Wimpster: Word of The Day

» 09 June 2009 » In Guest Manifesto, People, Style » 2 Comments

Wimpster: Word of The Day

Click Here for lastnightsparty: Where Were You Last Night?


n. pl. Wimpsters

1. Feminine male hipster who is also a wimp.

2. Style of dressing and acting that is half hipster-half wimp, very popular in 2009.

Example 1: The crash of the economy and the death of the striped shirt mortgage brokers has given rise to the Wimpsters.

Example 2: New York City and Sand State nightlife is now overrun by Wimpsters.

Example 3: The masculization of Females (sleeve tattoos, promiscuity, rejecting traditional male-female relations and not dressing in high heels and dresses etc) and the feminization of Males (tight jeans, pandering to a woman’s every desire, being a completely annoying chump, and rejecting European/Latin male-female relations etc) has created a culture of Wimpsters.

You have been warned…..

Guest Manifesto by Coby

Click Here for lastnightsparty: Where Were You Last Night?

B.o.B. – Hip-Hop Aint Dead (The Future)

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Fogging Devices deter Low-end Burglars

» 08 June 2009 » In Crime » No Comments

Fogging Devices deter Low-end Burglars

Click Here for Secrets of a Superthief by Jack MacLean

Click Here for The G Manifesto: The Complete Guide to Burglary

From watching a string of action movies, many of us are familiar with what protects banks – cameras, silent alarms, automatic shutters slamming down and exploding capsules of ink in wads of money.

But the use of fogging devices is now an established tactic to protect not just banks, but a host of other businesses.

“It might be an ordinary house where you have somebody with a lot of valuables,” says Carl Gibbard, managing director of Concept Smoke Screen, “convenience stores, filling stations, jewellers, large factories, warehouses with items that stand a chance of being stolen where the thieves are relying on a smash and grab.”

Click Here for Secrets of a Superthief by Jack MacLean

Click Here for The G Manifesto: The Complete Guide to Burglary

These devices, typically linked to an alarm or a panic button, consist of a well of either glycol or glycerine mixed with water and a heater. In a split second, the liquid is pumped over the heater and out where it condenses on contact with cold air.

The intention is to disorientate the robber or burglar and cause them to abandon their efforts and flee.

“It’s the same principle as a kettle and steam,” says Mr Gibbard. A device might pump anything between 300 and 1,000 cubic metres of smoke into a room within 30 seconds.

Jewellers Goldsmiths and Watches of Switzerland have stopped seven attempted raids using the devices, Mr Gibbard says, and Boots and Tesco also have them installed.

Corey Gunz – 1668

Rival fogging device firm Smoke Cloak lists Barclays, Argos, Carphone Warehouse, PC World, and 150 schools among its clients, says managing director Paul Dards.

“Originally, they were mostly used in empty buildings for overnight protection, but as crime has become more violent, more places want to use them to protect their staff during working hours.”

But there are those who are slightly concerned about the idea of an already edgy armed robber being suddenly wreathed in smoke.

“Armed robbery is a high intensity situation,” says Roy Ramm, former head of the Metropolitan Police’s Specialist Operations, as well as the Flying Squad. “What you really want is calm and for people not to be panicked. Most robbers are very susceptible [to panic].”

While fatal shootings during armed robberies are rare in the UK, many robbers who have shot people tend to reveal afterwards that they had not intended to fire, says Mr Ramm.

“In a situation where a room suddenly fills with fog, it gives somebody another reason to panic. You could quite easily end up with someone being shot.”

Criminologist Prof Roger Matthews, of London Southbank University, author of Armed Robbery, concurs.

“It sounds a little bit like a double-edged strategy. The last thing you want to do is panic and confuse an armed robber. The danger is that people start doing strange and undesirable things like shooting people.”

But the smoke screen manufacturers dismiss criticism.

“When we first introduced this product we got a knee jerk reaction, understandably, from people who were worried,” says Mr Dards. “We actually took out a £10m worldwide insurance policy to protect people in case anything bad happened, but we’ve never had to touch it. We haven’t had any incidents.

“The idea is not to trap people, but when the bad guy breaks into the buildings a wall of fog comes at him and drives him out.”

Of course even if you accept that the fogging devices are safe it’s not easy to assess just how effective they are at stopping crimes.

Many will be installed in businesses that already have excellent security precautions, says Prof Matthews.

“A lot of the places that use these kinds of devices are the better organised institutions, which are already very well protected.”

And in the case of high value targets like prestige jewellers a different kind of thief is in operation.

“At that end of the market, you are not talking about amateur people who thought about doing it in the morning and went in the afternoon. They will know there is a smoke device and they will find some way to deal with that.”


Click Here for Secrets of a Superthief by Jack MacLean

Click Here for The G Manifesto: The Complete Guide to Burglary

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Corey Gunz-Swagger Like Us Freestyle

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Wale featuring Lady Gaga – Chillin

» 08 June 2009 » In hip hop » 4 Comments

Wale featuring Lady Gaga – Chillin

Click Here for The Top Ten Hip-Hop Tracks of All Time

Click Here to Buy Jay-Z’s Reasonable Doubt

Click Here to Buy Wale’s 100 Miles & Running

Far from Wale’s best track, but it should cast a wide “appeal net” as girls go bonkers over this Lady Gaga girl.

Video of course, gives props to Ben’s Chili Bowl, Cardozo, and Georgia Ave. And mentions Bammas. As it should.

Dodge City Style.

“Ha! And I made ya’ll love it
We don’t cop plea’s, but ya’ll don’t cop nothing
Police come around don’t nobody say nothing
And you be with the cops, you n$ggas is Mc’Lovin”

Click Here for The Top Ten Hip-Hop Tracks of All Time

Click Here to Buy Jay-Z’s Reasonable Doubt

Click Here to Buy Wale’s 100 Miles & Running

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life


Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye

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Economic Recovery vs. Inflation

» 08 June 2009 » In money » No Comments

Economic Recovery vs. Inflation

Buy The Little Book of Bull Moves in Bear Markets: How to Keep Your Portfolio Up When the Market is Down by Peter Schiff

Click Here for Pit Bull: Lessons from Wall Street’s Champion Day Trader

Weekly Commentary
For June 8th– June 12th 2009
By: Matthew Bradbard

Call it what you want but traders make money on identifying an opportunity and capitalizing on it, not the why. To me inflation is a foregone conclusion, the timing is the tricky party. When you have Nassim Nichols Taleb setting up a new fund to exploit volatility and what he views as hyperinflation to come, it is time to gain exposure in commodities. When China is diversifying out of US dollars and Treasuries into commodities, it is time to gain exposure in commodities. The trend has reversed in most commodities from agriculture to metals, softs to energies and we would advise investors to allocate a portion of their portfolios to commodities.

To find out exactly how we are positioning our clients in commodity futures and options, Contact us today at 1-888-920-9997. Don’t forget to tell them The G Manifesto sent you.

August live cattle were lower by 65 ticks last week. Resistance comes in between 80.25/80.50 while support is seen at 82.00. August feeder cattle were lower by 5.825 losing almost 6% last week. Resistance comes in between 98.50/99.00 while support is seen at last week’s low at 95.625. With beef prices down it may be a good time to start approaching cattle from the long side. Fundamentals show that beef consumption starts to decline in hot weather, but so does supply as feed lots are short of inventory. Traders should look to enter longs on or about June 18 and hold through February 5. This trade has worked 34 times in the last 38 years. Past performance is not indicative of futures results.

Buy The Little Book of Bull Moves in Bear Markets: How to Keep Your Portfolio Up When the Market is Down by Peter Schiff

Click Here for Pit Bull: Lessons from Wall Street’s Champion Day Trader

July lean hogs were lower by 5.425 last week losing 8.5% on the week. Support is seen at 59.325; last week’s low, resistance is at 62.00 followed by 64.00. The US is working on getting China, Russia, South Korea, and several smaller importers to end their ban on buying US pork but until this happens demand is lacking. Health officials agree that eating pork is safe, but lower prices have encouraged these countries to protect their domestic markets.

The USDA said that 93% of the corn crop was planted and 70% of it was rated good to excellent. July corned gained 9 ¾ cents last week making it the seventh consecutive positive week. Resistance is seen at 4.50 with support at 4.30 followed by 4.15. Weather, planting progress and growing concerns are kept at bay for the time being as Wednesday we get a USDA crop production report; markets expect a drop in ending stocks from last month’s 1.6 b.b. We’re still anticipating getting long December 09’on a break between now and the June 30th USDA planted acreage report.

The USDA said that 66% of the soybean crop was planted, down from the five-year average of 79%. July soybeans strength continued as prices were higher by 39 ½ cents last week. Resistance first comes in at 12.30 followed by 12.55 with support seen at 11.80 followed by 11.45. We continue to hold July puts for clients at a slight loss expecting a break in the next 2/3 weeks. Last month’s report put 09’ ending stocks at 130 m.b. A cut to 100 m.b. or lower would be bullish, outside of that we think the market has factored in smaller ending stocks.

The USDA said that 89% of the spring wheat was planted and 73% of it was rated good to excellent.
The USDA said that 45% of the winter wheat was rated good to excellent. July CBOT wheat was lower by 13 ¾ cents last week with KCBOT giving up 12 ¼. Wheat assumes a follower’s roll to corn and soybeans as wheat does not have the current demand. On CBOT wheat resistance is seen at 6.40 followed by 6.55 with support at the 200 day moving average at 6.11 followed by 5.90. KCBOT resistance is at 6.95 with support at last week’s low at 6.68 ¼ followed by 6.50.

Continue Reading about Softs

To view our full commentary which includes the sectors of energies, livestock, currencies, financials, grains, softs, and metals, subscribe to our 4 week free trial by visiting this link: http://mbwealth.com/subscribe.html.

Risk Disclosure: The risk of loss in trading commodity futures and options can be substantial. Before trading MB Wealth recommends that you should carefully consider your financial position to determine if commodity trading is appropriate for you. All funds committed should be purely risk capital. Past performance is no guarantee of future trading results. There are no guarantees of market outcome stated, everything stated above are our opinions.

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Acapulco: Shoot Out

» 07 June 2009 » In Crime, Travel » No Comments

Acapulco: Shoot Out

Click Here for The G Manifesto’s The Tijuana Report: There is a War going on Outside

Click Here for Cocaine Trafficking in Latin America

Click Here for Narcocorrido: A Journey into the Music of Drugs, Guns, and Guerrillas

Sixteen gunmen thought to be linked to drug cartels and two soldiers have been killed in clashes in the Mexican resort of Acapulco, officials say.

Several soldiers and bystanders were wounded in the two-hour battle, in an old area of the Pacific coast city.

Tourists were evacuated from several hotels in the neighbourhood.

The battle began on Saturday evening, when troops received a tip-off that the gunmen had occupied a house, an officer in charge of the operation told AP.

The gunmen threw grenades at the soldiers and crashed their car when trying to flee, he added. Others arrived as reinforcements but were killed in the fighting.

The BBC’s Stephen Gibbs in Mexico City says the fighting will be another deadly blow for Acapulco, whose tourist industry has recently been badly hit by the swine flu outbreak.


The officer says troops found four police officers when they entered the house, handcuffed and apparently held hostage.

“We found them like this, handcuffed, and they say they were kidnapped,” he said.

Click Here for The G Manifesto’s The Tijuana Report: There is a War going on Outside

Click Here for Cocaine Trafficking in Latin America

Click Here for Narcocorrido: A Journey into the Music of Drugs, Guns, and Guerrillas

“So, if they were kidnapped, as they say, then we rescued them.”

Troops seized 36 rifles, 13 shotguns, two hand grenades, 13 fragmentation hand grenades, 3,525 cartridges, 180 magazines and eight vehicles in the operation, AFP news agency said.

Mexican President Felipe Calderon launched a military campaign against drug cartels in 2006.

Tens of thousands of troops have since been deployed throughout the country to tackle drugs-related violence, which has claimed the lives of nearly 9,000 people in the last two years.

Acapulco has in the past been the scene of clashes between rival drug gangs but has been relatively free of violence in recent years, correspondents say.


The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Maria Rita – Novo Amor

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