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Fantastic Finishes- Five Top Closes

» 10 June 2006 » In Game, Girls, Guide, Nightlife » 20 Comments

Fantastic Finishes- Five Top Closes

Click Here to Buy The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists by Neil Strauss

Click Here to Buy Emergency: This Book Will Save Your Life By Neil Strauss

This week we are going to go into some real effective and proven closes. Keep in mind that closing is only limited by the G’s imagination. Of course, when you are in a nightclub and you have a girl on the ropes, you can tell her that you will buy her a yacht or a condo, and if you dress as fresh as I do she probably will believe that you have that kind of liquid dough. But you obviously don’t want to get called on the carpet and be stuck with a new condo in a bloated real estate market. So here are some relatively easy closes with limited downside potential, and unlimited upside….you can’t get a better deal than that, right?

The Champagne Close

This close has fewer holes than Winky Wrights’ defense. Part of the strength of this close is that it’s universal in nature. Younger girls, older girls, French Vanilla girls, Butter Pecan girls, Chocolate-deluxe, Caramel Sundaes, Upper Eastside Mobiles, Ford model girls, Sophistos, Playboy Playmates, Penthouse Pets, Otto Zutz Girls, Suicide Girls, Razor Dolls, Exotic Dancers, College Girls, Girls who can’t spell “College”, and Stewardesses flying around the world all love champagne. Girls that have never had it even love the idea of Champange. Even girls who don’t like you and think that your attitude is arrogant, cocky, rude will buy into this one. Girls that don’t even want anything else to drink, their eyes will brighten up with even the mere mention of “You like Champagne right? Let’s get out of here, get a bottle of and drink it in my Suite”. The key to that line is you have to deliver it in the most unassuming and nonchalant way possible. You can over sell it if your too pushy, as if your trying to buy the girl with the champagne. You have to say it as if you were saying “let’s go outside and get some fresh air”. Like it is something that you do every day (which is easy for me because I do). Smooth chill and Tranquilo. As with many things, it is not so much what you say, it is how you say it. Practice makes perfect. (It obviously helps to be wearing a Three Button Grey Zegna, steel blue Brioni shirt, Aqua, red and black Zegna Exclusivo tie, and black Valentino pocket square- Art Deco Gangster Style). For the financially challenged, roll by the Bodega on the way home and pick up an inexpensive bottle of Spanish Cava.

The Las Vegas Close (aka the Travel Close)

(This one works real well on Southern California girls because it’s so believable.) Vegas is one of the greatest marketing schemes ever created by humans. Let’s face it, if you gamble, and you don’t cheat, you Will lose your money (Personally, I always take the “gamble” out of gambling). Yet people love to go to Vegas and give away their money. Its great marketing spin of the highest degree. So take advantage of it. Girls love the idea of the excitement, action, and (phony) glamour of Las Vegas. One of the best move is to weave Vegas into conversation with a girl (really not that hard) and once you get positive feedback say something along the lines of “lets hang out tonight, and tomorrow we’ll roll to Vegas”. Girls think they like being spontaneous or something. Keep in mind you never really have to go to Vegas the next day. You can always come up with some excuse in the morning, like “I completely forgot, I am getting my final fitting on some custom suits, and my tailor, William Fioravanti, flew in from NYC for one day” or “I got a message that my racehorse fell during his morning workouts, there is no way I can go Vegas now!” In fact, I must have used The Las Vegas Close over three hundred times, and I if my memory serves me correct, I have never flown a girl to Las Vegas……… (obviously, if you are in Vegas, you can’t use this one. Be agile; just insert Miami Beach or New York, or the Caribbean for Las Vegas).

Click Here to Buy The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists by Neil Strauss

Click Here to Buy Emergency: This Book Will Save Your Life By Neil Strauss

The Spa Close

I have pulled myself out of “towering infernos” and “perfect storms” with The Spa Close. This is also one of the most deadly. It is similar to being bitten by The Sydney Funnel-Web spider (in my opinion the most deadly spider in the world). It’s no secret that girls love Spas. Like both the above closes, you hit the Greed button as stated in “The Six Elements of Picking up Girls”. The Spa Close implies money, taste, and style. All Girls dream about meeting guys that will take them to the Spa. Why not play into it? This one seriously works like 100% of the time. It’s very Zen. The devil is in the details. You have to really have to sell the special “treatments” that they do at the spas. Start talking about how amazing the “Hydrating Coconut-Pineapple Crème Scrub” is or how incredible you feel after the “Honey Milk Body Wrap”, or how can’t miss the “Hot Basalt Stone Therapy” is at this spot. Really do your research and become an Aficionado. I am not sure what it is but girls fall under the “Ether” (and when I say “Ether” I don’t mean that track that Nas torched Jay-Z on) when you talk about this stuff. Girls are so far down the canyon at this point that they offer very little defense when the Indians come out.

(The next two Closes are a little more High-Risk, but effective none the less)

The Room Service Close

This is real similar to the Champagne Close. It works real well on Exotic Dancers and waitress/ Bartender girls. The only draw back is you can eat too much and kill the mood (and when I say “mood” I don’t mean that nightclub “Mood” in LA). So remember to order light. Stick to shrimp cocktails, tartares, things like that. Never let her order the nachos. (It always amazes me how girls don’t hardly eat at dinner, at the sickest restaurant with Guy Savoy manning the stove, and late night, they get the appetite of Buster Douglas after he beat Tyson.)

The Split-Bean Close

I love this one. I might have even created it. It’s always good to “trial close” this one. Try it on the wrong girl and you can really un-spool the deal. Plus you might have a sore back the next day. Or Strychnine poisoning. It’s best to make someone guinea pig the beans first. But if you hook into some of that early 90’s stuff, you are in for a real treat.

So there are Five basic closes. These all work extremely well. In fact, I try not to use them anymore because they are almost Too effective. I am an innovator by background, so I am always trying new closes and pushing the outer limits of Game. You have to stay one step ahead, right? Later we will cover more advance closes like: The House of Mirrors Close, The “El Ocho”, The Three Devils Close, The Dallas Winston Close, The Rusty James Close, The Soda Pop Curtis, The Snake and Crane Close, The Hell in a handbasket Close, The “Made you look”, The Magic Missile, The Something in My Eye, The Extraordinary Technique Close, The Let them Eat Cake Close, The Three Avengers, The Only Built for Cuban Linx, The Iron Monkey Close, The Praying Mantis Close, The Drunken Monk, The Don Juan DeMario, The “I’ve become a Playboy” Close, The Latin got Hot, The Wire, The Venus Fly Trap, and The Shimmering Snake, among others. Till then…….The Rest is Up To You…….

Click Here to Buy The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists by Neil Strauss

Click Here to Buy Emergency: This Book Will Save Your Life By Neil Strauss

Side Note:

All three Politicians I backed won their Elections on Tuesday. Much like hitting a trifecta at the Track. Looks like it will be a good summer……

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Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Ice Cream Man
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

(Want to see something in The G Manifesto? Send suggestions to thegmanifesto@yahoo.com)

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The Six Elements of Picking Up Girls

» 02 June 2006 » In Game, Girls, Guide » 67 Comments

The Six Elements of
Picking Up Girls

Click Here to Download The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report (pdf)

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

(Here is my Facebook, New Twitter and The G Manifesto Fan Page)

News: 10/8/07

Since this G Manifesto was written there have been many Manifesto’s to address How to Pick up Girls:

How to pick up girls and close: Fantastic Finishes- Five Top Closes

How to pick up girls during the day: Sunshine Maneuvers

And How to pick up Girls on the Street: Street Game…It’s kinda like The Crack Game

And of course, everyone’s favorite on how to pick up three girls at once: The Trio….How to Pick up Three Girls at Once

This page has very quickly turned into the best resource for Picking up Girls on the Internet…..

Update: 3/18/09

Great resources for picking up girls:

Click Here to Download The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report (pdf)

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

This G Manifesto is extremely important. This data, up until now has been highly guarded information, and revealing it could probably get me in trouble. It’s not unlike when Chinese Martial Artists started to reveal the secrets of hand to hand combat and self-defense to westerners. A lot of them got paid visits from the heavies over there. So don’t take this data sheet lightly. And don’t worry about me…desert eag (and Rugers for minor maneuvers), plus I got The Garduna behind me…..So here are The Six Elements of Picking Up Girls:


This is very important for the opening. You have approach girls with snap, swagger and energy. You need to have a purpose and pitch something that is exciting, fresh and unique. For instance, pitching 3 ringside seats to a Title Fight to a couple of exotic dancers in a Gentleman’s Club is going to have some Sizzle on it (make sure you sit Girl-Boy-Girl). But know your audience; pitching a girl on an afternoon in The Turf Club at the Racetrack might seem like a good pitch on a Hollywood actress girl, unless she volunteers for PETA during her off-time. The gear you wear helps a lot. A custom, light grey Paul Smith suit (with ticket pocket) with purple pinstripes, Lilac pocket square by Brioni and a light Resort Style Armani shirt with Crocodile loafers by A. Testoni will give you that added zip that you need. Focus helps give you Sizzle. When I am picking up on a girl it might seem extremely effortless to the untrained eye. In reality, I am incredibly focused. Sometimes I am so focused I am basically clairvoyant…..with extra sensory perception…..hell, some days I can move objects, like telekinesis when I am picking up girls. Important note: girls always talk about how the like “bad boys” (their language, not mine). But you can cross the line; I remember hanging out with a girl in a café during the day and two hitters came after me. It escalated into a full-blown daylight street shootout. The girl, completely unharmed, (who always said she liked “bad boys”) disconnected her phone when I tried to call her a few days later. So the lesson is, don’t push the “bad boy” thing too far. (Again, girls lingo not mine)


Like any good MC that has Mic Control you need to control what is happening. For instance, don’t follow a girl you are trying to swoop to some bar that has a crappy band playing that her ex-boyfriend is in. You have to call the shots. Otherwise you could very easily end up Behind Enemy Lines. You make all decisions on where you are going and who you are rolling with. You need to know what moves to make during all hours of the day and night. Know what restaurant is best. Where the underground spots are. You need to dictate the action. Remember, part of what a night is scored on is “effective aggressiveness” and “ring generalship”. Don’t be afraid to walk away from the whole deal either. The key to this is having plenty of girls in your Pipe. You don’t even have to ask to know that my Pipe stays full like Mark Twain and General Macarthur’s.

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This one is tough. Let’s face it, G’s and most girls have very little in common. Most normal girls don’t like Boxing, hanging out with underworld figures, eating extremely fattening foods, listening to the sound of money being counted in a money counter, negotiating gem prices, drinking wine like we are about to start prohibition again, Swooping as many girls as possible, planning heists, living a life of leisure, and being an all around Jet-setting International Playboy. When a girl asks you “What do you like to do for fun?” You can’t really respond with “Picking up on Girls” as an answer. (Side note: Thru an unofficial study, I have found out that many Female G’s, yes they do exist, are Bi-sexual, and because of this, saying “Picking up on girls” can be an acceptable answer). You need to find some kind of common ground, hard as it may be at times. For instance, most white girls have some Irish blood in them, so if you’re Irish at all, Bingo, there you go. Know a little about Zodiac Signs as well. News just in, girls like talking about signs, especially exotic dancers. There is a reason fly cats in the 70’s worked the sign game. In the new millennium, however, you can’t really ask girls flat out “what’s your sign?” Their guard is up on that stuff. It’s better to lead girls “down the canyon” on this. Simply put, tell a girl you just had your birthday, ask a girl when her birthday is, and within two minutes, she will be asking you what your sign is. Every time. Worst case scenario, ask a girl what her favorite animal is and say it’s yours also. Just find some something in common…….Skippy.

Gang Starr, Ex Girl to the Next Girl


Trust usually falls in line from Rapport. But still you have to work on it. Usually this is the part when you really have to put on your lying cap. For instance, if you were in a baseball bat fight with the Baseball Furies the night before, you probably want to leave it out of the conversation. Or if a girl asks you “how many girls you have slept with?” It goes without saying, that you don’t tell the truth. I remember a time when I was a young Prototype G and a girl I was swooping asked me, “how many girls you have slept with?”. I remember I responded “I don’t know, like fifty” thinking I would say a “low” number (in reality at that time it was probably about 3 to 4 times that). I remember her reaction and the funny look she had on face when I said, “fifty”. Incredibly and naively, I remember thinking that she gave me a weird look because it was such a low number (And in reality it is, if you go out a lot, you can swoop 50 fly girls in 2 months…) The next time I called her, her number was disconnected. It wasn’t until I ran into her a few months later, (at one of my Bases of Operations at the time), that I realized that she thought that number was extremely high. It wasn’t the first or the last time a girl has called me a “pig” (her lingo not mine). Skillfully, I talked my way out of it, on the fly, and ended up closing the account. A come-from-behind knockout a la Rocky Graziano. Side note: The best answer the dreaded question “how many girls you have slept with?” is, in the sincerest way possible “I have been with a few very important girls in my life…..” And leave it at that. Trust me.


You have to make things happen fast when you are picking up girls. Every moment that goes by after you have gotten a girls phone number or made a date with her is hurts your chances. It’s a similar concept to “time erosion” with options trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. Or the Chicago Board of Trade, or CME for that matter. It’s like a depreciating asset. The chances of a girl “coming to”, from the hypnotism of your Game is a lot higher as your Game starts to wear off. Always make plans with girls that night or the next. Collapse time frames.


One of the Seven Deadly Sins. Many theorists say it’s the most important of the deadly sins. “Greed is right. Greed works. Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Greed, in all of its forms — greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge — has marked the upward surge of mankind.”—Gecko. And greed — you mark my words — will not only save the G’s, but that other malfunctioning corporation called the USA………The Rest is Up to You.

Side Note:

In addition to Resort Style. On the west coast, summer style is very casual (I am primarily referring to the southern part). Don’t fall for it. People might think you are excessive and wrong for wearing a $2700 custom Italian suit in summer. Keep in mind this is made by skilled Italian craftsmen (I would call the guys who work on my suits Artists) who put about 50 hours of labor into it. Yet these same people think that think you are being excessive and wrong for wearing it, are wearing a Logoed Surf T-Shirt that costs five cents to make by some kid with missing fingers in some child labor sweat shop in some far-flung Tin Pot Republic. And they pay like $80 for the stupid T-Shirt! And I am the one being excessive and wrong…….Go Figure…..

Click Here to Download The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report (pdf)

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
How to pick up Girls
How to pick up chicks
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

(Want to see something in The G Manifesto? Send suggestions to thegmanifesto@yahoo.com)


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A Tribe Called Quest – Butter

The Roots – Break You Off
Break You Off – The Roots

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Components of a Magical Night

» 20 April 2006 » In Game, Guide, Nightlife » 12 Comments

Components of a Magical Night

“You the watch on my wrist
The ice in my ring
Bling Bling look at the diamonds in my chain
My iced out jewelry, I love you

You my new Desert Eagle
My glock when I aim
All you hear is shoot em up bang bang
My fully loaded pistol, I love you

Work like a slave, eat like a king
We do it for the love of material things
I am going to show this industry the definition of a buzz
By the way that’s word to everything I love

I love doing shows hearing the fans when they clap
And I love you back
I love having fun, love a good party
Bartender, Crystal for everybody!”

—–Select lyrics from “Love is a Battlefield, by Papoose (G Manifesto Certified underground track of the week)

First of all, what is a “Magical Night”? A Magical Night is when everything falls in line perfectly. Like when you step into the joint and every fly girl is loving you. You might even have to tell some girls to “stop staring”. It’s when your energy is so positive that even the haters call you “The Peoples Champ”. Its when competition you just devour, like a pitbull against a chiwawa. It’s when a famous Italian designer comes up to you, tells you he loves your “style”, introduces a model girl named Briana to you and excuses himself to talk to other people. It’s when you you’re at a Grammy party and you can’t decide whether to roll with a singer girl with a deal or one of the showgirls to entertain. It’s when Game recognizes Game. It’s when you don’t even have to use your Desert Eagle tucked into the back of your Canali slacks. Its when a sometimes model daughter of a Eastern European Oligarch steps to you and gives you a key to her hotel room, and you haven’t had your third Grey Goose and Soda yet. Its when you wish could clone yourself to help swoop all the girls that are down. Magical Nights are what we all live for. Its no secret that I have had more Magical Nights than anyone deserves. But it is not just a function of luck. There is actually a method to having Magical Nights. Here are the Components of a Magical Night:

1. Preparation. The key to a good night is having a good day. Get out and about. Spit some street game or some west coast car game out the Cadillac DeVille. Feel the streets. Get some backup leads for the evening. Get some frontups to. Number Crunch. Shoot a text blaster. Get the pendulum swinging. Be well rested. Get in a Vampire Nap. Get a work out on. I personally like to spar a few rounds (and when you’re as quick as me you never get a mark on your face). Hit the heavy bag. The speed bag too. Think young Roberto Duran. Or Sugar Ray (and I don’t mean that crappy band from Orange County).

2. Be really positive. This is easier said than done. But regardless, get yourself in a good mood. Everyone is a little different. I usually start my day off on a positive note by tossing out the girls from the night before saying I have to catch a plane. Once they leave, I usually get a little shut eye. This early morning shut eye is usually more than decent. You should look into it. Music helps a lot. I usually have Curtis Mayfield’s “Superfly” playing in my head at all times. Hip Hop obviously works as well. Just make sure it has a tight beat, a fresh sample, and the MC is lacing a good flow………….

3. Gear. After taking a good shower and enjoying a good dose of Aquatherapy, call down to the front desk of the Ritz-Carlton and have them send up a bottle of Goose and some Krug, Clos du Mesnil 1995 sent up to your $750 per night room (don’t skimp on the room, you wanted to have a Magical Night, right?) Throw on a robe and light up a smoke. Get your head right. Get dressed. For me, suits just appear on my body. Put together a good combination. I like going with a Custom Zegna Black 3-Button, Black Borelli Sea Island Cotton shirt, white, blue, pink, red, black striped custom Zegna Tie (don’t even look for this one, Ann Zegna gave me the only one ever made) and light blue Brioni pocket square. Go with the kind of outfit that could pick up girls on its own. Go through your Checklist for a Night Out. And of course, carry an extremely thick Bankroll.

4. Get an early jump on the night. Get out on the streets. Smell, taste, and breathe the streets. This is the foundation remember. Get your flow going. If someone needs it, diss someone. Sacrificing to the player Gods is never a bad move. Deliberate sacrifice for deliberate gain. This will help you tap into your natural human instinct of a natural born killer. American Indians used to use Vision Quests to tap into their self in the Animal Kingdom. I just so happen to be the Wolf.

5. Planning. To have a Magical Night, you don’t necessarily need to plan every step of the night. Oftentimes, Magical Nights happen when there is little or no planning. Either way, you want to maximize your odds and be in the right place. For instance, a dive bar in Tulsa is going to be an extremely hard place to have a Magical Night. On the other hand, a Ford Model party in South Beach in February is going to make it a lot easier on yourself. So like any good Commodity Broker, watch the “moving averages” and the “Stochastics”. Buy low and sell high. Get into the trade Before it moves.

6. Oysters. Get a good meal on. Something relatively light. There is a reason the Spanish eat Tapas. Carpaccio is always a good move. Some Foie Gras never hurt anyone either (except maybe the Duck). Instalata Caprese is always a decent start to an evening, or some medallions of Wild Boar or Quail Eggs. Steak Tartare is a classic. Or some Poached Kobe bone marrow with warm truffle vinaigrette emulsion. You get the point. But Oysters are definitely the key. Raw clams too. Eat a half doz before the meal with three raw clams and a half doz at the end of the meal with three raw clams. 6+3+6+3= Magical Night. Bookend the meal. And fuck those Kumamoto Oysters. I typically drop ship New Orleans Oysters to wherever I am going. Just in case.

7. The X factor. This is that certain “Glow” you have sometimes when you go out. The Swagger. If I told you how to get this, you’d be as clever as me………….. The Rest is Up to You.

Emails of the week in regards to How to Get the Girl of Your Dreams:

“How sad. If you are real people, you are terrible writers. If you are writers creating semi-fiction, you have atrociously poor grammar (and spelling AND punctuation). You should have called this “How to Get the Dumbest Girl of Your Dreams”.”

——–Hey, I am never one to hold a girls intelligence against her. In fact, intellectual conversations sometimes make my head hurt. And I have never tried to be the next Ernest Hemmingway. I am fairly certain you don’t capitalize “AND” in the middle of a sentence. Get back to me on that. Thanks Skippy……MPM

Email in regards to The Smoking Gun:

“I heard of the attempt on your life, but you can’t kill a ghost. Funny the on the news they talked of your prominence but never showed your face, you’re a political genius!!! This piece makes me want to walk into Aubergiene and put a cigarette out on the owners cheek. I smoke 2 packs a day and my lung feels great. Try being a potsie like me Fisto, you could smoke in the oval office on TV if you wanted to b/c of who you are, but I can’t even light a match in the Stingaree bathroom, so I have to deal with all the pinstriped fugazzi’s gawking at my rancid ass when I try and discreetly slip out of the stall. Bastards.”

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA El Magico
AKA The Man with a Dream
AKA The Man on the Rise
AKA To take nothing and make it something
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

(Want to see something in The G Manifesto? Send suggestions to thegmanifesto@yahoo.com)

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How to Get the Girl of your Dreams

» 09 February 2006 » In Crime, Game, Girls, Guide » 16 Comments

How to Get the Girl of your Dreams

This week we are going to address an email that was sent to The G Manifesto:


“First of all, I wanted to say I love the G Manifesto, and I read it all the time. I really think it’s the best thing going out there and I really owe you a lot, Mr. Mason and I think you are the greatest. I hope one day to be the G that you are. Here is my problem: I have met the girl who I have waited all my life for and we are in love. She is beautiful, young, and very intelligent. She and I are madly in love. The bad part is that she is a mistress for a very rich married older man in town. He pays for everything for her and even bought her a condo. She wants to be with me but says the rich guy would never allow it. Please give me advice, how do I get the girl that I love? I know your extremely busy, but please help me! Pete”

First off, Pete, lets stop with all the flattery. I know where I am at, and I don’t need some guy telling me how great I am. And what do people think this is? An advice column? Ok, I actually will help you, Pete, by telling you a story of how I handled a similar situation when I was younger. I really liked this girl, “Bianca” (we will call her), who was a mistress to an extremely rich captain of industry. He was married to an unattractive women, had kids, and now that he was rich, I guess, he felt he could enjoy the “fruits of his labor” by keeping a young beautiful mistress. A timeless story. So pay attention, skippy, and listen to how to solve your problem, G Manifesto Style……….

The first move that I did was to pay a visit to this rich older guy, who we will call “Stanley”. The key to meeting the guy was to really tone down my whole act; no suits, no flash, seem very polite, resist any temptation to spark up a smoke in his office and appear very innocent. Believe me, this is not easy routine to pull for a guy like me. Stanley, appeared exactly how I imagined him, an older weakling rich guy corporate jerk that probably got to the top by stepping on everyone he met. I then proceeded to tell Stanley about how Bianca and I were in love and wanted to get married and raise a family (this was all part of the act, I did like the girl, but even when I was younger I had enough sense not to get married). I told him about how we appreciated all he had done for her; given her money, bought her clothes, bought her an apartment in the city, etc. But I told him that true love could not be denied and I just wanted to be up front with him.

Stanley did then exactly what I thought he would. He immediately called Bianca and asked her to verify everything I said. She very emotionally told him that we were in love and we wanted to be together. Stanley then took the “man to man” approach that I knew he would. Being a very successful business guy, who is used to getting his way, he started to interrogate me. He asked me, “What kind of background do I come from? What is my family like? How will I be able to support Bianca and give her a good life?” I told him that I came from a family of modest means but we had come on hard times and I had a little sister that needed a life saving surgery. I also said that I was trying to find work and my family would pull through. (Actually at the time I was doing really well financially through Amsterdam connections and I don’t even have a little sister).

Being a smart Business man, I knew Stanley would hone in on my financial “weakness”. He told me that he would help me with my family “crisis” if only I would stay away from Bianca forever. He said I was young and life would go on and he would give me a great opportunity to help my ailing sister. “How could you do that, sir?” I responded. Stanley said he would give me $30,000 cash if I would just walk away. I then put on the best poker face of my life up until that point, and acted hurt that love could be bought with money. I contemplated it long enough for him to up the “pay off” to $40,000 (keep in mind this was during the recession in the early 1990’s, today I would crack the guy for way more scratch). I acted hurt but took the freshly scribbled check for 40 G’s from Stanley and agreed I would stay away from Bianca.

My next step was to cash the check. Once the check cleared, I returned to Stanley’s office only this time with two of my childhood friends from the neighborhood that could put fear into almost anyone. Both of them started doing “collections” at age 16 and had been very ambitious ever since. I also changed the way I dressed when I entered his office. If I recall correctly, I was wearing a Black 3 button Kiton suit with Black Zegna shirt and a grey and Black Armani tie with a grey and black Canali pocket square. I mean, my suit alone could have knocked this guy out. I then proceeded to tell Stanley about how he needed to stay away from Bianca or my friends would take care of him even before his wife would find out. Stanley almost had a coronary. I could hardly feel bad for his misfortune.

As “luck” would have it, I got the apartment, the money, and the girl. Not bad for a Wednesday. As for Bianca and I? Ended up not working out. So Pete, let me know how it all turns out for you, The Rest is Up to You……………………

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

(Want to see something in The G Manifesto? Send suggestions to thegmanifesto@yahoo.com)

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Las Vegas Thoughts

» 26 January 2006 » In Game, Guide, Travel » 17 Comments

This weeks Manifesto Tip is some stream of consciousness thoughts on Las Vegas:

Click Here to Download The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report (pdf)

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

Although Las Vegas positions itself as an “Anytime, Anywhere” kind of town, there are a few things you want to bring with you before you go there.

1. Bring Chap Stick. News just in, Las Vegas is in the desert. The place is dry as hell. Just look at anyone who grew up there or has been there for any amount of time; mad wrinkles. Obviously, poor white trash genetics could be involved, but everyone gets chapped lips if your there for over a day. And nothing blows a G’s game faster than chapped lips.

2. Bring Gum and Cigarettes (if you smoke anything other than Marlboros or Camels). This will cut down on your trips to the out of the way 7-11’s and you will be able to spend your time more productively (like at a bar with a Goose and Soda in front of you while a fly girl admires your 3 Button Canali pinstripe with pumpkin colored Canali shirt and Blue and pumpkin Zegna tie, blue Versace pocket square and Black lace ups by A. Testoni). The Casinos don’t sell gum. Parliament Cigarettes for instance, are also not sold in Casinos. So bring them.

3. Bring two cell phones. Having a Cell phone break or malfunction, as I have covered in previous Manifesto tips, is not the worst thing in the world, if you have old school game. But why make it hard on yourself? Cell phones, for whatever reason, have a tendency to break in Vegas (girl knocking it into the spa tub in your suite perhaps?). Cell phones have a higher value in Vegas than most towns because “meeting spots” and “lag time” are always something you have to deal with….

4. Bring plenty of CASH. This tip is for those out there where CASH is an object. Obviously it is very easy to get CASH out in Las Vegas. But if you are like most people, you can only get $300 to $400 out at a time. Vegas ATM’s give out money in $100’s. Three or Four Bills doesn’t make a very big Bankroll. As Arnold “The Big Bankroll” Rothstein once said, “A Mans strength is in his Bankroll”. So a smart move is to bring plenty of $20’s so you have a nice big Bankroll. Especially if you get ahead of your ATM.

Other things to keep in mind when going to Las Vegas:

1. The DJ’s are terrible. Keep this in mind when you roll to the Nightclubs there as stated in “The Blueprint for a Perfect Night in Vegas”. This applies even to the “best” clubs there. It’s almost amazing how bad the DJ’s are. I don’t know where they guys were spinning before they got to Vegas, but it must be some where that I have never been. Just understand that they are terrible before you go out, and you won’t feel any need to throw a bottle of Goose at the DJ booth.

2. Nightclub population. Understand going into the night that the people in Vegas nightclubs are extremely low-end. This applies to the “best” nightclubs also. This isn’t New York or Miami Beach. The majority of the people in nightclubs in Vegas, their weekend prior to going to Vegas probably consisted of a bowling alley and dinner at El Torito in place like Tucson or somewhere. It generally speaking is not the jet-setting international crowd. Sure, frequently you will see some Hollywood stars or Professional Athletes (which, who really cares about them?) but the vast majority will be Middle America runoff. The door policies are basically not very exclusive and the people running the clubs, probably cut their teeth in places like Wichita or Denver or some crap.

3. Service in Vegas is very good. This applies to restaurants and bartenders almost across the board. Be very careful though, sometimes the service can be overzealous. Where you really have to be careful is when you are at a bar or restaurant and you pull out a cigarette and the Bartender tries to light it for you with their Bic. They mean well, but if you have a Dunhill lighter or a Zippo, the last thing you want is some overly jumpy bartender lighting your smoke with a cheap lighter. Beware, and always remember, The Rest is Up to You……………………..

Side Note:

A few weeks ago I was in one of the “better” nightclubs in Vegas with a Beautiful Colombiana (that’s a girl from Colombia for the culturally challenged). It was her idea obviously, and although I wasn’t “Behind Enemy Lines”, I was not all that thrilled to be there. Interestingly enough, (or really more like not that interesting) there was some Professional Baseball Player in the spot as well. Now, I don’t follow team sports too much, but I have got word that this guy Jereck Deter or something is pretty good at Baseball and somewhat of a pro baseball “playboy” of sorts. Too bad that the girl he was with, gave me her phone number when he wasn’t looking. He is also lucky that I don’t like bleached blond girls like her and that I was already with a way more fly Colombiana. But still, look at the “scoreboard” Jereck……it reads Deter-0, Mason-1. I would apologize, but I am not going to, about having to send you down to the “minor leagues” of Nightlife. You were just unlucky to be in the same spot as me as the same time. I am sure you’re still a “player”. And in Jereck’s defense, he was wearing, I think a “jumpman” shirt and I was Brioni down. But think about it, this guy is a “playboy of pro baseball”? Who is his competition? A bunch of jerks that chew tobacco with goatee’s and wear tight pants?

Quote of the week:

Marion Barry was robbed at gunpoint and has this to say about it: “There is a sort of an unwritten code in Washington, among the underworld and the hustlers and these other guys, that I am their friend.” ——Now that is a true politician…….MPM

Email of the week in regards to Manifesto Destiny: Innovative Gentleman’s Club Concepts:

“Wow you are the biggest phony. Why don’t you stop lying about your fake life and tell the readers that this is all imaginary. If I wanted to I could go on the internet, find out how much expensive suits cost and write up something like this. I doubt anyone with your “class” and “taste” would quote juvenile or hang out at strip clubs…Stevo”

——Look Stevo, just because you live in some backwater with some chubby wife that doesn’t even know how to cook and clean doesn’t mean you have to take it out on me. What happened to you last weekend? Couldn’t get your favorite table at the Olive Garden? I actually “tone-down” everything I write just to give it more believability. If I told the whole truth, no one would believe me. Also, I actually quote Shakespeare and Voltaire often, but it didn’t seem to go with a piece about Gentleman’s Clubs. Juvenile seemed more fitting. What kind of “strip clubs” do you hang out at? The kind where men are the entertainment? To each his own………skippy…..

“Mr. Mason, I am speechless. Thanks for such priceless instructions on how to “close” in a Vegas gentlemen’s club. I just never thought it had anything to do with my Joop cologne, baby powdered cookies, my Super Cuts pompadour, my stack of wrinkled singles, the Bud Light in front of me or my fake-me-out suit I got from Marshall’s for $79.99. I heard you are spending this weekend on Mr. Paul Allen’s hybrid yacht the “Octopus”, but are you ever available for private lessons?”

——-Weird. Paul Allen does read the Manifesto. Just keep reading…..skippy——–MPM

Click Here to Download The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report (pdf)

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA Giant Killer
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

(Want to see something in The G Manifesto? Send suggestions to thegmanifesto@yahoo.com)

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