Roissy: Alpha Body Language Tips

» 05 June 2009 » In Dope, Game, Style » 3 Comments

Roissy: Alpha Body Language Tips

Click Here for What Every BODY is Saying: An Ex-FBI Agent’s Guide to Speed-Reading People

One of the few Blogs I read: Roissy in DC, Where pretty lies perish had a good post on Body Language:

When a woman tries to get your attention, take a second longer to swivel your head to reply. The goal is to introduce a palpable, but not off-putting, tension to the interaction. In other words, make her sweat.

Keep your head cocked upward slightly. This will accentuate the heaviness of your brow ridge and the heft of your chin and jaw, both indicators of alpha testosterone levels. It also imparts you with a haughtiness that women find irresistible.

Scratch your balls in public once in a while.

If you say something stupid, goofy or impolite (hey, it happens) don’t backpedal or get flustered. Act as if nothing is wrong. Embarrassment is for the little people.

Click Here for What Every BODY is Saying: An Ex-FBI Agent’s Guide to Speed-Reading People

Be scandalous.

Rudely glance around the room every so often when a girl is talking to you.

Be inattentive. Betas focus like a laser beam when engaging a girl because she is the reason for his existence. Alphas exist for themselves.

Be narcissistic. There is no greater divergence than that between a woman’s stated disapproval of male narcissism and the rapidity with which she jumps into bed with a male narcissist.

Keep a toothpick in your mouth if you don’t smoke.

Be judgmental. Say “Hm” and “I see” a lot when a woman talks to you, arching your eyebrows and frowning skeptically.

If a girl says something genuinely funny (rare, like a lunar eclipse), don’t boisterously laugh in appreciation. Snicker instead.

Be territorial. Spread those arms and legs out.

Learn to love the pregnant pause. When a girl shit tests you, don’t respond like a wind-up beta. Give her a blank, serial killer stare and wait… wait……. waiiiiit for it…. ANSWER! Wow, that was hot. I’m positive I just made a female reader squirm delightfully in her seat.

If you don’t have a witty answer ready for deployment, silence beats stilted conversation.

Lead with your crotch.

Don’t ever fall for the “tap on the shoulder” or the “something on your tie” gags.

Be imperious. The world is your harem.

Finally… use the power of your back. Turning your back on people who have displeased you is a great way to get them to qualify themselves. Girls will reopen. Guys will vamoose.


Click Here for What Every BODY is Saying: An Ex-FBI Agent’s Guide to Speed-Reading People

I think these are pretty right on target.

I was really impressed that Roissy added “Keep a toothpick in your mouth if you don’t smoke.”

This is a great non-smoker guy move.

Another option?

In a non-smoking restaurant, use a cocktail straw or stir.

You always want to draw a girls attention to your mouth.

That is why smoking is so effective.

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Wale – Gotta Be Magic

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Do option traders need to be fluent in Greek?

» 05 June 2009 » In money » No Comments

Do option traders need to be fluent in Greek?
June 4, 2009
By: Matthew Bradbard

Buy The Little Book of Bull Moves in Bear Markets: How to Keep Your Portfolio Up When the Market is Down by Peter Schiff

Click Here for Pit Bull: Lessons from Wall Street’s Champion Day Trader

MB Wealth Corp. is not responsible and does not endorse anything out side of the content of this article authored by Matthew Bradbard; President of MB Wealth

The Option Greeks
When trading commodities there are 2 basic ways to trade: futures or options. Depending on the portfolio size, the risk tolerance and ultimate goals we will suggest assorted strategies to take advantage of the same anticipated move in an underlying commodity. That may mean an individual speculating on gold moving higher if they foresee inflation, a farmer buying put options in agriculture as a hedge or perhaps a combination of futures and options depending on the exact plan. Trading futures ultimately means one is trading on margin which some are not comfortable, with while trading options may offer an alternative without the sleepless nights. When purchasing options one’s risk is limited to the premium paid plus any fees for the transaction. When writing or granting options the risk becomes greater, without going into intricate details, it may be useful to be more familiar with the terms below when trading commodity options. Find below an explanation of the “option Greeks.” It is important for an active options trader to at least become familiar with these characteristics since he/she may need to make quick decisions about trading strategies and risk management on the fly.

Delta is the amount by which the option changes compared to the underlying commodity. It is a measure of the probability that an option will expire in-the-money. Call deltas can be interpreted as the probability that the option will finish in-the-money. Put deltas can be interpreted as -1 times the probability that the option will finish in-the-money. An at-the-money option, which has a delta of approximately 0.5, has roughly a 50/50 chance of ending up “in-the-money”. For example, if an at-the-money sugar call option has a delta of 0.5, and if sugar makes a 100 tick move higher, the premium on the option will increase approximately by 50 ticks (0.5 x 100 = 50), or $560 (each tick in premium is worth $11.20).

An explanation of delta values is below:
Call options: 0 to 1 Put options: -1 to 0
In the money options: Delta approaches 1 (call: +1, put: -1)
At the money options: Delta is about 0.5 (call: +0.5, put: -0.5)
Deep out of the money options: Delta approaches 0
Long calls have a positive delta: You want the market to go up
Short calls have a negative delta: You want the market to go down
Long puts have a negative delta: You want the market to go down
Short puts have a positive delta: You want the market to go up

Gamma, measures the rate of change of delta. When call options are deep out-of-the-money, they generally have a small delta. This is because changes in the underlying commodity bring about only minute changes in the price of the option. But as the call option gets closer to the money, resulting from a continued rise in the price of the underlying commodity, the delta gets larger.

Buy The Little Book of Bull Moves in Bear Markets: How to Keep Your Portfolio Up When the Market is Down by Peter Schiff

Click Here for Pit Bull: Lessons from Wall Street’s Champion Day Trader

The gamma of a long option position (both calls and puts) is always positive. At-the-money options have the largest gamma. The further an option goes “in-the-money” or, “out-of-the-money” will affect the gamma. If you are long gamma you expect the underlying to make large moves. Traders with long positions expect positive gamma. If you are short gamma you expect the underlying to remain relatively inactive. Traders with short positions expect negative gamma. Gamma is a useful indication of the risk associated with a futures position. A large gamma number, whether positive or negative indicates a high degree of risk and a low gamma number indicates a low degree of risk.


Theta is defined as the change in the price of an option for a 1 day decrease in the time left before expiration. At-the-money options have the greatest time value and the greatest rate of time decay (theta). The further an option goes “in-the-money” or “out-of-the-money”, will affect the theta. As volatility falls, the time value declines and hence theta will also decline. Simply put Theta is the rate at which an option loses its value as each day passes. The inherent assumption is that the options are a decaying asset. The way I explain this is like a melting ice cube on a warm summer day. Long options have negative theta. Short options have positive theta. As time passes, the theta of at-the-money options increases, the theta of deep-in-the-money and out-of-the-money options decreases.

Theta has the exact opposite characteristics of gamma. Thus the size of a gamma position correlates to the size of the theta position. A large positive gamma position goes in hand with a large negative theta position, while a large negative gamma position goes hand in hand with a large positive theta position. What this means is that every option position is a tradeoff between market movement and time decay.

Vega is the change in the value of an option for a 1 percentage point increase in implied volatility of the underlying commodities price. Implied volatility is measured as the annualized standard deviation of a commodity’s daily price changes. The Vega of a long option position (calls and puts) is always positive. At-the-money options have the greatest Vega. The further an option goes “in-the-money” or “out-of-the-money”, the smaller the Vega. As time passes, Vega decreases. Time amplifies the effect of volatility changes. As a result, Vega is greater for longer dated options than for shorter dated options. Simply put Vega is the option’s change in theoretical value with a change in volatility. Most options have a positive Vega because they gain value with rising volatility and lose with falling volatility. Vega of most options decline as time decreases and you get closer to expiration. Vega tells you approximately how much an option price will increase or decrease given an increase or decrease in the level of implied volatility.

In conclusion it would be beneficial to be at least familiar with these terms when trading options. While it is not a necessity to be an expert we believe knowledge is power and it helps to know when you are making or loosing money and WHY?

For specific strategies contact us via e-mail or telephone at (888) 920-9997 / 954-929-9997. Don’t forget to tell them The G Manifesto sent you. For the most part investors reading this analysis want to be more hands on, however we suggest taking a look at our managed futures section and consider diversifying further via CTA’s with proven track records: MB Wealth Managed Futures

Risk Disclosure: The risk of loss in trading commodity futures and options can be substantial. Before trading MB Wealth recommends that you should carefully consider your financial position to determine if commodity trading is appropriate for you. All funds committed should be purely risk capital. Past performance is no guarantee of future trading results. There are no guarantees of market outcome stated, everything stated above are our opinions. Calculations of profit and loss have not factored in commissions and fees.

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Strip Club Tip: Lobster Trapping

» 02 June 2009 » In Game, Gentleman's Club, Girls, Nightlife » 9 Comments

Strip Club Tip: Lobster Trapping

Click Here to Download The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report (pdf)

Here is another classic Advanced Gentleman’s Club move I have been using to great effect for years:

One of the most effective moves you can do at a Gentleman’s Club is called “Lobster Trapping” in the G’s argot. This also works especially well in a Down Economy.

Basically, Lobster Trapping is going to a Gentleman’s Club early in the night, let’s say 10pm, and post up. You only want to stay about an hour or so.

Wale- “Penthouse Anthem”

During that hour, you want to do the typical G things we all know and love: roll in Dolo, suited down, flash CASH, smoke jacks and tell lies like OJ on trial. You know, International Playboy type stuff. Tell girls you are only staying for a “little while” because your friend is opening a new dope Wine Bar or something. Display mad swag.

Which for me, is no bother since I got more Game than Parker Brothers, Can’t Lose like Parker Lewis, and drink more wine than Robert Parker.

Basically, make the Exotic or Exotics crestfallen that they can’t roll with you. This is the setting the “trap” part of Lobster Trapping. When they beg you to come back, give them your Appypolly loggys and reply “Maybe”.

Click Here to Buy The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists by Neil Strauss

Next you want to shoot to some kind of civilian lounge or nightclub for a while and crunch some civilian numbers. Maybe some waitress girls, Nightlife Princesses, Platinum Diggers or swoop a promoter’s or DJ’s girlfriend. Spend about an hour and half or so doing this (these time estimates are based on a Typical West Coast time schedule. Las Vegas or Miami Beach would obviously be different). This will give the Exotic Dancers just enough time to miss you, for the Washington Apple shots to take hold, Beeks to have effect and for “regular guy” to make you look good.

After that non-sense, shoot back to the Gentleman’s Club. It’s time to check the “harvesting” of your “traps” for Exotics. (And I don’t mean that Super fly Model style Exotic Dancer I know from The Rhino in Las Vegas named Exotica, real name Cindy, either).

Girls will be all over you like lobsters on rotting, decaying Dover Sole. Or a rival you delivered down to Davey Jones Locker.

Close Artistically

Click Here to Download The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report (pdf)

Be sure to check The G Manifesto’s Gentleman’s Club Resources:

Top Ten Strip Club Mistakes

Advanced move for Picking up Exotic Dancers

The Gentleman’s Club Theorem AKA The Local Bar Theorem

Manifesto Destiny II: Innovative Gentleman’s Club Concepts

Manifesto Destiny: The Gentleman’s Club

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Kut Klose- I Like

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Cocaine Cowboys: Griselda Blanco’s son Michael Corleone

» 02 June 2009 » In Guide, People » 1 Comment

Cocaine Cowboys: Griselda Blanco’s son Michael Corleone

Click Here to Buy Cocaine Cowboys

Source Via Rakontur

Click Here to Buy Cocaine Cowboys

Click Here for Fool’s Paradise: Players, Poseurs, and the Culture of Excess in South Beach by Steven Gaines

Click Here for The South Beach War Report Part I: The Basics

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

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Scheme (Molemen) – The Manifesto EP

» 02 June 2009 » In hip hop » 1 Comment

Scheme (Molemen) – The Manifesto EP

Click Here to Buy Cocaine Cowboys

Scheme-Chicano from Scheme on Vimeo.

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

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