New York City: Nightclub and Restaurant Data Sheets

» 27 December 2011 » In Dope, Food, Guide, Nightlife, Style, Travel » 8 Comments

New York City: Nightclub and Restaurant Data Sheets

In October, I had the pleasure of hitting up New York City again. It had been awhile. Place is still fresh.

Here are my favorite spots to hit up like a jay of Northern Lights #5.

Dream Hotel -355 West 16th Street
Ill spot. Rooftop is dope. So is the lounge. Might be hard to get in, I was with a Model girl so entry was academic.

Kenmare – 98 Kenmare St
Ripped this spot from pillar to post. Met and swooped fly Model girl I went with to above spot. Heard it closed from my contacts for a bit since I went.

The Darby – 244 West 14th Street
Pretty good. Pretty good. Like Mekhi Phifer says in 8 Mile.

El Castillo De Jagua – 113 Rivington St
Old school favorite of mine for a grind.

Les Enfants Terribles – 37 Canal Street
Another move I like.

La Esquina – (F*ck the address thing. Look it up yourself. I am kicking the solid gold sh*t. You can do some of the work.)
Dope spot. Models. Can you dig it?

Cocktail spot. Some swoops to be had. To the brain.

Jane Hotel

Decently good.

Raouls –
Love this spot. I would marry it, if I believed in marriage. But I don’t. Still, the steak tartare, cocktails, and conversation (and swoops) are worth their weight in Gold Eagle Coins.

Love this place for lunch. And Dinner. And I probably would love it for breakfast if I was ever up that early. Hell, I would spend 24 hours a day here if they would let me. A perfect restaurant. Hell, even the water temperature of the tap water they serve you is perfect. Steak tartare go off, non-stop.

No restaurant in America has as many stunningly beautiful girls per capita. Like the downstairs. Love the upstairs. It’s on like Vietnam.

Casa Mono
For my comida Espanola fix. And I need that fix more than a heron addict needs heron.


Grammercy Tavern
Love this spot. Real illmatic.

Mondrian Hotel Bar
Good for early night swoops and warm up cocktails. You like “warm up cocktails” right?

Yonah Schimmel’s Knishes Bakery
Old school favorite.

Spice Market
Still smooth.

Mercer Kitchen

Lure Fish Bar
Good for a “transition cocktail” and a swoop.

Mercer Hotel
Yeah, yeah.

Soho Grand Hotel
Still kreeg. (That’s Kauai slang for those that don’t know)


Del Posto

Minetta Tavern
If this place was an Exotic Dancer, I might even spring for a lap dance. Maybe.

Blue Hill
I am down.

60 Thompson Hotel

Circa Tabac
One word: Grits

Café Boulud
Word up.

Blue Ribbon
Down like King Kong. And Donkey Kong. And I drop Game bombs.

If this place was a beek, I would snort it.

Some of my people don’t like it, but they roll out the red carpet for your humble author. Could be the Custom Suit. Could be the fat Bankroll. Or the winning personality. Not sure which one. Hard to track. Do I care? No.

Eleven Madison Park
I will pay for the bill, and float a heavy tip.

Lombardis Pizza
Great mid-day grind, while dissing that weesh actor guy from HBO’s Entourage.

Russ And Daughters
Come on? Place is straight grindy.

Katz Deli
Russ And Daughters or Katz? Great question. I think I will split time 50-50. And I don’t mean that spot in Miami Beach either.

Per Se
Tom Keller delivers on the Eastside.

Osteria Morini
Mid-day bar grind? For sure.

Jean-Georges Restaurant

Le Bernardin
Especially for fresh seafood on a Monday. One of the few places I will eat seafood on a Monday.

21 Club
My friend has this place on lock. I have to admit I am kind of jealous.

Click Here for Roosh’s Day Bang: How To Casually Pick Up Girls During The Day

Click Here for The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Rakim – Guess Who’s Back

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Montreal, Canada: Nightclub and Restaurant Data Sheets

» 26 December 2011 » In Dope, Game, Girls, Guide, Nightlife, Travel » 10 Comments

Montreal, Canada: Nightclub and Restaurant Data Sheets

Back in September I went to Montreal for the first time. You could say I am in the middle of a love affair with that city to say the least. Although my love affair will be put on hold till summer.

Here are some spots to hit up like an Everlast punching bag:

Cavalli – 2040 Peel
Good spot to swoop fly girls at, get there on the earlier side of things. Straight murdered this joint.

Wood– 3500 St. Laurent
Worth checking.

Wunderbar – 901 Square Victoria
In the W Hotel. Not bad, even though I historically speaking hate W Hotels. Upstairs lobby bar is a better move for an early night smooth cocktail.

Restaurant Holder – 407 McGill St
Fresh spot in Old Montreal.

Toqué! Restaurant – 900, Place Jean-Paul-Riopelle
Mindblowing food. Maybe 2nd best restaurant I ate all year.

Au Pied de Cochon – 536 Avenue Duluth
Mindblowing Foie Gras go off. Foie Gras to the brain.

Cherry – 417 Rue Saint Pierre
Dope nightclub. Very friendly girls to say the least. Real good move on a Thursday night. Door might be slightly tricky for the less connected.

Buona Notte – 3518 St. Laurent
Worth a look-see.

Ferreira Café -1446 Rue Peel
Portuguese Restaurant

Muzique – 3781 St. Laurent
Nightclub. Once had a “NO FAT GIRLS ALLOWED!!!!!!!!!!” party. Source

Ivy – 3556 St-Laurent

MACARONI BAR – 4448 Boulevard Saint-Laurent
Never went but could be worth a shot.

Radio Lounge -3553 Boulevard Saint-Laurent

Tokyo Bar – 3709 Boulevard Saint-Laurent

Le LocaL – 740 Rue William Montreal
Dope restaurant. Fly girls.

Hotel St. Paul – 355 Rue McGill
Dope Hotel bar. Smooth meeting spot. Functional.

Bar Confessional – 431 McGill St

Circus – 915 Saint Catherine
Late night spot. Could be a good option in a pinch. Never went.

Tonic Club Lounge – 2313 Rue Sainte-Catherine

Club Wandas -1310 Boulevard De Maisonneuve Ouest
Gentlman’s Club. 1-0 with 1KO here.

Other spots to consider:

Med Café

Click Here for Roosh’s Day Bang: How To Casually Pick Up Girls During The Day

Click Here for The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report

Peep Bourdain’s new episode on The Layover on Montreal:

“This is a great country because of this city. Without Montreal, Canada would be hopeless. It’s where the cool kids hang.” – Anthony Bourdain

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Au Revoir Simone Shadows Music Video

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Marc Faber: Predictions for 2012

» 25 December 2011 » In money, People » 1 Comment

Marc Faber: Predictions for 2012

Marc Faber Predictions for 2012

With his usual holiday cheer Marc Faber’s most recent interview had him slamming the derivative markets. In an interview with Reuters he went over his predictions for 2012 which calls for more monetary easing, QE 3 etc. He also continues to worry about the growing EU sovereign debt crisis and the lack of real solutions. This was confirmed today after the ECB announced more banks than previously known tapped liquidity lines to the tune of $600 billion.
Of course his long-term views are decidedly bearish. He thinks people in 5 years time will have maybe 50% of their money. This wealth loss will be due to either equity collapses or inflationary pressures due to monetary easing. Obviously political solutions are out of the question at this point. One can look at the US government and see utter dysfunction. The GOP led house has refused to extend a tax cut due to lobbyist pressures on certain pet projects. Then in the EU you have France and the UK with increasingly cold diplomatic relations.

“I am convinced the whole derivatives market will cease to exit. Will become zero. And when it happens I don’t know: you can postpone the problems with monetary measures for a long time but you can’t solve them… Greece should have defaulted – it would have sent a message that not all derivatives are equal because it depends on the counterparty.”

Looks like 2012 is shaping up to be another interesting year. The Mayans may be wrong about the end of the world, but if Marc Faber is right we won’t be able to tell the difference.


Jim Rogers: Faber’s Wrong About China

Jim Rogers thinks Marc Faber has got it wrong about China, when he says the country is possibly headed for a hard landing, which would lead to a devastating impact on commodities around the world.

“Marc still does not understand China. There are going to be several hard landings in the next few years, but China’s will be less hard overall than others such as Greece, U.S., et al,” Rogers told CNBC in an email.

Rogers says some parts of China’s economy will have a “hard landing” but other parts will continue to boom. He says the commodity market will have a correction, but rebutted Faber’s view that it would be devastating.

“Yes, there will be consolidations in the commodity bull market just as all markets have consolidations,” he said. “In 1987, stocks declined 40-80 percent worldwide, but it was not the end of the secular bull market in stocks.”

Rogers said he was still long commodities, adding that gold went up 600 percent in the 1970s and then corrected by 50 percent scaring a lot of people. “It then continued its secular bull market and rose 850 percent. Corrections are the normal way of all markets.”

According to Faber, Rogers’ bullish call on commodities is misplaced. “If I was always bullish about commodities and completely missed out on the crash in 2008, then obviously, having tied essentially my reputation to commodities, I’d continue to be bullish,” Faber said.

But Rogers said Faber had got it wrong when it came to his call in 2008. “I proclaimed repeatedly far and wide that one should not buy commodities in the run up phase. I also explained that I was not selling mine since we were [and are] in a secular bull market,” Rogers said.

“I explained that my shorts of Citibank, Fannie Mae, all the investment banks and homebuilders, plus my long position in the Japanese yen would protect me in any sell-offs. When one’s shorts decline 90-100 percent, it is a good year even when one’s longs decline,” Rogers added.

According to Rogers, Faber is the one who has made many wrong calls, arguing that he “totally missed” the secular bull market in commodities that began in early 1999.

“Also back in those days, he and his friends proclaimed often that China was a mess and would continue to be so,” Rogers said. “They all were wildly excited about Russia. Some of his friends even left China to start operations in Russia. We all know how that resulted.”


Click Here for Riding the Millennial Storm: Marc Faber’s Path to Profit in the Financial Markets

Click Here for Manias, Panics, and Crashes: A History of Financial Crises

Click Here for Tomorrow’s Gold: Asia’s age of discovery

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

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Jim Rogers: Predictions for 2012

» 24 December 2011 » In Guide, money, People » No Comments

Jim Rogers: Predictions for 2012

Mr Rogers, the respected currency trader and hedge fund pioneer, cautioned that when the downturn takes hold “the world is going to be in worse shape because the world has shot all its bullets.”

Speaking in an interview with business television channel CNBC, the septuagenarian investor said that “since the beginning of time” there has been a recession every four-to-six years, and that’s mean another one is due around 2012.

However, he said that due to the extraordinary measures already adopted by central banks and governments around the world, the arsenal of available tools to combat the next recession is somewhat lacking.

With reference to Ben Bernanke, chairman of the US Federal Reserve, he said: “Is Mr Bernanke going to print more money than he already has? No, the world would run out of trees.”

Meanwhile, Robert Shiller, co-creator of the Standard & Poor’s/Case-Shiller house price index, warned that the next downturn may come even sooner.

“For me a double-dip is another recession before we’ve healed from this recession. The probability of that kind of double-dip is more than 50pc. I actually expect it,” he said. His prediction came despite the S&P/Case-Shiller index for May showing a 4.6pc year-on-year increase in house prices in 20 major US conurbations.


US economy is a bubble that will burst: Jim Rogers

Jim Rogers – Finance News Network Interview – December 22, 2011

Click Here for Riding the Millennial Storm: Marc Faber’s Path to Profit in the Financial Markets

Click Here for Psychology and the Stock Market: Investment Strategy Beyond Random Walk

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

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Gerald Celente: Predictions for 2012

» 23 December 2011 » In People, Style » 1 Comment

Gerald Celente: Predictions for 2012

Here is a little breakdown for 2012 by the cat who basically predicted the Occupy Wall Street Movement:

One megatrend looms on the near horizon. And we forecast that when it strikes, it will be a shock felt around the world. Hyperbole it’s not! Our research has revealed that at the very highest levels of government this megatrend has been seriously discussed. Read on:

1. Economic Martial Law: Given the current economic and geopolitical conditions, the central banks and world governments already have plans in place to declare economic martial law … with the possibility of military martial law to follow.

2. Battlefield America: With a stroke of the Presidential pen, language was removed from an earlier version of the National Defense Authorization Act, granting the President authority to act as judge, jury and executioner. Citizens, welcome to “Battlefield America.”

3. Invasion of the Occtupy: 15 years ago, Gerald Celente predicted in his book Trends 2000 that prolonged protests would hit Wall Street in the early years of the new millennium and would spread nationwide. The “Occtupy” is now upon us, and it is like nothing history has ever witnessed.

4. Climax Time: The financial house of cards is collapsing, and in 2012 many of the long-simmering socioeconomic and geopolitical trends that Celente has accurately forecast will come to a climax. Some will arrive with a big bang and others less dramatically … but no less consequentially. Are you prepared? And what’s next for the world?

5. Technocrat Takeover: “Democracy is Dead; Long Live the Technocrat!” A pair of lightning-quick financial coup d’états in Greece and Italy have installed two unelected figures as head of state. No one yet in the mainstream media is calling this merger of state and corporate powers by its proper name: Fascism, nor are they calling these “technocrats” by their proper name: Bankers! Can a rudderless ship be saved because technocrat is at the helm?

6. Repatriate! Repatriate!: It took a small, but financially and politically powerful group to sell the world on globalization, and it will take a large, committed and coordinated citizens’ movement to “un-sell” it. “Repatriate! Repatriate!” will pit the creative instincts of a multitude of individuals against the repressive monopoly of the multinationals.

7. Secession Obsession: Winds of political change are blowing from Tunisia to Russia and everywhere in between, opening a window of opportunity through which previously unimaginable political options may now be considered: radical decentralization, Internet-based direct democracy, secession, and even the peaceful dissolution of nations, offering the possibility for a new world “disorder.”

8. Safe Havens: As the signs of imminent economic and social collapse become more pronounced, legions of New Millennium survivalists are, or will be, thinking about looking for methods and ways to escape the resulting turmoil. Those “on-trend” have already taken measure to implement Gerald Celente’s 3 G’s: Gold, Guns and a Getaway plan. Where to go? What to do? Top Trends 2012 will guide the way.

9. Big Brother Internet: The coming year will be the beginning of the end of Internet Freedom: A battle between the governments and the people. Governments will propose legislation for a new “authentication technology,” requiring Internet users to present the equivalent of a driver’s license and/or bill of health to navigate cyberspace. For the general population it will represent yet another curtailing of freedom and level of governmental control.

10. Direct vs. Faux Democracy: In every corner of the world, a restive populace has made it clear that it’s disgusted with “politics as usual” and is looking for change. Government, in all its forms – democracy, autocracy, monarchy, socialism, communism – just isn’’t working. The only viable solution is to take the vote out of the hands of party politicians and institute Direct Democracy. If the Swiss can do it, why can’t anyone else?

11. Alternative Energy 2012: Even under the cloud of Fukushima, the harnessing of nuclear power is being reinvigorated by a fuel that is significantly safer than uranium and by the introduction of small, modular, portable reactors that reduce costs and construction time. In addition, there are dozens of projects underway that explore the possibility of creating cleaner, competitively priced liquid fuels distilled from natural sources. Plan to start saying goodbye to conventional liquid fuels!

12. Going Out in Style: In the bleak terrain of 2012 and beyond, “Affordable sophistication” will direct and inspire products, fashion, music, the fine arts and entertainment at all levels. US businesses would be wise to wake up and tap into the dormant desire for old time quality and the America that was.


I like #12. I have been yapping about that one for years.

Gerald Celente Predictions for 2012 – ‘Protesters’

Click Here for Riding the Millennial Storm: Marc Faber’s Path to Profit in the Financial Markets

Click Here for Manias, Panics, and Crashes: A History of Financial Crises

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

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