Top Ten Reasons Why This Was The Worst Decade Ever

» 12 December 2009 » In Boxing, G Manifesto, hip hop, Style » 28 Comments

Top Ten Reasons Why This Was The Worst Decade Ever

Click Here for Zippo Lucky Ace High Polish Chrome Pocket Lighter

(Here is my Facebook, New Twitter and The G Manifesto Facebook Page)

It’s funny how the colors of the real world only seem really real when you viddy them on the screen.” – Alex

First off, what do we even call this decade? The zeros? The Aughts? The New Millennium? Secondly, this decade had a terrible start. Most people forget that we had two Wall Street Crashes during this decade. The NASDAQ hit an all-time high of 5049 on March 10, 2000. Peep it today.

Then we got wacked by 9/11.

This was followed by a retarded war in Afghanistan, a farce in Iraq, Enron, a stupid hick in The White House, WorldCom, Anthrax, and DC snipers, the Terminator getting elected, Hurricane Katrina, Asian Tsunami of 2004, median household income dropping, obesity skyrocketing, police state, more terrorist attacks, school shootings, Detroit, and another financial crash.


These are all pretty bad, but here are the Top 10 Reasons why this was the worst Decade ever:

Hip-Hop had its worst decade yet. The cats putting out the best music this decade were the same cats from the 90’s. Jay, Nas, Wu, Mobb Deep, AZ, Eminem, etc. Is there any doubt that Biggie and Tupac would have been the biggest stars out there today if they didn’t pass?

Boxing was afflicted (and I don’t mean those gay Affliction Shirts either) with the same disease as Hip-Hop: a rehashing of 90’s stars. De La, Trinidad, Vargas, Sugar Shane, Bernard, Arturo Gatti, Roy Jones etc. Where are the 80’s babies? The only two fighters that made huge trax in the New Millennium that didn’t in the 90’s were Manny Pacquiao and Money Mayweather (both 70’s babies).

We can all look forward to them fighting in 2010.

Hurricane Katrina
I could think of many better cities for a “natural disaster” to ruin than New Orleans. LA perhaps? Orange County, maybe?

We really don’t have that many great cities in America. Why did Katrina have to wreck one with great Gentleman’s Club’s, smoking in bars, 24 drinking and Crab Maison, Shrimp Maison, Shrimp Remoulade?

9/11 sucked for many reasons. But one of the main reasons it sucked was it turned plane travel into a major pain like Damon Wayans. And it was low down dirty even, like his brother Keenan, Scheming.

This really affects the International Playboy and anyone who likes to swoop mad fly girls all across the bubble.

George Bush
I still can’t believe we elected this hick twice.

Then I look at a map of our country and I understand.

Bruce Jenner
No one has captured the essence of this decade better than Bruce Jenner.

When I was born, there wasn’t a baby G in the land that didn’t think Bruce Jenner was cool. He was like a pseudo super hero. Sure, I liked Roberto Duran, Marvelous Marvin Hagler and Jim McMahon way more, but Jenner was smooth. Just recently, on a hungover day, I caught the cat on TV. I was shocked.

He is now a plastic surgery, tranny looking, beta male. Went from first to worst. Kind of like America.

No smoking
The “no smoking” movement really caught speed during this decade. Thousands of years of tradition of smoking, drinking and swooping fly girls flushed down the toilet.

And the craziest thing is the only one who seems to care is your humble author.

Another direct attack on The International Playboy lifestyle.

Bottle service
Along with “no smoking” laws, Bottle service has all but ruined Nightlife. Read here: Bottle Service: America’s Nightlife Nightmare

Reality TV
I don’t really care about television, but you have to see these annoying people when you roll out at night. Just like school on a holiday. Whatever happened to shows like All in The Family? And people with style and taste?

Men’s Style
Where do I even start on this one? Trucker hats, shiny shirts, multicolored striped shirts, designer jeans, rhinestones, Affliction, Ed Hardy, Christian Audiger, tight jeans, glitter?

Can it really be called “Men’s Style” anymore?

Give me a Custom Suit and a Zippo.

And a heron spike to ease the pain.

The incredible efficiency of Web-based communication and our Google-fueled appetite to know everything about everything (or everyone) right now are combining to make Tiger Woods the canary in the privacy coal mine. Expect personal privacy — or rather its continued erosion — to be a hot media topic of 2010.

If I see another person “twittering” on their IPhone at a bar or trying to film, I am going to slap it out of their hand. And shove a rocks glass in their mouth. Word life.

All in all, what we did this decade is change Main Street for Wall Street, Mom and Pop for Wallmart, and small farms for Factory Farms.

To the ruin of us all.

Keep the toaster in the shoulder holster; things are going to get interesting.

America is in a bad need of a rebirth, a renewal, and a rediscovery.

(And by “bad need”, I mean like a person who has been hit over the head with a Louisville Slugger is in bad need of a band-aid, some ice and a nice lie down.)

An American Renaissance (if you will) will be the only thing that will save us.

(Or you can just split. I am posting this poolside from the Caribbean).


The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life


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Lessons from a Legend: Jim Rogers

» 09 December 2009 » In Guest Manifesto, money, People » 10 Comments

Lessons from a Legend: Jim Rogers

December 09, 2009
By: Matthew Bradbard

A Gift to My Children: A Father’s Lessons for Life and Investing

Last night I took a trip down to Miami to visit with Jim Rogers at a book signing for his most recent book entitled: “A Gift to My Children: A Father’s Lessons for Life and Investing.” After speaking briefly about his 3 year tour around the globe he spoke a little about the aforementioned book and took questions from the audience.

These are the general themes I took away in no particular order:

Jim said numerous times he is a terrible market timer, he went as far to say he’s not the worst in the room but the worst in the world…very humble.

While Jim’s primary residence is in Singapore he also has a dwelling here in Florida, what I found interesting is that he rents and does not own his home here in Florida. The fact that he sold a lavish residence in New York before the real estate crash and rents here in Florida may be that his timing is better in real estate.

Though he waited later than most, he stated one of his proudest accomplishments was having children. For one of the most successful investors in our time that speaks volumes about the father he most likely is.

Not only did he move his family to Singapore but his two daughters will be fluent in Mandarin and Spanish.

He did not go into specifics about his bank accounts but his two daughters have Swiss bank accounts, not accounts denominated in US dollars. What does that say about his feeling on the US dollar?

He has no short exposure in US Treasuries, currently he thinks the multi-decade long bull market in this complex is over and he believed he would be taking a hefty short position at some time in the future.

Jim Rogers: Audit the Fed, Then Abolish It

One of the questions from the audience pertained to getting an MBA. Jim’s response in so many words was that it would be a complete waste of money and time. He suggested traveling around the world would be a more valuable experience. He went as far to say that sitting in a hot tub in Boston one could learn more than going to some of the prestigious universities there.

Jim had little good to say about the current choices Central banks are making and implied serious inflation is all but inevitable. He expects rates to be much higher but gave little time frame. He said jokingly we may run out of trees if the printing presses continue to run at their current pace.

The only real estate advice I recall him saying is buying a farm in the Mid-west to take advantage of the boom he expects in Commodity prices.

Bull cycles in commodities in the past have lasted between 18 and 20 years. In his view we have another decade or so in the current cycle.

As a commodity trader, what I found most interesting was that in his jacket pocket he had a gold and silver coin and a sugar packet. This was probably to prove a point but it really hit home with me and other audience members.

Globe “Overdue For a Currency Crisis”; Why Jim Rogers Is Buying Dollars

Perhaps one of the most staggering things to me was how little of the general population was in that room, the US and around the globe that are investing in commodities. It will change and I believe those that exercise discipline in the next 5-10 years stand to deeply benefit.
Find attached some historical pricing on several commodities to put things in perspective on how low and how high prices have been in the past and where we sit today. These figures are not adjusted for inflation. Being Rogers is a terrible market timer he suggested looking at buying when prices are depressed and selling when prices are elevated.

You draw your own conclusions.

A Gift to My Children: A Father’s Lessons for Life and Investing

MB Wealth Blog

Risk Disclosure: The risk of loss in trading commodity futures and options can be substantial. Past performance is no guarantee of future trading results.

What Recovery? America’s Problems “Getting Worse, Not Better,” Jim Rogers Says

*Note: Video’s are my edit. – MPM

Jesse Livermore: World’s Greatest Stock Trader (reading currently)

Pit Bull: Lessons from Wall Street’s Champion Day Trader

Crash Proof 2.0: How to Profit From the Economic Collapse

Way of the Turtle: The Secret Methods that Turned Ordinary People into Legendary Traders

And my personal favorite (life changing in more than just investing):

The Zurich Axioms

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Brazil: Heistmen Steal $6m during football season finale

» 08 December 2009 » In Crime, Travel » 9 Comments

Brazil: Heistmen Steal $6m during football season finale

(Here is my Facebook, New Twitter and The G Manifesto Facebook Page)

Click Here for I, Willie Sutton

Thieves in Brazil have stolen more than £5m ($6m) from a cash delivery firm, taking advantage of the nation’s passion for football, police say.

Police believe the robbers

in Sao Paulo – who had dug a tunnel into the firm’s building – struck when season-ending football matches were played on Sunday.

A security guard later told local media he had heard a loud noise but thought it was fireworks lit by fans.

The theft was only discovered on Sunday evening – after the matches had ended.

Sao Paulo police allege the thieves rented a house in the area about four months ago and then painstakingly dug a 100m-long (110 yards) tunnel to the office of the company.

Officers believe the robbers struck late on Sunday afternoon – as millions of people across Brazil were watching the football season’s finale.

Firefighters later inspected the tunnel and found abandoned maps and tools, the police said.

During their stay in the house, the thieves disguised themselves as residents, even putting a Christmas tree in the window, the Globo website reported.


Why do you heist a cash delivery firm?

Like Irish G Manifesto Hall of Fame Member, Willie Sutton supposedly said, “because that’s where the money is.”

4 months, $6 million in cold CASH. Who says you can’t make money in a Down Economy?

These guys kind of took a page out of The G Manifesto Playbook. I often “heist” guy’s girlfriends while guys are watching American Football with their friends.

Click Here for I, Willie Sutton

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Na Rua, Na Chuva, Na Fazenda – Hyldon

Carl Douglas – Kung Fu fighting, 1974

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The Las Vegas Litmus Test

» 02 December 2009 » In Game, Girls, Travel » 6 Comments

The Las Vegas Litmus Test

Click Here to Download The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report (pdf)

(Here is my Facebook, New Twitter and The G Manifesto Facebook Page)

Click Here for Sin City X: Generation X’s Guide to Las Vegas Nightlife

Click Here for What Every BODY is Saying: An Ex-FBI Agent’s Guide to Speed-Reading People

Here is a great “litmus test” for girls you swoop in Las Vegas:

So you swoop a fly Las Vegas girl out of the Gentleman’s Club du jour or the most en vogue “Ultra Lounge”* back to your $1000 per night**, Down Economy priced, Salon Suite (1,890 square feet of decadence) at Wynn Las Vegas.

Just as you enter your room, make sure you “read” your girl (or girls) reaction (or reactions) if you Pulled a Vicky Cristina or Pulled a Trio.

From my extensive, un-official case study, you will get one of two responses:

1. She will gasp in amazement from the splendor of the room and stunning views of the Las Vegas Strip. Her eyes will then stare back at you and her you will notice her heart skip a beat. And she will start to fall and euphoria takes over.

2. You will get a “business as usual” look that says, “I have been in a room like this a million times before”. She might even walk directly to the half-champagne bottle in the mini-bar and not even bother with the view of the Strip. Most likely, she will just casually toss her Judith Leiber Emerald-Cut Full Bead Minaudier on the multi-sectional sofa. There will be no delirium.

Response number one equals: a potentially “decent” girl, new to town, most likely younger.

Response number two equals: a potential “pro”, been in town too long, most likely older.

There is no surer way to tell what your girl is all about than The Las Vegas Litmus Test.

Post swoop, number two might also tell you a story about “how she is behind on rent”. Go Pure Game because you aren’t the one.

Click Here to Download The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report (pdf)

Either way, commence to swoop with either type of girl.

* I don’t know why these weesh nightlife directors in Las Vegas insist on coming up with names for things like “Ultra Lounges”. Relax, it is just a lounge.

** This is what the room will most likely cost you. I get upgraded pro-bono.

Other side note:

I haven’t completed my un-official case study on Encore Las Vegas. Not enough data yet. I will post when I have conclusive results.

Another side note:

This Litmus Test is best performed while Custom Suited Up.

Check out these G Manifesto data sheets on Las Vegas:

The Blueprint of a Perfect Night in Las Vegas

Las Vegas Thoughts

Impeccable Technique: Vegas Beyond Undefeated

Guest Manifesto: Las Vegas in Summertime

Click Here for Sin City X: Generation X’s Guide to Las Vegas Nightlife

Click Here for What Every BODY is Saying: An Ex-FBI Agent’s Guide to Speed-Reading People

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

The O’Jays perform “For The Love of Money” on Soul Train

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Pernell Whitaker: How to Win Dirty

» 01 December 2009 » In Boxing, Dope, Guide, People » 8 Comments

Pernell Whitaker: How to Win Dirty

(Here is my Facebook, New Twitter and The G Manifesto Facebook Page)

Pernell Whitaker “Sweet Pea” Autographed/Hand Signed Boxing Glove

One of the things I respect most about Pernell Whitaker (and for that matter Roger Mayweather) was the fact that he would do whatever it takes to win.

I remember the Pernell Whitaker vs. Roger Mayweather fight from back when I was a young cub running all kinds of hustles. I was shocked with the violent beauty of it all.

I was even more impressed with both fighters will to win at all costs. No holding back. Rules are meant to be shattered.

Check it:

Pernell Whitaker vs. Roger Mayweather

• Even before the fight starts, Whitaker is landing blows (0:15). Mental Warfare.

• Uses Impeccable Technique in Round One to score a knockdown (1:18) with a sick right hook – left hook combo.

Throws five punches after the bell (1:30). Mayweather, dazed goes to the wrong corner. Referee has lost all control of the fight.

• Throws a punch on the break (2:01) and lands it on the referee’s mug.

• Whitaker and Mayweather go to war and exchange heavy shots.

• Whitaker fights like a demon possessed (3:30).

• Sweet Pea not afraid to use an occasional elbow or two (4:20).

• Pernell notices that The Black Mamba is having trouble with his trunks, and takes advantage (4:47). First rule of boxing: Protect yourself at all times.

• Then taunts Mayweather (4:56).

• Much respect to Mayweather for channeling his energy to dropping Whitaker then hitting him while he is down (5:27).

• Whitaker is hurt, and is smart enough to hold.

• Regaining his head, Whitaker throws bombs back (6:49). Wobbles Mayweather.

• Mayweather plays possum (7:20).

• Whitaker “spins” Mayweather (8:10).

• Both fighters pour it on till the closing bell.

• Mayweather lands a late punch.

• Whitaker wins.

Apply these lessons of “winning dirty” to your own life.

Pernell Whitaker “Sweet Pea” Autographed/Hand Signed Boxing Glove

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

AZ Ft Cormega – No Holding Back

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