Category > Guide

The G Manifesto’s Riga, Latvia Travel Guide

» 21 April 2011 » In G Manifesto, Game, Girls, Guide, Nightlife, Travel » 1 Comment

The G Manifesto’s Riga, Latvia Travel Guide

A lot of people have been asking me if they can buy my Riga, Latvia Travel Guide. No, you can’t, but you have have it free below:

Riga, Latvia: Get it while it’s Good Go east young G.

First Night In Riga, Latvia, Judo Throw Up and down first night.

Second Night in Riga, Latvia: Scam Mostly down second night.

Third Night in Riga, Latvia: Karate Chop Violence in the club.

So, How Hot are The Girls in Riga, Latvia? The question on everyone’s mind.

Fourth Night in Riga, Latvia: Succulent Youth Success.

Fifth Night in Riga, Latvia: The End of Me? Could this be the end?

Sixth Night in Riga, Latvia: Reverse Rocky Marciano Murder on the dancefloor.

America’s Image Problem The Truth.

Riga, Latvia: Nightclub Data Sheets Detailed Data Sheets like only The G Manifesto brings you.

Riga, Latvia: Truths, Myths and Things I Would Do Different Enough of that cute sh*t, it’s time for the realness.

Latvian Girls VS American Girls Mismatch. Like Livingston “Pit Bull” Bramble VS Tyrone “The Butterfly” Crawley.

How to Get a Model Girlfriend Excellent technique.

Latvian Girls: London Stansted Airport (STN) Post and Chop For the London Playboys.

Good luck.

Click Here for The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

AZ – At Night

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Phone Game Broken Down to The Organic Compound

» 13 April 2011 » In Game, Girls, Guide » 14 Comments

Phone Game Broken Down to The Organic Compound

Undisclosed Location, South America –

As we all know, Phone Game is just like the Prodigal Son and has returned. Now it’s stronger than ever.

Many people ask me how I bust out my Phone Game on fly girls that I have Number Crunched.

Here is Phone Game Broken Down:

1. Smile on The Phone. Girls can hear it.

2. Two Ears one Mouth – use them in that ratio

3. Speak in a Statement-Statement-Question format. Examples:

“Yeah, I travel a lot.” (Statement)

“In fact, I just got back from Bogotá, Colombia where I was doing some import-exports.” (Statement)

“What are your thoughts on meeting me tonight at that new sushi spot I got on lock down, shooting down some cold clear sake, some Toro slabs, some Kobe beef wrapped Uni (off menu of course), some Yebisu (ヱビス) and some Beeks?” (Question)


“Yeah, I probably was the sharpest dressed cat where we met.” (Statement)

“I typically dress mad sharp.” (Statement)

“Why don’t you throw on a dress and some high heels and meet me down at my friends lounge at 10pm tonight?” (Question)

4. Stand up and Pace when you talk with fly girls. “Motion Creates Emotion”, is what the Old-School G’s used to say.

5. Smoke Cigarettes. It will spark your brain synapses and get that “gravelly” voice going that will give girls multiples just by the tone of your voice in the vocal booth.

6. When girls ask what you are doing, always say “Just kicking back outside having a glass of wine, you?” This one works even better during work hours. (Advanced tip: actually drink a glass of wine on the outers when you are speaking with fly girl.).

7. Make the call outdoors. Fresh air is always good.

8. When you are talking, look at your reflection in a mirror or window. Seeing the work your tailor did on your Custom Suit will keep you positive. Also, what can be better to lift your mood than looking at yourself?

9. Hit The Six Elements of Picking Up Girls: Sizzle, Control, Rapport, Trust, Urgency and Greed.

10. Use “take-aways”. (Advanced tip: use inverted, reverse, double “take-aways”. Sometimes just for style points).

11. Use “tie-downs”.

12. Close Hard and Set the meeting. And swoop.

Click Here for The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Debra Laws – Very Special

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George Soros, Ivory Coast Cocoa and Silver

» 09 April 2011 » In Guide, money, People, Travel » 2 Comments

George Soros, Ivory Coast Cocoa and Silver

Soros Says ECB Rate Hike “Inappropriate” in Debt Crisis

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0:20 It’s a one-sided directive in Europe. The ECB’s only job is to control inflation.
0:55 The big question is whether the U.S. dollar should be the reserve currency; it no longer is, it shares that role with the euro, other currencies, and commodities. But it’s not just gold being used as a substitute, but oil too, which is putting upward pressure on the market.
1:55 The euro is under “some cloud.” It is “quite inappropriate” for the ECB to raise rates right now.
2:30 China, and its inflation problem, is a serious concern. It stimulated its economy, but is now trying to reign in its rate of growth. It is putting restraints on the banking system, but now a shadow banking system is rising. Big banks may not be willing to lend, but the shadow banking system is growing out of control. Real risk of wage and price inflation. Real estate price spike has led to a wage price spike. The Chinese government should have let its currency inflate, but because they didn’t, they now face wage inflation.
4:40 China was the main beneficiary of globalization, and the big winner in the financial crisis.
6:00 State capitalism may have worked better in China lately, but it’s a mistake for others, like Brazil, to follow suit now.


On the ECB vs. the Fed – who is doing it right?:

“Two different directives govern the European Central bank and the U.S. Federal Reserve. In the case of Europe, it’s a one-sided directive. Their only job is to prevent inflation, and in the case of the U.S., it is more balanced, to maintain employment and financial stability.”

On whether the U.S. dollar is still a safe asset:

“There’s a big question whether the U.S. dollar should be the main reserve currency and in fact it no longer is because it maybe accounts for two-thirds of the monetary reserves. The euro is an alternative and there’s a lot of diversification into other currencies and even more into commodities. Not only gold, but actually oil is now an asset class for investors. That has put some upward pressure on the commodities.”

On whether the sovereign debt crisis has diminished euro’s chances of becoming a reserve currency:

“The euro is under a cloud, but that is exactly because there are some inflationary pressures from the price of commodities, particularly now oil and also food prices have risen. That is what has induced the European Central Bank to raise interest rates at a time which is, in my opinion, quite inappropriate…It is not appropriate in current circumstances when you have a number of countries that are suffering from too much debt and high interest rates that they have to pay.”

On China’s economy:

“China has really stimulated its economy full force very successfully and now it is trying to rein in the rate of growth, and is exercising very strong constraints on the banking system. But because of that constraint, and because of the big demand for money, a shadow banking system has arisen and is growing very rapidly. So while the big banks under direct central control are in fact refusing to lend, there is a shadow banking system that is growing out of control. There is a real danger there of wage price inflation because prices have gone up, particularly real estate prices have gone up because there was a real estate boom.”

“Therefore, wage demands have risen, and we now have 20%, 30% wage increases. The Chinese government has made a mistake not allowing its currency to appreciate, which would have controlled the price of inflation. Instead of that, we now have this wage pressure, which is a little bit out of their control.”


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Gbagbo stages bloody fightback in Ivory Coast

Violence continues as former president refuses to concede defeat

What began as the week when Laurent Gbagbo would finally concede defeat ended with the Ivory Coast strongman defying the world from his bunker in Abidjan. After watching his area of control shrink to only a few pockets of the lagoon city, his forces pushed back dramatically overnight on Friday with an assault on the French ambassador’s residence.

AFP reported yesterday that Abidjan’s Golf Hotel, headquarters of the internationally recognised President-elect, Alassane Ouattara, had come under attack. The UN evacuated 17 British citizens from the high commissioner’s residence, which is close to the Gbagbo compound.

The heavy weapons that had supposedly been destroyed in joint UN and French air strikes re-emerged as Gbagbo loyalists retook some ground. Arrayed against the 65-year-old loser of November’s election are the combined might of the French Operation Licorne (Unicorn) force, UN peacekeepers and Mr Ouattara’s ragtag army.

The violent standoff has created its own tale of two cities: each day the commercial capital seems poised to return to normal but at night the shooting starts and everything becomes uncertain.

It is not a war with a single frontline. The complications of Abidjan’s lagoon is matched by the complex of alliances that rule its neighbourhoods. In the south of the city, the long queues for food outside the only working supermarket show the struggle to return to normality.


I have been following this one closely.

I had a feeling Laurent Gbagbo wasn’t going to roll over.

Gbagbo forces advance again in Ivory Coast

And as if silver bulls needed some more good news, here is a report from the Morgan Stanley metals desk…

I was told on Wednesday that big buying went thru on Tuesday in may atm silver calls which should make the market short gamma.

A short gamma position will become shorter as the price of the underlying asset increases. As the market rallies, you are effectively selling more and more of the underlying asset as the delta becomes more negative.

So what that means is that the SELLER of the calls, probably bought Physical to delta hedge themselves neutral. As this market jumps just about 1-2% daily (this week alone +6.5%) they would need to now re hedge to bring themselves back to neutral by BUYING more Physical as SILVER goes higher, essentially driving the market Higher still and so the chase goes theoretically moving the market higher causing them to buy more to hedge and moving the market higher, thus buying into rallies.

Now they could BUY puts also to create positive Gamma as well to offset some of that pain they are not bound to the Physical for their hedge. Lots of what if’s but that’s the idea.

On the other side if Silver were to gap lower, this would not help either as they would need to SELL Physical into a falling market to re-hedge themselves.

Great in a slow steady market, nightmare in a volatile


Silver has just been insane. When is that pullback going to happen?

Should have gone in even heavier. Although hindsight is 20/20.

Click Here for Forex Ambush 2.0 – 100% Accurate Forex Signals

Click Here for Forex Ironman – Next Generation Fx Trading

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

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Vortex Zones in Bars, Restaurants and Nightclubs

» 31 March 2011 » In Game, Girls, Guide, Nightlife » 4 Comments

Vortex Zones in Bars, Restaurants and Nightclubs

Click Here for A Dead Bat in Paraguay by Roosh

Roosh just had a recent post called Your Duty as a Man. This part caught my attention:

There is one spot in the bar that has your best odds for sleeping with a high number of quality girls. The way that that spot’s strengths and weaknesses combine with your strengths and weaknesses create a special zone where your game will be more effective than any other spot. It is your duty as a man to find out which spot that is and commit the time to reaping the rewards that it contains.

I have been meaning to write on the subject for years. (And although it might seem like it is some “other sh*t” it is really some “next level sh*t”.)

International Playboys refer to these “spots” that Roosh is referring to as Vortex Zones in Bars, Restaurants and Nightclubs. Vortex spots are places where you can just post up Custom Suited Down and straight chop fly girls. The advantage of Vortex Points is you don’t have to walk around chasing girls; instead, you “position” yourself in an establishment and let the prey come to you.

Think of the mighty Leopard (conincidentally, the most effective hunter in the jungle, percentage-wise), he kicks back, handmade loafers up, while smoking a grit and pounces on his prey. Or waits in the weeds in the “traffic lanes” (we have discussed this before in regards to Gentleman’s Clubs) and then makes the kill. You want to do the same thing here.

Recognizing these Vortex Zones however is somewhat tricky as every spot is a little different.

Here is a little EZ guide to help you recognize these Zones:

1. One of the main “Traffic Lanes” or Vortex Points we have discussed before is from the entrance of the spot to the Bar. Or from the Bar to the Bathroom. Post and Chop accordingly.

2. Stairways inside Bars, Restaurants and Nightclubs are more often than not, Vortex Points of sorts. Dig in at the top or bottom of the stairwell and enjoy the free leads. For whatever reason, fly girls are always going up and down stairs at nightlclubs. (Side note: Sometimes over-zealous bouncers hate when you do this. Grease them.)

3. On “U Shaped Bars” the Vortex Points are always the corners. These are similar to the center squares of the chess board. Control them.

4. On “L Shaped Bars” the Vortex Point is also the corner. This is akin to the “center of the ring in Boxing”. Keep everyone at the “end of your punches”, so to speak.

5. If the establishment you are in has a “resident Bean Flipper” or “resident Beek Twister”, the area where he is flipping is undoubtedly the Vortex Zone. Make sure you kick it with him and cook leads.

Once you locate these Vortex Zones, protect them like an old neighborhood street corner.

Except when you see me roll into the spot.

Because I am going to tell you to step off.

Click Here for A Dead Bat in Paraguay by Roosh

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Leopard double kill

Stone Rollin’ – Raphael Saadiq

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The “Act as If” Journey in Life

» 28 March 2011 » In Boxing, Crime, G Manifesto, Game, Guide, Luxury, money, People, Style, Travel » 18 Comments

The “Act as If” Journey in Life

“How I see it
Anything you wanna be you can be it
If your mind can preceive it
And your heart really believe it
Then you half way there and all you got to do is do it
And if you give it all you got there ain’t really
Nothing to it”
– Dead Prez

Many people out there hate on the “Act as If”/”Manifesto Destiny” method of living one’s life. I guess people just don’t like when you try to better yourself and people don’t like change.

“Everybody look at you strange say you changed
Like you work that hard to stay the same
“ – Jay-Z

Well, I am here to say that “Act as If” works. Here are three examples:

Hollywood Agent

Back when I was in college, I took a younger kid under my wing and showed him the ropes. He was a cool kid, and reminded me of myself, so I kind of made him my “little brother”, of sorts. He was really into Hollywood and moved up there right after he graduated.

He got a job in the entertainment industry in talent. He always acted like he was going to be a big shot in HWood. I remember when he first started doing it, people used to hate on him.

Later I heard he became the youngest Agent ever at one of the Majors.

Where is he today?

He now represents one of the actors that I respect the most in the world (and I have respect for very few of them) and is the heir-apparent to run Hollywood. I don’t even have to mention the quality of girls he swoops today.

(Interesting Side Note: Over the last few years, we have been hanging out again here and there. Since he is now the man in Hollywood, he sometimes tries to flow me attitude. I have to slap him down real quick every time. After all, I showed him the ropes when we were young proto-type G’s on the rise. He might be the Prince of Hollywood, but when we are in the same room together, he is still #2.)


I knew another kid in college who was always a little more serious than the rest of us, who were mostly into partying, drugs, traveling and surfing. He got dissed a lot for studying and being organized; things like that. He was a pretty good surfer also, but not near the best.

Where is he today?

I recently re-connected with him. He is now CEO of a major Surf Company (everyone knows what it is). He made it happen.

“If you follow your dreams you can accomplish anything
If you always do your best then your destiny is king
Of the world”
– Dead Prez

Want another example of “Act as If” working?

I would be a prime example (and I don’t mean Prime 112 in Miami Beach either).

For as far back as I can remember, I have always acted like an International Playboy. Even when I was a teenage two-bit Bean flipper.

I would talk about Custom Suits even before I had them. I would talk about Big Bankrolls even before I knew what one was. I would talk about swooping models, even back when I was swooping models. (That last one is a bad example).

Where am I today?

Jet-setting around the world, swooping fly girls, rolling with influential people, chilling on Yachts and Topless Beaches, making money in large amounts, training at the world’s best Boxing Gyms and doing it all in Custom Suits.

International Playboy to the fullest, Oh my Brothers.

Act as If.

“And what you get is what you see
In your mind visually
And manifest physically
If you stick to it shit’ll work out terrificly”

Life is like twistin’ a blunt, it’s how you roll with it
Just figure out what you want and go and get it
anybody tryin’ to stop you
For tryin to do for you
That’s your enemy dun
The sun be right up in your crew”
– Dead Prez

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Dead Prez – Score

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