The Best Guerrilla Street Artists

» 04 April 2009 » In Art » No Comments

The Best Guerrilla Artists

Click Here to Buy Banksy’s Wall and Piece

Click Here to Buy Style Wars

Click Here to Buy Dondi White Style Master General: The Life of Graffiti Artist Dondi White


The most famous guerrilla artist of them all (if he can be famous when no one really knows who he is or what he looks like, despite tabloid newspaper attempts to unmask him), Banksy is either the anti-capitalist artistic conscience of the streets or the sell-out who panders to the establishment he once provoked. He is now revered enough that city councils keep his stencils on public buildings, and in 2007, a single work sold for £288,000, around 20 times the estimate of Bonham’s. Banksy produced spoof £10 notes from the ‘Banksy of England’, defaced Paris Hilton CDs, and painted the Queen as a chimpanzee during her Golden Jubilee. In August 2005, he painted nine images on the concrete wall dividing Israelis and Palestinians in the West Bank, including a girl floating over the wall holding balloons.

1 Hour in the life of a Banksy


Poster Boy has been slinking around New York’s subways for the past year taking a razor to advertising posters. The results are simple, satirical and brilliant. He slashes a poster of The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button, making a ghoulish Frankenstein of two of the most beautiful faces on screen, Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett. He turns an Indiana Jones poster into a comment on colonialism.

Sometimes – he has to work quickly before the police catch him – he does very little at all, as in the poster of blockbuster Iron Man, which he meddled with to create new words: Iran > Nam. He has been called the “Matisse of subway-ad mash-ups” and has said he has no intention of taking his work into galleries. The real deal.

Spending Time With Poster Boy

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The original street artist, it was Haring’s chalk drawings on the subway walls of New York that first got him noticed.

In New York, he found the art community at its most experimental outside the gallery, in the city’s streets and clubs.

His outline figures did not have faces and yet expressed a range of powerful emotions. Taking a stand against capitalism and attitudes to HIV, he hung out with Jean-Michel Basquiat, who in the late Seventies began spray painting his iconic SAMO graffiti around the city, a pithy satirical series that foreshadowed the tone of much guerrilla art.


Remember the Barack Obama Hope posters during the US presidential election campaign of last year? They were not the brainchild of some corporate marketing team, but created by one of the most influential guerrilla artists around, Shepard Fairey, who has been operating since the Eighties, with his designs adorning skate parks across America. He was responsible for anti-Bush sticker campaigns such as ‘Be the Revolution’ and ‘Obey’. The iconic Obama design, pictured, was initially distributed independently, but soon with official approval. He followed it up with a companion portrait inviting people to ‘adopt’ shelter dogs, brilliantly lampooning the historical significance of the original.

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Some of the best Guerilla Artist are the unsung ones.

Click Here to Buy Banksy’s Wall and Piece

Click Here to Buy Style Wars

Click Here to Buy Dondi White Style Master General: The Life of Graffiti Artist Dondi White

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Friends We Love ft. Poster Boy :: Artist + Vigilante


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Wale Brings Go-Go to The World

» 04 April 2009 » In Guide, hip hop » 2 Comments

Wale Brings Go-Go to The World

Click Here for Best of Go-Go



Via Elitaste

Click Here for Best of Go-Go

Wale-Back in the Gogo ft. Bun B & Pusha T

Rare Essence – Body Moves (1982)

Backyard Band

If you don’t know, now you know.

Click Here for Best of Go-Go

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Wale x SHHO Promo

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Peter Schiff: Let’s Play Pretend!

» 04 April 2009 » In money » 1 Comment

Peter Schiff: Let’s Play Pretend!

Buy Crash Proof: How to Profit From the Coming Economic Collapse by Peter Schiff

Click Here to Buy Emergency: This Book Will Save Your Life By Neil Strauss

All kinds of bonds (corporate, government and municipal, etc.) that are not in default frequently trade at discounts. In fact, the reason that agencies such as Moody’s and Standard and Poor’s rate bonds is to assess the probability of default. The higher that probability, the lower the value placed on the bonds, regardless of their current cash flow.

For example, GM bonds that mature 10 years from now currently trade for only 8 to 10 cents on the dollar, despite the fact that GM is current on all interest payments. The 90% discount reflects investor awareness that GM will likely default long before the bonds mature. By the new logic, financial institutions with GM bonds on their balance sheets should be able to ignore the market and value these bonds at par.

Some argue that the comparison is invalid because GM’s bonds are liquid while mortgage-backed securities are not. However, if sellers of GM bonds were holding out for 70 or 80 cents on the dollar, those bonds would be illiquid too. The reason GM bonds are trading is that sellers are realistic.

The same should apply to bonds backed by mortgages. To assume that a 30-year, $500,000 mortgage on a house that has declined in value to $300,000 has a high probability of remaining current to maturity is ridiculous. The borrower could lose his job, his ARM might reset higher, or he may simply tire of paying an expensive mortgage for a house that is unlikely to be sold at a profit. Any bond investor with half a brain will factor in these probabilities and look for deep discounts. The only way to accurately assess a real present value is to let the market discover the price.

Despite the pleas from bankers and politicians, mortgages are not plagued by a lack of liquidity but a lack of value. If sellers would be more negotiable, there would be plenty of liquidity. Who knows, at the right price I might even buy a few. The problem is that putting a market price on these assets would render most financial institutions insolvent, which is precisely why they do not want to let that happen.

Simply pretending that all these mortgages will be repaid does not solve the underlying problems. It may keep some banks alive longer, but when they ultimately do fail, the losses will be that much greater. In the meantime, solvent institutions are deprived of capital as more funds are funneled into insolvent “too big to fail” institutions – hiding their toxic assets behind rosy assumptions and phony marks.

Going from the sublime to the completely ridiculous, in a speech at the just-concluded G20 summit in London, President Obama urged Americans not to let their fears crimp their spending. It would be unwise, he argued, for Americans to let the fear of job loss, lack of savings, unpaid bills, credit card debt or student loans deter them from making major purchases. According to the president, “we must spend now as an investment for the future.” So in this land of imagination (where subprime mortgages are valued at par), instead of saving for the future, we must spend for the future.

I guess Ben Franklin had it wrong too – apparently a penny spent is a penny earned.

For Full Article Click Here

Buy Crash Proof: How to Profit From the Coming Economic Collapse by Peter Schiff

Click Here to Buy Emergency: This Book Will Save Your Life By Neil Strauss

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Clipse – Nightmares

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A Typical Tuesday Night in Southern California

» 31 March 2009 » In Game, Girls, Nightlife, Travel » 21 Comments

A Typical Tuesday Night in Southern California

“California’s like a beautiful, wild girl on heroin …Who’s high as a kite, thinkin’ she’s on top of the world, not knowing she’s dying even if you show her the marks.”

– The Motorcycle Boy, Rumble Fish

Its 9:30 pm when I roll Dolo in the Southern California “party sushi” joint like the Fly Girl Racker, Bean Stacker, Zippo Clacker, friendly neighborhood International Playboy you know and love.

The Scene breaks down as it usually does:

Multiple tables of Girls with fake boobs partying for “Jenny’s”, “Sara’s” or whoever’s birthday, a few weesh guys in Ed Hardy shirts, I’m guessing a few “Reality Stars” from their hollow, insecure posturing, and some hipster cats in fedoras. Maybe a few actors. Who cares, I am sure their movies are wack.

Not bad, since Me against this type of competition is like Obama going against Hillary.

Especially, considering that I didn’t leave anything to chance and I am dressed Sharper than Health Care:

My President is Black and so is my one button Gucci bespoke suit with peaked lapels and Cookie Monster blue interior. My shirt and Brioni pocket square are Baby Blue as if my name was Gerber, and I am not talking about Rande either.

My Bontoni loafers: c’est si bon and my E. Marinella tie: magnifique, and of course, I have the Brushed Chrome Desert Eagle for any sashimi style Kobe Beef.

Pockets: Greener than “energy tech” and Bankroll: thicker than Azerbaijan “daisy-chained” spot crude oil.

My Game: sicker than Hong Kong Chicken Flu and I got The John the Conqueroo.

I am by eons the dopest, sharpest dressed, most brutally handsome cat in the spot, but Hollywood has never come up with a movie star that is half-IRA, half-ETA so the girls in the party sushi joint have no frame of reference for me.

I then exchange glances with the target: A Orange County fake boobs blonde wearing a dress from South Coast Plaza and shoes from Fred Segal no doubt. Her boobs are Faker than the Horsehead that Tom Hagen puts in that bed.

She is not some fly Estonian Model Girl or the daughter of Hungary’s richest businessman, but sometimes you have to work with what the Nightlife Gods have given you.

I then float, like a Mardi Gras parade, to her table of three of her girlfriends, drinking sake, and get ready to sting like a Mayweather Jab (Roger or Floyd Jr., doesn’t matter which one). Two of the other girls look identical to her, the fourth: weesh. I pull up a chair holding a far superior bottle of Nigori.

I then introduce myself as the DJ is spinning some wack crap that every single other person in the joint is loving. (Doesn’t anyone have Special Ed’s “I Got it Made” on wax anymore?)

Special Ed – I Got It Made

I then wave to the DJ (who I have carefully cultivated a “functional” acquaintance with over the last few months) who gives me a “finger point” and a smile back.

Instead of “Defeating this DJ”, I have “locked down” this DJ simply for him to give me high-fives and finger points so I don’t seem “weird” to girls when I roll in the sushi joint Dolo to pick up girls.

I then yap to the girls about how the live lobster sashimi is the best thing on the menu, which, of course, they have never tried. When I describe it, one of them says it sounds “gross” as different waitresses say hello to me and I get a few “finger points” from the sushi chefs.

The Girls tell me they come here for “the california rolls”. Another one of the girls tells me that she loves “the rice”.

I roll my eyes, but I have been through this literally a million times before so I keep calm and don’t start ridiculing the girls or stab myself in the eye with a chopstick.

They then ask me how I know the DJ and I yap about how I have known him forever and blah blah blah. Topics fire back and forth at a rapid fire pace as we down the bottle of Nigori.

The Girls tell me The Hard Rock in Las Vegas is their favorite place to travel. I tell them The Hard Rock is wack. They ask me where I would love to vacation next and I say “Seychelles or Mauritius” and they look at me like I am speaking a foreign language. I ask them if they have been to France, and they said they haven’t but they heard people are “rude” there. When the girls ask what I do for fun, I am tempted to tell them I have been experimenting with Voodoo to help me swoop even more girls than I already do and to destroy my rivals, but thankfully the owner comes by to shake my hand.

Junior Wells – The Hoodoo Man (1966)

The owner then gives me another bottle of Nigori (pro-bono) and the girls ask me how I have known him and I lie, “we go back a long time” as I think the owner is weesh, and barely know him, but I remain friendly with him for situations such as these.

The girls now think I am the coolest thing they have ever met.

But then again, I have paid the cost to be the Boss, so it shouldn’t be a shocker that they are loving me like Ugg Boots and Mac Gloss.

Styles P- The Key

After polishing off the Nigori, I invite the girls to another nightclub where I know the owners to get in “libre”.

On the way to the club (located a few blocks from my crib, coincidentally or is it strategically?) I light up a smoke with a dope “reverse” Zippo Clack, that, I invented when I was 12 years old. None of the girls notice how dope I light the cigarette but one of the girls says she “hates smoking”. “Smoking is so gross…and so unhealthy”, says the most out of shape and unhealthy member of the girl crew.

I ignore both of them, and keep “Pied Pipering” the girls. The main “Orange County blonde fake boobs girl wearing a dress from South Coast Plaza” says she “loves smoking when she drinks” and takes a drag off my cancer stick. I notice she doesn’t inhale.

Almost to the club, I spark up a another smoke with a snap of my Zippo and interrupt the yapping from the girls by saying “Hey!” so they pay attention to the dope “snap light move”, but it gets zero reaction.

We skip the line like an old Run-D.M.C. record and enter Le Club.

I spend the next hour with more mind-numbing conversation, winning over the group, and deflecting “SliverBack Style” some beta male Ex-Mortgage Brokers in I am guessing, Christian Audigier shirts (One beta-ex-mortgage guy I make scamper off simply by saying, “Did you know there are free Red Bull and Vodkas at the back bar?”).

I then invite the “Orange County blonde fake boobs girl wearing a dress from South Coast Plaza” girl back to my crib for Champagne. (Really just a $9 bottle of Processco, but she can’t tell the difference).

After swooping her till 3:30 am, getting more two lips than a florist* and shimmying her out the door to her cab, I can only wonder:

Was this night worth it?

Probably not.

Even International Playboys win some and lose some.

But most likely, I will do it again next Tuesday.

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

*In case you are stuck. Blower = Two lips = Tulips. Get it?

Chaka Khan- Stay (illest intro ever)

Stay – Rufus Featuring Chaka Khan

Styles P – The Key of course samples this:

Spandau Ballet – Nature of The Beast

Nature Of The Beast – Spandau Ballet

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Commodity Trading: It’s All About Confidence

» 31 March 2009 » In money » 1 Comment

Commodity Trading: It’s All About Confidence

For March 30th– April 3rd 2009
By: Matthew Bradbard

Click Here for Pit Bull: Lessons from Wall Street’s Champion Day Trader

Have things gotten better? I don’t know, but investor’s confidence has returned. It’s not so much that things have improved dramatically, but rather that investors are willing to take some risks now that we have gotten more clarification from Bernanke, Geithner and Co. After weeks of waiting, we finally received more details on the programs that the government is trying to institute in order to remedy the problems at hand. The chatter has been on the recent rally in stocks but low and behold look at the recent uptick in a range of commodities. Looking at the CRB Index ytd, it has out performed stocks moving 8.5% lower when the S&P is off 10%. Bottom line, money managers and investors alike are looking at commodities as a way to hedge against the coming inflation in addition to diversifying their portfolios.


After the close Friday, the USDA estimated the week’s beef production at 474.2 million pounds, down 0.5% from a year ago. June live cattle were lower all 5 session last week closing down by 1.925 cents. Support is seen between 80.40 and 80.80 with resistance at 82.50. May feeder cattle were lower by 1.20 cents last week. Resistance is seen at 96.00 with support at 93.80 followed by 92.90. We are advising clients to re-enter the cattle spread from previous weeks that we traded. Long August live cattle and short April feeder cattle; enter the spread between -1100/1075 and look for the spread to narrow exiting near -800.

After the close Friday, the USDA said that there were 65.389 million head of hogs on March 1st, down 2.7% from a year ago. The December to February pig crop was down 0.6% from a year ago, slightly more than expected. Pork production was estimated at 451.8 million pounds, down 1.9% from a year ago. June lean hogs lost 2.60 cents setting up a better long entry which we have suggested starting this week. We have multiple ideas in both futures and options but the bottom line is we are expecting higher prices.

Support is seen at 70.40 followed by the contract low near 69.50 with resistance at 72.50. We are expecting to see a trade up to 78.00 in the coming 30-45 days. See lean hog report from the previous week: The other white meat.

Continue Reading about Financials and Grains

Click Here for Pit Bull: Lessons from Wall Street’s Champion Day Trader

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_____________________________________________________________________________________Risk Disclosure: The risk of loss in trading commodity futures and options can be substantial. Before trading MB Wealth recommends that you should carefully consider your financial position to determine if commodity trading is appropriate for you. All funds committed should be purely risk capital. Past performance is no guarantee of future trading results. There are no guarantees of market outcome stated, everything stated above are our opinions. Calculations of profit and loss have not factored in commissions and fees.

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