I Came, I Saw, I Conquered

» 16 February 2011 » In Game, Girls, Guest Manifesto, Style » 4 Comments

Guest Manifesto: I Came, I Saw, I Conquered

There’s a famous latin phrase, Caeser pontem fecit, that translates into “Caesar built a bridge”. Of course, Julius Caesar himself did not build a single bridge. But he did have the vision to do so. This is important because his visionary building ultimately led the Romans to unquestioned military supremacy. We’re talking complete and utter dominance across Europe (not unlike your humble author). Unsurprisingly, Caesar was a leader with superior mental aptitude and unparalleled strategic skills. And in the end that’s what counts most, because it is all a mind game. Inner game and getting your mind right are key.

The alpha animal uses his mind to win the game, not just brute force or physical superiority. The lion in the savannah never has a chance if not for his ability to outsmart the prey by getting close. Otherwise, his superior strength is of little use. Same goes for Game. Humans are obviously the best example of mind over physical superiority. The alpha animal in the human world is rarely the strongest, but is almost always the wisest or most cunning.

“Let your greatest cunning lie in covering up what looks like cunning”– Baltasar Gracián (Brazilian Girls, Los Angeles and Custom Suits)

What is cunning? Cunning is taking vampire naps and re-upping while everyone else is paying up–and then coming in for the kill. Cunning is skipping the treadmills of the “corporate” gym (which is just a place of isolation, anyway) and Entering the Dragon round for round. I mean, “When I look at people on treadmills I wonder how alpha lions, the strongest, expend the least amount of energy, sleeping twenty hours a day; others hunt for them.”

Which brings up an important point: trying too hard. Most guys are much too unnatural and over studied. You have to let it flow. Be natural. Unscripted. Smooth as silk. Girls pick up on G’s because they feel the higher value a.k.a. being Sharp, Urban, and International.

But don’t get too caught up in the details. The overall the truth about being an alpha male is simple: if you try to be an alpha male, you will never be one.

Luckily, some of us just Grew Up Not Giving a F*ck. It’s not complicated. “When you don’t give a f*ck everything starts happening and girls come to you. When you don’t give a f*ck you close hard. My brothers, do whatever you can to not give a f*ck.” Real G’s aren’t needy. They stand on their own, going for Dolo.

Simply put, the men who get along best with women are those who can get along best without them. It’s a well documented, almost zen like phenomenon; the less you need them the more desirable you become. Now that’s cunning.

Click Here for more by Le Parvenue

Papoose – Born to Win

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Latvian Girls: London Stansted Airport (STN) Post and Chop

» 15 February 2011 » In Game, Girls, Guide, Travel » 3 Comments

Latvian Girls: London Stansted Airport (STN) Post and Chop

Bogotá, Colombia –

Here is a move for the London Playboys out there:

Due to the positive exchange rate of Latvian Girls to London, I would just set up Shop and Post and Chop at London Stansted Airport (STN) if London was my Base of Operations.

This way, you will avoid knuckle-ups “on the cobbles” with big Russian guys with bald heads and leather jackets and play close like Nutella plays toast to Savile Row to get your Custom Suits made.

Fly Latvian girls, no violencia, and Custom Suits?

A classic “win-win-win” scenario.

In Boxing News:

Boxing Champion Manny Pacquiao To Visit White House Today For Lunch With President Obama And First Lady

Manny Pacquiao continues his whirlwind tour of the United States on Tuesday with a trip to the White House. He has made appearances in Las Vegas, Los Angeles and New York before making his final stop in the nation’s capital yesterday.


The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life


INESSA GALANTE Christmas Riga Latvia – Music: Part of “Exsultate, Jubilate” Mozart

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How to Get a Model Girlfriend

» 13 February 2011 » In Game, Girls, Travel » 6 Comments

How to Get a Model Girlfriend

Bogotá, Colombia –

I get asked this question all the time:

How do I get a Model Girlfriend?

The best way is to follow The G Manifesto to a “T”, if a Model Girlfriend is what you so choose to attain. Although, following The G Manifesto will get you a lot further than that.

Another way to get a Model Girlfriend?

Be born Latvian.

The guys you would see rolling with Model quality girls in Riga, Latvia were the type of guys that if they came to the beaches of Southern California (or almost anywhere decent in America), they would get blanked. For years on end.

But I did well in Riga, Latvia also, so you can’t say the girls have bad taste.

More Model swooping moves to come in the future.

For more on Riga, Latvia click here.

“I shine, you shine, in this day and time
We maintain the same frame of mind”
– Smif-n-Wessun (aka Cocoa Brovaz)

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life


Smif N Wessun – Wrekonize

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The G Manifesto Tour 2010 Wrap Up

» 09 February 2011 » In Travel » 6 Comments

The G Manifesto Tour 2010 Wrap Up

Let’s finish what we started here: The G Manifesto Tour 2010

December 2009: Dominican Republic

January: Beverly Hills, Miami Beach

February: Buenos Aires, Argentina. Cartagena, Colombia. Miami Beach.

March: Still Cartagena, Colombia, Beverly Hills, Florida Derby.

April: New Orleans. Las Vegas. And The DL.

May: Barcelona and Sevilla, Spain.

June: New York City, Washington, DC, near the Pacific to be Specific, getting ready for The Del Mar Racetrack.

July: The Del Mar Racetrack, Coronado.

August: The Del Mar Racetrack, Norte Baja.

September: London, England and Riga, Latvia

October: Riga, Latvia

November: Beverly Hills. Undisclosed Location. Norte Baja.

December: Miami Beach. Beverly Hills. Coronado. Norte Baja.

Follow the Leader.

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life


Eric B. & Rakim – Follow The Leader

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Barcelona, Spain: Custom Moves

» 04 February 2011 » In Dope, G Manifesto, Game, Girls, Guide, Style, Travel » 3 Comments

Barcelona, Spain: Custom Moves

Its splendor was dazzling. The silks, muslins, velvets, capes covered with sequins, jewels, incessant popping of champagne corks, valets coming and going, and the continual murmur rich people generate when gathered in strength, all delighted me. “That’s how I want to be,” he said to himself, “even if it means putting up with this insipid music that seems to be going on forever.” – Onofre Bouvila (a straight Catalan G) in The City of Marvels by Eduardo Mendoza

Bogotá, Colombia – I was going through some notes I had written down during my recent trip to Barcelona. I may expand and write out some of the stories behind these in the future, but for now, here are the notes of some Custom Moves I did while there:

• Hopped the turnstile at Verdager in a Custom Suit and handmade loafers.

• Showed the kids at Arc de Triomf how to do a kick flip and a shove it while I was in royal blue custom slacks, a light blue guayabera with a cigarette in mouth.

• Bought hash strictly out of habit, while walking to Sutton Club, only to later hand it to a cute dreadlocked girl that was kicking back on the street.

• Got down with some boxed wine, Dolo, at La Sagrada Familia for old time’s sake.

• Reminisced at old places I got blowers and shakers. It’s always good when you can say “Oh yeah, I remember when I got a blower there by the beach”.

• Swooped girls from Tarragona to Torredembarra.

• Heard Full clip by Guru in a club (Broadbar)

• I even had little kids from the east side of Barcelona throwing up the “Wessyde”.

• Accidentally dissed the actor, Bob Saget in NYC at the airport when I was exchanging some CASH and he asked me “How do you use this ATM?” I responded, “I don’t know Screech”, and went on about my business. (I had to ask my little brother later to figure out it was Bob Saget.)

• Did some sketches at Park Güell.

• Kicked back and smoked grits while watching tourists get hustled at three card monte on Las Ramblas.

• I even danced the Sardana one Sunday morning.

I love Barcelona, The City of Marvels.

Click Here for Nightlife Generalship and Nightlife Princesses in Barcelona

Click Here for Barcelona Nightclub Data Sheets

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life


A little slice of Barcelona:

Shakira – Loca (Spanish Version) ft. El Cata

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