Great Bottle of Wine: Bodegas Juan Gil – Juan Gil 2006

» 18 July 2009 » In Food, People, Wine » 2 Comments

Great Bottle of Wine: Bodegas Juan Gil – Juan Gil 2006

(Here is my Facebook, New Twitter and The G Manifesto Facebook Page)

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

Crush It!: Why NOW Is the Time to Cash In on Your Passion

Click Here for Mack Tactics: World Famous Dating Program For Men!

Jon over at Jayne’s Gastropub (who I wrote about in Jaynes Gastropub: Viña Tondonia Rosado 1998 Rioja, Spain) recently tipped me off on a great bottle of vino: Bodegas Juan Gil – Juan Gil 2006.

Price for The Down Economy as well.

Check it: Bodegas Juan Gil – Juan Gil 2006.

Pairs well with some Sliced Jamon Iberico.

But then again? What doesn’t?

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

Crush It!: Why NOW Is the Time to Cash In on Your Passion

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Pepe Romero “Bulerias”

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Almeja Blanca ‘Los Peperetes’ – Premium Galician Clams

» 18 July 2009 » In Food, Wine » No Comments

Almeja Blanca ‘Los Peperetes’ – Premium Galician Clams

(Here is my Facebook, New Twitter and The G Manifesto Facebook Page)

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

Crush It!: Why NOW Is the Time to Cash In on Your Passion

Click Here for Mack Tactics: World Famous Dating Program For Men!

Click hear for Spanish Wines

I absolutely love seafood from Galicia.

Few things in life compare to Almeja Blanca.

Maybe a beautiful sunset. Or a dope glass of vino tinto. Swooping a fly girl.

Almeja Blanca are one of the kings of Galician seafood. These large, plump clams are harvested from the pristine sands of the Rias Gallegas, deep inlets in the shores of Galicia.

Hook some: Almeja Blanca ‘Los Peperetes’ – Premium Galician Clams

And enjoy with some Naiades Old Vines Verdejo 2005.

The famous winemaker, Eulogio Calleja, uses a blend of 50% Verdejo and 50% Viura/Sauvignon Blanc to make Las Brisas. Naia is 100% Verdejo which is aged sur lie for 4 months to accentuate the characteristics of the varietal. Naiades is crafted from the oldest ungrafted vines of Verdejo and aged for 8 months in French oak.

Crush It!: Why NOW Is the Time to Cash In on Your Passion

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Pepe Romero

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Pulling a Vicky Cristina

» 15 July 2009 » In Dope, Game, Girls, Nightlife, Style, Wine » 8 Comments

Pulling a Vicky Cristina

(Here is my Facebook, New Twitter and The G Manifesto Facebook Page)

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

Click here for Spanish Wines

I usually don’t watch a lot of new movies.

I mostly re-watch old ones: Scarface, Rumble Fish, A Clockwork Orange, Superfly, To Catch a Thief, etc.

Recently, however, I flipped the script. After having more than 50 girls tell me to watch Vicky Cristina Barcelona, I peeped it.

Having lived in Barcelona as a younger prototype G and visited many times since, it was a real pleasure to see the beautiful Catalunyan scenery in the movie.

The one part of the movie that kind of pissed me off was how it threw up on the silver screen for all to see how you swoop two girls at once AKA pulling a “Vicky Cristina”.

I have been using this tactic for years, in fact, I have been almost gotten beyond it. Hell, I even wrote the definitive piece on How to Pick up Three Girls at Once AKA The Trio a while back.

None of this takes away from the fact that Pulling a Vicky Cristina can be a very effective/innovative move for the upwardly mobile International Playboy on The Rise. At least, it will help cut through the boredom in American Nightlife and the ennui associated with American Girls.

Paco de Lucia – Entre dos Aguas

Here is how it is done:

Find the Right Venue
Well, the “wrong” venues, thankfully, are wack spots, sports bars, low end clubs etc. Places you shouldn’t be hanging out at anyways. If you see Ed Hardy shirts and Plastic Tiaras, you are in the wrong place.

Other signs to look for: People that look like they hang out at Palms Casino Resort in Las Vegas, Beenies, tribal tattoos, and girls yelling “Wooo! Girls Night Out! I love my girls!” and other earsplitting phrases. (Seriously, if I hear this type of crap one more time, I am liable to go bonkers, smoke some Sherm Stick, go on a West Coast “Who Ride” and end up wanted for a homicide.)

Conversely, the “right” venues are high-end lounges, Gentleman’s Clubs (of course, this doesn’t really apply to this Chamber of the Manifesto, although technically a great location to pull a Vicky Cristina), Model Girl Bars, sensual restaurants were the Chef does all kinds of sexy things with food, lobby bars of Fly hotels, The French Riviera, South Beach, and of course, Catalunya.

If the drinks are expensive, drugs are being consumed at a rapid pace and the girls look like something you would see on the cover of a Spanish fashion magazine, you are in the right place, Oh my brothers.

Other signs to look for: Titled Royals, Girls dripping with diamonds on their décolletage, a blow dealer you knew from way back, daughters of Industrialist families, etc.

Find The Right Girls

Again thankfully, like many advanced tactics in The World of Game, Pulling a Vicky Cristina actually works better with flyer girls. And richer girls. And smarter girls. And surprisingly, girls with good breeding. Girls traveling. Model girls. Arriviste American Girls. Run of the mill average to decent looking American girls are not good prospects. They like feminine guys, hipsters, Wimpsters, beta males, regular guy and Chrisitan Audiger wearing Buffons. Leave the wack girls for them.

Furthermore, pulling a Vicky Cristina on regular attractive American Girls, is a respectable result but pulling a “VC” on two high-society fly girls is agnate to winning Roland Garros. Or at least a satellite in Dusseldorf.

(Pulling a Vicky Cristina on two fly Exotic Dancers is a good way to pass the time, but let’s face it, who hasn’t done that literally hundreds of times by now?)

Dress Fly
This is an essential. Pulling a Vicky Cristina without dressing sharp is like Rumba without a Trumpet. Or a Parranda without booze and Chicas de la Noche.

If you know me by now, then you know I am predisposed toward Custom suits. Maybe something bespoke and “off-Row” by Douglas Hayward’s Shoppe (95 Mount Street) or Brian Staples’ Shoppe (26 Kingly Street). But with summer already here (The Kentucky Derby marks the start of summer on The G Manifesto Calendar) Resort Style is what I have been flowing with recently.

Think bold shirts, Crimsons, Lavenders, Custom Guayaberas, Irish Linen pants, Gucci Loafers, things like that. Walther P38. Pockets on Green like yellow and blue. Ties looking like a mural. Pocket squares: spiritual, like a ritual.

You want to catch Vicky Cristina prospects eye before approaching. The Art of War. Win every battle before it is fought.

You need to come with Extreme confidence when pulling a Vicky Cristina. Fly girls these day are swarmed by all sorts of gigolos, cads, vulgarians, scoundrels, rouges and bounders.

Any hint of weakness in your Game and girls will attack like a lioness smelling sangre on the Shamwari Game Reserve.

For me this isn’t a quandary. Pulling Vicky Cristinas begets more Vicky Cristinas. Top tier Lotharios have verbals hitting hard like Edwin “El Chapo” Rosario. Charmant.

And always be aware of the dark forces that lie hidden beneath the surface, the ones that some people call superstitions: howling banshees, black cats, witches, hats on beds, dogs, The Evil Eye.

giulia y los tellarini- La Ley Del Retiro

Be Latin
You can’t really control this, but if you have Latin blood, you will pull more Vicky Cristina’s then people without Latin Blood. I have done an unofficial case study on this. This is also why whenever you see a smooth cat swooping two girls cold out of at bar, 9 times out of 10 he is some sort of Latin cat. Don’t blame me, this has been going on since the 20’s. Sure there are historically top tier Playboys from other spots, most notably Gunter Sachs and the Guinness kids. If you don’t have Latin blood, maybe try using a fake foreign accent. (Picking up Girls with fake foreign accents will be covered in a future G Manifesto).

Play off both Girls
Common Pick up Theory suggests, when picking up a girl in a two set, you open, neg the target, and gain trust and rapport with the other girl, build rapport and attraction etc. etc. etc.

When pulling a Vicky Cristina, you need to Raise Sexual Tension with Both Girls and neg both girls constantly. Whenever you get rebuffed, simply be calm and act like there is nothing out of the ordinary with your proposal of untamed passion, pleasure, bliss and heaven. Re-frame. And use the right line of Palaver. Remember, there is no Eye like innderstanding.

Keep the Vino Flowing
Vino is the official drink of pulling off a Vicky Cristina. Top Shelf Vodka Sodas work as well, as does the occasional shot. But pound for pound, round for round, Vino is the Heavyweight Champ of Mood Setters.

Click Here for Spanish Vino

E-Tabs are known to work as well. But that’s neither Lucite heels nor dollar bill peels. And spark up cigarettes for style points. Or light up the cigar and let the aroma reach up. It’s like the smile on the Mona Lisa or like a falcon flying over Giza.

Use a Big Close.

Bliss, bliss and heaven, oh it is gorgeousness and georgeosity made flesh.

Keep in mind, one of the two girls is guaranteed to ruin the perfect situation. (Many times by morning).

It’s just in a girl’s nature.

Emilio de Benito – Granada

Advantage of The Vicky Cristina

Solves the problem of picking up two fly girls at the same time.

No need to call in a buddy for backup and having him fumble the deal.

Really “ups” your swoop numbers.

Turns a regular night of swooping into great fun.

Now, pretty much all I do when I am in America is pull Vicky Cristinas.

My mind is the enigma filled with broken pictures.

The G can see clearer now.

I feel my veil of sanity is starting to slip.

Click here for Spanish Wines

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Cage- 54 (Back when Cage was normal)

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Jaynes Gastropub: Viña Tondonia Rosado 1998 Rioja, Spain

» 15 July 2009 » In Food, Nightlife, People, Travel, Wine » 1 Comment

Jaynes Gastropub: Viña Tondonia Rosado 1998 Rioja, Spain

Click Here for Spanish Wines

In San Diego, getting ready for The Del Mar Racetrack to begin (6 days 19:10:06 till first post fyi), I recently went to Jaynes Gastropub. (The owners are a class act, fyi).

Had the pan con tomate, with Jamon Serrano, crab cake and Gambas Al Aljillo. All insane.

Also, gulped down some Viña Tondonia Rosado 1998 Rioja, Spain by López de Heredia that quickly became my favorite Rose.

Get some if you can get your hands on it.

Click Here for Spanish Wines

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Gerardo Nuñez, Soleá

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Good Day Vino: Higueruela Bodegas Santa Quiteira 2008

» 15 July 2009 » In Dope, Food, Wine » 2 Comments

Good Day Vino: Higueruela Bodegas – Bodegas Santa Quiteira 2008

Been drinking tons of Higueruela Bodegas – Bodegas Santa Quiteira 2008 while swooping fly girls lately.

Real inky.

Priced for The Down Economy as well.

Hook some Higueruela Bodegas – Bodegas Santa Quiteira 2008. And wack down some Navajas de Finesterre ‘Los Peperetes’ – Premium Razor Clams in Olive Oil. Thank me later.

COMPOSITION: 100% Garnacha Tintorera
REGION: Almansa

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Asturias – Juan Quesada

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