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Best Investment Advice for 2011

» 23 March 2011 » In Guide, money » 8 Comments

Best Investment Advice for 2011

BG: What’s your best investment advice for 2011?

Jim Rogers: Buy the rmb [renminbi, the Chinese currency].

Bill Bonner: We are in a period much like the period following WWI, in which the great debts and losses of the war had to be reckoned with. It is an era of great risk. The U.S. faces many of the same challenges faced by Germany and England after WWI. Like England, it has huge debts. It is a waning imperial power. And it has the world’s reserve currency. And like Germany, it is attempting to fix its problems by printing more money. This is not a good time to be long either U.S. stocks or U.S. bonds.

Peter Schiff: Don’t be suckered into the idea that recovery is just around the corner. The current climate is like living in a hurricane or earthquake zone; it’s important to stay vigilant because you never know when disaster will strike. Physical gold is the financial equivalent of a flashlight, first-aid kit, and store of canned goods. It’s a basic way to protect yourself from any eventuality. From there, if you’re looking for returns, there are plenty of foreign markets with strong fundamentals, as well as commodities that feed those markets.

Investing in the U.S. is now driven largely by force of habit. It’s a habit you should resolve to break.

Jeffrey Christian: Do not invest based on what you believe, but on what you know. Gold is a market, like other markets. It rises and falls. You probably want to stay long gold on a long-term basis, but may want to cull the weaker gold assets from your portfolio in the first quarter, and put some hedges in place to protect a long-term core long gold position against the potential of significant price weakness over the next two years or so. Such a period of weakness would be an excellent time to add to one’s gold assets.

John Williams: As an economist, I look for the U.S. dollar ultimately to lose virtually all of its current purchasing power. Accordingly, for those living in a U.S. dollar-denominated world, it would make sense to move to preserve wealth and assets over the long-term. Physical gold is a primary hedge (as is silver). Holding some stronger currencies outside the U.S. dollar, as well as having some assets outside the United States, also may make sense.

Steve Henningsen: Dramamine (for volatile markets), a stash of cash (for potential investment opportunities), and move some of your assets offshore if you haven’t already.

Frank Trotter: My advice is first to look at the other side of your balance sheet – the liability and risk equation – before seeking out absolute gains. What are your goals, what resources do you already have to meet those goals, and what events (health, income stream, upheavals) might impact these risks? Place some assets to hedge these risks directly, then look to diversify globally into markets with higher growth potential than we see here at home, and that may balance your global purchasing power risk. Almost like a religion, we have had the phrase “Stocks are the only legitimate hedge against inflation” beaten into our heads. I say, look at assets that define inflation like commodities and currencies and evaluate where these fit into your risk portfolio.

Krassimir Petrov: Last year I recommended silver, and I would stick to silver again, despite the phenomenal run in 2010. Then it gets tricky. I usually don’t recommend diversification, but now I would again recommend a broad portfolio of commodities. Investing in 2011 should be easy: stay out of real estate, out of bonds, out of fiat currencies, and out of stocks; stay fully invested in commodities, overweight gold and silver.

What to watch in 2011: stay focused on the sovereign debt crisis and bond yields. Spiking yields will trigger the next stage of the crisis.

Bob Hoye: Once past the early part of 2011, the best returns are likely to be obtained from the junior gold exploration sector.


The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

How I See the World Today: Question and Answer Period | Jim Rogers

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G Move: Locking Down your Shoe Cobbler

» 21 March 2011 » In Guide, Luxury, money, Style » 2 Comments

G Move: Locking Down your Shoe Cobbler

It always amazes me on how many people don’t have a Shoe Cobbler locked down. And I mean even people that know what up don’t have it on Lock Down.

I remember when I was in NYC last summer, and I was visiting a friend who is probably a Top 50 International Playboy in all of America. The guy is G, travels all the time, makes dough, swoops Models, Custom Suits, smokes cigarettes; like I said, at most, only 49 people in all of America are a more highly rated International Playboy than this cat.

I needed a new heel on a pair of loafers that I did some damage, walking and stomping in Barcelona. So I asked my friend, “Do you have a Cobbler here on lock down?”

He didn’t. I almost slapped him.

Luckily, I got a guy in New York that I know, so everything worked out great.

However, I cannot stress enough how important it is to have a Cobbler on Lock.

Just yesterday, I dropped off four pairs of shoes to my guy for his old world craftsmanship and hung out with him for a while to hear stories of the old country. I even spoke a little Italian to him. (For style points, of course.)

The result:

Tax free purchases (paid in CASH of course)
Pro-Bono Shoe Shines
Multiple Pro-Bono hole punches in my belt (I have been really getting into tip top shape spending time at the newly re-opened Legendary 5th Street Gym in Miami Beach and Sparring in Bogotá)

Plus I got to hear some stories of back when America was great (pre-skinny jeans, pre-glittery shirts, pre-Bottle Service, pre-smoking bans, you know, back when there was freedom) and support a dying art in a country that forgot what quality is.

I have done my good deed for the day.

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The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

A day at a bespoke shoemakers

Wale Jump Freestyle New 2011 Freestyle!

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Stalley: Lincoln Way Nights (Intelligent Trunk Music) and Jim Rogers on Japan

» 19 March 2011 » In hip hop, money, Music, People » 1 Comment

Stalley: Lincoln Way Nights (Intelligent Trunk Music) and Jim Rogers on Japan

I posted a Stalley track on Cocaine, Custom Suits and Wall Street. Here is the full mixtape for summer:

Here is Jim Rogers breaking down the economic impact of Japan disaster:

“normally when something like this happens it leads to a chance to buy things , all man made or natural disasters in the past meant that you could buy something, now I am not buying anything I am just watching at the moment , this is horrible and we do not know how it all gonna wind up, I would thing buying commodities would be better than buying stocks but I might buy both”, says Jim Rogers

Click Here for Forex Ironman – Next Generation Fx Trading

Click Here for A Gift to My Children: A Father’s Lessons for Life and Investing by Jim Rogers

Click Here for Adventure Capitalist: The Ultimate Road Trip by Jim Rogers

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

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Sex and Clients

» 15 March 2011 » In Game, Girls, Guide, money » 2 Comments

Sex and Clients

Here is a recent question from one of our readers:

“I respect your writing style and literary swagger, and I enjoy the hell out of your content. Keep it up.

I hold down a very respectable (redacted) startup in its (redacted) year, (redacted) employees, annual rev around $(redacted)m. We sell (redacted) to medium and large firms. I am not the owner but I have respectable share in the company, and I function as a vice president.

Many business employ women in their marketing departments. I bang on average at least one client every 4 months, often more now the recession is over. How advisable is this? I’m not asking at a dating advice level, I’m asking for sheer baller status. Is it weak sauce game to pounce so heavily where ones money cometh from? Does banging clients over time erode your ability to extract more funds from them? Guy from Mad Men wouldnt care but his world had very different parameters than ours does.

Just curious. I am a complete loss for whether this is good, bad or neither.

Thanks brother, keep tossing out that fuego,


Excellent question.

I have never watched “Mad Men” but I am familiar with the gist of the show. (It is amazing how many people mention this show to me, I probably need to watch it sometime).

And yes, our world has changed a lot in comparison to years gone by. I often rap out and watch big boxing matches at this older biz cat’s crib that I am good friends with. He is always talking about the glory days of when he would drink non-stop at work and swoop his secretaries. But that is neither high heels nor greased up construction deals.

To get back to the heart of your question, I would say for sure it’s a bad move.

Thankfully, I have most of my life been working in “industries” where there are not many women around. And I like it this way. I like separating women and biz, since the two mix together like combustible pool chemicals.

Often I have been enticed by “glamour businesses” where you can swoop mad girls along with work (coincidentally, I almost just invested in one with a lot of model swooping upside), but I have been glad that I haven’t gotten involved. Bottom line:

1. Glamour businesses always seem difficult to get your money out
2. I love women as much as the next psychotic International Playboy, but hanging out with them 24/7 is for the weesh
3. See #2

Swooping work girls is understandable if those “work girls” happen to be Models (or girls with Beauty, Intelligence, Money and Family. BIMF’s) .

But 9-5 girls? No shot.

And all that extra risk for an additional 3 swoops per year? Better off taking a Mini-Retirement to Las Vegas and increase those numbers 10 fold.

Most importantly, you never want to mess with anything that can potentially jeopardize your CASH flow.

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In other news, here is Marc Faber On The Japanese Disaster, On A 20% Market Correction And On QE18

Via Zero Hedge

And here is Marc Faber on Money and Women

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

The Whispers – Emergency Official Video

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Jim Rogers: On Bernanke, Commodities and Currencies

» 09 March 2011 » In money, People » 3 Comments

Jim Rogers: On Bernanke, Commodities and Currencies

Jim Rogers breaks it down for Larry “Cocaine and Cufflinks” Kudlow:

(And talks some sh*t a la Ricardo Mayorga.)

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Crude oil prices have been rising. Do you see supply constraints on mounting pressure from West Asia or speculation?

Of course, it’s supply constraints. Libya has closed down some of its oil production, while Egypt is having problems with its production. There are turmoils in many countries and this is causing supply problems.

These may be temporary problems, but the world, in the mean time, is losing some of its inventory. So, if there is calm and peace tomorrow, we may have oil go down for a while, but the basic problem that the world is running out of known oil reserves continues.

What is your medium-term outlook on crude oil?

Crude oil will continue to go higher, though there can be intermittent corrections. The price of oil is going to continue to rise for years to come.

The dollar index has fallen almost 6 per cent in the past three months. Do you feel that the dollar is losing its appeal as the reserve currency?
Yes, it is an ongoing process. The correction has been severe. But, that is going to happen with the US dollar, as it continues to lose its status as the reserve currency. It is a terribly flawed currency.

Are you investing in other currencies? Which is your favourite and why?

The renmibi is my favourite currency. China has a gigantic balance of trade surplus, and it is the largest creditor nation in the world.

It has a lot of things going for it. Clearly, a currency that can and will go up is the renmibi.

The Chinese are trying to hold it down now, rightly or wrongly. And, I think it is a mistake to try to hold it down. But, the renmibi is the currency that has to appreciate a lot in the next few years.

The bull run has just begun in agricultural commodities. How long do you see that lasting?

I am very bullish on agricultural commodities, probably more than other class of commodities. My favourite agri-commodity is rice.

What is your outlook for gold and silver?

I own both gold and silver and I am neither selling nor buying these two precious metals at current levels.

This week, there are supposedly going to be mass demonstrations/protests in Saudi Arabia. If this happens, gold and silver prices will surge and I will then buy. So, I am not buying gold and silver right now, but I am certainly not selling.

After the recent correction, how are you viewing the Indian equities?

I am just watching. I have sold/short emerging markets and emerging market (EM) ETFs.

EMs have been one of the most exploited sectors of the market in the last two-three years. I have sold/short emerging market and I am not buying any markets anywhere except commodities.

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Click Here for A Gift to My Children: A Father’s Lessons for Life and Investing by Jim Rogers

Click Here for Adventure Capitalist: The Ultimate Road Trip by Jim Rogers


The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

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