Category > Guide

Summertime: Brick and Mortar Street Game

» 15 July 2011 » In Game, Girls, Guide, Travel » 3 Comments

Summertime: Brick and Mortar Street Game

Here is a great move from the early Chambers of The G Manifesto to give your Street Game/Day Game a little more “punch”:

When most cats out there do Street Game, they find a high traffic spot and bounce around from girl to girl spitting Game.

There is nothing really wrong with this and it can be effective. However, as you should know by now, we do things a little different over at The G Manifesto.

We like to Post and Chop.

One of the best ways to do this, especially for those younger up and coming Proto-type G’s on a budget is to get a friend that works in a high traffic area and you can Post and Chop in front of his place of employment.

I first discovered this move as a youth on the topless beaches of Pays Basque. My friend from Santa Barbara worked at what we called “The Chicken Shop”. Basically it was a spot that served up dope Poulet et pommes frites on the beach.

I would just kick it on the benches outside and spit mad Street Game at the hordes of beautiful post-topless french girls that walked by.

For whatever reason, the fact that I was Brick and Mortar made girls stop at a higher percentage.

Side note:

I was basically funding myself by moving hashish that summer and the summer after. In fact, you could actually call me one of the original “Lifestyle Designers” living on a “passive income”. But that is neither here nor there.

When I returned to America, I worked a similar angle. One of my friends was working at a pizza place in Newport Beach at the beach.

So I again employed a little Brick and Mortar Street Game, and posted up on the stools outside and just chopped with no further adieu. I would charcoal, broil, and foil them at any barbecue.

Again, conversion rates were way higher on the beach girls of Newport.

Add a little Brick and Mortar Street Game to your summer and tell me how it goes.

Click Here for The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Black sheep-Summa the time

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Advantages of The Mini-Relationship

» 14 July 2011 » In Game, Girls, Guide, Luxury, Travel » 1 Comment

Advantages of The Mini-Relationship

I am mildly surprised that my concept of “The Mini-Relationship” hasn’t taken the world by storm similar to when Tim Ferriss came out with the concept of “The Mini-Retirement”. But that is neither triple beams nor Cocaine Dreams.

As I find myself in the midst of another Mini-Relationship in an undisclosed South American Capital, I have found there is another big advantage along with Mad Local Grinds, Cultural Insight and Language Skill Building: Pro-bono rent.

In this case I am enjoying the majestic, stately home of the girl’s family I am swooping; huge, park-like backyard, maid service, cooks, swimming pool etc

I wish I had this pro-bono rent situation on all my trips. Hell, if I had been doing this all along, I would probably be retired by now.

I really think I am just way ahead of the times on this one.

Click Here for The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report

Click Here for Steve Iser’s Commission Crusher

(I wrote this back when I was in Buenos Aires in April. Interestingly enough, I currently find myself in a similar situation on the topless beaches of Spain. Smooth.)

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life


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Northern Ireland: Travel Wrap Up and Highlights

» 12 July 2011 » In Boxing, Dope, Guide, People, Travel » 4 Comments

Northern Ireland: Travel Wrap Up and Highlights

So I finished up my Northern Ireland trip, here are some highlights:

– I haven’t been to Northern Ireland since I was ten years old, so it was great to see family even though the weather is pretty bad in summer and the food is the opposite of dynamic.

– Most of my family is in West Belfast, East Belfast, a small farming town north of Belfast and a small town on the coast.

– I was absolutely amazed at how many weapons my cousins had. Especially the cousins at the family farm. These cats were loaded for bear. Tons of antique weapons as well. And an old hog barn was turned into a machine shop with multiple lathes for making silencers and other gun parts. Pretty dope stuff.

– I was able to get some good sparring sessions in with my cousins; many of whom I hadn’t boxed since I was ten years old. They all claim that they beat me back then, but I remember differently. The latest rematch was a little tougher. Many of my cousins are huge powerlifter cats now. With red hair to boot. I think I have a bruised rib.

– I was also amazed at the amount of Paramilitaries in Northern Ireland. The place is chock-a-block. The drug trade is flourishing there. And the insurance scams. It was also amazing to hear about the amount of informants. Pretty ugly scene.

– Got to see the sight of my Grandfather and Great Uncles Boxing Gym that they used to run. It is not there anymore. Now it is a park with a monument. At least it is not a Starbucks.

– The Mason Clan actually has a castle on the ocean in Northern Ireland. Supposedly, it was owned by somebody in our family. Sadly, that is no longer the case. However, the coastline in Northern Ireland is breathtaking.

– I definitely dig Belfast more than Dublin.

– Even with all the family activities and dinners, I had enough time to swoop a wee fly red head Irish girl. Smooth.

Click Here for Ewen Chia – Huge Passive Income!

Click Here for Home Boxing Workouts

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Danny Boy Ireland

House of Pain – Danny Boy, Danny Boy

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San Diego Late Night Taco Shop Game

» 20 June 2011 » In Game, Girls, Guide, Nightlife, Travel » 7 Comments

San Diego Late Night Taco Shop Game

When you roll south of The Orange Curtain, there is one type of Game that regins supreme: San Diego Late Night Taco Shop Game.

In fact, because of the Police State that California has become, it is a great move to skip the Nightclubs and Bars in San Diego altogether, and just hit up The Taco Shops (The Del Mar Racetrack is of course, acceptable) late night. Especially if you are a player on a budget.

Late Night Taco Shop Game is a specific skillset and is a great Budget Game move for playboys low on scratch.

Side Note: Oftentimes, The G Manifesto is criticized for only having high-end Game moves. Sure the high-end Game moves are the best you will find anywhere, but I disagree. In fact, I challenge anyone to find a better resource for Budget Game moves than The G Manifesto. Check the archives, there are tons.

Here is what you need to do:


After the bars close, and you roll up in the candy painted drop top Impala, tripping off pisto in the cup to the Taco Shop, come with mad swagger. Chingón. Keep in mind, this is not the kind of swagger you need for Miami Beach. Think less Muhammad Ali and think more Julio Cesar Chavez:


When you see the fly girls in line waiting to get their California Burritos, place their order for them. Speak Spanish for Style Points. You need to show them you know “what up” with the taco shop Game. Alternative opener: ask them “Have you ever had an Al Pastor before?”

Then work it from there.



Surprisingly enough, you don’t need to go Custom Suited Down for Taco Shop Game. I mean, of course it works, however, you might be well advised to take off the shirt and the jacket and just roll slacks and the wife beater. This way, you won’t squirt any guac on your Custom jacket when you bite into your three rolled tacos with extra guac.


If you see some firme hynas open, make your move. Many people use Late Night Taco Shop Game as a last ditch effort, and guys get aggressive. Tons of cats start pitching Beaks and Beans at girls. Counter that aggression with aggression of your own. Surgical Mayhem, if you will.


When you are spitting top flight Taco Shop Game, you need to watch for rival crews and clickas. I could literally write volumes of stories about Taco Shop brawls I have witnessed or have been a participant.

Here is a good one from back in the day:

One evening, I was chilling at a famous Taco Shop in La Jolla, post Chronic Jay. I was keeping it real, enjoying a Carne Asada Burrito, when at the same time, a crew of three Mexicans (not Eses, think more rich TJ heads, possibly Narco Juniors) and two local guys from the LJC walked in at the same time.

I wasn’t really paying attention, but they started beefing. The La Jolla heads where getting all “locals” vibe on the Mexican cats and trying to get them to back down. Suddenly, one of the TJ cats grabbed a Carnitas Burrito and slammed it straight into the mug of the bigger of the two LJ guys. Guacamole, Salsa and Shredded Pork went flying everywhere and splattered all over the menu board.

I was pretty high, but I was quick enough to jump on the table and avoid the melee that proceeded to incorporate chips with cheese and guac, rice and beans, flying saucers, Pollo Asado, mad salsas and mad guac all over the place, not to mention punches. Two of the cats were even rolling around in the stuff of the floor and the place became a full-on messy Mex-fest.

Realizing that my only way out, and avoid carne, salsa an guac all over my clothes, I jumped from table to table and hopped out the door with the food fight/fisticuffs in full swing.

I even still had half my Carne Asada Burrito still in check. And not a drop of guac on me. Smooth.

So watch the fights when you are spitting Taco Shop Game, some of them can be way more sinister.

Side note:

The G Manifesto might be taking a new direction with these super specialized innovative Game styles. These days, I feel so far gone, that I am almost on my way back.

Click Here for The G Manifesto’s The Tijuana Report: There is a War going on Outside

Click Here for Cocaine Trafficking in Latin America

Click Here for Narcocorrido: A Journey into the Music of Drugs, Guns, and Guerrillas

Lately, I have been spending my days swooping on topless girls at the beach, so I am not really sweating all this.

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Mr.shadow – crazy ass mexicans

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Custom Suits and Dope Shoes: Save Money by Spending Money

» 08 June 2011 » In diamonds, Guide, Luxury, money, Style » 10 Comments

Custom Suits and Dope Shoes: Save Money by Spending Money

When I posted this, Undefeated Gucci Loafers, a lot of people asked me, “But what if I don’t have the money for Gucci Loafers and Custom Suits?”

Here is the thing most people don’t realize: Custom Suits and Dope Shoes actually save you money.

Let me break it down:

You throw down 5 G’s for a Custom Suit.

If you take care of it, you can have it for minimum 10 years (if not a lifetime and hand it down to your little baby G’s if you go that route).

$5,000 / 10 = $500 per year.

Pretty damn cheap.

Now ask yourself, what would you rather have, a Custom Suit, or some crappy off-the rack job by Hugo Boss for $500 where the buttons will pop off after a heavy night?

Same thing with Gucci Loafers, let’s break it down:

Gucci Loafers will easily last you 5 years, if you take care of them and hit up your shoe cobbler on a regular basis.

$500 / 5 – $100 per year.

Now ask yourself, what would you rather have, a dope pair of Gucci Loafers or some weesh Kenneth Cole’s that will fall apart in 6 months?

Side note: It’s a little harder to pencil out handmade shoes, but they are worth every penny.

And here is the kicker.

With all the money printing that Bernake is doing, investing in Custom Suits and Dope Shoes is investing in real assets. So you are actually hedging against inflation.

Trust me, when the apocalypse comes, you are going to want to have some silver, some gold, some emeralds, some diamonds and shooting it out with an AR-15 and taking Thorozine while Custom Suited Down.

For Style Points, of course.

International Playboy of The Apocalypse.

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Shoe Shoe Shine 1974

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