Heisting Drug Dealers on The Rise

» 21 April 2009 » In Crime, money » No Comments

Heisting Drug Dealers on The Rise

Click Here for The Top Ten ways to Make Money in a Down Economy

Click Here for The G Manifesto’s The Tijuana Report: There is a War going on Outside

Click Here for Cocaine Trafficking in Latin America

When the heavy battering started to buckle the front door of her new home in Tucson, Maria remained frozen to the spot with fear.

As her family scattered to hide in the bedrooms, bathroom and kitchen, masked men toting guns and dressed in flack jackets stormed into the living room shouting “Police! Everyone on the floor!”

Her cheek pressed to the ground, she watched as the men fanned out through the comfortable suburban house, pistol whipping her brother-in-law and shouting, “Where are the guns and the drugs?”

“I raised my head and saw his black boots … It was then I realized they weren’t police at all,” she recalled, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Maria, who has no connection to the criminal underworld, is among scores of law-abiding Tucson residents caught up in a wave of violent so-called home invasions, most of them linked to the lucrative trade in drugs smuggled from Mexico. Maria had bought the house weeks before and the gunmen believed drug traffickers were using it.

Click Here for The Top Ten ways to Make Money in a Down Economy

Click Here for The G Manifesto’s The Tijuana Report: There is a War going on Outside

Click Here for Cocaine Trafficking in Latin America

The desert city is less than two hour’s drive from the Mexico border. It lies on a crossroads for the multimillion dollar trade in drugs headed north to market across the United States from Mexico, as well as guns and hot money proceeds headed south to the cartels.

Five years ago, police say home invasions were virtually unheard of in Tucson. Now the crimes run at three to four a week, as criminals go after the profits of the illicit trade in marijuana, black-tar heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine through the city.

“We’ve always dealt with those in business establishments, banks and convenience stores, it was very unusual to see them in houses,” Roberto A. Villasenor, Tucson’s assistant chief of police said of the recent trend. “The home was seen as a safe spot.”


Curbing drug violence is a top concern for the government in Mexico, where rival cartels murdered 6,300 people last year as they battled the authorities and each other for control of lucrative smuggling corridors to the United States.

It is also high on the U.S. agenda as authorities seek to stop cartel-related crimes such as kidnappings, home invasions and gangland-style slayings from bleeding over the porous U.S. border and taking hold here.

A year ago, Tucson police department set up a special unit to target the rising number of home invasions. Since then, the officers have investigated at least 173 cases scattered across the city, three-quarters of them tied to the drug trade, investigators say.

The assailants — typically teams of two to six people — frequently dress in tactical gear and identify themselves as police officers, Drug Enforcement Administration agents or SWAT team members as they burst into houses to steal drugs, cash or guns.

“Demographics mean nothing when it comes to home invasions. We see (them) in some of the richest, most wealthy parts of town, and also in some of the most downtrodden, completely poor areas,” said Detective Sergeant David Azuelo, who runs the home invasion unit.

While most raids target the drug trade, some have branched out and gone after students and other law-abiding residents, Azuelo said. Others assault families who just happen to live in a house that was once used to deal drugs, or simply because the attackers got the wrong address.

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Click Here for The Top Ten ways to Make Money in a Down Economy

Click Here for The G Manifesto’s The Tijuana Report: There is a War going on Outside

Click Here for Cocaine Trafficking in Latin America

I have been warning of this for a while now.

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Keith Murray “Hustle On”

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Commodity Trading: Are the Stress Tests causing you Stress?

» 20 April 2009 » In money » 2 Comments

Commodity Trading: Are the Stress Tests causing you Stress?

For April 20th– April 24th 2009
By: Matthew Bradbard

Buy The Little Book of Bull Moves in Bear Markets: How to Keep Your Portfolio Up When the Market is Down by Peter Schiff

Click Here for Pit Bull: Lessons from Wall Street’s Champion Day Trader

According to several news sources the US government will issue a report on April 24th that explains its stress test on 19 of the largest financial firms and then release the actual results of those tests on May 4th. What these tests should confirm is that we have issues in our banks and in order to get our economy back on track these banks will need to be recapitalized, start lending and some may need to fail. In order for conditions to get back to a state were we can see growth, those are the first things that need to be done. We cannot proceed forward with a broken system as the financial institutions are the lifeblood of the economy. Not only would this increase the health of the economy but it too would instill the much needed confidence and perhaps the risk appetite of the investor may well return.


The US Department of Energy said crude oil supplies were up 5.6 million barrels last week, supplies of unleaded gasoline were down 900,000 barrels while heating oil supplies were down 700,000 barrels. June crude oil closed down $1.98 unable to stay above the 20 day moving average at $53.20. Resistance comes in between 53.30 and 54.00 with support first at 51.50 followed by 50.00. If prices are unable to take out 54 early in the week we expect a trade down to 48.50. June heating oil was lower by 6 ticks closing at the 20 day moving average. 1.47/1.48 should serve as resistance with support coming in at 1.4225 followed by 1.40. On a move lower in Crude expect the low 130’s. June RBOB was higher by 88 ticks last week. Support comes in at the 50 day moving average at 1.3870 with resistance at the high from 3/26 at 1.5626. On a trade above those levels look for buy stops to be triggered. We advised clients to buy July 1.54/1.74 calls spreads last week; paying just over 650 points with a target of 950/1000 points.

Buy The Little Book of Bull Moves in Bear Markets: How to Keep Your Portfolio Up When the Market is Down by Peter Schiff

Click Here for Pit Bull: Lessons from Wall Street’s Champion Day Trader

The US Department of Energy said underground supplies of natural gas were up 21 billion cubic feet last week to 1.695 trillion cubic feet. Supplies are now up 35% from a year ago and up 22.5% from the five-year average. June natural gas closed up 15 cents as the lows have held for the last 2 weeks. Since the first of the year prices have fallen by 37% so we feel a bounce is overdue. The stochastic on the daily chart has started to trend higher on an increase in volume which should lead a trade over $4.50 in coming sessions. We maintain positions for clients in June futures and options. 3.65/3.70 on June is our buy zone as we expect the low from 4/13 at 3.64 to hold. Resistance is seen at 4.20; the 50 day moving average which prices have not been above since mid-July. Look at the weekly charts before ruling out a buy at these levels.


The Euro started last week strong, but on light volume as Europe was closed only to give back those gains ending the week 163 ticks lower. Our target at the 50 day moving average was reached and as we suggested last week, look to book profits from recent short positions. The trend will remain down but the easy money on shorts has been made. Support is seen at 1.2975 followed by 1.2840 with resistance at 1.3125 followed by 1.3260.

The Aussie was lower by 19 ticks last week and although longer term we are extremely friendly to this currency, in the immediate future we expect a retracement. This should set up an excellent long entry for a position trade. Our buy zone is .6650/.6750 for our clients. The 50 day moving average comes in at .6700. First support comes in between .7050 and .7100 with resistance at .7275. One of clients has suggested 5 cent call spreads in September which is our on our radar.

As predicted the Swissie came under pressure last week giving up 79 ticks. Much like the Euro, the Swissie started the week strong only to fall back the next four sessions down 2 ½ cents in that time frame. Now that the .8600 level has been penetrated we should see .8525. On a trade back over .8600 look for resistance at .8675 followed by .8750.

The Loonie was higher by 71 ticks but is starting to exhibit signs of an interim top closing over 1 cent off its weekly high. Our target has and remains 84 cents, but was the trade up to .8368 close enough to reach our objective? Support comes in at .8100 followed by .8025 with resistance at .8370 followed by .8450. For futures traders you should be trailing stops on longs as to not give back too much. For our clients still holding May and June call options we are still looking for a challenge of 84 cents. The BOC will meet this week and is expected to keep rates at 0.50%.

Continue Reading about Currencies and Metals

To find out exactly how we are positioning our clients in commodity futures and options,
Contact us today at 1-888-920-9997. Don’t forget to tell them The G Manifesto sent you.

To view our full commentary which includes the sectors of energies, livestock, currencies, financials, grains, softs, and metals, subscribe to our 4 week free trial by visiting this link: http://mbwealth.com/subscribe.html. Don’t forget to tell them The G Manifesto sent you.
_____________________________________________________________________________________Risk Disclosure: The risk of loss in trading commodity futures and options can be substantial. Before trading MB Wealth recommends that you should carefully consider your financial position to determine if commodity trading is appropriate for you. All funds committed should be purely risk capital. Past performance is no guarantee of future trading results. There are no guarantees of market outcome stated, everything stated above are our opinions. Calculations of profit and loss have not factored in commissions and fees.

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Spanish Game: Don Juan Demarco

» 18 April 2009 » In Game, Girls, Style » No Comments

Spanish Game: Don Juan Demarco

Click Here for Don Juan DeMarco

Click Here for Narcocorrido: A Journey into the Music of Drugs, Guns, and Guerrillas

My name is Don Juan De Marco. I am the son of the great swordsman, Antonio Garibaldi De Marco. Who was tragically killed defending the honour of my mother, the beautiful, Dona Inez Santiago de San Martine. I am the world’s greatest lover. I have made love to over a thousand women. I was twenty-one last Tuesday.

No woman has ever left my arms unsatisfied. Only one has rejected me. And as fortune would have it, she is the only one who has ever mattered. This is why, at twenty-one, I had determined to end my life. But first… one final conquest.

Don Juan DeMarco – Restaurant Scene

Don Juan: May I?

Woman: Um, well actually… I’m expecting a friend, er, he’s been delayed, but he should be here soon.

Don Juan: Well, I will not linger…I am Don Juan.

Woman: That’s very funny. Is there a costume party at the hotel?

Don Juan: No. I am Don Juan. Directly descended from the noblest Spanish family.

Woman: And you seduce women.

Don Juan: No. I, I never take advantage of a woman. I give women pleasure… if they desire it. It is of course, the greatest pleasure they will ever experience. There are some women… fine featured, a certain texture to the hair, a curve to the ears that, that is sweeps like a turn on a shell. These women… have fingers, with the same sensitivities as their legs. The fingertips have the same feelings as their feet, and when you touch their knuckles, it is like passing your hands along their knees. And this, tender, fleshy part of the finger, is the same as brushing your hands along their thighs. And… finally…

Don Juan (voice): Every woman is a mystery to be solved. But a woman hides nothing from a true lover. Her skin colour can tell us how to proceed… a hue like the blush of a rose, pink and pale, and she must be coaxed to open her petals with a warmth like the sun. The pale and dappled skin of the red-head calls for the lust of a wave crashing to the shore, so we may stir up what lies beneath and bring the foamy delight of love to the surface. Although there is no metaphor that truly describes making love to a woman… the closest is playing a rare musical instrument. I wonder, does a Stradivarius violin feel the same rapture as the violinist, when he coaxes a single perfect note from its heart?

Don Juan: Muchas gracias, senorita.

Don Juan (voice): Every true lover knows that the moment of greatest satisfaction comes when ecstasy is long over. And he beholds before him the flower which has blossomed beneath his touch.

Don Juan (voice)
: Oh, well. Now I must die.

Click Here for Don Juan DeMarco

Click Here for Narcocorrido: A Journey into the Music of Drugs, Guns, and Guerrillas

Hollywood finally got something right.

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Selena – 10 – El Toro Relajo – Dreaming of You

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Mexico’s Narco Juniors

» 18 April 2009 » In Crime, Travel » No Comments

Mexico’s Narco Juniors

Click Here for The G Manifesto’s The Tijuana Report: There is a War going on Outside

Click Here for Cocaine Trafficking in Latin America

Click Here for Narcocorrido: A Journey into the Music of Drugs, Guns, and Guerrillas

Standing before flashing cameras in a white Abercrombie & Fitch jogging suit with trendy glasses and a swish haircut, Vicente Carrillo Leyva doesn’t fit the classic image of a gun-toting drug kingpin. The 32-year-old was detained quietly enough: police nabbed him while he was exercising in a park in a plush Mexico City suburb. But Mexican federal agents claim that Carrillo Leyva and other so-called “narco juniors” are key figures in the cartels started by their fathers — and their recent arrests show how the government is gaining ground in its fight against the cartels.

After his arrest, Carrillo Leyva was paraded before the press on April 2, the same day that U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano arrived for war talks with their Mexican counterparts near Mexico City. The smooth-looking detainee is the son of the late Amado Carillo Fuentes, the notorious head of the Juarez cartel who became known as the Lord of The Skies because of his fleet of 27 private 727 jet airliners authorities say were used to traffic cocaine. (See pictures from Mexico’s drug war)

Carillo Fuentes, a bearded roughneck from a ramshackle farming town, died in 1997 while undergoing plastic surgery to change his appearance. Since then, Mexican officials allege the young Carrillo Leyva has become No. 2 in the Juarez crime family. “Carrillo Leyva is considered an heir to the criminal organization known as the Juarez Cartel,” said Marisela Morales, Mexico’s Undersecretary for Organized Crime. “His main function was leadership and hiding illicit money for the organization.”

The sweat-suited suspect is the latest of several alleged narco juniors to be nabbed in recent weeks. On Mar. 19, police arrested Vicente Zambada, the 33-year-old son of Ismael “The Mayo Indian” Zambada, a hard-faced character from cattle-ranching territory who rose to the top of the Sinaloa cartel. Ismael Zambada is at large with a $5 million dollar FBI reward for his capture.

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Click Here for The G Manifesto’s The Tijuana Report: There is a War going on Outside

Click Here for Cocaine Trafficking in Latin America

Click Here for Narcocorrido: A Journey into the Music of Drugs, Guns, and Guerrillas

Shunning the gem-studded pistols and gold chains flaunted by their fathers, a savvy new generation of drug smugglers is moving up the ranks of Mexico’s cartels wielding college degrees and keeping low profiles to outsmart police.

The fashionably-dressed sons of two prominent drug bosses were recently arrested in smart Mexico City neighborhoods, suspected of laundering money for the Juarez and Sinaloa cartels while moving seamlessly among the country’s elite.

They typify a new wave of leaders of Mexico’s warring drug cartels, whose turf wars killed 6,300 people last year. Often the urbane offspring of cartel founders, they bring a clean-cut management style to the murky multibillion dollar enterprise.

“These people are usually better prepared, better educated and very useful for the cartels because they’re professionals,” said political analyst Jorge Chabat.

“They’re harder to identify because they don’t look like typical drug traffickers,” he said. “You can’t detect them by saying ‘Oh look, he has a big truck with wide tires and automatic weapons, gold chains, snakeskin boots and a big belt buckle and dark glasses.’”

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Click Here for The G Manifesto’s The Tijuana Report: There is a War going on Outside

Click Here for Cocaine Trafficking in Latin America

Click Here for Narcocorrido: A Journey into the Music of Drugs, Guns, and Guerrillas

I know plenty of Narco Juniors.

Cool cats all in all.

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Los Narcos Junior-Los Tucanes de Tijuana

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Pink Panther Jewel Thief Crew

» 18 April 2009 » In Crime, diamonds » No Comments

Pink Panther Jewel Thief Crew

Click Here for Confessions of a Master Jewel Thief

Click Here for The G Manifesto’s The Complete Guide to Burglary

Click Here for The Man Who Robbed the Pierre: The Story of Bobby Comfort

Click Here for Secrets of a Superthief by Jack MacLean

Police in Cyprus have arrested a man on an Interpol wanted list suspected of belonging to the “Pink Panther” jewel thief gang, blamed for a string of audacious heists worldwide.

Rifat Hadziahmetovic, from Montenegro, was arrested on March 18 as he attempted to depart the east Mediterranean island on a forged Bulgarian passport, Cyprus police said.

A local magistrates’ court on Friday remanded the suspect in custody until March 31, when a hearing will start for his extradition to Spain, police spokesman Christos Andreou said.

“He was initially detained on suspicion of possession of forged documents, but further inquiries revealed he was wanted by Interpol for being a suspected part of the Pink Panther gang,” Andreou said.

Click Here for Confessions of a Master Jewel Thief

He was also identified by a leg tattoo, he told Reuters.

The Pink Panthers are believed to have staged some 120 attacks on luxury stores in around 20 countries, since their first robbery in London’s exclusive Mayfair district in 2003.

They pulled off one of their most spectacular heists last December, when they walked away with up to 85 million euros ($114 million) worth of goods after entering the Harry Winston jewellers in central Paris disguised as women.

Global police agency Interpol said fingerprint checks positively identified Hadziahmetovic, 41, wanted for armed robberies across the world, including in Bahrain, Japan, Spain and the United Arab Emirates.

Click Here for Confessions of a Master Jewel Thief

The Pink Panther nickname refers to the debonair gentleman diamond robber from the 1960s film. Interpol believes the group may have up to 200 members, many with military experience.


Click Here for Confessions of a Master Jewel Thief

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

AZ – Success Freestyle

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