Fame VS Game in Newport Beach

» 30 May 2010 » In Game, Girls, hip hop, Style, Travel » 5 Comments

Fame VS Game in Newport Beach

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Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

There is a lot of talk out there today about Fame VS Game. Although, I exist in the shadows, shun the spotlight and value my privacy (especially in my line of work), and a huge proponent of Game, I have had some run-ins with Fame.

Let me drop a little freestyle:

MC in Newport Beach

Back when I was a puerile pro-type G, I was partying at a nightclub in Newport Beach. Most likely in those days, I was there all vato’d out, moving some beans like an accountant. It was a typical Newport Beach night; fly girls, wack guys, weesh nightspot. You know the pill.

Anyways, I think there was some wack band (a real tragedy, and I don’t mean Juice Crew, I mean what the word defines) performing or some crap, I can’t really remember, and thankfully, there was a lull in the action. During this “lull”, the DJ surprisingly enough, started spinning a pretty dope beat. My running partner at the time and I both had a light bulb go off at the exact same time.

We both jumped on stage, grabbed the Mic’s and started moving the crowd with lyrical flows, flavor loops like Toucan Sam, iller, and started catching wreck like Godliza:

“Now to the peeps in the back, if you’re not the wack, say
[don’t stop with the body rock]
Now all the people in the front, if you’re ready to bump, say
[don’t stop with the body rock] “

My running partner and I were busting freestyle raps, precious like artifacts.

We were putting “the hip” in “hop” and the “don’t” in “stop” and the clips in glocks
and rock boxing your block.

The mad matador of metaphor ripped the hard core for him and his, them and theirs, and you and yours.

We even dropped some lyrics about Taco Shops and Quesadillas with extra Guac.

Whenever I would run out of lyrics, I would just bust some old Big Daddy Kane:

“Rappers stepping to me,
they want to get some,
But I’m the G, so yo, you know the outcome, Another victory, They can’t get with me,
So pick a BC date cause you’re history”

And so on.

Keep in mind, this was Newport Beach; it was probably one of the first times people even heard Hip-Hop. There was minimal risk of anyone noticing I was biting lyrics.

At first there was stunned looks on the faces of the crowd, but as my running partner and I were flowing back and forth with style unseen since the days of a young Ad-Rock and Mike D, and interspersing shout outs to our crew, we started to move the crowd.

That is, until the club owner pulled the plug. (I guess the wack band coming on next was getting bitter that we cold served them.)

My running partner and I then jumped off the stage into the crowd and a curious thing happened: We were literally mobbed and I mean mobbed by girls. Introductions, hugs and kisses all around. It was kind of ill. We were Eminem before Em was Marshall Mathers.

Thinking back, I am surprised I didn’t forgo my budding Standover career for a career in Hip-Hop. Financially, with all the problems the music industry is having these days; I think I made the correct decision.

But swooping girls wise, I am not so certain.

Click Here to Download The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report (pdf)

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Raekwon – Wallys And Pringles

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The Man Who Made it Snow

» 26 May 2010 » In Crime, Dope, People » 6 Comments

The Man Who Made it Snow

The Man Who Made It Snow

Click Here for Cocaine Cowboys

Click Here for Cocaine Cowboys 2: Hustlin’ with the Godmother

I recently finished a pretty dope book called The Man Who Made It Snow by Max Mermelstein, which is about the guy who basically sunk the whole crew depicted in the movie Cocaine Cowboys; Jon Roberts and Mickey Munday. Mermelstein was also personally responsible for making $300 million for the narco-traficantes in The Medellin Cartel and brining in fifty-six tons of Cocaine into America. Essentially, the guy made it snow in Florida.

“I would sell five keys to some colombian for $30,000 a key, or a total of $150,000. By the next day the Colombian had adulterated my pure stuff, just off the plane by 20 percent, adding enough quinine or amphetamine (better known as speed) or inesitol (powdered vitamin B) to produce six cut keys. He sold the six kilos he had created, claiming it was “pure” stuff, for $30,000 a key, making a quick profit of $30,000 in a day or two.

Some other lowlife Colombian bought the cut key and made it into a key and a half by further adulterating it. Then he sold this hashed-up kilo and a half to black street dealers in measure of one-eighth of a “pure” key, selling twelve one-eights of a key and pocketing his profit.

The street peddlers took their one-eighth of a key and added more cut to double it to one-quarter key, then sold it on the street by the gram, a quarter key becoming 250 grams, for $80 to $100 a gram.

The money derived from the pure stuff we brought in from Colombia kept a huge coke-hungry army of dealers and petty pusher driving their fancy cars around the slums of America’s Cities.

Nobody closely associated with the cartel delt in anything less than multiple kilograms of coke straight from Colombia. We never even saw street peddlers.
…and life was sweet

Two main lessons from the book:

Never drive a car.

You can’t chase a paper trail if there is no paper.

One is wise to adhere to both.

Click Here for The Man Who Made It Snow

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Player – Baby Come Back

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Barcelona Nightclub Data Sheets

» 18 May 2010 » In Girls, Nightlife, Travel » 15 Comments

Barcelona Nightclub Data Sheets

“Hey, it’s just a day in the life,
Club nights, one of the reasons I love life”
– Malice

(Here is my Facebook, New Twitter and The G Manifesto Facebook Page)

Click Here to Download The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report (pdf)

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

“Why, a visiting bishop asked Antoni Gaudí, did he trouble himself so much about the tops of the towers of The Sagrada Familia? After all, no one would ever see them. ‘Your Grace,’ Antoni Gaudí said, ‘the angels will see them.’Homage to Barcelona

This is a real valuable Data Sheet as this information is very hard to find on the internet, and almost everyone (one person came up aces) I asked prior to coming to Barcelona came up deuces.

This list is by no means definitive or exhaustive. Nor am I claiming. These are just some spots I was able to figure out that have mad fly girls; if you can get in.

Hotel Omm – great spot for a smooth cocktail to get your bearings straight. This was where I got stepped to by The Barcelona Nightlife Princess that was invaluable and introduced me to the fashion crowd, model dividends.

Solo Restaurant and Lounge – good on Friday nights and Saturday nights. 80% of the girls in here will be pretty fly. Near Hotel Omm. Closes at 3pm I think, but if you got juice, you can stay later. I had it.

Oshum – pretty sick club that stays open way late. Good on Fridays for sure. Scallywag behavior is possible here. Fly girls as well.

Broadbar – Want to see Spanish people dance salsa to hip-hop? Neither do I, but this place is pretty sick on Wed night. Tried to pull and “Inverse” Vicky Cristina on two fly 21 year old Catalan girls here, to no avail. But still ended up swooping one of them two nights later. Real solid spot, closes at 3pm.

Bikini – Crazy club open super late, good on Wed night. Probably other nights as well.

Sutton Club – Thursday night spot. Mad fly girls.

Hyde – Pretty wack, but being Barcelona, there are still fly girls there.

Dry Martini – ill spot for stiff cocktail before attacking Carrer d’Aribau area. Suited Down is a must when you bust.

Other spots to consider:

Nick Havana
Seven Crowns (afterhours?)
Luz de Gas
Otto Zutz – haven’t been this time, but I used to chop up this spot as a 20 year old proto-type G. One of my old-school favorites.

As far as the Port Olimpic spots like CDLC, Shoko and Opium, I haven’t stepped. I am sure they are not too bad, but the Data Sheets I got was they are pretty touristy and International.

When I go to a place, I like to swoop the local girls. More difficult. And More Style Points.

Also, I heard The W Hotel is dope there, but I don’t do W Hotels.

Click Here to Download The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report (pdf)

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

Again, this list is by no means everything. I should know, I am keeping a few dope spots to myself for now. If you look hard enough, have some moves and understand the rhythms of the night, you will find them too.

Bona sort!

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Prodigy “Stuck On You”

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Nightlife Generalship and Nightlife Princesses in Barcelona

» 10 May 2010 » In Girls, Nightlife, Travel » 9 Comments

Nightlife Generalship and Nightlife Princesses in Barcelona

(Here is my Facebook, New Twitter and The G Manifesto Facebook Page)

Click Here to Download The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report (pdf)

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

First night in town, no team around, Going for Dolo and begin my night at the Hotel Omm Barcelona lobby bar. Custom Suited Down, of course, I roll up, order a vino tinto and strike up a conversation with the smoothest cat in the spot. Or at least he was until I walked in.

I hit up “Oscar” for some Barcelona data sheets as I haven’t been to this city in a while. Oscar seems to be the resident playboy and he gives me some hot local tips, none of that Port Olimpic tourist stuff. I am out for fly Catalan girls.

Oscar gets called to the other bar by some cat he knows or the chef or something. So I just play the high post, and kick up my Gucci Loafers, International Playboy style. Within minutes, a striking blonde Catalan girl slides in beside me and orders a Cava. Her beauty actually gets me off balance and I hesitate; she looks like a young Michelle Pfeiffer in Scarface, exuding class in a full length dress, dripping diamonds, flapper hair and all; which works out well, since I look not unlike a young Manolo. I even briefly think of “blowing out” my collar, but decide against. Thankfully, “Elena” rescues me and starts talking and we begin exchanging lyrical jabs in a “feeling out” round. This girl is beautiful; she could easily make my top 500 most fly girls I have swooped list.

Of course, Oscar returns when he sees me talking to the flyest girl in the spot and starts in with some high energy Game. This is not an uncommon situation; rolling Dolo, striking up a convo with a local G and having girls immediately step to you. It is however a tricky situation, a new ally can quickly turn into a new rival.

I have to hand it to Oscar, as his high energy Game, local knowledge and talking about how everything was “increíble” and “maravilloso” threatened to knock me out the box, and metaphorically, caught me with a looping shot.

I was now put in a tricky situation, I could have countered his high energy Game with high energy Game of my own, but I thought that could be a race to the bottom.

So I switched up speeds like Bruce Lee and took my Game down multiple notches, played aloof and effectively “shoulder rolled” Oscars Game. This made him appear a little spazzy and over-anxious. I also stayed in the convo and landed clean effective lyrical “punches” and even spit some Game in Catalan in addition to the Castelllano. For style points, of course.

Oscar wasn’t going to give up easy, and I can hardly blame him, this girl was beautiful and for all I know, I was encroaching on his Base of Operations. He had no interest in going out before to a nightclub, but when Elena, the Nightlife Princess, suggested going to the nightclub Solo, all of a sudden he was all in.

I did notice two weak points in Oscar’s Game: one, he did not smoke and had a slight cough, which told me he wasn’t 100%. And two, he said earlier he had to go to work the next day, so I knew if I could get him into deep water, I could drown him.

We all three skip the line at Solo straight to VIP. Although such things rarely hold my affection like when I was a younger G, however, rolling with a top tier Nightlife Princess, does have its privileges.

After an hour or so, Oscar, like I had anticipated, bowed out. However, Elena being a Night Princess, was constantly stepped to by cats she knew. I just stayed in the cut and used Nightlife Generalship (which is similar to Ring Generalship, only in a nightclub), to defeat all comers. Displayed some Salsa Game as well.

Solo closed, rolled to Oshum, things got a little Beeky and it had to be at least 7am. Endurance has always been one of my strong suits.

I go for the finish, “Quieres ver mi apartamento cerca de Passeig de Gracia?

She responds, “Si, vamos!

Not a bad start to this Barcelona trip.

Click Here to Download The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report (pdf)

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

City of Ghosts

Deborah Harry – Rush Rush (Scarface Soundtrack)

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Dope Start to Summer

» 09 May 2010 » In Boxing, Dope, Guide, Style, Travel » 2 Comments

Dope Start to Summer

(Here is my Facebook, New Twitter and The G Manifesto Facebook Page)

Click Here to Download The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report (pdf)

Made some scratch on the Floyd “Money” Mayweather VS Sugar Shane Mosley Fight (which played out pretty much exactly as I thought) and The Kentucky Derby.

With the Euro getting mauled, its a good time to go to Spain for a little Geo-Arbitrage, of sorts. Good thing I am in Barcelona now.


The Barcelona girls are just as fly as I remember them. Maybe flyer.

Click Here to Download The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report (pdf)

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Lotta Love Nicolette Larson

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