Floyd “Money” Mayweather VS Sugar Shane Mosley 24/7

» 12 April 2010 » In Boxing, People » 10 Comments

Floyd “Money” Mayweather VS Sugar Shane Mosley 24/7

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

(Here is my Facebook, New Twitter and The G Manifesto Facebook Page)

I have said it before, that when it comes to Television, I really can’t keep down my steak tartare, unless that Bourdain Show is on or HBO’s 24/7.

So far, Mayweather has been lighting up the trash talk:

On Sugar Shane: I’m doing Shane Mosley a favor. I’m letting him share the ring with greatness. The kid’s so desperate.

The kid has no class, no style at all.

Mosley says I only fight for money. You F*cking dummy. I’m a prize fighter. That’s what I am supposed to fight for. A prize.


Like I said before, how the fuck I wanna be like you Shane Mosley when everybody in the fight game wanna be The Uno. Kid got a Jheri Curl man. Come on man, its 2010. The kid must’ve woke up in that hot tub time machine.

Floyd Mayweather, a Master of Mental Warfare already seems to be getting to Sugar Shane.

Still, Mosley has a good shot at this one (my comments in bold) as the article below states:

“1. If you look at the names on Mayweather’s record, none of them would have been favored over Mosley. Mayweather decisioned fighters like Carlos Baldomir, Diego Corrales, Zab Judah and Juan Manuel Marquez. Mosley would have decapitated all of the above with relative ease.

Decent Point, however Diego Corrales was thought unbeatable at 130 before Floyd dismantled him, and Marquez was even with Pac-Man before Floyd proved otherwise.

2. Floyd Mayweather has never fought anyone who hits as hard as Shane Mosley. While Oscar DeLaHoya’s left hook is comparable to any shot Mosley throws, the Sugar Man’s arsenal is far more varied and dynamic than the Golden Boy’s. Mosley throws every shot with knockout power and can hurt Mayweather badly if he catches him. As Mosley’s trainer Nazim Richardson stated, “Mosley can KO anything that weighs 147lb, including pacquaio, mayweather, and even farm animals.”

Legit point.

3. Mosley is just as fast as Mayweather. While Mayweather is sneakier with his shots and probably has better timing, Mosley can deliver rapid fire punches with incredible accuracy. When fighting slick southpaw Louis Collazo, Mosley out crafted the slippery New Yorker from the outside with pin point punching and blazing hand speed.

They both are quicksilver fast. We will only know who is faster once they step into the ring.

4. While Mayweather always enters the ring in incredible shape, his punch output at 147lbs has dropped dramatically. Mayweather no longer punches in combination and is content to pot shot from the outside. This will not work against a fighter as busy as Shane. Mosley is a non stop punching machine who fights every minute of every round. While Mayweather may be able to out slick Mosley for parts of the bout, he will be forced at some point to fighting with the marauding Californian. And when he does, Shane will not let him off the hook easily.

Mayweather’s in the trenches fighting is very underrated. He also knows how to get away with every dirty trick in the book.

5. This is Mayweather’s first real challenge at welterweight. While Zab Judah, Sharmba Mitchell and Carlos Baldomir were pretty good, none come close to Shane Mosley. At 147, Mosley has fought and beat the very best with the exception of Vernon Forrest (a very, very underrated fighter who would have also given Mayweather serious problems) and a prime Miguel Cotto (and many people believe Mosley won that fight). Mayweather is untested at the weight, and for his first serious bout, Mosley is a very tall order.

People somehow forget that Shane was taxed twice by Winky Wright. And the late, great Vernon Forrest was never underrated.


A lot of people hate Mayweather, however he has learned the key to making big fights: Have half the people love you and half the people hate you.

Sonny Liston once said, “A boxing match is like a cowboy movie. There’s got to be good guys and there’s got to be bad guys. And that’s what people pay for – to see the bad guys get beat.”

Since Decemeber, I have been more serious about Boxing since when I was a kid boxing Golden Gloves. Working out seven days a week and sparring three times a week. The thing I can say is that stepping in the ring again has made me appreciate Mayweather’s style more than ever.

Land and make your opponent miss.

Mayweather/Mosley 24/7 Episode 1 – Part 1

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Photo Credit

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Porn Doesn’t Philosophize

» 06 April 2010 » In Game, Girls, Guest Manifesto » 18 Comments

Guest Manifesto: Porn Doesn’t Philosophize

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

I take a step back, and look at the dating & relationships industry. Up until recently, it has been dominated by products for women. And now that the same industry is finally building a market around men, I realize that men are falling for the same BS that women continue to fall for. Not to say that it is complete BS, because a lot of the stuff works. However, most of what is marketed and sold in the dating & relationships industry VERY MINORLY improves your chances with the opposite sex.

We all ask the same question: what do women want? And as a result of this very question, we continue to seek answers in the wrong places by turning to products that are marketed to men in the world of seduction. Why is this the wrong thing to do? Because almost all seduction products are built around a philosophy, and when it comes to philosophy, we tend to forget that it isn’t built around fact. Philosophy is nothing more than an educated guess at best, hence, why a very small percentage of men actually see success when they buy a seduction product. How many of you have used a seduction product, whether free or if you paid a price for it, can actually say that you started sleeping with droves of women afterwards?

If I could take a wild guess, I would say that fewer than 10% of men who consult seduction products for advice actually see any real measurable success with them. And that is the fundamental problem with seduction products: no matter what the guru behind the product promises, it is nothing more than a philosophy that may have worked for him, but probably won’t work for most men.

Since that is the case, what should men be turning to for realistic advice on how to sexually attract women? The mainstream female porn industry. Why so? Because the porn industry can’t afford to philosophize and take guesses as to what is going to attract men and women; the porn industry has to make products based on reality. If their products don’t do their job and directly sexually attract their market, then that company will quickly be out of business. However, if a seduction guru promises a certain result, and you don’t achieve it, then they can just say that you’re doing something wrong or that you need to buy another one of their products. In other words, seduction gurus can afford to take you for a ride, but the porn industry can’t.

Let me give you a few examples. A seduction guru can give a woman ten hairstyles that will sexually attract men. If none of those hairstyles work, then something is wrong with the girl and she needs to buy another product. Now let’s look at the mainstream porn industry. They have to go by what men actually want to have sex with: a very fit girl in a skimpy outfit. They aren’t taking any chances, they aren’t guessing, and they aren’t philosophizing; they’re simply going by what is.

Now let’s look on the other side of the coin. A seduction guru can tell men that this line or that line will sexually attract women. If it doesn’t work, then something is wrong with the guy or he needs to buy another product. The porn industry can’t afford that. They know that they can’t just give the men in their porn (usually softcore porn, soap operas, or romance novels) lines or gimmicks to use on women; they know that the guy just has to have great communication skills (that is usually achieved by constantly talking to people of all backgrounds), which is very different than a line or routine. Again, they aren’t taking any chances, they aren’t guessing, and they aren’t philosophizing; they’re simply going by what is.

Knowing this, if you are a guy that is trying to sexually attract women, where should you be getting the bulk of your advice about sexually attracting women? Not gurus, not seduction products, not seminars, and not talk show hosts. If you really want legit advice on how to sexually attract women, then you need to grab a pen and pad, and go directly to the source: somewhere where they can’t afford to take chances or be wrong: the porn industry; it doesn’t philosophize sexual attraction. It simply goes by what is.

By: The Real Assanova


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Language Lessons

» 31 March 2010 » In Game, Nightlife, Style, Travel » 14 Comments

Language Lessons

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

(Here is my Facebook, New Twitter and The G Manifesto Facebook Page)

Here is another great move for the upwardly mobile International Playboy on the rise:

It’s no secret that learning phrases in foreign languages greatly ups your chances for swooping fly International girls. For instance, I know how to say, “How about you and your girlfriend come to my crib, drink some champagne and take a bubble bath with me” in like 15 different languages.

However, to really get some traction, you are going to need to learn some fluency. The best way to do this? Get a private tutor.

Being that I like to get the most Bang for my Buck (and I don’t mean Roosh’s book Bang either, or maybe I do) I have been going with Spanish tutors.

This is also a great way to spend your time in America between International Strikes. (Side note: I am extremely bearish on American Nightlife and American Girls these days. And I am extremely bullish on International Nightlife and International Girls.)

Obviously, I don’t have to tell you that your private tutor should be female, young and fly.
Once you get her lined up for lessons, play it like you would meet any other fly girl: Go Suited Down, meet at a dope restaurant, drink wine, and spark up grits.

I have found that the best way to do this is to stay real professional during the lesson, peel off whatever she is charging you for the hour off a huge Bankroll (statement making move) and invite her afterwards for drinks. If you have Telenovela good looks like your humble author, she should respond affirmatively. From there, The Rest is up To You.

The best part about this move is:

1. You can swoop your tutor
2. You are learning a language to help you swoop more girls
3. You can smoke and drink while doing it
4. It’s a great “launch pad” for your night

A Classic “Win-Win-Win-Win” scenario.

This has been so effective for me that I have considered getting tutors in Italian, French, Portuguese, Mandarin, Catalan, Fukienese and Croatian.

Hell, I have even thought about getting an English tutor and going with that fake foreigner steez.

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Luis Enrique – Yo No Se Mañana

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The Salsa Swoop Move

» 28 March 2010 » In Game, Girls, Music, Nightlife, Travel » 7 Comments

The Salsa Swoop Move

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

(Here is my Facebook, New Twitter and The G Manifesto Facebook Page)

Online Dance School (Salsa, Cha Cha, Merengue & Bachata). Learn Dance!

Here is a new move from the most recent Chambers of The G Manifesto:

First things first, take some lessons and get your Salsa Game up to Par. The beauty of The Salsa Swoop Move is you don’t have to get great at Salsa, you just need to be better than a typical gringo, which isn’t saying much.

Now it doesn’t matter if in is Cali, Cartagena, Barcelona, Miami Beach, Medellin, Republica Dominicana , San Juan or Bayamon, just roll in the salsa spot like the Don Juan behind the Don.

Approach a fly girl or group of fly girls like you normally would rolling Dolo, like Tony without Manolo.

Being an American, sooner or later, the conversation will come around and she will ask you “What kind of music do you like?”

Always respond, “Música Latina, Salsa”.

She will then inevitably ask you if you dance Salsa.

Say, “No, I never have, but I think I can pick it up pretty quick, can you show me?”

She will always say “Of course”.

The trap is now set.

Once you start dancing, you “pick it up pretty quick” and start busting some ill Salsa. Any mistakes only give more authenticity to the move of just “learning it on the spot”.

Once she sees your Salsa Game, she will be amazed, her eyes will dilate, and falling for you, she will have an “A-ha” moment of sorts.

From here, it’s your Game to lose, Oh my Brothers.

Click Here for A Dead Bat in Paraguay

Online Dance School (Salsa, Cha Cha, Merengue & Bachata). Learn Dance!

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

EL GUAYABERO DE CUBA : Amarren al perro

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Las Vegas in May

» 23 March 2010 » In Girls, Guest Manifesto, Nightlife, Travel » 16 Comments

Guest Manifesto: Las Vegas in May

Click Here for The Blueprint of a Perfect Night in Las Vegas

Click Here to Download The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report (pdf)

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

It’s Middle of May and it is 105 degrees in the shade. I wake up wrapped in 1500 thread count sheets and a 5’10 dancer, a nice southern girl, of course. Went a bit too far last night, but damn, what does it even matter. You know I went out suited up and ran the strip from one end to the other. When I’m stepping out of the club with the hottest girl that was there on the way back to my room at the Bellagio, I see you looking. I’m in Vegas and I feel like Tony right after he gets back to his crib… “I gotta get organized”. Montana, not Soprano, minus the blow (for the most part). The suites at Bellagio, Caesars, and Wynn are so huge you can have a 12 person after party without the slightest bit of problem. The suites are equipped with elite furniture that is usually littered with those fly LA girls that I met last night, other bodies, Rose champagne bottles, some other girls tall ass Cavalli shoes, underwear, room service, and other products of a successful sunrise party. I never throw after-parties in my room though; the last time resulted in ejection from a 5-star in Atlanta at 6 in the morning. That’s how I do things.

Anyways, from my perspective, your body begins to shut down by your fourth day out here. You’ve got to pace yourself. I start every morning by sweating out the toxins, i.e. whatever vices I consumed the night before with a 30-45 minute workout at the hotel gym, and I make no excuses. The gym is always the most luxurious I have ever frequented and full of fly models and foreign girls; I really see no problem. There are attendants that bring me water replenishment, which is another key to defeating whatever hit me about the time I walked out of the Spearmint Rhino after strippers had been sweating me all night. And I wouldn’t pay them any attention, they hate that. If they are going to hustle someone for money they really wish it would be me instead of your lameass group of you and your bro friends. Maybe next time I tell them. They still love me. Las Vegas. This place is so electrifying…so sense-heightening…and so fucking addictive.

I always stock up on cloves/cigars before I get into town and everything else I need is always provided for me. I just hit my girl up at the Mirage and she sends me whatever I need (don’t even think I’ll reveal how I got that connect.) I always grab hotel matches and keep them sparking – everyone either uses these or diamond encrusted Dunhill lighters anytime they need heat. Another thing to remember is there is no concept of time here. I watch the sun come up and watch it go down here but that is about as good as it gets for time perception. There are no clocks anywhere and everyday is mine for the taking. I ride in limos and walk a lot and of course my shoes are comfortable because only cheap shoes hurt your feet. The only thought on my mind after walking back from the club right before sunrise is how good the cigar I had with me was going to be and how good the girl I took’s ass looks as I follow her down Las Vegas Blvd.

You wouldn’t even believe the dayclub pool parties here. You probably can’t get in either. The best dayclubs are at Caesar’s, Mirage, and Venetian. You shouldn’t bother with any of the rest of them unless you like a bunch of frat boys with tribal tattoos and Ed Hardy shirts and Oklahoma prom queens with fake purses that think they are a lot hotter than they really are. The girls at my spots have been in movies, magazines, and have a public image to keep up so when they let go partying they don’t want a bunch of nobody’s around that will gossip to their friends and tabloids like a bunch of Midwestern farm hicks that have never tasted the life. The dudes here pull out baseball size wads of money and finance the decadence. No one knows how these guys got their money but their speaking about docking 200ft boats in the Caribbean and running up 5 figure bar tabs. I personally care less what they did to get the cash. Most important for me, I only wear my blacked out Prada shades because if you can’t see my eyes than you can’t see me. I get my pool workout on by using weights, the hotel furniture, and dancer girls I invite to accompany on my little adventures. The DJs are on point at my pools and the party is like a story line: It has a tense buildup, a climax of euphoric fervor, and an abrupt crime scene ending of Patron shot wreckage all set to a fire-orange and crimson-red sunset backdrop.

If you are like me and have a weakness for the green and red felt tables, You really have to prearrange what you are going to do with your winnings or you will spend it on more gambling. I only take casinos money-they never take mine. This usually results in some brand new clothes, show tickets, VIP events, and an ABUNDANCE of drinking money. I don’t drink at tables. I hustle and politic every minute I gamble and I let the casinos thrive on you dumbass bitches that go there at lose $3Gs in a day and then laugh about it. I will never let anyone have my $3Gs. And I never laugh when I lose money. I instead use gambling time to replenish my body with water and save the drinking for pools and clubs. And even then, I don’t go overboard on the drinking because I converse with fly dancers, models, and moneymakers and game spitting requires a clear head. Contrary to advice from the Big Tymer’s, this isn’t the time to drink till you throw-up. She was smashed out of her mind but that wasn’t my problem. Whether I seal deals or not I have an image and a reputation to uphold and extremely expensive clothes. I’m not letting anyone ruin either.

I dress in the best clothes I own. Please try to hit up Tao in a polo or a t-shirt and expect to get any type of respect. You will see me flying past the line and getting the rope opened for me with a clique of people I brought and you will never get in. Which is good, I don’t really want you in there anyways-your game is obviously weak and everyone can see it. You control your destiny and the perception that you portray. Wear polo shirts, you’ll get treated that way. I’m not tempted by the style of all those LA d-bags that wear tees and lame jeans. I let them have that style all to themselves. I can’t begin to tell you how many times women commended me on how nice I looked. I was suited up all nights in a row (except when I just rocked my shirt I got in the French islands with a French cuff, can’t cover up those cuff links) Amongst a sea of print T’s adorned with sequins and whatever else the other side of the street is wearing, a well tailored suit and my blown open shirt really stands out.

Finally, I always eat good food. I don’t do crappy buffets, I only do the Bellagio buffet which looks like each continent put out the best food it has and sat it out for you to eat. I never eat any fast food or hot dogs or whatever else garbage people go for. I can get that stuff anytime back home, even though I don’t. Eat foods that you’ve never had, experience life. I usually hit up Ceasers’ or Bellagio’s spot at like 5:30am and the food and liquored up coffee drinks are unforgettable. It could have been my wonderful waitress Natasha…Or it could have been the fact that I chopped it up with Depp and almost knocked him for one of his lady friends. Unintentionally I might add. This is the time to be a grown-up and channel your inner Bourdain. People that really do things eat real food.

I supplement all this by only drinking champagne, Goose, and Patron; never beer. Once I let a few USC football players getting ready to go pro (athletes get the hookup in Vegas and I have nothing against them, I knew several pro athletes and a few prospects and they are fine people) go into the nightspots and order beer and clean up the Vegas sluts so that there were only quality drinks and women left for me to swoop. I’m automatically systematic like that. Never say “What happens in Vegas…” or “Vegas Baby!” I guess that works at the lameass Palms Hotel where everybody is wearing beanies and muscle shirts and is coked out of their mind but that don’t even try to pull that type of shit at the places I go. People will look at you weird and some owner or VIP will probably get your ass kicked out for showing ignorance at their parties. And don’t try to fight me. I know the girls that you like wherever we may be are sweating me like a coke bottle on a hot day, but fighting someone in Vegas is never something you want to do. Last fight that happened when I was there, one of the guys got lead poisoning. As in, 2 shells in the back of the head. And that was before he got thrown in the million dollars landscaping by a secret entryway in the back of Caesars. How impressed do you think the girls were with him after that? Watch yourself; you don’t know who you are dealing with.

Click Here to Download The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report (pdf)

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

Lastly, if you can’t do it big in Vegas, don’t do it. No one cares about your money problems there and you will end up across the street with the rest of the lames that are trying to ball on a budget. So here’s some advice if you don’t want to go all out in Vegas: stay drinking beer at your hometown 2-for-1 Chili’s night with your polo shirted frat brothers and talk about how great that keg stand was at your college party.

I’ll be somewhere a bit more engaging.

Click Here for these G Manifesto Las Vegas Data Sheets:

The Blueprint of a Perfect Night in Las Vegas

Las Vegas Thoughts

Impeccable Technique: Vegas Beyond Undefeated

The Las Vegas Litmus Test

Cam’ron – What Means The World To You

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