I always try to Give back to The People. From small, humble gestures around Christmas time, to handing out Turkeys to the less fortunate during Thanksgiving. And I always do these things Custom Suited Down while smoking grits. For Style points, of course.
Whenever you give back to The People, you should never expect anything in return. You should do it because it is the right thing to do.
If you give, without expecting anything in return, a curious thing happens: You become more G.
It will help make you the best person you can be. And that person swoops mad fly girls.
“While you’ve been reading this three Haitians have died under heaped-up stone unrescued and an AIG executive has earned two hundred dollars for helping wreck the world economy, and he’ll earn three thousand more in the next hour while twenty more Haitians die.”
In light of the earthquake in Haiti, now is good time to start giving, if you haven’t already.
Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life
The Five Stairsteps performing “O-o-h Child” on Soul Train
Once again, it’s the late night opium den patron, watching Exotic Dancers shaking, midsection got the 8 in, Savile Row pimping, with that International Playboy system diction, spitting the non-fiction, without contradiction, never wearing “Affliction”, till I get the crucifixion and my drug addiction causes my dereliction in every jurisdiction with benediction.
Often times, people come up to me on the streets when I am Custom Suited Down, handing out $5 bills to little kids in my neighborhood (old-school G Move) out on twenty-two Heartache Avenue and ask me, “Yo Michael, How do you swoop 100 girls per year?”
Great question.
And, since I am sick of people asking me, here is how it’s done:
2 Fly Girls per week
First thing you have to realize is that swooping 100 fly girls per year, is only swooping two fly girls per week. Once you wrap your Rasoodock around it, it doesn’t seem that difficult anymore, right? Hell, these days my Game is so strong, I could probably wear off-the rack suits, be a boring non-smoker, and stand on my head and still pull it off. Initiative comes to thems that wait.
Roll out
I don’t really feel bad for most guys who don’t swoop 100 girls per year. 99 times out of 100, they simply don’t roll out at night often enough. Me? I steady go out 3 to 5 nights per week, suffering the tortures of the damned. Tortures of the damned.
I swoop fly girls, puff Heaven Haze, not just the weekends, that’s seven days.
Custom Suits, sharp as a Miyamoto Musashi’s Katanas
The next thing you need to do is dress mad sharp. Hell, I have Custom Suits in my wardrobe that if I put them on a mannequin in the middle of top tier nightclub they would swoop 50 top notch girls per year on their own.
Dressing sharp will make swooping the girls easier, obviously, but more importantly, you will have Style while you are swooping (and I don’t mean that bald Pick up Artist who wrote The Game either). It is pointless to swoop mad girls in glittery Ed Hardy shirts and suspect designer jeans with rhinestones. Because, when all is said and done, you are still wearing glitter and rhinestones.
So, wear gear that hits hard like Macho Camacho and Vargas, find your targets, and peg the market.
Las Vegas
At some point in the year, you are going to have to hit up Las Vegas. The reason? You need to roll thru a place where you can go “Murder Machine” and swoop like five girls in a night. There is no place is easier to swoop five girls in a night than Las Vegas. Most times when I do this, I just keep my door to my Salon Suite at Wynn propped open. Otherwise, I am struggling with that damn room key all night. Lately, I have been considering asking Steve Wynn to put in a revolving door for me.
Swooping five girls in a night just makes your life a lot easier, like some of the tips in Tim Ferris’sThe Four Hour Work Week. Maybe I should write a book titled, “The Five Fly Girls Swoop Night”.
Minnie Ripperton (Inside My Love) – Proof That Angels on Earth do exist.
Stick and Move like a Young Muhammad Ali
You are going to have to move cities often and stay nimble, like your humble author, if you want to swoop 100 fly girls per year. Many American cities can get cooked pretty quickly. And, forget it if you are hitting up a town. Hell, I can cook a place like Laguna Beach in just a few weeks and have every guy in the town wanting my blood spilled. Do like Muhammad Ali and I do: Stick and Move.
Gentleman’s club Little known fact: The one who controls the top Gentleman’s Clubs in each city is usually the top Playboy in each city. (Unless, of course, the guy who controls the Gentleman’s Club works at the Gentleman’s Club.)
The reason? The top G at the top The Gentleman’s Club swoops fly girls on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights. These are nights that most run of the mill “players” stay in. Most weeks, I will have three or four girls already swooped by weekend time.
Un-Pick up Girls
When you swoop 100 fly girls per year, you can’t have girls play you close like Nutella plays toast. You have to learn how to Un-Pick up Girls.
I am actually working on this new futuristic Game Technique, that is wrapped so tight that the drug dogs can’t smell it, where you swoop a girl and Un-swoop her almost simultaneously.
The whole relationship with the girl gets caught in a time space continuum and the swoop frames are incredibly collapsed. Real post-apocalypse type stuff with a new twist. So dope that even Alicia Keys won’t be telling my secrets.
It’s so innovative that the world might start spinning the other direction. Creating a whole new market like G Manifesto Hall of Fame Member, Marc “The King of Oil” Rich.
I will un-wrap it, break it down and bag it up when I conclude my research. Baggies and Blue Tops, Purple Tops, Red Tops, Push Drops. (Trust it will be Puro, un-cut raw, and no Arm and Hammer.) You won’t be able to feel your face.
Sometimes, I feel like I am the Jonas Salk/ José Gonzalo Rodríguez Gacha of this Game Sh*t.
Side note:
Teddy Pendergrass, Rest in Peace. Huge loss, and true G.
I floated some CASH to Haiti. If you want to do the same, Click Here for The Red Cross. A huge part of being a G is helping those in need.
Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life
Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life
Here are the 2nd G Manifesto Awards. The 1st G Manifesto Awards, are here: The G Manifesto Awards, The Best of 2007. I missed 2008 as I was busy swooping girls and had a little street War to contend with at the time. (Also check out the Outlook for 2008, where I was like the Nouriel Roubini of this Game s*it, of sorts).
Again, these Awards are places or things that I have been to or experienced in 2009. So don’t get itchy if your local nightclub in Cleveland doesn’t make the list.
Best Comeback City: New Orleans. My love affair with New Orleans is well documented. This year was the first year since Katrina where the swagger seemed to return. Do as a G does; visit often and drop CASH.
Best High-Action City: Tijuana, Mexico. I wouldn’t exactly call it a love affair with Tijuana, but I have spent mad time there and turned mad dollars there. The place is actually a lot safer now than the papers would lead you to believe.
Best Day Game City: Buenos Aires. The volume of fly girls for Street Game makes it hard to ignore.
Best Beach Locals: The Somali Pirates. These guys made the boys from The North Shore and The Bra Boys seem tame. They made mad dough, raged hard, protected their coast, swooped mad girls and even caused real estate bubbles in other countries. Hell, I have been seriously considering rolling down there and joining the fun. I wonder if there are some un-crowded points to be had to the brain?
Best International Restaurant: Restaurante Arzak in San Sebastian. Spain is really kicking out the best grinds right now. And Restaurante Arzak is top rank. I am frothing at the mouth thinking about it. Will be there again in May.
Best US Restaurant: Galatories. The best goddamn restaurant in America. I love how they even make President’s wait for a table.
I get top tier service.
Honorable Mention: Gramercy Tavern. I have to include this spot because of the first class treatment, pro-bono wine pours and the sweet breads. Nothing about it the meal was “so-so”, more like “fabuloso”. Additionally, I was politicking with this fly chick and digging her moves because she smooth and she choose to pay dues.
Best International Hotel: Four Seasons Hotel George V, Paris, France. Decadence since 1928. I really like the indoor pool surrounded by tromp l’oeil murals of the Versailles gardens.
Best US Hotel: The Waldorf Towers, New York. The one bedroom Grand suites with the separate entrance are style and elegance defined. They are not cheap (about 5k), but they really do pay for themselves.
Best Fight: Juan Manuel Marquez VS Juan Diaz. Marquez proves once again how he is The G in a come from behind devastating knockout of an 80’s baby.
Most Masterful Performance: Floyd Mayweather, Jr. VS Juan Manuel Marquez.
Best Blog: Roissy in DC. I would have said The G Manifesto, but that would have seemed rigged, right? In all seriousness, Roissy kicked out gem after gem almost every day of the year and truly transcended.
Best Forum: RooshV Forum. If you like traveling and swooping fly foreign girls, then this is your forum.
Best Hip-Hop Track: I Hate My Job, Cam’ron. Nothing captured 2009 better than Cam’s “recession rap” track when most American’s were coming out with a pitiful rookerful of money.
Funny too.
Ayo I’m lookin’ for a job, ain’t nobody hiring,
Then I ask the boss, “when y’all doin’ firing?”
Great sample from Barbara Mandrell’s “Sleeping Single In A Double Bed”.
Best Break out Hip-Hop Artist: No, not Asher Roth or Drake. It’s Black Milk. “Losing Out” was enough to do it.
Best Soul Track and Album: Maxwell – Pretty Wings and BLACKsummers’night. The cat was gone for eight years. No wonder this decade was terrible. Come to think of it, anyone seen D’Angelo?
Woman of The Year: Ashley Alexandra Dupré. It is truly amazing how this girl has kept her mouth shut (so to speak) for the entire year. She deserves all the props in the world, and a shining beacon of hope for her self-absorbed peers of her generation.
Honorable Mention: Sonia Sotomayor
G of the Year: Joaquín Guzmán Loera. No one did it bigger in 2009 than “El Chapo”. Untouchable like Elliot Ness. Hell, he even came in at #701 on Forbes’ list of richest people in the world with an estimated net worth of $2 billion. A low estimate if I have ever seen one.
Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life
If you are me, you make a bunch of sandwiches, throw them in a backpack, head to the roughest neighborhood in city and hand them out to the homeless. Custom Suited Down, of course. Smoking street grits for maximum style points.
Giving back to The People. People’s Champ Style.
I actually do this type of stuff periodically. I don’t talk about it much, because I am not looking for any “credit”, but I thought it would be a good idea to let the Younger G’s out there know how to get down.
Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life