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America’s Image Problem

» 15 November 2010 » In G Manifesto, Game, Girls, Guide, Nightlife, People, Style » 18 Comments

America’s Image Problem

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There is no doubt that George Bush damaged America’s reputation Internationally, as anyone who has travel the world extensively since the 1990’s will tell you.

This year however, I have noticed that the once great “Image” of Americans has also taken a header like Cisco did recently (and I am not talking about that weesh R&B artist, that wack food supply company, or that low-end booze that makes fools jump out of windows either).

I started noticing America’s Image Problem when I went to Barcelona earlier this year. I told the story of a stunningly beautiful Catalan girl who stepped to me in a dope hotel bar. (Side note: I can’t really blame her since I was feeling great and I was wearing a sicker than “foot in mouth” Custom Made Suit).

Anyways, after consummating the relationship in my dope apartment in the Eixample, she started off an interesting conversation:

Fly Catalan Girl: I am surprised you are American.

Michael Mason: (Not really in the mood for conversation, but I decide to bite) Why?

Fly Catalan Girl: Because you seem cool, and you have good style.

Michael Mason: Most American’s that come to Barcelona don’t?

Fly Catalan Girl: No. Most American’s are wankers.

(Side note II: She learned her English while modeling in London. Hence the use of the word “wanker”).

I really thought nothing of the exchange at the time.

Then fast forward to London Fashion week, when I was hanging out with a fly rich daughter of a Colombian mining family. We were taking a leisurely stroll near Wellington Square in Chelsea, puffing on jacks.

Michael Mason: Where have you traveled to in America?

Fly Rich Colombian Girl: NYC, California, DC, Miami Beach, New Orleans, Las Vegas etc (continuing a long list).

Michael Mason: Do you like America?

Fly Rich Colombian Girl: Yes, its nice to visit. But I am am always surprised by how fat the people are. Especially the girls.

This conversation was pretty interesting, as I aways thought that America had pulled one over on the rest of the world making them think our women were tops through our Media and Hollywood Hype Machine. But I didn’t think too much of it, as this fly rich Colombian girl had actually been to America, and thus “pulled the curtain back”, so to speak.

This whole thing really came to a “head”, so to speak, on my recent travels to Riga, Latvia.

I had no less that 5 different girls in Riga, Latvia say to me: “American Girls, they are really fat, yeah?” And only a couple of them had actually been to America.

I was particually brutal when I was hanging out with two fly Latvian girls, 18 and 19 years old, with thin, beautiful Baltic bodies and they said “American Girls, they are really fat, yeah?” and both girls started laughing evilly, wickedly and uncontrollably while sipping on cocktails.

It was then that I realized: America is a joke to the rest of the world.

How did we fall so fast?

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Dom Pachino – Vanishing

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Matt Taibbi: Recent Rolling Stone Articles

» 14 November 2010 » In Dope, Guide, People » 5 Comments

Matt Taibbi: Recent Rolling Stone Articles

“When they rob from the poor and give to the rich, they call it paying taxes you living legit.

If you rob from the rich and give to the poor, you got to go to jail, because you are breaking the law.” Papoose

Some recent articles by Matt Taibbi:

Matt Taibbi: Courts Helping Banks Screw Over Homeowners

Click Here for Griftopia: Bubble Machines, Vampire Squids, and the Long Con That Is Breaking America

The foreclosure lawyers down in Jacksonville had warned me, but I was skeptical. They told me the state of Florida had created a special super-high-speed housing court with a specific mandate to rubber-stamp the legally dicey foreclosures by corporate mortgage pushers like Deutsche Bank and JP Morgan Chase. This “rocket docket,” as it is called in town, is presided over by retired judges who seem to have no clue about the insanely complex financial instruments they are ruling on — securitized mortgages and laby rinthine derivative deals of a type that didn’t even exist when most of them were active members of the bench. Their stated mission isn’t to decide right and wrong, but to clear cases and blast human beings out of their homes with ultimate velocity. They certainly have no incentive to penetrate the profound criminal mysteries of the great American mortgage bubble of the 2000s, perhaps the most complex Ponzi scheme in human history — an epic mountain range of corporate fraud in which Wall Street megabanks conspired first to collect huge numbers of subprime mortgages, then to unload them on unsuspecting third parties like pensions, trade unions and insurance companies (and, ultimately, you and me, as taxpayers) in the guise of AAA-rated investments. Selling lead as gold, shit as Chanel No. 5, was the essence of the booming international fraud scheme that created most all of these now-failing home mortgages.


Exclusive Excerpt: America on Sale, From Matt Taibbi’s ‘Griftopia’

In the summer of 2009 I got a call from an acquaintance who worked in the Middle East. He was a young American who worked for something called a sovereign wealth fund, a giant state-owned pile of money that swims around the world in search of things to buy.

Click Here for Griftopia: Bubble Machines, Vampire Squids, and the Long Con That Is Breaking America

Sovereign wealth funds, or SWFs, are huge in the Middle East. Most of the bigger oil-producing states have massive SWFs that act as cash repositories (with holdings often kept in dollars) for the revenues generated by, for instance, state-owned oil companies. Unlike the central banks of most Western countries, whose main function is to accumulate reserves in an attempt to stabilize the domestic currency, most SWFs have a mission to invest aggressively and generate huge long-term returns. Imagine the biggest and most aggressive hedge fund on Wall Street, then imagine that that same fund is fifty or sixty times bigger and outside the reach of the SEC or any other major regulatory authority, and you’ve got a pretty good idea of what an SWF is.

My buddy was a young guy who’d come up working on the derivatives desk of one of the more dastardly American investment banks. After a few years of that he decided to take a step up morally and flee to the Middle East to go to work advising a bunch of sheiks on how to spend their oil billions.

Aside from the hot weather, it wasn’t such a bad gig. But on one of his trips home, we met in a restaurant and he mentioned that the work had gotten a little, well, weird.

“I was in a meeting where a bunch of American investment bankers were trying to sell us the Pennsylvania Turnpike,” he said. “They even had a slide show. They were showing these Arabs what a nice highway we had for sale, what the toll booths looked like . . .”

I dropped my fork. “The Pennsylvania Turnpike is for sale?”

He nodded. “Yeah,” he said. “We didn’t do the deal, though. But, you know, there are some other deals that have gotten done. Or didn’t you know about this?”


Matt Taibbi on the Tea Party

It’s taken three trips to Kentucky, but I’m finally getting my Tea Party epiphany exactly where you’d expect: at a Sarah Palin rally. The red-hot mama of American exceptionalism has flown in to speak at something called the National Quartet Convention in Louisville, a gospel-music hoedown in a giant convention center filled with thousands of elderly white Southerners. Palin — who earlier this morning held a closed-door fundraiser for Rand Paul, the Tea Party champion running for the U.S. Senate — is railing against a GOP establishment that has just seen Tea Partiers oust entrenched Republican hacks in Delaware and New York. The dingbat revolution, it seems, is nigh.

Click Here for Griftopia: Bubble Machines, Vampire Squids, and the Long Con That Is Breaking America

“We’re shaking up the good ol’ boys,” Palin chortles, to the best applause her aging crowd can muster. She then issues an oft-repeated warning (her speeches are usually a tired succession of half-coherent one-liners dumped on ravenous audiences like chum to sharks) to Republican insiders who underestimated the power of the Tea Party Death Star. “Buck up,” she says, “or stay in the truck.”

Stay in what truck? I wonder. What the hell does that even mean?


Taibbi’s Takedown of ‘Vampire Squid’ Goldman Sachs

The first thing you need to know about Goldman Sachs is that it’s everywhere. The world’s most powerful investment bank is a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money. In fact, the history of the recent financial crisis, which doubles as a history of the rapid decline and fall of the suddenly swindled dry American empire, reads like a Who’s Who of Goldman Sachs graduates.


Click Here for Griftopia: Bubble Machines, Vampire Squids, and the Long Con That Is Breaking America

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Dom Pachino – The Soil

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Jim McMahon: G Manifesto Hall of Fame

» 13 November 2010 » In Dope, G Manifesto, Guide, People, Style » 5 Comments

Jim McMahon: G Manifesto Hall of Fame

Former Irish-American, Chicago Bears quaterback Jim McMahon has been in the news recently:

When Jim McMahon played for the Bears, quarterbacks were not protected the way they are today in the NFL.

“Back then, it was just tape an aspirin to your helmet and you go back in,” McMahon told us Friday at the Super Bowl XX Bears reunion. “I’ve worked with some neurosurgeons and it’s a very serious thing, man.

“My memory’s pretty much gone. There are a lot of times when I walk into a room and forget why I walked in there. I’m going through some studies right now and I am going to do a brain scan. It’s unfortunate what the game does to you.”


I saw this and I thought it was pretty sad.

I have said before that I think the last full football game I have watched was the 1985 Chicago Bears Superbowl win when I was a little cub.

Although I didn’t grow up in Chicago, my grandfather and father lived there, when they traded the mean streets of Belfast, Ireland for the mean streets of Chicago’s Southside.

So, as a young little Baby G, I always liked the Chicago Bears.

Jim McMahon, who played football the way you are supposed to (all heart), was a two-time All-American (1980, 1981) in college, constantly told the NFL establishment to f*ck off, and led the Bears to the Superbowl title.

Winning the Superbowl, however, is not why Jim McMahon makes The G Manifesto Hall of Fame, as plenty of weesh guys have a Superbowl Ring. Jim McMahon, makes The G Manifesto Hall of Fame because of what he did the night before the big game.

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Let me break it down:

A few years back, I was hung over after swooping an Exotic Dancer, and I started flipping around the channels. I stopped on some kind of “re-cap” show of the 1985 football season.

McMahon was talking about the night before the Superbowl how he and a bunch of other Bears were drinking and smoking, and hanging out with the people at a bar in New Orleans.

Take it from your humble author, the pull of Bourbon Street can be pretty strong.

(Side note: Legend has it that, earlier in the week, at Felix’s Restaurant and Oyster Bar, on of my all-time favorite spots, The Fridge had reportedly sucked down four dozen oysters and a vat of gumbo.)

In the bar, he famously said: “You’ve got to teach your body who’s boss! If you’re feeling down, go out and abuse it again. If you don’t test your body, it will never learn how to respond.”

After a while, a bunch of New England Patriots walked in the bar, got a water or some crap and then headed back to their hotel to make sure they got a good nights sleep before the big game.

Legend also has it, McMahon, then yelled, cigarette and beer in hand, to the Patriots as they were leaving: “You p*ssies, we are going to kick your ass tomorrow!”

And they did. 46-10.

Now that’s G.

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Jim McMahon Chicago Bears Highlights 1985

Chicago Bears-Super Bowl Shuffle (As wack as this is, the Bears are better than 90% of modern day rappers. And at least there is no auto-tune).

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Manny “Pac-Man” Pacquiao VS Antonio “Tijuana Tornado” Margarito: Prediction

» 10 November 2010 » In Boxing, Guide, People » 8 Comments

Manny “Pac-Man” Pacquiao VS Antonio “Tijuana Tornado” Margarito: Prediction

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The fight that no one wanted, Manny Pacquiao VS Antionio Margarito will take place at Cowboys Stadium in Arlington, TX, Saturday, November 13th at 9 p.m. ET/6 p.m. PT on HBO PPV.

First off, how did Margarito even get this fight?

Oh yeah, I forgot, Pacquiao and Margarito both share the same promoter, Top Rank. Bob Arum gets high marks for craftyness and greed on this one. But let’s not get me started about the politics of boxing, let’s discuss the fight:

Manny Pacquiao VS Antionio Margarito, if I am not mistaken, is going to be fought at a catch weight of 150 pounds. On paper, this shouldn’t be much of an issue as Margarito has fought almost all of his career at welterweight. However, although Margarito seems to be in great shape, he is sparing in a rubber suit and seems pretty damn skinny.

Freddie Roach and Manny Pacquiao have a history of negotiating these catch weights that leave their opponents drained. So goes the benefits of being the biggest or second biggest star in the sport.

I have to think that Roach knows that this weight will drain Margarito and make him an easy target for “The Bruce Lee” of boxing. Why else would they pick Margarito to fight, besides the aforementioned Top Rank issue, and the fact that Margarito will bring in the Mexican fans and PPV buys in droves?

On the plus side for Margarito is that he is super durable with a great chin (at least until Sugar Shane Mosley cracked it). He also is a vicious body puncher and has great uppercuts from both sides, a punch that Manny is susceptible to be hit with.

On the negative side for Margarito, aside from a huge disadvantage in foot speed and hand speed, is that he has the habit of not returning his gloves to his face after he throws punches. This could prove deadly for him as Manny’s punches come from crazy angles and loco levels.

He also tends to throw his hooks a little wide, so Pac-Man will be able to shoot shots up the middle. Look for Manny to shoot hooks between Margarito’s gloves (ie shooting the punch straight and hooking at the last moment. A jab/hook fusion of sorts).

But the worst thing Margarito seems to have going for himself is that he seems to be sponsored by Affliction or Ed Hardy or one of those extremely gay t-shirt companies. There has seemed to be an “Affliction Shirt Curse” as everyone that wears one seems to lose. And I am not just talking about all the weesh guys that wear them out to nightclubs either. (see Hatton I think, Margarito, and some other fools that are escaping me at the moment).

HBO’s 24/7 is really playing up the storyline that Manny is “distracted” during training with his other commitments like being a Congressman in the Phillipines and helping other Politicians get re-elected like Democrat Harry Reid.

I am not sure if I buy it. Still, high marks for HBO on a great storyline as 24/7 remains the best show on television. (Although, the show lacks a little punch without Floyd Mayweather, Jr.)

Combos to watch for
Watch for Margarito to throw the jab, then step right, throw a straight right, left hook, then left jab, straight right combo. Margarito does this kind of throwing off the wrong foot thing and moving forward very well.

Watch for the Pacquiao’s right jab to body, straight left at an upward angle and right hook combo. And watch him skip turn out of harm’s way. This could be the knockout punch.

The Fight
I think Manny will chop up Margarito like some meat in some kaldereta and the fight will look something of a fusion between Pac-Man VS Ricky “The Hitman” Hatton and Pac-Man VS Miguel Cotto. With a stoppage coming somewhere around rounds 6-8.

It is in the realm of possibility that Margarito will put up a very inspired performance, damage Pac to the body, and simply be too rugged and big for Pacquiao. But I don’t see that happening.

The thing is, Pacquiao’s in-out, in-out combo, in-out combo routine is so tough to deal with. Margarito will catch Pac with some counters, but for every counter he does catch Manny with, Pacquiao’s in-out attack will be doing far more damage.

Pac’s speed and superior movement, and “turning the corner” on Margarito will be more than he can deal with. The template is there for Pacquiao. Cotto showed how to beat Margarito (minus the plaster fists) and so did Sugar Shane. If Mosley hadn’t already cracked Margarito’s jaw, it might be a different story.

I learned a long time ago, you don’t bet against fighters that only come around once in your lifetime (ie Pacquiao, Mayweather, Sugar Ray Leonard, Marvelous Marvin Hagler, Tommy Hearns, Roberto Duran etc). Margarito is not one of those fighters.

However, I have been around the Fight Game long enough to know that anything can happen.

Anyone seen Buster Douglas lately?

Hell, someone might have plaster in their gloves, a person could parachute in the ring, one fighter could bite another’s ear, water bottles could be drugged or entourages could start a full scale melee in the ring.

And that alone is enough to make me shell out the $54 dollars, or whatever the hell they are heisting, to watch.

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The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Manny Pacquiao Highlights

Antonio Margarito Highlights

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Sixth Night in Riga, Latvia: Reverse Rocky Marciano

» 08 November 2010 » In Game, Girls, Guide, Nightlife, Travel » 14 Comments

Sixth Night in Riga, Latvia: Reverse Rocky Marciano

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Finally, after a successful Succulent Youth fly Latvian girl swoop in Riga, I am finally firing punches from all angles. Even the super trippy dreams I have been having can’t slow me down.

I continue with my routine of Entering The Dragon to get ready for the beautiful evil that nighttime brings. It’s Saturday night in Riga, and I notice that the energy levels on the street are a little lower than Friday night. (Note to self, Friday is the big night in Riga.)

I need to Fuel The Dragon, so I step into a little Latvian joint and get a grind on. The bartender girl, who is of course fly, gives me some pretty good Data Sheets on where to go for the evening. I appreciate her info, as some of my Nightlife choices so far have been a little off-point.

I get a few more “warm up” drinks, spit some Street Game, help and old Latvian Lady cross the street, and head over to one of the Latvian bartender girls’ recommendations. I enter the spot, and the place is dope (I can’t believe I never noticed it before, I think it was closed earlier in the week), but I can tell I am a little early. I need to find something better so I store the spot in my gulliver and head to another spot.

I arrive at the bartender girls’ other recomendation, and the place is on. Finally, I am in a dope spot in Riga: some hip-hop tracks, tons upon tons of fly Latvian and Russian girls, an upstairs smoking room with another DJ, and did I mention tons upon tons of fly Latvian and Russian girls?

I start spitting Game with a quickness. Girls are down. I start dancing with a couple of Russian sisters, both fly, and bust out some Salsa Game to some psedo-wack Pitbull track. The Russian sisters pick up the Salsa pretty quick and ask me, “Are you a Salsa teeecher?”

My Salsa Game is getting mad tight since I was in Cartagena.

After making some rounds in the spot, I see a smooth black guy (one of the first I have seen in Riga) nod at me and I ask him, “American?”

He replies, “No mate, UK. You from America?”

I reply, “Yeah, mate. California. The beach.”

He then introduces me to some of his friends he is with. They are rolling five deep or so, and I figure it can’t hurt to have a little “insta-crew” since I keep finding myself in Karate Chop and Judo Throw situations in Riga.

His friends are all from UK and some are pseudo-Indian and Pakistani cats, and are all pretty cool. I have never hung out with any pseudo-Indian and Pakistani cats before, so its all new to me. These guys actually have some Game and are getting some girls cooking. They say they have been to Riga a bunch of times so they seem to know the score.

With a little “back up” I start doing what I do best: Swooping Fly Girls. I am feeling 120% off of my fresh swoop and Entering The Dragon session and my Game is coming real clean with no filler. Puro like Colombian Snow.

Moving from fly girl group to fly girl group, I am looking to swoop tonight. A few of the girls are so beautiful, my heart skips a beat a few times, but I am so seasoned at this stuff that I stay ice cold like a snow cone.

Outside the spot smoking some grits with some more fly Latvian girls, I notice a curious thing: A group of the Latvian girls are dying to have their pictures taken with the homeys from the UK. And they have no interest in taking a photo with me.

I ask one of the UK cats what its all about, and he says, “I think they like people with darker skin, Mate. It’s new to them I guess.”


We all roll back in and get back to work.

On second thought, the DJ sucks. He is playing tracks like this:

Instead of what he should be doing and spinning tracks like this:

Either way, there are still tons of fly girls in the spot. High Heels. Short Skirts. Thin. Fly.

My Game is on like Vietnam. (And I don’t mean that ETF, Market Vectors Vietnam (VNM), either).

I keep making solid, dynamic approaches, non-stop. Then I realize something: I have literally tried to swoop about 30 different girls in the spot to no avail. It’s really strange. If I am in America, and my Game is this tight, and I am feeling this good, I would have banged out two different girls by now, and back at the club ordering another Goose Soda Lime. All I have for my efforts is a couple of “loose” Number Crunches.

I kind of feel like Miguel Cotto must have felt in his fight with Antonio Margarito; I am landing clean shots, moving well and winning the fight on the cards, but I feel like I am ultimately going to end up in a bloody heap on the canvas.

Like I said before, it’s Strange.

I keep plugging away. (So to speak).

After a bunch more Game spitting sessions, I end up empty handed. By my count, I am something like 0-49 on the night. Unreal. A “Reverse Rocky Marciano”, of sorts. I literally don’t think this has ever happened to me. In my whole life.

The spot is still dope, but I ditch the UK cats and head back to the earlier spot. I need to switch up speeds like Bruce Lee riding the Fuji in that movie. It’s more on, this time.

I make a good love connection, as if my name was Chuck Woolery, with a fly Russian girl name Jekatarina. I get pseudo-stepped to by a big Russian guy, but Jekatarina helps and translates me out of another potential Karate Chop situation, and I smooth it over.

Jekatarina is pretty down, but I can’t close. She kisses me before she steps into her cab. I will have to swoop her tommorrow.

I can’t believe after one of the sickest, award winning Game performaces I have ever put on in my life, I am empty handed again.

I can only think one thing: Riga is tough.

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The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

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