What to do when you lose your Passport in Spain

» 14 August 2011 » In Guide, Travel » 11 Comments

What to do when you lose your Passport in Spain

In case you have the unfortunate circumstances of losing your Passport in Spain, and you have a flight to catch to leave the country, here is what you need to do:

1. You need to file a police report with the National Police (Policia National) not the local police. If you so happen to be in Alicante, Spain, they are located here: C/ Médico Pascual Pérez, 33 – 35. This is a major hassle and will throw salt in your Game, but having the police report will make things easier. Hopefully, you will also have a copy of your lost Passport.

2. You need to get either to Barcelona (Paseo Reina Elisenda de Montcada, 23, 08034 Barcelona) or Madrid (C/ SERRANO, 75, 28006 Madrid). Valencia has a Consulate as well, but they are closed now. I went to Barcelona, because I know the city better. The consolate is about 11km from the airport. Or about 15 min in cab.

3. Hop on flight to Barcelona (or Madrid). The police report will allow you to get on the flight.

4. Get your bags and throw them in the consegnas or storage lockers. This is in I think Terminal one. It costs about 5.40 euros for 24 hours. Make sure you keep your ticket safe.

5. Hope in a cab to The US Consulate in Barcelona. Grease the cab driver to make sure you get there before 1pm. This is key. And stupid that they close at 1pm. I mean, its not like it’s important, right? They are also open only Monday – Friday (9am to 1pm).

6. Roll over to Consulate. They actually are pretty helpful. If there is no line, they can get you an emergency Passport in one hour. You might need to show proof that you have a flight out of the country. Make sure you bring it. It will cost $135 dollars plus 4 euros for Passport photos. You can pay the $135 with credit card. You need cash (monedas) for the photos.

7. In an hour or so, you have your emergency Passport. Pure stoke.

8. Make sure you check out Monastery de Pedralbes and The Güell Pavilions by Antonio Gaudi, as both are in walking distance of the Consulate. This will help make your trip to Barcelona worthwhile.

9. Get a Catalan grind on.

10. Hop in a cab back to airport.

11. Get your luggage out of the consegnas.

12. You are back in action. Commence swooping girls at Barcelona airport. There will be tons.

Click Here for The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report

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The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life


Volver – Estrella Morente

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Secret Spot: Spanish Right Hand Tube

» 09 August 2011 » In Dope, Guide, money, Travel » 3 Comments

Secret Spot: Spanish Right Hand Tube

A few days ago, all the locals were surfing the main beach break.

I decided to take a long walk around the point and take a look at this cove beach I spocked a few days earlier on a jog before the swell came. (I have a unique ability to find secret spots and set ups).

I anticipated correctly as I was able to surf this perfect right hand tube off the rocks to the head. No one out. (Took a picture from high above on the cliff after the session. It was bigger/better earlier, when I surfed it.)

What’s up now?

Now, you ask, “Where exactly is that spot?”

Do me a favor.

But I will say it is kind of near here:

Or maybe not.

In Gold News:

The gold bug has hit the shopping center.

Gold Max — said to be he largest chain of jewelery-purchasing stores — says it’s on track to open 100 gold-buying shops in Southern California within the next year. It already has seven Orange County stores.


You knew thing was coming.

Click Here for The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life


Pusha T – Cook It Down (HD)

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Business and Girls: Phone Game VS Text Game

» 08 August 2011 » In Game, Girls, Guide » 3 Comments

Business and Girls: Phone Game VS Text Game

It is kind of funny when people think that Texting and Emailing make things easier when it comes to Business and Girls.

It doesn’t.

For purposes of this discussion, there are two types of conversations: Selling/Negotiating and Informational.

When it comes to business, information is OK to convey via Text or Email. For instance:

Someone asks you, “how much for 50 Kilos of Cocaine?” or “When will the Cocaine cross the San Diego border?”

You can answer this by Text or Email.

Now when they say, “Well, how much for 75 Kilos, and how is the quality?”

This is when you need to talk over the phone and sell the cat. Or else you could go back and forth on Email or Text for a month.

A five minute phone conversation can close the deal.

(Side note: Drug Deals should never be conducted over the phone or via Email. And no, saying “I need 50 white T-shirts” won’t work either.)

It is the same thing when swooping Girls.

Informational texts are OK, especially when you have already swooped her. For instance, “Meet me at 11pm at the fountain.” or “See you at 9pm, make sure you wear heels and a dress.”

But when she says, “I am not sure if I can meet then, can we meet at my parents restaurante later in the night?”

This is when you need to switch to Phone Game and sell her.

This is when you need to hit The Six Elements of Picking Up Girls: Sizzle, Control, Rapport, Trust, Urgency and Greed. If you don’t you could go back and forth on Text for hours.

Five minutes on the phone and you can close the deal.

A lot of young cats in The Game constantly complain about girls flaking non-stop these days.

I can tell you this, if you “sold” the girl you are trying to swoop by text message and she flaked, you never had her anyways.

Click Here for The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

In Boxing News:

Junior middleweight titlist Miguel Cotto and Antonio Margarito, who are putting the finishing touches on a deal for a Dec. 3 rematch, will meet at New York’s Madison Square Garden, Top Rank president Todd duBoef told ESPN.com on Wednesday.

“Everything is being finalized for the fight and when it is, we’ll be at Madison Square Garden,” duBoef said of the famed arena, which is undergoing a significant renovation. “Madison Square Garden is one of the most important arenas in the country and I like doing events here. Miguel has a big fan base here and we want those fans to see him again.”

When Cotto (36-2, 29 KOs) and Margarito (38-7, 27 KOs) met in 2008, they waged their memorable welterweight title bout at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, where Margarito’s Mexican fans were out in force. He came on strong in the fight’s second half to stop Cotto in the 11th round of a bloody battle, a win later tainted when Margarito was caught trying to enter the ring in his next fight, against Shane Mosley, wearing loaded hand wraps.


This will be a can’t miss fight.

Read these for a refresher:

Phone Game is Dead or is it?

Phone Game Broken Down to The Organic Compound

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life


az – Dead End – Undeniable

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American Competition Abroad

» 06 August 2011 » In Dope, People, Style, Travel » 6 Comments

American Competition Abroad

One of the thing that constantly amazes me when I travel the world and swoop fly girls is how little competition comes from my fellow Americans.

The American competition is just paper thin.

You are way more likely to run into chubby Americans with beards, t-shirts and sandals than you are to run into American International Playboys with Custom Suits, Gucci Loafers, thick Bankrolls and Zippo Lighters.

It is pretty embarassing how shook Americans are abroad. And don’t get me started on American Beach Style on the Topless Beaches. (That being said, the Euro guy style is really bad too).

I am mildly surprised that more people out their aren’t embracing The International Playboy Lifestyle.

The US government really should start paying International Playboys for all the good PR work we do for our country.

Click Here for The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life


Carlos Jean feat Electric Nana – Lead the Way

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The Del Mar Racetrack: Swooping The Top Tier Girls

» 18 July 2011 » In Dope, Game, Girls, Guide, Travel » 11 Comments

The Del Mar Racetrack: Swooping The Top Tier Girls

2 days, 3 hours, and 50 minutes to first post.

(Check the archives for more Data Sheets on The Del Mar Racetrack)

One of the great things about The Del Mar Racetrack in Summertime is you really get some top tier girls rolling through. I am talking Hollywood Actresses, Models, and Playboy girls (ok, not exactly “top tier”, but you get my point).

Here is a move I use to swoop them:

When you spot a insanely fly girl in The Del Mar Turf Club, chances are, there are going to be other playboys trying to swoop her.

Let them make their move. The Del Mar Racetrack is just as much a Stamina competition as a Game competition.

And since it is a “closed environment” you can bide your time and wait. (This tactic also works at other “closed environments” ie weddings).

However, what I will do, is step in strong make and introduction, and cut out. I spot them from afar and play The Deerhunter.

Then I let the other Playboys blow their bankroll and lose steam.

When the time is right, at approximately the fifth race, I will then make my move again.

Since she already knows who you are, you will seem like a breath of fresh air. I then isolate her and roll around the spot, introducing her to the heavies ie The Shark, Pitino, the cat who runs the show at Flemington Racecourse in Melbourne, Beyer, and other assorted characters.

A cigarette on the balcony, and it is time to close the show. And when you close the show, do it like Sugar Ray Leonard did against Tommy “The Hitman” Hearns:

Essentailly, what you want to do when you swoop The Top Tier Girls at The Del Mar Racetrack is be the “boxer” in the early rounds and change to the “puncher” in the later rounds. Like Sugar Ray. And I am not talking about that crappy band from Orange County either.

Make sense?

Side note on The Del Mar Racetrack:

It is widely accepted that I have been the No.1 Playboy at The Del Mar Racetrack over the last ten years. (Something like The Celtics in the 60’s. I am mildly surprised that Sports Illustrated hasn’t covered this).

Doubt me? Just walk up to whoever you think is the top playboy there and ask him, “Who is the top Playboy at The Del Mar Racetrack?”

Nine times out of ten, the answer you will get is, “Michael Mason, with out a doubt.”

But that is neither here nor there.

However, this summer I will not be making an apperance. I have decided to trade The Del Mar Racetrack for the Topless Beaches of Spain this summer.

I have settled nicely into a routine of waking up late, surfing, chilling with fly 21 year old topless girls, having them cook me a Spanish lunch, swooping and napping.


The Down Economy has hurt The Del Mar Racetrack. And I don’t like where they are going with the non-smoking thing either.

Essentially, I am pulling a “Lennox Lewis” and I am surrendering my belt.

So if you want that No.1 spot, its open.

Click Here for The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life


Clipse – Nightmares

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