The Top Ten Online Hustles

» 23 August 2009 » In Crime, money » No Comments

The Top Ten Online Hustles
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Click Here for A Dead Bat in Paraguay

Click Here for Mack Tactics: World Famous Dating Program For Men!

“Here are the top ten scams that are currently trying to relieve unsuspecting consumers of their hard-earned money. These have been categorised into two groups. The first five are those that try and fool people into sending money directly to the bad guys – pretending to be in trouble, a job offer, a favour etc known as 419 or advance fee fraud.

“The second five detail scams whose purpose is to steal personal credentials and computer data to convince the bank to send money. Here, at least, most banks will return the lost funds to consumers unless the bank can prove they were reckless.”

1. Social Networking scams
Fraudsters hack a social networking account, such as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, or Bebo, and then contact friends and family of claiming that they are in trouble and need money to be sent immediately to a specified address.

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

Click Here for A Dead Bat in Paraguay

Click Here for Mack Tactics: World Famous Dating Program For Men!

2. Prediction scams
This scam arrives in the form of an e-mail that provides the results of a football game taking place the following day, at no cost. The next day the receiver discovers that the prediction is true. Over the next couple of weeks further e-mails are sent providing results that also turn out to be correct.

Following a number of e-mails, another one is sent offering the recipient the chance to buy the results of future games for a hefty sum. The trick is that most of the people who received e-mails would have had a wrong result and so fallen out of the process. But statistically, a small proportion of all the people involved would have received e-mails with the correct results each time.

3. Economy-related scams
Prying on those in financial trouble, these scams can be performed via internet, telephone or post and include a range of financial help and offers such as loan and debt consolidation, fix-your-credit-rating, repossession assistance, phoney advance loans and mortgage foreclosure rescue schemes.

4. “It’s me” scam
This is a scam that has been prevalent in Asia but is now being seen in the West. The fraudster calls an elderly person declaring that their granddaughter has been in a road accident. Cries for help are screamed down the phone line and the fraudster informs the person that money needs to be sent immediately to cover the medical costs.

5. The “offer you can’t refuse”
This involves the sale of a product for which the fraudster provides an overpayment in the form of a cashier’s cheque, usually stolen, and asks for the excess to be transferred back. This can also occur when targets are offered a job, for example, to earn 20% commission. They receive a £10,000 cheque and are then asked to deposit it and return £8,000. The cheque later bounces, by which time the £8,000 is already in the hands of the bad guys.


Thanks to The Dinnertime Bandit for sending me this.

High Heels and Dirty Deals

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Cormega – Angel Dust

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Abner Mares Future Boxing Star

» 23 August 2009 » In Boxing, People » No Comments

Abner Mares Future Boxing Star

(Here is my Facebook, New Twitter and The G Manifesto Facebook Page)

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

Click Here for A Dead Bat in Paraguay

Click Here for Mack Tactics: World Famous Dating Program For Men!

Ralph Gonzalez from, sent me this video of Abner Mares:

As Ralph says, “Mares is a talented and likeable youngster who’s got a real shot at being a star. He’ll be headlining this week on the Versus Television Network.”

He is 18-0 with 11 KO’s and a former Mexican Olympian.

One to watch.

(Here is my Facebook, New Twitter and The G Manifesto Facebook Page)

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

Click Here for A Dead Bat in Paraguay

Click Here for Mack Tactics: World Famous Dating Program For Men!

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Lil Rob – Summer nights

(Here is my Facebook, New Twitter and The G Manifesto Facebook Page)

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

Click Here for A Dead Bat in Paraguay

Click Here for Mack Tactics: World Famous Dating Program For Men!

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Making Money: Jet Set Life and Chris Haddad

» 22 August 2009 » In money » No Comments

Making Money: Jet Set Life and Chris Haddad
(Here is my Facebook, New Twitter and The G Manifesto Facebook Page)

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

Click Here for A Dead Bat in Paraguay

Click Here for Mack Tactics: World Famous Dating Program For Men!

Jet Set Life, a blog I read, just did an interview with Chris Haddad of Moneyfingers, Inc on Sales letters and Making Money Online:

Good info.

(Here is my Facebook, New Twitter and The G Manifesto Facebook Page)

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

Click Here for A Dead Bat in Paraguay

Click Here for Mack Tactics: World Famous Dating Program For Men!

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Fabolous ft. Jay-Z – Money Goes, Honey Stay (Music Video)

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Ed Hardy, Christian Audigier and Michael Jackson

» 18 August 2009 » In People, Style » 2 Comments

Ed Hardy, Christian Audigier and Michael Jackson

Click Here for Hot Chicks with Douchebags

Last week was Cigarette week at The G Manifesto. This week is very quickly turning into Douchebag Week, with Ed Hardy Blacklisted by Vancouver Nightclubs and Tucker Max: I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell Trailer*.

Now it looks like, right before he died, Michael Jackson was about to come out with a wack clothing line with Christian Audigier.

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Fuck Ed Hardy by Dirt Nasty, Andy Milonakis, and Rich Hill

No wonder Michael Jackson kicked the bucket: he had to look at all those epileptic seizure inducing T-shirt designs. Probably gave him the blues so hard you would think that he was Crippin. That is, until he turned Cookie Monster Blue like the interior of my custom suits.

Drugs don’t kill people.

T-shirts with Glitter do.

Thanks to T over at The Rawness for the tip.

*I don’t necessarily think that Tucker Max is a “douchebag”. I mean to my limited knowledge, he doesn’t wear Ed Hardy. So he gets a pass.

Click Here for Hot Chicks with Douchebags

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

To end this on a good note an little SE SD banger:

Jayo Felony – Nitty Gritty

And a banging Latina:

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Tucker Max: I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell Trailer

» 17 August 2009 » In People » 14 Comments

Tucker Max: I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell Trailer

Tucker Max, who wrote a New York Times Best Seller is coming out with a movie.

Now, Tucker Max is not exactly my strain of Chronic, but to each his own.

I do have a lot of respect for the cat, he is a good writer, has the juice to make his own movie, and generally (from what I know, which is not a ton) plays by his own rules.

I also give him props for breaking down some of the barriers for male writers, and male subject matter in general.

Click Here for I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell

He is often accused of being a liar, a misogynist, sexist, homophobic, racist, and an asshole (the last one by his own account).

Personally, I don’t think the guy is a liar. His stories are completely believable, and in fact, maybe a little tame. People relate to his stories, (and why so many people buy his books) because they know someone like him, or knew someone like him.

I remember “him” from my college days: he was the dorky “regular guy” playing intramural flag football on campus when I was going down to my beach crib to pitch drugs and swoop girls. Or going down South to hidden beaches and uncrowded points.

There are some people that don’t believe what I write in The G Manifesto either. In my experience, these are people with extremely boring lives.

As Bruce Lee said:

“The doubters said…”Man cannot fly,”
The doer said…”Maybe, but we’ll try,”
And finally soared
In the morning glow
While non-believers …Watched from below.“

Sure he a misogynist, but I have been accused of the same thing. There is nothing I have read of his that would lead me to believe he is a homophobic or a racist in any way.

Anyways, here is his trailer for I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell:

Click Here for I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell

Looks pretty damn unfunny. Every joke in the trailer was an air ball.

And pretty boring.

A night at the Gentleman’s Club? Come on.

But, keep in mind, I am the type of G that goes to Gentleman’s Club’s three nights a week.

And who are these nonces doing the acting?

Can’t blame Tucker for the actors though. “Young Hollywood” is pretty much the biggest a bunch of nonces out there.

Either way, I truly hope his movie does well.

And my guess is, it will.

Crap movies do well these days.

Be sure to check The G Manifesto’s Gentleman’s Club Resources:

Ten Tips For Picking Up Strippers

Strip Club Tip: Lobster Trapping
Top Ten Strip Club Mistakes
Advanced move for Picking up Exotic Dancers
The Gentleman’s Club Theorem AKA The Local Bar Theorem
Manifesto Destiny II: Innovative Gentleman’s Club Concepts
Manifesto Destiny: The Gentleman’s Club
Top Ten Strip Clubs in New York City

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Nas – Ether

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