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How to Pick Up Your Favorite Pornstar

» 01 June 2011 » In Game, Girls, Guide, Nightlife, People » 5 Comments

How to Pick Up Your Favorite Pornstar

After detonating Shore Club, I roll up to Mint in Miami Beach, slap five with the doorman (you know who I am talking about), who says with an accent, “Nice suit, Michael”, and I respond “thanks, merci as I enter the arena.

Mint is popping like corn as usual; tons of fly girls, and the energy is sick.

I roll around, give a “two kisses” greeting to a Chilanga I sort of know and settle in for a Goose and Soda. Sixteen bucks. Not bad.

I am feeling great, and I am Custom Suited Down, so I start ripping the spot off the cord.

Number Crunch a fly Ecuadorian girl, and Number Crunch and kiss a fly Cubana. It’s on.

I take a little break, spark up a smoke, and then I see her: the flyest girl I have seen in Miami Beach. Or at least the flyest girl I have seen in a few hours.

She is tall, thin, and dancing like pop rocks mixed with Classic Coke. I catch my breath and make a move.

It is loud as f*ck, but I get her attention and whisper in her ear. She smiles. Pauses. Then unfortunately, continues dancing.

I pull out some big guns as I whisper in her ear again. She smiles. Kisses me on the cheek. Then unfortunately, continues dancing by herself.

I pull out and grab another cocktail to regroup; I look back over, this girl is fire like hillsides in Southern California during Santa Anas.

It then hits me; this girl is one of my favorite p0rnstars.

I have pretty much lost, but I kind of fancy myself as Arturo Gatti of nightlife, of sorts (as in, I often pull out spectacular knockouts from the brink of defeat), so I go back in.

I throw a hailmary left hook, and…miss.

She goes on dancing by herself. Unreal.

I think of pulling out the huge Bankroll I have in my pocket and “pitching” her, but I wisely decide against.

Oh well, even Arturo Gatti took losses.

Come to think of it, I think she only does lesbian p0rn these days.


After the p0rnstar debacle, I saw the flyest Mexicana girl smoking at the closest booth to the door with her friends. I have two Zippos in my pocket but I use The Greatest Opener of All Time.

I Number Crunch.

In the next two weeks, I close the Ecuadorian girl, the Cubana, and the Mexicana.

Not a bad night all in all.

I told you I was feeling great.

And remember, never give up.

(Side note: the girls in the pictures may or may not be the p0rnstar in question).

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

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Three Point First Date Swoop Move

» 26 May 2011 » In Game, Girls, Guide, Nightlife » 4 Comments

Three Point First Date Swoop Move

Here is a near full proof, 3 Point plan to swoop girls on first dates:

So you met a fly girl out the other night. You have set the meeting with water tight Phone Game. So how do you make sure you won’t need a second date to swoop? Keep reading.

1. Restaurant for drinks

The first step is to have the fly girl meet you at a restaurant you have on lockdown. And when I say “on lockdown”, I really mean on lock: you know everyone there; the owner, his wife, the manager, the bartenders, the waitresses, the busboys, the chefs, the sous-chefs and the valets. It very well could be your Base of Operations.

As you enter with the fly girl, slap five with valets, give “two kisses” greetings to owner and his wife, shake hands and give “back slapps” to the waiters/busboys and a high five to the bartender and settle in to a couple of cocktails. If you have done your groundwork correctly, the place should kind of “go wild” when you enter and the feeling should be somewhat “electric”. Introduce your girl to the owner and his wife.

By this point, all but the most difficult girls are usually cooked and ready to be swooped. But we will “carry” them a few rounds a la Manny Pacquiao.

Pay for drinks with a Big Bankroll or if you got it smooth, get them “on the arm”. I shouldn’t have to tell you that this move must be done while Custom Suited Down.

If a girl asks you as soon as you sit down, “What is it that you do again?”, then you know you have done the first step correctly.

2. Restaurant (Sushi)

After a couple of drinks at the restaurant bar, have your driver slide up and take you a few blocks to the Sushi spot. Make the same entrance as the first spot, and bust a little Japanese to the hostess and slide into the crowded Sushi bar next to the #1 Chef. Everyone should be excited to see you as well.

From here, let your Sushi homie work his magic. The fresh Uni should be the closer Get a cold clear sake and enjoy the delicate high, fly pelican fly. Kanpai.

3. Lounge cocktails (optional)

The duck is cooked, but let’s just close the show right. Have your driver slide you to the dope lounge a block from your crib. Say “what up” to the hipster owners and managers give a “two kisses” to the hipster waitresses (even if it throws them off, as they are typically not accustomed to that greeting), slide to the bar, slap five with the bartender and cheers your drinks. Careful that she isn’t too buzzed up. Maybe get her a water for insurance purposes.

Polish them off and roll to crib while looking at the view of the city. Spark up a celebratory smoke. Put the key in the lock and make sure she doesn’t rip any buttons off your Custom Made Shirt before the door closes.

Click Here for The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

I Do Love You – Barbara Mason

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Undefeated Gucci Loafers

» 24 May 2011 » In Dope, G Manifesto, Game, Girls, Guide, Luxury, Style » 7 Comments

Undefeated Gucci Loafers

A few months ago, I was rolling with my Corporate friend and he had to go to South Coast Plaza to pick up a suit and some shoes. I told him he should just go Custom with my tailor, but him being a Corporate guy, he is kind of a cheapskate. But that is neither here nor there, and I decided to roll with.

While he grabbed an Armani suit (which was actually not bad, nothing compared to the handmade craftsmenship of my my tailor though), I decided to dip into Gucci and picked up a pair of Gucci Slides (pictured above, although the ones I grabbed were dark brown), even though I prefer handmade shoes from London these days.

So far I have been happy with the purchase.

I have swooped a fly girl everytime I have worn them so far: I went 1-0 in Los Angeles, 2-0 in Palm Beach, FL, 2-0 in Buenos Aires and 2-0 in Miami Beach. Decent.

(Side Note: I am only counting nights where I swooped a fresh girl. I am not counting nights I wore them and swooped a girl I already swooped. I don’t want to “pad” the record, so to speak).

The price tag? 5 bills. But knowing what I know now, I would have easily paid double.

I would strongly recommend picking up a pair or three, although I think they are discontinued. I anticipate they should work great for summer in coastal Spain at the topless beaches and for The Del Mar Racetrack.

Keep in mind though, I am not sure if these Gucci Loafers were 100% of the reason I went undefeated. It is really kind of hard to track. Furthermore, I have been feeling great lately (minus a health scare), traveling, making mad CASH, sparring heavy, and I have been doing it all in Custom Suits. So you could say I am on a roll, and I don’t mean E-tabs either.

These days, I can pretty much tell any top flight actor, musician or athelete to f*ck off with lifestyle.

I am a pretty big advocate of the International Playboy lifestyle choice.

I am mildly surprised more people out there aren’t embracing it.

It is great work…if you can get it.

Click Here for The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

Gucci Sunglasses

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Musiq Soulchild – Anything ft. Swizz Beatz [Official Music Video]

Sample is:

Central Line- Walking Into Sunshine

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Top Ten South Beach Miami Mistakes

» 09 May 2011 » In Boxing, Food, Game, Girls, Guide, Nightlife, Travel » 14 Comments

Top Ten South Beach Miami Mistakes

Miami Beach is a very intoxicating place; the ocean, mad amounts of fly girls (easily the most highly concentrated of any place in America), high heels, dresses, short skirts, drugs, late nights, succulent Comida Cubana, etc. It can also be a godforsaken cesspool. But one place can’t have it all, right?

However, as we have mentioned before, South Beach has been many a player’s “Waterloo”. Top ranked players from NYC end up looking like dorks on the beach because they rock wack beach gear. And as a result, they end up filleted. Top tier California playboys get put through the wood chipper since they are not used to the late nights, late dinning hours, rhythms of the night, and smoking in bars in South Beach (they can thank the Gov and the Police State California has become for that). Even top foreign G’s get battered and bruised.

Lucky for you, the reader, your humble author has one of the greatest track records of all time in South Beach.

Here are some of the biggest mistakes I see guys constantly making in South Beach:

1. Not wearing Custom Suits – South Beach is definitely Custom Suit turf. Amazingly, not that many cats bust them. Which in turn makes it more effective. If you dress in tight jeans or glittery Ed Hardy shirts, expect to get blanked in South Beach. However, on the plus side, you should find plenty in common with about 99% of the guys in America. So you will never be at a loss for friends to go out to the local sports bar and eat “Mondo Nachos” and “Jalapeño Poppers” with.

2. Not Street GamingStreet Game is the Hanging Gardens of Babylon for swooping in South Beach.

3. Going into clubs “Cold” – Here is the thing with South Beach: the nightclubs are pretty difficult to swoop girls at. You need to have girls cooking before you roll to the club and use the club as a closing tool. If you understand this, you understand South Beach.

4. Not rolling to the restaurants – Sure, most South Beach restaurants are overpriced and the food is kind of wack. And it’s hard to get some decent sushi. But the restaurant bars in Miami are literally, Bolivian gold mines for swooping (and we all know where the price of Gold is today). Roll in Custom Suited Down and slide up to the Colombiana and Cubana in high heels and short skirts at the bar. Proceed accordingly.

(Side Note: I have thought for years that if someone opened up a legit traditional Sushi place in South Beach you would print money. Key words here being “legit traditional”. As a matter of fact, maybe I will talk to some of my Sushi guys when I get back to California.)

5. Not going after locals only tourists – Sure the tourists are easier to swoop on a one night basis, but the local Miami girls way more fly. Check out Brickell; and prepared to have your mind blown.

6. Not smoking – Choosing not to smoke is a horrible move in South Beach. By being a smoker, you get mad free leads. Plus, the health benefits from swooping tons of fly Latinas will easily counter act the “potential” risks from the inhalation of tobacco smoke.

7. Not having SwaggerWe have talked about Swagger in South Beach before. If you come light in South Beach, prepare to get nothing. If you come heavy, the blimp reads “The World is Yours”. It’s really that simple.

8. Not getting your rounds in – Hit up the recently re-opened Legendary 5th Street Gym.

9. Not speaking Spanish – You are going to need to speak at least little Spanish and hold a conversation in Spanish if you really want to come up Aces in South Beach. Other languages help as well. I would say I typically speak about 40% English – 60% Spanish (and other languages) when I am in Miami.

10. Not Dancing – You are going to have to dance if you want to close in South Beach. Here is the Salsa Swoop Move.

11. Being undercapitalized – Sure, you might be able to swoop girls in South Beach if your Game is super tight and your broke. But why make it hard on yourself? South Beach girls love that Young, Handsome, Dashing, Rich, International Playboy in the Custom Suit with the big Bankroll. Why do it any other way? Anything less would be uncivilized.

The other advantage is you can really be a “bully with the bucks” in South Beach. So you really might as well hit hard like Camacho and Vargas and peg the market.

12. Doing Drugs – Bad move. It’s too hot and you will get too tweaked.

If you didn’t know, now you know. And if you do any of the above mistakes, you only have yourself to blame.

Click Here for The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life


(305) 559-6340

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Peter Schiff: A Gallon of Gas Costs a Dime, Jim Rogers on Commodities

» 25 April 2011 » In Guide, money, People » 8 Comments

Peter Schiff: A Gallon of Gas Costs a Dime, Jim Rogers on Commodities

Click Here for Hot Commodities: How Anyone Can Invest Profitably in the World’s Best Market by Jim Rogers

Click Here for The High Frequency Game Changer: How Automated Trading Strategies Have Revolutionized the Markets

Peter Schiff on CNBC Fast Money 4_25_11

Reminds me of the saying you can always buy a good Suit with an ounce of Gold.

Of course my Custom Suits cost way more than an ounce of Gold, but I get it.

Click Here for Forex Ambush 2.0 – 100% Accurate Forex Signals

Click Here for Forex Ironman – Next Generation Fx Trading

Jim Rogers breaks down commodities from an old interview.

Jim Rogers : Missing out on Commodities?

Matthew Bradbard’s daily commodity round up:

Brace for the Fed as we expect it to be a market mover. Indecision in the oil market as prices close virtually unchanged today. If we fail to make a new contract high in the next few sessions we should resume the set back we’ve been forecasting, in June that would be a trade over $114.05. A settlement below the 20 day MA should confirm a move lower but before either scenario happens we’re just guessing, that level is $108.90 in June WTI. We suggest the sidelines in natural gas willing to be a seller on a spike higher. We cut losses for clients that still held bear put spreads in the June ES; it resulted in a loss of approximately $400/per position including fees.

Continue Reading about other Commodities

Update, just in:

Record low gas prices, IMF on China & U.S.

Click Here for Hot Commodities: How Anyone Can Invest Profitably in the World’s Best Market by Jim Rogers

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

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