Custom Suits and Dope Shoes: Save Money by Spending Money

» 08 June 2011 » In diamonds, Guide, Luxury, money, Style » 10 Comments

Custom Suits and Dope Shoes: Save Money by Spending Money

When I posted this, Undefeated Gucci Loafers, a lot of people asked me, “But what if I don’t have the money for Gucci Loafers and Custom Suits?”

Here is the thing most people don’t realize: Custom Suits and Dope Shoes actually save you money.

Let me break it down:

You throw down 5 G’s for a Custom Suit.

If you take care of it, you can have it for minimum 10 years (if not a lifetime and hand it down to your little baby G’s if you go that route).

$5,000 / 10 = $500 per year.

Pretty damn cheap.

Now ask yourself, what would you rather have, a Custom Suit, or some crappy off-the rack job by Hugo Boss for $500 where the buttons will pop off after a heavy night?

Same thing with Gucci Loafers, let’s break it down:

Gucci Loafers will easily last you 5 years, if you take care of them and hit up your shoe cobbler on a regular basis.

$500 / 5 – $100 per year.

Now ask yourself, what would you rather have, a dope pair of Gucci Loafers or some weesh Kenneth Cole’s that will fall apart in 6 months?

Side note: It’s a little harder to pencil out handmade shoes, but they are worth every penny.

And here is the kicker.

With all the money printing that Bernake is doing, investing in Custom Suits and Dope Shoes is investing in real assets. So you are actually hedging against inflation.

Trust me, when the apocalypse comes, you are going to want to have some silver, some gold, some emeralds, some diamonds and shooting it out with an AR-15 and taking Thorozine while Custom Suited Down.

For Style Points, of course.

International Playboy of The Apocalypse.

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Shoe Shoe Shine 1974

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How to Pick Up Your Favorite Pornstar

» 01 June 2011 » In Game, Girls, Guide, Nightlife, People » 5 Comments

How to Pick Up Your Favorite Pornstar

After detonating Shore Club, I roll up to Mint in Miami Beach, slap five with the doorman (you know who I am talking about), who says with an accent, “Nice suit, Michael”, and I respond “thanks, merci as I enter the arena.

Mint is popping like corn as usual; tons of fly girls, and the energy is sick.

I roll around, give a “two kisses” greeting to a Chilanga I sort of know and settle in for a Goose and Soda. Sixteen bucks. Not bad.

I am feeling great, and I am Custom Suited Down, so I start ripping the spot off the cord.

Number Crunch a fly Ecuadorian girl, and Number Crunch and kiss a fly Cubana. It’s on.

I take a little break, spark up a smoke, and then I see her: the flyest girl I have seen in Miami Beach. Or at least the flyest girl I have seen in a few hours.

She is tall, thin, and dancing like pop rocks mixed with Classic Coke. I catch my breath and make a move.

It is loud as f*ck, but I get her attention and whisper in her ear. She smiles. Pauses. Then unfortunately, continues dancing.

I pull out some big guns as I whisper in her ear again. She smiles. Kisses me on the cheek. Then unfortunately, continues dancing by herself.

I pull out and grab another cocktail to regroup; I look back over, this girl is fire like hillsides in Southern California during Santa Anas.

It then hits me; this girl is one of my favorite p0rnstars.

I have pretty much lost, but I kind of fancy myself as Arturo Gatti of nightlife, of sorts (as in, I often pull out spectacular knockouts from the brink of defeat), so I go back in.

I throw a hailmary left hook, and…miss.

She goes on dancing by herself. Unreal.

I think of pulling out the huge Bankroll I have in my pocket and “pitching” her, but I wisely decide against.

Oh well, even Arturo Gatti took losses.

Come to think of it, I think she only does lesbian p0rn these days.


After the p0rnstar debacle, I saw the flyest Mexicana girl smoking at the closest booth to the door with her friends. I have two Zippos in my pocket but I use The Greatest Opener of All Time.

I Number Crunch.

In the next two weeks, I close the Ecuadorian girl, the Cubana, and the Mexicana.

Not a bad night all in all.

I told you I was feeling great.

And remember, never give up.

(Side note: the girls in the pictures may or may not be the p0rnstar in question).

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

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Budget Game First Date Swoop Move

» 31 May 2011 » In Game, Girls » 9 Comments

Budget Game First Date Swoop Move

Recently, we covered The Three Point First Date Swoop Move, which is what I do currently on a first date.

However, I often get accused that many of the moves that I share are only for people with mad CASH. I disagree, as all my moves are “For The People”.

That being said, I will bust out an old move from the earlier Chambers of The G Manifesto that I used to do when I was a younger up and coming Proto-type G on the rise.

Here is The Budget Game First Date Swoop Move:

Have the fly girl you met meet you at your crib for the “date”.

Then hop in the G ride and roll a few blocks to the cliffs overlooking the beach (when I was a younger up and coming Proto-type G on the rise I just so happened to live in one of the most exclusive beach towns in Southern California).

Show the fly girl how beautiful it is; the beach, the moon, the ocean, the stars. Let nature do your work for you. She should be down.

Spark up a jay of The Chronic. It will help to set the mood.

Kiss her. If things are moving well, get a shaker, a blower or swoop.

If not, split the beach.

Then get some gas at the nearest gas station.

When you get back in the car, say, “I just spilled some gas on my hand, I am going to roll by the crib to wash them”.

Enter the crib, pop on a fresh track, and swoop.

Cost of Date:

Few Gallons of Gas – Market price
Jay of The Chronic – Free

Total cost: a few bucks

Come to think of it, I might start using this one again to lower my Cost Per Swoop.

Click Here for The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

James Brown-Try me

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Dope Movies: Inside Job and Brotherhood

» 29 May 2011 » In Crime, Dope, money » 3 Comments

Dope Movies: Inside Job and Brotherhood

After some heavy globetrotting, I have been down-timing it a little and watched a couple of movies.

Inside Job

I have read tons about our latest financial crisis, but it was nice to see some of the culprits on the small screen.

The only thing I can think about these bankers is: what a bunch of weasels.

And, how did they ever survive grade school?

If they went to mine, they would have gotten strung up on the jungle gym.

And not to get all “conspiracy theory” on here or anything, but I have written before that I though Eliot Spitzer got railroaded. The movie briefly alludes to this.

Click Here for Inside Job [Blu-ray] (2010)

INSIDE JOB Official Trailer in HD


This is a pretty good low-pro flick. I am not even sure why I watched it.

However, it does a real good job of covering the typical “crazy night” that sprials out of control that could change our lives forever.

We have all been there, but it is rarely covered in movies. Not your typical “college” flick.

Click Here for Brotherhood (2010)

Brotherhood (2010) movie trailer

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

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Marc Faber on The Economy, Ferraris And Bentleys

» 28 May 2011 » In Luxury, money, Travel » 1 Comment

Marc Faber on The Economy, Ferraris And Bentleys

Yesterday Marc Faber first made a guest appearance at the Ira Sohn conference, warning his audience to prepare for war, then promptly shifted to Bloomberg’s offices where he discussed his outlook primarily on China, but also on the US, with Carol Massar, once again warning about war. As usual, he did not mince his words, warning of a “recession”, and predicting that China is simply not growing fast enough in real terms. Nothing new. He did however branch out into the topic of class divergence in both emerging and developed economies: “in front of far too many luxury hotels there are far too many Ferraris, Maseratis, Bentleys… I see a boom everywhere, except for the working class, except for the lower, middle class. But among the well to do people the wealth that is floating around and the prices you pay for high end properties is incredible, and I think that will come to an end, and a lot of people will lose a lot of money… I was in La Jolla, Laguna Beach, Newport Beach, I was in front of a restaurant smoking and I’ve never seen so many Ferraris, Maseratis, Bentleys and fancy cars anywhere in the world, and this is in America. I am not saying this is wrong, but there is an opulence among a small group of people that is huge when there are lots of people that are struggling. This gives me a bad feeling because I’ve seen so many emerging economies when they were booming, that was the time to get out.” As for the US economy, Faber agrees that the only thing that can help is a massive crisis (or “conflagration” as David Stockman calls it) that jars America out of its hypnotic state. And, sure enough, it will come.


Faber is smooth. Check here for Marc Faber on Money and Women.

It is amazing how much insight a smoke break will get you.

It disturbs me too, because, as you know, I am “For The People”.

I have been a resident at different times of my life in La Jolla, Laguna Beach, and Newport Beach.

Although there is mad CASH there, don’t get it twisted, a lot of those people are stretched like Yao Ming.

A lot of people ask me my take on those spots these days.

My thoughts?

I still roll through, especially in summer, but those places are too much of a police state for me.

Some fly girls though. Minimal competition. And a great place to heist.

Click Here for Forex Ironman – Next Generation Fx Trading

Click Here for Ewen Chia – Huge Passive Income!

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

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