He was accused of breaking a reporter’s jaw. He was friendly only with the elite of the elite. He had a soft spot for Bennie Briscoe and always greeted his arch-rival with a big smile and firm handshake. He retired undefeated over the last thirteen years of his career. In retirement boredom set in and so did his demons. Caught up in the party lifestyle, it came crashing down when he was convicted of killing his common-law-wife.


Click Here for EL MACHO

Tribute to Carlos “escopeta” Monzon

I like the fellow
who in the heat of battle
was able to plant our flag
in the toughest terrain.
Champion in his game,
confident in his ability,
he saw the vultures grouping,
chased them with his hat
and seared them with his poncho

If you go forward tenaciously
you’ll struggle through with your message,
even though your wagon gets stuck
and the cattle crush you.
There’s nothing wrong with the man
who wears out his knife
defending his honor.
The coward hands it over to the police
without ever taking it out of its sheath.

Here’s to you, Carlos Monzon.
one hundred percent Santafesino.
the new world champion.
Strength, fists and heart.
From this old tree,
for you a prize of honey
and a laurel wreath.
From your tent a cry of victory,
a woman’s hand in yours,

and a carnation pinned to your lapel.

—JILIO MIGNO, translated by L. Tarabein


Click Here for World boxing champions: Wilfredo Gómez, Carlos Monzón, Wilfred Benítez, Pedro Alcázar, Edwin Rosario, Oscar De La Hoya, Georges Carpentier [

Carlos Monzon breaks Nino Benvenuti

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Carlos Monzon

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The G Manifesto Tour 2011 Continued

» 23 October 2011 » In G Manifesto, Guide, Travel » 4 Comments

The G Manifesto Tour 2011 Continued

Here is the The G Manifesto Tour 2010.

Here is where we are at so far in 2011:

January: Bogotá, Colombia

February: Miami Beach, Florida

March: Beverly Hills, Palm Beach, Florida

April: Buenos Aires, Argentina

May: Miami Beach, Chicago, Beverly Hills

June: London, England, Mediterranean Coast of Spain, Dublin, Ireland, Belfast, Northern Ireland

July: North Coast of Spain, Mediterranean Coast of Spain, Barcelona, Spain

August: Newport Beach, San Diego, Beverly Hills

September: Washington, DC, Montreal, Canada, San Diego, Beverly Hills

What’s up now?

The same mindset that had me hiding CASH in the mattress, now has me traveling around the Atlas.

Click Here for The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report

Click Here for The Power of Conversational Hypnosis

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Young & Company – I Like What You’re Doing To Me (Dutch Tv 1980)

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Gerald Celente Visits Occupy Wall Street Protesters 10/21/11

» 23 October 2011 » In Guide » No Comments

Gerald Celente Visits Occupy Wall Street Protesters 10/21/11

Trends in the News by Gerald Celente 10/18/11

Click Here for Tomorrow’s Gold: Asia’s age of discovery

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

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What You Should Never Put in Your Pockets of a Custom Suit

» 20 October 2011 » In Guide » 1 Comment

What You Should Never Put in Your Pockets of a Custom Suit

Recently, by popular demand, I broke down an excellent Data Sheet on What Goes In Each Pocket of a Custom Suit.

Well, here is what you should never put in your pockets of a Custom Suit:

Your hands.

In case you don’t know, that above, is a picture of Mitt Romney and what looks to be some suspect wimpster.

You should never put you hands in your pockets when you are in a Custom Suit (or get pleats for that matter). Unless of course, you are reaching for the mini-heater or a Bankroll to Grease someone.

While we are on the subject of Mitt Romney, check out him during the most recent debates:

Did you see Romney calling for the referee (Anderson Cooper in this case) for help, when things got heated with Rick Perry?

This guy was the snitch on the playground when you were a kid.

No heart.

Lord help us if Mitt “The Snitch” Romney is our next president.

Click Here for Griftopia: A Story of Bankers, Politicians, and the Most Audacious Power Grab in American History

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

corporation of one – the real life (oppy mix ) with Tony Montana sample

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Finally a G (International Playboy) in a Modern Movie

» 18 October 2011 » In Guide » 11 Comments

Finally a G (International Playboy) in a Modern Movie

One of the things that hurts the modern International Playboy is that International Playboys are not represented in Modern day cinema. Men in movies today are always weesh (no wonder I don’t hardly ever sit through modern day movie garbage).

This hurts us, since we don’t have “The Hollywood Effect” in our favor, that is, girls today have no frame of reference for us modern day International Playboys.

Well, here is a movie with a G:

The movie is called The Buisness, it it is well worth buying.

The part played by Charlie was so realistically done, that I had to do some research on the cat, because no actor ponce could play an International Playboy so convincingly.

Turns, out, the actor, Tamer Hassan, was a boxer, owns a boxing gym (or did) and owned nightclubs before he was acting.

He is from a rough hood in South London also.

I guess he also rocks Custom Suits constantly.

I knew it, the guy has a background similar to my own; no wonder he could play the role of being an International Playboy. Because he was one in real life.

It is also interesting to note, that the cat looks kind of like me. Or at least what I will probably look like in 10-15 years.

Once again, the world makes sense.

Click Here for The Buisness

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

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