Del Mar Race Track Considers Shortening Season

» 03 March 2009 » In Guide, Style, Travel » 2 Comments

Del Mar Race Track Considers Shortening Season

Click Here for Surf and Turf: The Race Track
Click Here for The Del Mar Racetrack Part II
Click Here for The Del Mar Race Track: How to Dress for the Horse Races
Click Here for The Del Mar Race Track: Dope Style, Wack Style
Click Here for Opening Day Del Mar Race Track Pictures

Click Here for Del Mar Racetrack

Track insiders and general fans who have opined that the Del Mar Thoroughbred Club summer meeting would be better with a reduction from its six-day racing week could get their wish this summer.

DMTC’s top officials acknowledged yesterday that the organization, which leases the facility from the state to run the race meeting, is exploring the possibility of dropping Mondays from the Wednesday-to-Monday format that has stood for decades.

“It’s certainly something we’ve been looking at and the more we look at it the better it gets,” said Joe Harper, DMTC president, CEO and general manager. “I feel confident saying it will be our recommendation that we go to a five-day week.”

The current state of the economy, a declining California thoroughbred horse population and perceived downturn in both the number and financial commitment of owners are all contributing factors in the decision to explore the five-day option.

“We’ve always been a big proponent of when you make a change here you better make it for the benefit of the patron,” Harper said. “I think this is certainly to the benefit of the patron. If we’re right, we’re going to have better (racing) cards, basically.”

Six-day racing weeks have been standard at Del Mar since 1946. The track, founded by Bing Crosby and some Hollywood friends, opened in 1937. It presented races on a Tuesday-to-Saturday basis before being closed from 1942-44 during World War II and maintained that schedule for the re-opening season in 1945.

A Monday-to-Saturday format was maintained from 1946 until 1973 when – sports competition on Sundays having gained social acceptance – conducting racing and betting on Sunday was legalized.

In recent decades many horsemen – who generally live and work in the Los Angeles area with the exception of two months in the summer – have said five-day weeks at Del Mar would be easier on them and their horses.


My bet is that they do this.

The Track was slower than normal last year. And I don’t mean the horses either.

Click Here for Surf and Turf: The Race Track
Click Here for The Del Mar Racetrack Part II
Click Here for The Del Mar Race Track: How to Dress for the Horse Races
Click Here for The Del Mar Race Track: Dope Style, Wack Style
Click Here for Opening Day Del Mar Race Track Pictures

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Nas Pun Jada Raekwon Fat Joe ‘John Blaze’

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The Pamplemousse: Predicting a Kentucky Derby Winner?

» 03 March 2009 » In Guide » No Comments

The Pamplemousse: Predicting a Kentucky Derby Winner?

Click Here for Surf and Turf: The Race Track
Click Here for The Del Mar Racetrack Part II

“Nobody knows nothing,” is a saying that has been ascribed to everyone from movie executives to economists. It is particularly true of horseplayers trying in the early days of March to divine the winner of the Kentucky Derby on the first Saturday in May.

It is the reason bookmakers in Las Vegas offer future bets at long odds, on any and every 3-year-old to win America’s greatest horse race.

In January, holding tickets at 125-1 on the prospects Shafted and Poltergeist seemed smart. In February, however, after they ran up the track in the Robert B. Lewis and the Southwest Stakes, the colts were off the Derby trail and the tickets were worthless.

Still, horseplayers know better than most that (a) the more you guess, the sooner you’re going to be right; and (b) everyone only remembers your winners. In line with that philosophy, The New York Times offers its first list of Derby contenders.

Later Saturday, in the Sham Stakes at Santa Anita Park, the odds-on favorite, The Pamplemousse, led every step of the way. As impressive as his six-length victory was, The Pamplemousse will receive more attention in the coming weeks for his name and ownership group.

Pamplemousse means grapefruit in French, and the colt is named after Pamplemousse Grille, a high-end restaurant across the street from Del Mar racetrack in California. Jeffrey Strauss, the restaurant’s owner-chef, owns part of the horse with Alex Solis II, whose father rides The Pamplemousse.

“I’ve never ridden anything like him,” said Alex Solis, a highly regarded rider who has never won a Derby but has finished second three times. “He has such a high cruising speed and he’s getting more and more amazing. He has such a good mind and he was real relaxed the whole way.”


Peeled plenty of girls at Pamplemousse.

Great wine list too. Although their food has been slightly up and down over the last few years…thankfully more up than down. It is still my bet for one of the best “after track” spots with some girls you chopped up at The Turf Club.

Either way, Jeffrey Strauss is a class act and always makes time to come by my table in the bar area to say hello, roll out the red carpet for the fly girls I am with and break out some “off Menu” items.

Click Here for Surf and Turf: The Race Track
Click Here for The Del Mar Racetrack Part II

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

AZ – Show Me What You Got Freestyle

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Bill Maher: New Rules, The Snuggie 2/27/09

» 03 March 2009 » In Luxury, money » 2 Comments

Bill Maher: New Rules, The Snuggie 2/27/09

“Which brings me to the Snuggie.

The blanket with sleeves—oh, let’s call it what it really is, a full-length bib—and we are the new Arabs. In danger of becoming a silly people. Which was OK when we were riding high, but now every man, woman and child in America owes China $6,000. Imagine owing that to a bookie. This is sooo cozy.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was in China this week, trying to get them to buy more American debt. And they think their milk is toxic. We need the Chinese to finance our printing of money to give to bankers, or else we’ll be paying for the stimulus with seashells and colorful rocks. If the Chinese get a look at us in our Snuggies—and they will, since they make the damn things—they’re going to decide, “We can’t buy any more T-bills from these people! They’re wearing blankets with sleeves. They’re a silly people.”

New Rules From Bill Maher For February 27, 2009

I saw Maher in the Spearmint Rhino in Las Vegas recently.

Guy had some Game.

Newsom is pretty smooth too.

I know his wife.

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

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Roissy on How Not to Pick Up Girls

» 02 March 2009 » In Game, Guide » 3 Comments

Roissy on How Not to Pick Up Girls

Buy Roosh’s Book “Bang: More Lays In 60 Days” Here

I have mentioned before that Roissy’s Blog: Where pretty lies perish is a blog I read.

Here is an excellent story on what NOT to do when Picking up on Girls:

(My Friend) bumped my elbow and motioned me to look toward two attractive blondes — a 7.5 and an 8.5 — who were standing near us. Two men had just walked up and engaged them in conversation. Both men were, as far as I can tell these things, decent-looking, over 6 feet tall, and in shape. One was older– late 30s, early 40s — and sharply dressed with a dash of gray around the temples. His buddy was late 20s, early 30s, and dressed more casually. The younger guy had a frat boy-ish vibe, while the older guy struck a more sophisticated pose.

Buy Roosh’s Book “Bang: More Lays In 60 Days” Here

Since all four of them were within earshot, I focused my listening attention on the group, occasionally glancing over, so I could enjoy the spectacle of these guys running whatever game they had on the two blondes. When I see a choice setup like this, I take it as an opportunity to observe and learn or, in the case of men with no game, to amuse myself and gawk at the carnage, while positioning for a flanking maneuver.


The men went straight in, telegraphing their interest from the word “go”. Opened with “Hey, how you guys doing?” Points for boldness, demerits for shitty opener. Even in socially overheated crowded venues, the best approach is noncommittal — from an angle, over the shoulder. Also, it doesn’t hurt to be a little more creative than “How you doin’?”.

Girls’ Reaction

The poor approach didn’t hurt these guys. The girls welcomed them with big smiles and enthusiastic hellos, probably because the men were reasonably good-looking compared to the average man in the place. The older man looked like he was of means.

Body Language

The men registered the girls’ positive reaction and took the beta bait, amping up their energy levels and enthusiasm. This was my first hint that a pickup attempt disaster was looming. The younger guy began grinning ear to ear like an idiot, and bobbing his head up and down each time the girls talked. The older guy maintained a more aloof body language, keeping his back straight and avoiding any “pecking” or leaning into the girls. He didn’t wildly smile like his fratboy buddy. I could see he had more self-control and experience than his younger friend. His economy of words and body movement made him seem the more confident of the two men. If I noticed that, then surely the girls noticed it as well.

Buy Roosh’s Book “Bang: More Lays In 60 Days” Here


The men ran what I call Chit Chat Game. This is the kind of conversation you make with someone when you are bereft of anything interesting to say. “What do you think of this place?” “You guys live in the city?” “Hey, the martinis here are really good.” “You guys like to dance?” “Whoa, you’re from North Carolina?” ”How about those Tar Heels!” The fratboy latched onto this subject because it was in his comfort zone. ”Yeah, you’re a Tar Heels fan? All riiiiiight!! High five!”. He tried to hold the high five with the 7.5 for a second too long, but she dropped her hand fast.

Yes, the guys were actually talking college sports. I could *feel* the initial attraction drain out of the girls, like a nail in a tire slowly letting out air. Their smiles had turned plastic, and they began gripping their drinks tighter and holding them up higher on their chests. The hotter one made a series of quick sidelong surveys around the room.

The older man wasn’t talking as much, but when he did he had a steadier, calmer cadence than his sports fan friend. Unfortunately for him, he didn’t lead and take control of the conversation when it started sputtering into lame sports talk territory. What he did contribute was of the “business interview” variety. More mature than gushing over the Tar Heels to be sure, but still death for pickup.

Continue Reading

Some points:

NEVER talk about sports with girls. Either escalate the sexual attraction or pull away. Or both. Always.

Skip the “high-fives”. That is what weesh guy does.

If your “running partner” is a moron like frat-boy above, Go For Dolo.

86 the “chit chat game”

The opener was horrible, but functional. If you dress sharp as a box cutter and are brutally handsome (like Your Humble Author, for instance) you can get away with weaker openers. Sometimes simple can be better. I still go with more creative stuff. More style points.

“Aww, you guys are going upstairs?? All right, maybe we’ll see you up there!” – Wow.

That line made me cringe.

Players Court Verdict:

Guilty for having No Game. On all counts.

Buy Roosh’s Book “Bang: More Lays In 60 Days” Here

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Big L – Devils Son

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Down Economy and Shylocks Up

» 02 March 2009 » In Crime, money, Travel » No Comments

Down Economy and Shylocks Up

Reader DG sent me this article on the increase of loan sharking in the Down Economy.

I mentioned this in The Top Ten ways to Make Money in a Down Economy.

“When the bills started piling up and the banks wouldn’t lend, the white-haired art dealer in the elegant tweed jacket said he drove to the outskirts of Rome and knocked on the rusty steel door of a shipping container.

A beefy man named Mauro answered. He wore blue overalls with two big pockets, one stuffed with checks and the other with cash. The wad of bills he handed over, the art dealer recalled, reeked of the man’s cologne and came at 120 percent annual interest.

As banks stop lending amid the global financial crisis, the likes of Mauro are increasingly becoming the face of Italian finance. The Mafia and its loan sharks, nearly everyone agrees, smell blood in the troubled waters.

“It’s a fantastic time for the Mafia. They have the cash,” said Antonio Roccuzzo, the author of several books on organized crime. “The Mafia has enormous liquidity. It may be the only Italian ‘company’ without any cash problem.”

At a time when businesses most need loans as they struggle with falling sales, rising debt and impending bankruptcy, banks have tightened their lending to them.

Italian banks, which for years had been widely criticized for lending sparingly to small and medium-size businesses, now have “absolutely closed the purse strings,” said Gian Maria Fara, the president of Eurispes, a private research institute.

That is great news for loan sharks. Confesercenti, the national shopkeepers association, estimates that 180,000 businesses recently have turned to them in desperation. Although some shady lenders are freelancers turning profits on others’ hard luck, very often the neighborhood tough offering fat rolls of cash is connected to the Mafia, the group said.”


The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Ricchi E Poveri – Acapulco

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