How To Wear A Pocket Square

» 12 January 2012 » In Guide, People, Style » 4 Comments

How To Wear A Pocket Square

First off, the wrong way to wear a pocket square is to not wear a pocket square, like these two bozos below. Politicians are historically speaking, horrible dressers.

Here is one of the exceptions to the “politicians” dressing horribly rule. Willie Brown always dresses smooth. Whenever I am in San Francisco, I always stop by his base of operations for menswear, Wilkes Bashford.

Cary Grant always dresses smooth. Check out To Catch a Thief. Cary Grant and I share some of the same Style lineage. I may elaborate more in the future.

Not sure I dig the way Tony Montana rocks the pocket square. I actually used to rock it this way but haven’t for years.

Muhammad Ali, cold chilling. Smooth Square. Relaxation.

Bruce Lee rocks the pocket square perfect. Straight across. Matching with the tie can pretty dope, as witnessed here, but far from necessary.

Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra always rock the pocket squares on point. Smoking is a nice Style touch as well.

Las Vegas visionary and all around super G, Bugsy Siegel knows how to rock the square. I have mentioned before that I have the same “large houndstooth check” jacket. I had to have it Custom Made, of course.

James Bond always rocks the square right. Real subtle and dope.

Chain smoker, International Playboy and Boxing Champ Mickey Walker wears the square with ease. So does Doc Kerns.

Sean Connery shows you how to relax: pocket square, feet up and with a smoke.

Serge Gainsbourg can rock the square.

Hollywood Playboy Warren Beaty rocks the square while playing Bugsy Siegel. Good casting job.

Super G Robert Shaw rocks the power square. Presence. And I don’t mean that Led Zeppelin album either. Or maybe I do.

Hollywood tough guy Humphrey Bogart busts a decent square.

Marcello Mastroianni rocks the gun, the flower and the square. Watch La Dolce Vita.

photo credits

One of Football’s true G’s and Playboys, Joe Namath rocks the square hard.

Dance G, Fred Astaire is crispy and clean.

Spanish Artist Super G, Salvador Dali rocks the square like melting watches. He had a dope crib in Cadaques as well. Great style.

Spanish Artist Pablo Picasso was a true Playboy. And does a halfway decent job of rocking the square.

Chicago legend Al Capone always rocked the square.

JFK always dressed dope. Back when Presidents were good, and enjoyed life. And a smoke.

If you don’t know, now you know.

Click Here for a grip of Pocket Squares

Click Here for Roosh’s Day Bang: How To Casually Pick Up Girls During The Day

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Jane Birkin et Serge Gainsbourg – Je T’aime,…Moi Non Plus

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McP’s Irish Pub, Coronado: Navy SEAL Sniper Chris Kyle Knocks Out Jesse Ventura?

» 10 January 2012 » In Boxing, G Manifesto, Guide, People, Travel » 17 Comments

McP’s Irish Pub, Coronado: Navy SEAL Sniper Chris Kyle Knocks Out Jesse Ventura?

Believe it or not, I was watching Fox News the other night (I sometimes do for a few minutes just to see how idiot Americans think) and caught a clip of chickenhawk coward Bill O’Reilly interviewing Navy Seal Chris Kyle, who has something like 200 sniper kills. Great.

However, right at the beginning of the interview, O’Reilly starts talking about a section of the book that Chris Kyle is peddling where Kyle supossedly punched and dropped Former Governor, former Navy Seal and former Mongol, Jesse Ventura.

He also goes on to slander Ventura pretty bad when he says Ventura told him, “You deserved to lose a few (Navy Seals), over there.”

Keep in mind that O’Reilly has beef with Ventura and starts spazzing like a little girl with a brand new Barbie doll when Kyle recounts the story. Peep it:

Right off the bat, this story seems a little shaky.

Now, I know Coronado, I have been going there since I was a young pup. I know the place like the back of my hand.

My Godfather is a main gun there on the “in the shadows” tip. He once came out of the shadows for a brief period, and that is all I will say on the matter, as it would be easy to figure out his identity.

My 2nd best running partners grandfather is a Coronado legend. And worldwide legend. And that is all I will say on that as well.

Suffice to say, I know Coronado, California and some of my earliest memories as a child were visiting my Godfather, The Hotel Del and the beach there.

Initially, I wouldn’t deny that this happened, but in Coronado, if there is a fight (or any type of crime) trust me on this one, police will be involved. (California is a Police State now after all.)

Here is Venturas response to the accusations:

Exclusive: Jesse Ventura Demands Fox Retraction for Sniper’s Lies 1/3

Here are a few more of my thoughts after listening to Ventura’s side of the story:

1. Basically, what the guy describes is sucker punching an older guy and running. Not really brag worthy.

2. He slanders Ventura pretty bad. I know Ventura is anti-war (like pretty much everyone I know who served in a war), but it seems completely out of character that he would say that “you deserve to lose a few men”.

3. In the age of cell phone cameras and TMZ, and everything else weesh that our modern day society has cooked up, it is hard to think this wasn’t captured by someone. Or in the news. Especially in Coronado.

4. I am pretty good at reading people, I have had to be in my line of work, and from Ventura’s voice, it doesn’t sound like he is lying. The younger cat gives off strange energy and body language. Maybe he just got back from Iraq, so maybe that is why. I would have to know more details, but if I had to bet money, the younger cat seems a little more shaky.

5. He is selling a book.

Now, it just so happens that I went to Coronado today to drop off an “envelope” to my Godfather and listen to his infinite wisdom for a couple of hours. The first time I have been Coronado since December of last year.

So I decided to step into McP’s Irish Pub (the site of the alleged incident) and get a Guinness and one of their Reubens that I like (I have probably been here 10-15 times before in my life).

After asking around a little about this story, and talking with people I know (I keep friends in high and low places and have eyes and ears everywhere), I can say with 99.9% accuracy (I wasn’t there after all) that Chris Kyle’s story is completely false.

Side note:

I have the utmost respect for those who have served in the military. Almost all my family has. My Father has. My Godfather has. I support the troops 110%.

And trust me, Navy SEAL are cats that you don’t want to mess with.

I have some Navy SEAL brawl stories, some hilarious, that I might share down the road.

Click Here for Roosh’s Day Bang: How To Casually Pick Up Girls During The Day

Click Here for American Sniper: The Autobiography of the Most Lethal Sniper in U.S. Military History by Chris Kyle

Click Here for 63 Documents the Government Doesn’t Want You to Read by Jesse Ventura

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

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Wack Style: Guys And Little Dogs

» 09 January 2012 » In Crime, G Manifesto, Guide, People, Style » 10 Comments

Wack Style: Guys And Little Dogs

“That fake Al Capone sh*t we don’t condone. I am about to turn this whole Game into a funeral home”. – Keith Murray

We already know that America is on a heavy downslide.

It always amazes me when I get back to The States from my travels around the world is how many guys in America are walking little dogs.

It’s pathetic, from a Style standpoint, and annoying because, I am trying to get my roadwork in and get to my Boxing Gym. The little dogs are never trained and clog up the sidewalk.

If you think about it (which I try not to), it is either guys actually wanting little dogs as pets, or guys walking the little dogs of their girlfriends as a slave favor.

Both options are despicable.

Keep in mind, I don’t really condone the phoney goateed, sleeve tatted steez cat, thinking he is causing a crime wave with his pitbull either.

But honestly, I feel less nauseous after drinking 20 Goose and sodas and eating 3 quesadillas with extra guac than I do after seeing a guy walking a little dog.

Someone has to put a stop to this.

I am kind of surprised that The Chinese or The Russians don’t just make a move on US now while we are at our weakest.

Click Here for The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report

Click Here for Roosh’s Day Bang: How To Casually Pick Up Girls During The Day

And I always thought that girls with little dogs was a big sign that the Apocalypse was coming.

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

KEITH MURRAY U Aint No Gangsta

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New Years Eve: Night Game

» 08 January 2012 » In G Manifesto, Game, Gentleman's Club, Girls, Guide, Nightlife » 1 Comment

New Years Eve: Night Game

I am going to give away another butter Game secret for my fellow budding International Playboys on the rise out there:

Now it is well documented that I don’t go out on New Years Eve.

However, like 6 or 7 years ago, one of my friends rolled over to my crib on New Years Eve and said, “We are rolling out tonight”.

I said, “You already know the only night I won’t go out during the year is New Years Eve. I have been out 12 of the last 14 nights swooping mad girls. Where were you? Don’t bring this weak sh*t to me”.

He responded, “You will want to go out tonight. Our friend XXXX has got this club locked down. Mad girls. We are rolling.”

I cracked a little, “No issues getting in?”

“None” he said.

“You sure you got it locked?”, I said.

“No doubt”, he said.

“Ok, let me call my driver. I am not f*cking around with catching cabs on New Years. Too many wack people out”.

Fast forward a few hours and we get to the club.

Full Mayhem. Fire Marshal there. I should have guess it.

“Call your boy, who has this place “on lock”. He should be able to get us in, right?” I told my friend.

Fast forward 10 min.

His buddy who supposedly had sh*t on lock came out of the club and said, “There is nothing I can do, I am really sorry Michael, Fire Marshall and all, I promise I will make it up to you.”.

I should have known. In fact, I did know, and I was almost frothing at the mouth.

“What should we do now?” my idiot friend said.

(Side note: my friend actually is smooth as f*ck. Real strong resume. Probably a top 50 player in all of America. Still, he was really throwing up airballs that night).

I take control of the night:

“We are going to my ‘Local Bar’ AKA The Gentleman’s Club that I have on lock. “I need a drink. Let me call my driver again.”

Fast forward 10 minutes.

We arrive at my Gentleman’s Club, slap five with the valets, say “what up” to the hostess girl (free entry of course) slap five with the bartender and settle in for a cocktail.

We both look around:

We are the only two customers in the place.

And about 18 dancers working.

9 girls to one. Solid ratio.

Let’s just say a we had better things on the agenda that night than a “New Year Kiss”.

Moral of the story:

If you absolutely have to go out on New Years Eve, go to a Gentleman’s Club.

Or a legit, and I mean a legit Mansion Party.

Click Here for The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report

Click Here for Roosh’s Day Bang: How To Casually Pick Up Girls During The Day

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Tina Turner – Private Dancer

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New Years Eve: The Best Day of The Year for Day Game

» 05 January 2012 » In Dope, Game, Girls, Guide » 3 Comments

New Years Eve: Day Game

“I bring a total eclipse when the darkness falls, most of you so called thugs chill in shopping malls.” – Unusual Suspects

Here is a little secret that I have know for years that I want to give to everyone:

December 31st is the best day of the year for Day Game.

Let me say that again so it will sink in:

December 31st is the best day of the year for Day Game.

I stumbled upon this years ago by accident.

I was in Beverly Hills on Rodeo Drive and I stopped to get a double espresso and have a smoke.

Looking around, all I saw was fly girls rolling around looking to buy outfits to wear on NYE.

So I just posted up and started chopping. I remember I heisted something like 12 phone numbers in a short order and ended up closing most of them up over the course of January.

There are literally zero guys around on that day. Guys are doing whatever guys do that day; watching team sports? Eating nachos? Playing video games? Buying skinny jeans? Buying Glittery T-shirts? Who knows what the hell “regular guy” does these days? And who cares?

But there are no guys out.

Only girls.

Make sure you hit up a high end shopping district (I don’t do malls unless I am in Colombia) and enjoy.

And yes, I do accept thank you cards.

Click Here for Roosh’s Day Bang: How To Casually Pick Up Girls During The Day

Click Here for Zippo 20903 Gold Floral Flush Lighter Great American Made

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Tommy James & the Shondells Crystal Blue Persuasion

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