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Floyd Mayweather Knocks Out Victor Ortiz in The Fourth

» 18 September 2011 » In Guide » 9 Comments

Floyd Mayweather Knocks Out Victor Ortiz in The Fourth

Floyd Mayweather Jr took the WBC welterweight title from Victor Ortiz with a fourth-round knockout on Saturday.

A few thoughts:

I was impressed by Mayweather’s performance. He was able to continually back up an opponent that was 10 years younger and weighed 14 pounds more in the ring.
(Mayweather came in weighing 150 pounds. While Ortiz rehydrated to 164.)

Now on to the finish:

The Headbutt

Mainstream media outlets talking about how “controversial” the finish was. The only thing “controversial” was Ortiz’s headbutt.

Ortiz’s headbutt was a ridiculous foul. Possibly on par with Andrew Golota or Mike Tyson’s “bite” move, but of course no one is talking about that.

Basically, Ortiz mentally self destructed. His headbutt was out of frustration, because he saw the writing on the wall.

I have said it before and I will say it again, Mayweather is a Master of Mental Warfare.

Over here at The G Manifesto, we are not mainstream. We spit The Truth.

People are talking about how Mayweather won dirty, but it wasn’t even dirty.

If you want to see How to Win Dirty, check out Pernell Whitaker: How to Win Dirty (interestingly enough, against Floyd’s uncle and trainer, Roger “The Black Mamba” Mayweather.)

When Mayweather dropped and finished Ortiz, it was when Ortiz was apologizing to Mayweather for the second time.

Mayweather had already accepted one apology, which is more than he had to do.

The second apology was unnecessary and at that point Mayweather thought correctly that it was “either him or me”.

And you best believe Mayweather didn’t think it was going to be “me”.

Anyone who thinks differently or that the move was dirty hasn’t been around boxing their entire life.

Let me take all the sports writers in the world to Boxing School:

First rule of boxing: Protect yourself at all times.

Second rule of boxing: When there is an advantage, you take it.

And it really shouldn’t have been a surprise to anyone that has followed Mayweather’s career.

In recent memory, Mayweather dropped G Manifesto Hall of Fame Member, Arturo Gatti, when when he was talking with the referee. And Mayweather tagged Mosely when Mosely was jawing with the third man in the ring.

Mayweather is well versed in The Art of War.

Sportsmanship is something for little suburban kids on the soccer field.

This is Boxing.

This is Life.

And for anyone to say, “events like this tarish boxing”, doesn’t know their boxing history. Boxing has always has “crazy” controversial events and Boxing has always been a sport in “crisis”.

Hell, in recent history, when Riddick Bowe fought Evander Holyfield, someone parachuted into the ring:

In the “Golden Era of Boxing” opposing camps sometimes “drugged” their opponents water bottles.

I would say last night was pretty tame.

This, along with former three division champion Erik Morales (52-7, 36KOs) stopping previously undefeated Pablo Cesar Cano (22-1-1, 17KOs) is just another example of 70’s babies superiority over 80’s babies.

Mayweather’s Post fight Outburst:

For anyone that missed it:

“You never give me a fair shake, alright, so I am going to do you a favor and let you talk to Victor Ortiz,” Mayweather said. “You never give me a fair shake. You are [expletive] and HBO should fire you. You don’t know [expletive] about boxing. You ain’t sh*t.”

To which Larry Merchant responded:

“I wish I was 50 years younger,” said Merchant. “I would have kicked your *ss.”

This seemed like a pretty un-classy move for Floyd. Keep in mind though, that this tension between Mayweather and Merchant has been building up for years. Merchant has been incredibly biased toward Floyd, and I am somewhat surprised that this didn’t happen sooner.

Give Merchant credit for toughness though. Remember that Merchant is from Brooklyn.

Bottom line is that the general public will hate Floyd even more after this fight.

Which, if he can ever get in the ring with Manny Pacquiao will only add more fuel to a raging fire.

You have the ultimate villian (Mayweather) VS the ultimate good guy (Pacquiao).

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The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Floyd Mayweather Jr. Knockouts – Boxing Highlights

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How to Pick up Topless Girls at The Beach

» 15 September 2011 » In Guide » 3 Comments

How to Pick up Topless Girls at The Beach

“Now a lot of people think this is easy as it looks
Books and books of Game concepts and hooks
Hash Session to session to get thoughts manifested
Stressing and stressing to hit the world with a G blessing”

After spending my summer at the sea in Europe with more shells than Adidas tops, there is one thing I am certain of:

I like my chicks, like my whips, Topless.

Here is how you swoop Topless girls at The Beach (this Data Sheet is 15 years in the making):

First thing you need to do to swoop topless girls at the beach is put yourself in the right time and right place. “The right time” is summertime. “The right place” is east of Eden. Or at least, east of America (South Beach being the exception).

The second thing you need to do is re-condition your mind, so you don’t freeze up like the Hope Diamond around topless girls. I was lucky. I was fortunate enough to do be around topless girls at a young age. At age 14 or something, I spent a summer at the beaches of Spain. It was really like an epiphany for me (and I don’t mean that topless Exotic Dancer from Rick’s Caberet in New Orleans named “Epiphany”, real name Jenny, either). At that point in my life, I had probably only seen a few girls sans clothes. However, after that summer at the beach, I had probably seen 30,000 fly topless girls.

Hell, these days I don’t feel comfortable unless I am surrounded by topless girls. Might have something to do with why I spend some much time in Gentleman’s Clubs. But that’s neither French dime pieces nor E-tabs that look like Reese’s. It’s neither pushing weight nor E-Tab hallucinate.


The easiest way to swoop topless girls at the beach is by being an ill surfer. Especially, when you are talking the Côte de Basque and Northern Spain in general. If you are unlike your humble author, and you never learned to surf, get started. It’s going to take you 10 years to get halfway decent.

Pull into a few grinding, sandy tubes (and I don’t mean bongs either), air it out a little and once you are back on the beach, bust out with the “Bonjour”. “Ce va?” “Quel âge as-tu?” “Tu es très belle.” “Tu habite ici?” “En Vacance?” You know how the Language Game flows.

And for goodness sakes, never ever do this on the beach:

Never ever? Never ever.

Smokes and Hashish

Whoever is behind the “no-smoking laws” (I will give you a hint: it’s Big Pharma) has never sat between two topless fly French girls while smoking cigarettes on La Grande Plage in summer time. Because, if they had, they would make smoking mandatory. Breaking out a pack of Gitanes, Gauloises or Fortunas (in Spain) on the beach is a great opener on gaggle of fly topless girls at the beach.

This move is probably second only to busting out a Hashish Jay.

An expertly, one-handed rolled, Shish Jay has style points off the charts. I first started doing this move in my “salad days”, and when I say salad days, I mean the days when I used to smoke Jays mixed with Afgan Blonde Hashish and Northern Lights Chronic. And I have been doing it ever since.


A continuing Chamber of The G Manifesto is to get your language Game tight. Take some Language Lessons. They really are the gift that keeps on giving. Similar to a dope Dunhill lighter, Locking Down a Gentleman’s Club, or a brief case full of unmarked beautiful, colorful Euros.

So get your Spanish Game, French Game, and Italian Game tight. The rest of the girls at the beach; Swiss, Scandinavian, Polish etc, will speak some English.

Enter The Dragon

To swoop mad fly topless girls at the beach, you are going to have to get in some reasonable form of good shape. Now, I am not saying to go overboard, live in the gym and get tribal tattoos like some Arizona Personal Trainer guy ponce. Just make sure you Enter the Dragon on the regular.

Go to the beach every day

Even on days when it’s not super sunny out. If you want to swoop topless girls, you have to meet girls that like the beach. I have met many girls while spocking the waves on un-sunny days. Roll up with a grit, and set the date for the beach when it’s sunny out: Presto! Topless girl.

What to watch out for:


Piggybackers are typically wack American tourists that will try to infiltrate the fly topless girls you have already infiltrated. Many of the Euro beaches have “crews” of girls that chill topless. The bad part is that it is hard to get in. The good part is once you are in, you are in.

Hence, weesh American wack cats that try to “piggyback” your moves. Deal with them like you would any chavala.

Pro surfers

Pro surfers can be formidable competition, especially when there is a contest going on. A good thing to do is get to know some of these cats, which thankfully I do. If not, you can always out-Game and out-Rage these cats. And good local Drug Connection can work wonders as well.They might be Pro Surfers, but often times they aren’t Pro International Playboys.


The local crews can definitely put some salt in your Game as they can get pretty salty if you are running through some of the local topless girls. Again, it is good to have some local contacts to keep these guys at bay. You can always focus on the tourist girls to offset this, or come with your own Dope Crew from your local beach in case things get sticky like Haze.


As you should know by now, my favorite way to swoop topless girls is Going for Dolo. You need to stay fluid with this stuff. Be like water my son.

See you at the beach next summer.

Click Here for The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report

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The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Cormega – Funk Flex Freestyle Pt. 1

Surfing Hossegor

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What Goes In Each Pocket of a Custom Suit

» 13 September 2011 » In Guide » 5 Comments

What Goes In Each Pocket of a Custom Suit

I was recently asked this question on Roosh’s Travel Forum (Best Travel Forum on The Internet by the way):


I know smoking is your thing (best pickup line) so I thought I would ask. Do you carry a lighter on you all the time? And do you have a cigarette case you carry on you? I ask because I find it such a bitch to carry a pack on me while rolling out at night. Hell, I can’t stand carrying too much shit on me besides my keys, phone and wallet. So my question is how do you operate?

And many times I have been asked where I carry everything on a night out.

Let me break it down:

Side Jacket Pockets:

I know you are supposed to carry as little as possible in all your pockets, but a G has got to smoke.

In the Left Jacket Pocket, I carry two packs of smokes. (You don’t want to run out when the girl of your dreams asked you for a cigarette).

In the Right Jacket Pocket, I carry two lighters. Typically Zippo’s filled to the brim. (Same thing, you don’t want a flint to break, or run out of fluid at The Moment of Truth, and I don’t mean that dope Guru track either.) Sometimes a Dupont Lighter or a Dunhill lighter. And a small set of keys.

Ticket Pocket:

I get almost all my Custom Suits with Ticket Pockets. I typically don’t put anything in them unless it I am going to The Fights, The Racetrack or maybe The Opera. In which case I will put my tickets in The Ticket Pocket, make sense? (Don’t laugh, a fly girl took me to The Opera earlier this year when I was in America.)

Breast Pocket of Jacket:

Only one thing should ever go here: The Pocket Square.

Inside Jacket Pockets:

Left Inside Jacket Pocket I keep my cell phone.

In the Right Inside Jacket Pocket, I keep a huge CASH Bankroll. (Disclaimer: I might not be telling the truth about the location of huge CASH Bankroll. I still have way too many Rivals out there and things can get sticky like the back of a stamp).

Inside Pen Pocket of Jacket:

I keep a pen. And no, I don’t roll Montblanc’s or expensive pens.

I do appreciate their value, but I just can’t be bothered.

Secret Pocket:

I always have a “Secret Pocket” sewn into all my Custom Suits. Where is it exactly? Do me a favor.

In here I keep (maybe) some Gold coins (in case the Apocalypse hits), Beeks or Beans (if the night calls for it), or Top Secret Documents.

Jimmy Hat Inside Jacket Pocket:

In the Jimmy Hat Pocket (not the official name by the way) I keep jimmy hats. Multiple. You never know when a swoop is going to go down (so to speak).

Pants Pockets:

Left Trouser Pocket, I keep a folded up piece of paper for notes, and backup important information in case I lose my phone (as you can see, I don’t leave anything to chance).

Right Trouser Pocket, I keep nothing. (Sometimes the hotel key card of some dope suite).

Pockets are Frogmouth in case you were wondering.

So where do I keep the heater?

Great question.

I don’t have a special pocket sewn into my jackets in case my Tailor ever gets leaned on.

So it really depends.

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The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Michael McDonald – Sweet Freedom

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How to Get Candle Wax out of Clothes

» 12 September 2011 » In Guide » 4 Comments

How to Get Candle Wax out of Clothes

One of the hazards of The International Playboy Lifestyle is you swoop a lot of fly girls and many times when you are swooping said fly girls, you are swooping them with candle light.

It is only a matter of time before you have a disaster, like spilling candle wax on some of your dope threads.

It just so happened that last week, I was swooping a fly girl, getting loose and dumped a ton of liquid wax on some slacks I got handmade in London. Savile Row.

I thought my Custom Slacks were done for, so I did the only thing any self respecting G would in this situation: I called my MOM.

Here is what she told me:

1. Lay slacks down on an Ironing board, wax side up.

2. Heat up an Iron. Dry.

3. Get some clean, white paper towels and put them over the wax.

4. Put hot Iron on the paper towels. The wax will then “melt” into the paper towels.

5. Repeat.

6. If you still have more wax (I did), then get a wash cloth (mine was one I heisted from The Ritz-Carlton), get it wet with cold water, then apply Iron again until all wax is out.

7. You slacks should be good as new.

Thanks MOM.

Click Here for The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report

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The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Big Pun’s Son Spitting Lyrics

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Paying Too Little

» 10 September 2011 » In Guide » 7 Comments

Paying Too Little

“It’s unwise to pay too much, but it’s worse to pay too little. When you pay too much, you lose a little money — that is all. When you pay too little, you sometimes lose everything, because the thing you bought was incapable of doing the thing it was bought to do. The common law of business balance prohibits paying a little and getting a lot — it can’t be done. If you deal with the lowest bidder, it is well to add something for the risk you run, and if you do that you will have enough to pay for something better.”

– John Ruskin (Victorian Art Critic)

And some Real Hip-Hop:

Cormega – Fresh Feat. Red Alert, Parrish Smith, Puba, Krs-One & Big Daddy Kane

Click Here for The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report

Click Here for The Power of Conversational Hypnosis

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

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