Second Night in Riga, Latvia: Scam

» 17 October 2010 » In Crime, Girls, Guide, money, Travel » 17 Comments

Second Night in Riga, Latvia: Scam

Click Here for The G Manifesto’s Gentleman’s Club Report

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

So, I wake up nice and refreshed in Riga, Latvia. Do some roadwork, shadow box a little and jump some rope by the Daugava.

I get in a good dose of aquatherapy, throw on some fresh gear and go into a Street Game session (which is kind of like The Crack Game).

I am literally amazed by the amount of open fly girls on the streets. High heels. Cobblestones. Short Skirts. Cold.

I approach five different girls and get two sets of numbers. Decent. (I will get more into Street Game in Riga a little later.)

Get some work done, take a little Vampire Nap and head out into the cold and beautiful evil that is nighttime in Riga.

I have some decent Data Sheets of bars I accumulated from some people and I decide to check them out.

It’s Wednesday night, and Riga seems curiously dead. I check out three or four spots that were recommended to me, and they all turn out to be airballs. (Typical, as not everyone comes through with the bulletproof Data Sheets like The G Manifesto. My Riga, Latvia nightclub/bar Data Sheets coming soon.)

I grab a Kebab and switch up my buzz. As I walk down the main street, two pretty fly girls check me out and step to me in transition.

“How are you?” I say.

“Why you speak in English?”, one of the fly girls says.

“I am from California. American.” I respond.

“Oh, good.” Both Latvian/Russian girls say. Although the reaction is more of a “Oh, good.”, like “Ok“. Not a pre-George Bush “Oh, good.” which ment “Cool, I am really interested in getting to know you and swoop you”.

The trap is set.

Let me back up a minute:

I had heard before about the scams in Riga where girls try to get you to go to a bar and then you get overcharged, but I am not thinking about this now.

So you don’t fall victim to this one, here is how the scam goes down:

1. Fly girls step to you, and invite you to a bar that they like.
2. You get mad overcharged.
3. You argue about the bill.
4. Russian Thugs jump you and beat you senseless until you give up your PIN #.

Smooth scam. And I fell for it. And I was even warned about it previously.

But then again, I am the perfect “Mark” for a scam such as this as my Ego is huge and two fly girls stepping to me happens all the time, so it didn’t give off any red flags.

Here is another thing about me: Money has very little value.

I am a complete moron when it comes to money. I have had a certain ability to make it my whole life, but I have also hadan equal ability to lose it. Sort of like Mike Tyson.

In the spirit of this, I didn’t even bother to check out the exchange rates between Latvian Lats to USD before I rolled out for the evening.

And for some reason, I was thinking in my head it was 2 USD to 1 LVL. But in reality it is 1 LVL to .5 USD.

So these girls were showing me around and we got some food and drinks. When I got the bill, I noticed it was a little expensive, but not knowing the exchange rates, I was actually doubly hustled.

(I found this out the next day. Oh well. I will Charge it to The Game. You can keep the change, but I got to hold on to my receipt.)

After partying with these girls for a while, I end up ditching them for some other fly girls and end up raging till 6am. I think I actually got scammed again, but didn’t realize it again. Full idiot move.

Did end up with some decent leads though.

But just like that, I go 0-2 in Riga, Latvia.

(Well, technically, I am 0-2 on swooping girls. But I am 1-0 on the physical confrontation tip after that judo throw the night before.)

Click Here for The G Manifesto’s Gentleman’s Club Report

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life


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First Night In Riga, Latvia

» 14 October 2010 » In Game, Girls, Travel » 25 Comments

First Night In Riga, Latvia

Click Here for The G Manifesto’s Gentleman’s Club Report

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

After London Fashion Week, I get off the plane from London, Stansted in Riga, Latvia. It’s raining, late and mad cold. Or at least its cold for me, someone who’s coldest night in the last few years has been a summer night in San Diego.

Cab to the hotel, unpack, try to get some Internet set up and head down to lobby. I am starving.

“Any good spots to eat around here?”, I ask the Latvian kids working the front desk at my pretty smooth, pseudo-boutique hotel.

“It’s kind of late. There is not too many places open late on a Tuesday. Maybe you try McDonald’s?”, says the Latvian hotel lobby cat.

“McDonald’s? That’s it? What about some late night Latvian grinds?”, I respond.

“No, I think just McDonald’s.” Konstantine says.

“F*ck”, I say to myself.

“Ok, do you have a map?”, I say.

So I get a map and start walking in the rain in the Old City of Riga looking for something other than McDonald’s to grind on.

I walk a few blocks pass a few shady bars (that actually look pretty decent, but I am ‘gry) and actually find something that seems open. And it looks Latvian. Smooth.

I walk up to the restaurant, and some Russian cat starts toward me.

I think he is going to tell me that the restaurant is closed or something, but instead, the drunk Russian fool grabs my shoulders!

I don’t really like people putting their paws on my butter soft leather jacket, and I am not in the mood for any pleasantries, so I use Russian homeboy’s momentum and judo throw him to the ground where he slips over and over again, slow-motion style, on the wet cobble stones.

He tries to get up, slips again and finally backs away as I keep my eye on him and his buddy across the street as I stay ready like The Dragon.

I have been sparing tons lately, and both Russian cats can see that I am not amenable to any traditional Latvian dance lessons, or whatever the f*ck they wanted, so they both split, yapping in Russian. Or maybe its Latvian. I can’t really tell.

I think to myself, that if they are going to get more friends, I don’t really care. If they want a rematch, I am Game, but I want to do it on a full stomach.

So I head into the restaurant and get some Latvian grinds. Not bad. Some kind of dumpling, ravioli type trips. Forget the name.

After the Latvian eat-on, I kick back a little sipping my Cesu beer, when two fly Latvian girls, one blonde, one brunette walk in to pick up some food to-go. They check me out.

The girls pay for their food, go outside, and spark up a smoke outside the door. The blonde Latvian girl smiles at me through the glass door. I don’t need anymore of an invitation, so I pound my Cesu and say “What up” to the meitenes.

“Why you speak in English?”, Christina says. (The first of five girls named “Christina” I would meet in Latvia.)

“I am from California. American.” I say. (As I heard it is important for girls not to think you are from England in Latvia).

“Oh, good.” Both Latvian girls say. Although the reaction is more of a “Oh, good.”, like “Ok. Not a pre-George Bush “Oh, good.” which ment “Cool, I am really interested in getting to know you and swoop you”.

Regardless, I look brutally handsome in the butter soft leather, so the girls are down.

After a bunch of back and forth banter, they pitch me on some spots to roll out to, but I just play it smooth and just Number Crunch Christina.

Been in Riga less than a half hour and did a judo throw and got a fly girls number. Hell, I haven’t even taken a shower and I don’t even have a SIM card yet.

I think Riga is my kind of town.

Click Here for The G Manifesto’s Gentleman’s Club Report

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Naomi – How Many Loves

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Riga, Latvia: Get it while it’s Good

» 13 October 2010 » In Girls, Style, Travel » 13 Comments

Riga, Latvia: Get it while it’s Good

Click Here for The G Manifesto’s Gentleman’s Club Report

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

As it stands today, Riga, Latvia is a wonderland of model thin girls, in short skirts (and it’s cold) and high heels (even on cobblestones).

However, I have a feeling that it wont last forever.


You see American culture creeping in. McDonald’s and TGI Friday’s are extremely popular. This will, in time, fatify Latvia.

You also are starting to see younger girls wearing UGG Boots. This will, in time, kill off the stilettos.

My guess is there is a 5-10 year window left. Maybe less.

So get it before it’s too late.

Click Here for The G Manifesto’s Gentleman’s Club Report

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Soda Pop Confusion – Variety Lab

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Reader Questions on Style, Boxing and Drug Dealing

» 01 October 2010 » In Boxing, Guide, money, Style » 4 Comments

Reader Questions on Style, Boxing and Drug Dealing

Click Here for The G Manifesto’s Gentleman’s Club Report

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

Finally, with a little downtime after London Fashion Week and post-week madness, I had a chance to answer some questions from readers sent to The G Manifesto:

Q: Should you ever button the 2nd button on a two-button suit?

Michael Mason: You should almost never button the second button on a two-button suit. The only exception is if it is a “high-two” like some of the suits that Ozwald Boateng has been busting out lately. If you don’t button the second button on those, it looks weesh.

Q: Recently, I saw you sparring at The Wildcard Gym in Los Angeles. I noticed you were working off the double jab and throwing a left hook off that. Would you say that is your signature combination?

Michael Mason: If you saw me sparring at Wildcard recently, then you saw me take some heavy shots. I was super hungover those days. But that is neither here nor there. Back to your question, I do work off the double jab frequently. I don’t know if its my “signature combination” with the hook though. My favorite combo lately has been the jab, “ride out” then counter the opponents jab with a straight right over the top. Very Mayweatheresque.

Q: Hows it going? I live in Dana Point and want to start dressing well, I’ve asked around and no one seems to know shit about tailors etc, do you happen to know of a good one and or any good shops in the area?

Michael Mason: Yeah, Orange County is pretty clueless on that front. However, you are in luck. I have a really good friend in Newport Beach, who swears by Gary’s in I think Fashion Island.

If I recall correctly, I have been there before and picked up some ties and pocket squares a while back. Place is pretty dope and will definitely be able to steer you in the right direction.

Q: Mr. Mason, I am entering my junior year of college, and am becoming a member of the weed trade. I will be living in a building with about 800 students, most of them freshmen and sophomores (not too smart).

The issue I have is that I only deal in the best weed, and cannot possibly compete with the wanks selling shwag at 50-60 an eighth. I need to charge 70 to smoke for free, and about 75 an eighth to make a profit.

I have no doubt that what I will be moving is the best on campus (it will make you see god.) How do I take my quality product and advertise it properly so that the true afficianodo’s come to me? My strategy right now is to reach out to a few smoakers I know and get them to vouch for my product on their floors. What further advice do you have so that I can distinguish myself from the wannabee freshmen who sell stuff which could be confused as oregano?

Michael Mason: I think you will be fine. In any business, a superior product advertises itself.

Click Here for The G Manifesto’s Gentleman’s Club Report

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Juelz Santana Changes

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The Greatest Moment in California Smoking Ban History

» 27 September 2010 » In Boxing, Dope, People » 2 Comments

The Greatest Moment in California Smoking Ban History

Cigarette smoker, Ricardo Mayorga celebrates in style after dispatching the late, great non-smoker Vernon Forrest in California:

The Greatest Athletes in the World Share one thing in common: Smoking

Click Here for The G Manifesto’s Gentleman’s Club Report

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

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