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Manifesto Destiny II: Innovative Gentleman’s Club Concepts

» 12 January 2006 » In Game, Gentleman's Club, Girls, Guide, Nightlife » 13 Comments

Manifesto Destiny II: Innovative Gentleman’s Club Concepts

Click Here to Download The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report (pdf)

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

“Y’all need to open your ears up and soak this game up
If nobody don’t know ya im gunna make you famous……….

This is 24 karots but it shine like stainless
Just look at how the diamonds compliment my fingers

Chasin with the Grey Goose now thats how a G play
Especially when them girls shakin that ass and a DJ

Yes sir its the bubble right hurr
Y’all beautiful women if you insecure”—Juvenile

We have already covered the basic concepts of how to dismantle the Gentleman’s Club in: Manifesto Destiny: The Gentleman’s Club (if you are one of the many hundreds of new people that read the G manifesto everyday)

Today, we are going to go over some extremely innovative and forward thinking concepts. This is the kind of stuff that most so called G’s will be doing in 3 to 5 years….if they are lucky. This information literally represents hundreds of nights and countless hours of data assimilation. But this is data that even Bill Gates CEO of Microsoft couldn’t assimilate. This is strictly for the G’s.

1. Always be aware of your “traffic lanes”. When your in a Gentleman’s Club, be aware of “how the river flows”, meaning; which direction is the flow of the exotic dancers. This might take a minute to figure out. Know where the girl’s dressing room is and know where the girl’s bathroom is. Flow usually moves in these directions. For instance, if you want to be in the center of the action, position yourself so you will get the flow of girls towards the dressing room. Also, keep aware of the walk ways and where there it a “T”. Positioning yourself where the two points meet will also increase the amount of traffic of girls. Being in a highly traffic zone will obviously increase the amount of girls that will fall prey to your Armani Tie that Georgio custom made for you (I like to go with a grey, green and blue Armani Tie, Custom Versace suit, with peaked lapels, two-button, grey Sea Island cotton bespoke shirt from Jermyn Street, blue Canali Pocket Square and split toe lace-ups by Bruno Magli…total cost a steal at under $7000.00) and air-tight game. Also, keep in mind that you might want to turn down the volume of the flow of girls if you step into a spot early in a night to avoid getting “buzzsawed” or “grinded out” too early. Either way, always be aware of your traffic lanes……..

2. Bar Positioning. This also applies to the traffic lanes. Also, if the Gentleman’s Club has multiple bars, you will want to “case the joint” to make sure you are at the best possible bar. And when I say “case the joint”, take it very seriously. Take it as serious as famous Irish Bank Robber Willie “because that’s where the money is” Sutton would case a bank. For instance, you don’t want to be “downstream” from some jackass phony player who spools up all the girls before they get to you. This can really mess with the vibe. Also, watch out for phony and real Pimps trying to recruit. You don’t want to sit too close to these guys for many reasons. The main reason being that these guys again screw up the mojo…..

3. Be careful not to get “Boxed In”. The G typically sits at the bar (suited down of course) facing the opposite direction of the girls on stage. The Regular guys all either sitting at the bar or standing facing toward the action. This is how you can appear disinterested and separate yourself from the status quo (refer to: Manifesto Destiny: The Gentleman’s Club ) But if the Gentleman’s Club is getting full and the lanes are clogging up you can get Boxed in by Regular Guys. This occurs when guys are standing between you and the action. This can make it difficult for girls to see you and get to you (because it is you they want to hang out with pro-bono after work, right?). So always have secondary spots to chill and smoke when your primary spot gets two crowded. You have to be able to stick and move, so to speak. Spots by the girl’s dressing room are known to be effective…..

4. Always be aware of the Shift Changes. This is most important for Las Vegas. In other places you usually know when girls get off work: it’s when the club closes. However, in Vegas a lot of the clubs never close. For instance a lot of girls work the 3 to 9am shift. You don’t really want to try to close too heavy at 4am or you might get caught “chasing the dragon”. On the flip side, 7am is a good time to turn up the heat. If you need to, write the shift changes on a “cheat sheet” or note card. It’s that important. (Obviously, I have the shift changes committed to memory).

5. The Art of saying “No”. A lot of times you are waiting for the right exotic dancer who hits your nervous system the right way. The problem is, there are always going to be a lot of other girls coming up to you that you are not all that interested in (especially when you are always the Top Ranked G in the spot, as I always am, or you if you dress as smooth as me). The key is you want to keep everything moving forward and you don’t want any hard feelings. A great response to girls is “I am just waiting for my girlfriend to get off work”. Almost all girls will just move along out of respect. You can’t use this one too much or you will seem cheap jackass. And obviously if a girl just got off stage and she dances dope, take care of her, you cheap jackass……

6. Champagne- Spa Close. This one is a classic. Really works well. Hell, this one works on civilian girls during the day…….Essentially this is best done a little before shift change where you say something like “Lets just get out of here and roll to my suite in THE HOTEL in Mandalay Bay and drink some Champagne”. If you need a second punch for a One- Two, then say “And in the morning you can go to The Spa get a massage, etc……” Be creative with it. If you are on a budget, THE HOTEL and many other Casinos, have a tienda with Champagnes for as little as $15.00. Just pay for it when the girl isn’t looking. Of course, in the morning, make some excuse about how you need to shoot out to NYC for a restaurant deal meeting you have with Nobu and Masa or something. Or if you want to, hell, go to the Spa with her…..she deserves it.

Soon, we will get into some more advanced techniques for Gentleman’s Clubs like: How to overcome the “I can’t go to your suite, I have to go home and feed my pet” objection. Till then, The Rest is Up to You…………………………………….

Emails of the week in regards to: The Art of the Grease

“Wow! I’m speechless. So much useful information. You should think about putting together a quick reference card. You know how some people are with information like this. Jerks will be greasing bouncers with Super Tuscans and their tailor with fruit baskets and walk around in bad fitting suits not being able to get into any clubs all the while bad mouthing The G Manifesto for their inadequacy’s. I see a real slippery slope with delving out this kind of information to every wanna be G. Think about guys you know. Maybe it’s the local huckster from Santa Barbara or the Pillsbury dough boy from Green Bay. Guys like that will take bits and pieces of this critical information and completely pervert the way of the true G. 3 words- quick reference card- Keep them coming (so to speak) by the way, what fundraiser were you going off to?”

———point taken, but all in all, I think this will do more good than harm. The fundraiser? I would tell you but the all the scratch I am shooting to him is from numbered Swiss accounts. You can appreciate that, right?—MPM

“The only thing that was greased was my ass this Holiday Season Mr. Mason. I thought I found my Muse in life, but instead I feel like the time my childhood idol John Elway walked right by me and belched because he was so intoxicated, when all that I wanted was a “how’s it going sport”. Maybe you should take some PR classes to learn how to deal with your fans and not steal their jewelry, car and cash, sleep with their wife, toy with their emotions and then sleep with their wife again. Bah Humbug to you!”

—–Really weird. Why would you ever idolize anyone from Denver? Obviously, your problems don’t end there……—-MPM

“I have never been slapped in the face by a man before, at least one that saw it to the next day, but this is the closest thing. I mean no posted quote from your most loyal fans or critics and bashing my livelihood and Real Estate industry all in one swoop??? What is your deal or malfunction Mr. Montefisto?

Where is the loyalty Mr. Mason? Have you sold out on your fans? Are you at the top of the mountain?”

—–I actually hate the mountains….to cold, and not enough Cuban Model Girls either……———-MPM

Click Here to Download The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report (pdf)

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA “Because that’s where the Exotic Dancers are”
The Guide to Getting More out of Life
(Want to see something in The G Manifesto? Send suggestions to thegmanifesto@yahoo.com)

Juvenile – Rodeo (Uncensored)

Juvenile – Rodeo – Watch more Videos at Vodpod.

T-Pain Im N Luv Wit A Stripper Remix

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Number Crunching

» 22 December 2005 » In Game, Girls, Guide, Style » 9 Comments

Number Crunching

Holiday Parties are nearly impossible to avoid this time of year. Between all the invites you receive and the parties that happen at your Bases of Operations, you will find yourself at least a few Holiday Parties the Month of December. Some of these are actually not all that bad. Occasionally, you will actually find yourself at one of these Holiday Parties where the people running the gig actually know what time it is. You know, the kind of gig where everyone is dressed fly and there are way more girls than guys. These are the type of Holiday Parties you want to find yourself at…….

Often times, many G’s get really caught up with closing every night they go out. Of course, closing every night is never a bad move. However, during holiday season, many girls are out with their boyfriends, it’s just they way it works. So, always going for the “kill” can sometimes be less effective this time of year. To offset this reality, it is sometimes better to go “Number Crunching” especially when you are at the kind of Holiday Party that is set up the right way……

Number Crunching isn’t what your accountant does for you so you don’t have to pay taxes like regular guys do. Number Crunching is focusing your efforts on building your Pipeline, Networking, and expanding your influence. This is a great time of the year to do this. I have actually conducted an unofficial study that shows many girls break up with their boyfriends after the Holiday Season. Maybe its holiday stress, maybe it’s the weather, and maybe it’s all the family time. Personally, I don’t really care what causes relationships to crumble, all I know is there are a lot more relationships on the rocks after the Holidays. I like to think of it as the world being on thin ice, and I know I am going to under it when it breaks…..

When you find yourself at one of these High-End Holiday Parties, be prepared. Refer to your “Checklist for a Night out”. Especially make sure you have a working pen. And dress sharp (A 3 Button Versace suit with notched lapels, Pink Canali shirt, Blue and Pink Zegna tie, Blue Brioni Pocket square and Crocodile loafers by A. Testoni, always works well. And the whole ensemble will only set you back about $3700.00….)

When most G’s Number Crunch, they will usually just enter girls phone #’s in there cell phone. There is really nothing wrong with this move. The drawbacks are: its very high profile, not that fast, and you always have the potential for technological glitches. I personally like to let a girl tell me her number and I remember it (then write it down later after I excuse myself). It’s an old-school move. Also, Girls get really impressed that you were able to “remember” there phone number. Girls think that if you remember their phone number, it has more “meaning” or something. Which, in actuality, it does have a lot of “meaning”; every fly girl’s number has “meaning”. Also, this is a good method for “quick strikes” like when a boyfriend is making his way thru the crowd to get back to his girl (little does he know, not his girl for long)………..

Another G I know (who does a lot of import/ exports out of Amsterdam), likes to talk to girl and while he is explaining something he draws out what he is talking about (like directions to an after-hours club, or the layout of his favorite fusion bar) on a napkin with a pen. He usually gets her involved interactively with the directions with handing her the pen and getting her to write also. At this point, a girl has a pen in her hand and a napkin. Number Crunching at this point couldn’t be easier. I have seen this G do this many times, it kind of has a “under the ether” effect to it….

Another west coast based G that I know has a relatively innovative technique. He will get a girls phone under some guise like “I used to have the same phone, can I see it for minute?” Once he gets the phone, he dials his own number and like that, he has Number Crunched. Never tried It myself, but nonetheless, a forward thinking approach…

My favorite is when a girl distracts her boyfriend with a kiss, and then slips a piece of paper with her number written on it in the pocket of your Versace suit. Female G move. It is also decent when a girl does the same move with a hotel room # written on it. Any variation of the move is good. For the record, this happened to me three times last night.

The main point of this is to use these High-End Holiday Nights for Number Crunching, not always closing. This will really help build your Pipe for the New Year. Me? I close on nights even when I am Number Crunching……do me a favor…..The Rest is Up to You…..

Side Note:

Due to Massive influx of emails asking me to write about certain topics, people asking me “how do I launder money?”, “how can I get back at my boyfriend?”, “do you know anyone who will buy stolen paintings?” etc. I have the answers to all these questions and more, keep reading. It just might take me a little while to respond to your emails.

Email of the week in regards to The G Manifesto Tip: Checklist for a Night Out:

“I once donned the striped shirt and faded jeans that got me nothing at the end of the night but two greasy NYC imitation slices of pizza at Ciro’s, little did I know it takes a Batman utility belt to pull the wool, so to speak. I cannot thank you enough Mr. Mason, for taking the time to help a “Baby G” become a man. Your talent and ambition is unprecedented, you are a modern day Santa Claus without the beard and fury red suit bringing lots of “toys, tips and models” in his Benz!

PS: I saw an impeccably dressed man disappear the other night at a high end club downtown, I thought it might be you so I tried to catch him but it was like “poof” he disappeared into thin air. Was that you Mr. Mason???”

–Maybe it was me………..—MPM

“Like a glass of single malt Aberlour 35 the advice on meticulous planning hit hard and finished smooth. I had a similar conversation with a friend of mine in New Yorks Little Italy. He is known as one of the foremost experts in Jewelry eradication. Like myself he is a big fan of the G Manifesto and a close friend to Michael Porfirio Mason. He directly relates his success to the exact principles outlined by the peoples champ. Bravo!”

–well put–MPM

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The King of the Vice Trust
AKA The Postman
AKA The Toastman

(Want to see something in The G Manifesto? Send suggestions to thegmanifesto@yahoo.com )

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The G- Manifesto Tip: The Blueprint of a Perfect Night in Las Vegas

» 05 December 2005 » In Game, Guide, Nightlife, Style, Travel » 14 Comments

The Blueprint of a Perfect Night in Las Vegas

Las Vegas is leading the way for Western cities as far as Nightlife, Restaurants, Architecture and Design. A lot of this is due to Southern California’s need to be ultra conservative about things. Last call for drinks 1:30? Whose bright idea was that? Huge crack down of illegal night spots? Makes sense. Basically, they have made Southern California into a place that is very difficult to have fun at night. If someone tells you there is good nightlife in southern California, I will bet my last dollar that they are from some lame backwater or crappy suburban Middle America town……guaranteed they are from somewhere that’s way worse than Southern California. This all being said, Las Vegas has really stepped up to fill the void. But what is the best way to attack Vegas? First of all, never, ever, under any circumstances, yell, “Vegas Baby” or say “What ever happens in Vegas, stays in….” or any other genius, original sayings. If you get that part down, you’re better off than most people out there. But if you really want details, here is The Blueprint to a Perfect Night in Las Vegas (G Manifesto style):

8:00pm: As we have already covered, The Vegas Battlefield is won and lost on two questions, “Where are you staying?” and “What did you do earlier in the night?” That being said, you want to stay either at Wynn, Venetian, Bellagio, The Hotel (in Mandalay Bay) or in a pinch the MGM (not bad actually, if there is a Boxing Match). At 8 at night you want to be dipped in fresh gear (suits obviously, I prefer going with a tie in Vegas as well as pocket square….Brioni works well) and ordering a cocktail at the main casino bar for an opener. This is a good opportunity to lock down the bartender girl and some of the waitresses. Feel the vibe of the casino and make sure your ready for the night. Get your stories straight. Make sure your Zippos have plenty of fluid, working pen, plenty of smokes …etc. Pull data from bartender about any tips that might be new since the last time you were in town. No need to get panicky with the Grey Goose, you have plenty of time if you start at this time. That’s really the key, you want to start early. The more face time the better. If you’re dressed properly, and you use G Manifesto tactics, civilian girls will start gravitating over to you. Number crunch if there are some good prospects but don’t hang out too long because you need to eat a high-end meal and fuel up for the night…..

8:30pm Depending on which hotel you are staying, get another cocktail and an appetizer at the Second best restaurant in the Casino. This way you can hit two restaurants in a night. You might see a reasonably famous person (like a celebrity attorney or Aging athlete or actor) sitting at the restaurant bar eating solo. Go up and introduce yourself. Rap out with the cat. If you have game, and you make a good impression, he probably will pick up your tab for you (always offer to pick up the tab yourself). He might even give you some words of wisdom. Get his card for future and …..

9:15pm Shoot over to the best restaurant in the Casino and eat at the bar. This “chamber” is one of the best of the night. Again, pull data sheets from the bartender about new night spots. Now is a good time to intermix water in between the Gooses and Vino. Now is the time to enjoy yourself. Take your time. Chew your food. If you’re at Daniel Boulouds spot, get the short rib…..it’s slow cooked for 3 to 3 and a half hours. Although I have never been to a TGI Fridays, I am sure it’s better than anything they have on their menu to say the least. If you hit the best restaurant in any of the above mentioned Casinos, you are in for a real treat. If you get good rapport with the bartender he will probably pro-bono you heavy. If you are in a financial pinch, throw the meal on a phony credit card, or on someone else’s room number, preferably an enemy’s room number. Personally, I always pay CASH, and tip huge to keep the wheels greased for future. Make sure you get the Matre’ D’s card in case the next night you have a date with one of Steve Wynn’s friend’s daughters.

11:00pm The Casino Crawl. This part of the night is always interesting. This is the time of night when the girls who are smiling and winking at you from across the bar are not tourist girls who think you look like a young Andy Garcia and want to date you. The vast majority of these girls are pros. Real pros. The kind with a fee attached. This is another good opportunity to get your game up and running if you haven’t already. Talk to a few. Hey, if you meet one that looks exactly like Mariah Carey or Catherine Zeta-Jones, take her up on her offer. To each his own. I won’t judge you for it. However it’s better to leave the casino and move to the next step……….

11:45pm Shoot in cab over to Scores or some other Gentleman’s Club. You only want to be here for about an hour. This is where the “One-Three” rule applies. Your whole goal during this “chamber” of the night is to get One strong lead or Three loose leads. Girls usually can’t leave at this time anyway. You just want to get some good leads for later in the night. It’s like investing. Only this is much safer than Michael Milliken’s Junk bonds…..You want to try to split by 12:45 because that’s when status quo drunk Guy starts appearing at the Gentleman’s Clubs. If you stick around too long, you will start hearing people say, “Vegas Baby” or “What ever happens in Vegas, stays in….” So trust me…..get out of there.

12:55am The Nightclub. This is probably my least favorite part of the night. But it’s a necessary evil. I look at this point of the night as killing time. A good move is to “piggyback” on someone you know who has a VIP table so you don’t have to deal with the 500 people line to get in. Or freestyle it. It’s really not too hard to get into clubs in Vegas if you’re dressed sharp. For all of Vegas’s dapper history of Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, and Bugsy Siegel, today’s Vegas, let’s face it, is a real Slob-fest. Very rarely will you see someone dressed as sharp as you. Personally, I never see someone dressed as sharp as me.

Once you’re in the nightclub, try to stay positive. Believe me, it will be hard to stay upbeat once you realize the DJ isn’t mixing and plays songs like “Jump Around”. The fact is, even with all the E Channel and Paris Hilton-Hollywood Hype, Las Vegas clubs are very sub-par. The DJ’s are generally speaking, horrible and the clientele is dressed up people who were eating at their local Dairy Queen two days prior. That being said, some of the girls are decent looking. But generally speaking, it’s a “Girls Gone Wild” crowd. Girls bringing back the Women’s Movement by lifting up there short skirts and doing phony “lesbian” dances. Don’t fall for it. Let “status quo Guy” fall for it. Guaranteed you will hear him say, “Vegas Baby”. Resist the urge to shove a rocks glass in his mouth or slit your own wrists. It will be all over soon. Most of these girls are sorority types on some kind of “Vegas sexual awakening” vibe that’s total crap. The bottom line that these are mostly Middle America white girls that can’t dance. Total amateurs. Personally, I like girls who Can dance. As you know by now, if its not models, I prefer pros……………..

3:00am Showtime. Head over to the best Gentleman’s Club Dejour. Shake hands on your way in and post up at the bar. Refer to the Manifesto Tip on Gentleman’s Clubs. Your home free now. Shift change is coming up and that room at Wynn you have will really pay for itself. In some of the Gentleman’s clubs in Vegas I have a better record than Rocky Marciano….and remember he was 49-0.

4:30am Roll back to your suite with girl(s) and enjoy……The Rest is Up to You.

(Repeat above night for as many nights as you mentally and physically can handle)

Side note:

To address all the rumors, yes, 50 Cent is a regular reader of The G Manifesto. The Manifesto was actually inspiration for his new “Window Shoppers” video being set in Monaco.

Now for the email of the week:

“With so much to be thankful for as the Holidays approach, no one is more thankful than I am for having Mr. Bond, sorry I meant Mr. Mason enlighten me with tips that have gotten me more hot ass than a toilet seat and a boy band combined in the past few months, cheers to you MPM, like the Guinness commercial BRILLIANT!!!”

—-never seen the Guinness commercial, but thank you—-MPM

“The G Manifesto is how I have lived my life..Sometimes people will call me a “bitch” but hey, I take it as a compliment. Why show Mercy to those who will destroy you if they get a chance??”—Cherilynn

—-There are girl G’s out there…….—–MPM

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Matador of Metaphor
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

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The G Manifesto Tip: Dates and The Vino Move

» 05 December 2005 » In Game, Girls, Guide, Nightlife, Style » 5 Comments

Dates and The Vino Move

So, you met a fly girl out at night and she has agreed to go out on a date with you. What should you do? Should you take her to the movies to see that new Hollywood blockbuster? Should you take her to that new “hot” club in town where every guy is wearing striped “party” shirts and the DJ has no skillz? Should you take her to go see the new band she really likes? Should you play the “intellectual guy” and take her to a coffee shop for stimulating conversation? Should you just let her pick the place?

There are many different angles to take on a date with a girl, and most of them are wrong. In fact, the answer to all the above questions is “NO”. Movies are terrible in general and the girl will probably fall in love with the actor in the movie (who actually probably doesn’t even like girls). The club is a bad move because you leave yourself open to all kinds of sharks who “prey” on girls that are with guys on a first date. The live music thing? No dice. Why would you bring a girl to some gig where some other guy is the star? Coffee shop? Hell no, no cocktails. Let her pick the place? Are you insane?….that’s the easiest way to get “Behind Enemy Lines” (which of course we know how to deal with from a prior G Manifesto Tip). Here is how you do a date with a fly girl………. G Manifesto Style…….:

1. Choose the place. Never let the girl pick the place, or you’ll end up going to The Olive Garden for what she calls “the best Italian food I have ever had”. You need to pick the spot, preferably your “Base of Operations” or a new spot that’s mind blowing that you heard about from word of mouth or referral. Taking a fly girl to your Base will only increase your status at your Base, and also the girl will be impressed by the red carpet treatment you’re receiving. So everything works all the way around.

2. Make her meet you there. This part is extremely important as you will find out soon enough. Meeting the girl at your Base of Operations keeps your more agile and you don’t have to drink and drive. Also, this is what the Europeans and sophisticated city people do…they “meet up” or as the French say they “rendezvous”. White Trash suburban people go pick up the girl for the date…

3. Stake out a good spot in the restaurant. Always have your back to the wall. This way you can see everyone coming in….i.e. her current boyfriend, rival players, hit squads or members of P-2 (Propaganda Due, the renegade Italian espionage organization). Also, try to get there before her. This way if anything unforeseen happens (like your favorite bartender is sick) you will have plenty of time to establish rapport with the new bartender and Lock the place down “on the fly”. Plus this will give you some time to drink a couple of Grey Goose and Sodas to smooth it out…..

4. Once the girl arrives, always greet her with the “two-kisses” greeting. This always puts American girls under the “ether”. Or maybe it’s the custom made Canali suit with no vents. Either way, keep her hypnotized with upbeat, positive conversation. Travel is always a good topic of conversation to make sure there are no uncomfortable silences until the booze kicks in. Tell her stuff she has never heard before like, “the history of nightclubs in America” (which is easy for me since my parents took me to Studio 54 when I was seven years old) or about the real life “Keyser Soze” (who I won’t mention his real name) and how he controls America (which is easy for me since I know who he is and in fact my little brother is good friends with his son).

5. The Vino Move. As the night progresses, keep the Vino flowing at a brisk pace. Grease the bartender or waiter to make sure your wine glasses always stay full. In reality, these bottles don’t have to be the most complex/expensive bottles. First of all she probably won’t be able to tell the difference anyway, and second, sometimes it becomes a head ache analyzing every sip (“do you taste the black currant?” “Can you see how the wine is opening up?”) Just pick a good solid red; I prefer Bordeaux or a good Rioja. The whole point of this is you want the girl to be too drunk to drive herself home. (Lets be honest, the whole point of the date was too able to bring the girl back to your crib or a boutique hotel anyway.) After multiple bottles of red the girl will probably be in love with you anyway, and if she isn’t, she will be when you tell her that “I can’t let you drive, we have had too much to drink, let’s go to my crib for a glass of water”. The craziest part of all this is she will think you are a true Gentleman!

At this point in the night you will usually hear her say, “Ok, I will come to your crib, but I will not sleep with you…..” It is at this point in the night when you can truly relax and light up a smoke with your Zippo, because you are truly home free. Anytime a girl utters those words you can bet your last dollar that she will be tearing off the expensive Canali fabrics you have on the minute your key touches the lock of your door………..The Rest is up to You……….

The emails of the week in reference to: G Manifesto Tip: San Francisco, North Beach Cioppino, and The Pizza Move

“Once again the “Big G” shows how to manipulate the inner organs of America’s finest cities.”

“Man, i never even wanted to be a player, and now that i have seen the shining light from above, i know i was meant to be a “G.” I have just a couple of questions though… Where do you find a tailor that can make polyester look good, and should i put new duct-tape in the backseat of my pinto?”
———-skip the polyester, go with Italian silk, and ditch the pinto, pick up a cadillac———MPM

“Do people really live like this? Um, I don’t really see the point of this. Well written and all, but shouldnt it really be labeld ‘how to be a player’? Essentially, thats what you were describing, or maybe a a playboy, or a trustfund baby. Is this all you think there is to life? Well written, but maybe you need to evaluate your priorities some more. Maybe it’s just me, but this bothered me a little. You are a good writer, maybe you can actually write something of substance next time. Amy.”

——–Aren’t all girls named “Amy” the same? I met tons of girls named Amy in my life, and I can’t picture one of them. And you know what they say about pictures……… To be honest, Amy, this is written for true G’s and aspiring G’s. My “priorities” include (but not limited to): getting more out of life, having fun, dressing sharp, being a protector of the helpless, getting in touch with my spiritual side, dating models, influencing world politics for the betterment of humanity, making money and rolling around with High-Society girls (in no particular order). If these “priorities” are a crime, then lock me up…….——–MPM

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Butcher
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

ChateauOnline-Europes leading online wine merchant

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G Manifesto Tip: San Francisco, North Beach Cioppino, and The Pizza Move

» 10 November 2005 » In Game, Girls, Guide, Nightlife, Travel » 12 Comments

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San Francisco is a very G friendly city. You have chopable Gentleman’s Clubs, High-End Hotels, a diverse female population, and minimal competition (most of the guys are “window shoppers” with no game). San Francisco is also open late and the streets are very lively: a perfect venue to display “Street Game”. With a set up like this, sometimes I feel I will look in the sky and see a blimp that reads “The World is Yours”. The Restaurants are also some of the best in the USA and there are plenty of first rate late night dining options. Try getting some good food like foie gras, burratta, and Steak Tartare in most cities after 11 pm and you will come up empty handed. Unless “good food” means for you, Denny’s “moons over myhami” or 3 rolled Taquitos with guacamole. One thing to really try before leaving San Francisco is Cioppino…..

Cioppino is a fish stew mixed together greatly influenced by the Old Country (for those of you who don’t know what time it is). It was however created by fishermen who settled in the North Beach section of San Francisco. Michael Mina can put together a decent Cioppino. However, the recipes for this dish are kept highly secret. Now, I am not going to tell you how to make Cioppino, I leave that to the experts. What I am going to tell you in is a perfect “recipe” for swooping mad girls in San Francisco…… a “North Beach Cioppino” of sorts…….

The two ingredients (types of girls) you want to focus on in San Francisco are the “Sophisto” girls and the “Fly” girls. The Sophisto’s are the intellectual “elite” that are relatively high end, educated, and might know more about wine and haute cuisine than you. The Fly girls have no idea what white truffles are but they can do the splits upside down in a one-handed handstand, back-flips, or at least dance really dope. Both types of girls have a big value proposition associated with them. The Sophistos can help you navigate the High-end side of San Fran, and the Fly girls, well….its pretty obvious. My perfect Recipe is: one part Sophisto girl and two or three parts Fly girls. Here is how you mix up a night in San Fran….G Manifesto style.

Step one, meet the Sophisto girl at a dope spot like Traci Dejardin’s spot, Jardiniere (you can drop my name if you want). Pay attention to all the knowledge the Sophisto girl has about the wine and food and commit to memory (this is good ammo for other girls in the future). Keep the vino flowing. Keep the conversation to things like “The History of Boutique Hotels in America” or something else high-end. Then strike. Roll back to your real “boutique” hotel (as opposed to phony ones like the W) on some premise like that you want her to see the design work in the lobby and your room. Close. It will probably be around 11pm and she will need to get back to her weesh boyfriend anyway. Perfect. Time to go back out, (how else are you going to swoop 100 plus girls in a year? Not by staying in and watching Sports Center, that’s for sure….) Time for……….

Step Two; link up with the first Fly girl at her work (most likely Larry Flynt’s Hustler Club). Enjoy the atmosphere with plenty of grey goose and sodas. Develop new leads (which should be easy in a hand-stitched 2 button Kiton with peaked lapels and a thick bankroll) while your waiting for your girl to have “a minute”. She will probably get off work around 4am and she will probably want you to be her date to some “Swingers Party” or something along those lines. Once the 4am meeting place is established “in stone”, leave the Gentleman’s Club (no need to over do it). Hit the streets in North Beach for some street game and a very specialized move ……

Step Three, now here is the Technique that works 100% of the time (also works on two Fly girls at once). It should be around 2 am by now, and you need to “kill” time until 4am. Here is how you do it: Hit the streets like an Arturo Gatti body punch. Suited down, Zippos, smokes and alter-egoing on Goose. Regular clubs should be letting out around this time. This is a beautiful time of night. The man with the best street game wins. Step to one (or two) of the best prospects and offer to buy them some Pizza (that’s why this is called The Pizza Move…skippy). Girls never turn it down (not sure why, but it always works…… could be the Brioni pocket square). As your eating pizza with the girls spit mad game and get them to roll back to your Boutique hotel as well. If you can’t pull this off, then your problems obviously don’t end there. Now you just need to fight a little for a cab (or have a driver on your payroll) and your home free.

Step 4, after you close; make some excuse about how you have to be in Macau for a poker tournament tomorrow or something to get the girls to leave. Then go meet the first Fly girl at 4:30 am at your meeting point and roll to the Swingers Party with a girl that has Pig-Tails and can do back-flips in tow. (We will cover these kinds of parties in another G Manifesto tip). Till then, ….The Rest is Up to You……

Emails of the week (2 positive and one kind of spazzy) in reference to past G Manifesto Tips:

“Great transition from “spandex batman suit” to “jewelry store heist” I don’t know of any contemporary or classic author who has ever attempted to do that let alone pull it off in true G Manifesto style. Not only the peoples champ but a literary genius. I’m naming my first born son, Michael Porfirio Mason. Keep them coming.”

“So powerful, compelling and stylish the G not only pulled off a major heist on Halloween Eve but he also probably slept with our wives in our beds while we were all passed out……..”.

—Very true—MPM

“For reals, dude? This is absolutely despicable and terrible and a disgrace to “journalism”. I fucking hated it! Congrats! All this blab about $2300 suits and keeping drivers on payroll and whatevers…you’re so full of shit. The people’s champ… whatevers man. On the other hand—if this were done in total irony: fantastic. But people like you don’t understand Irony, right? And even The Onion couldn’t come up with an editorial this fake and funny.–Ken”

—- First of all Ken, don’t call me “dude”. Second, where do people come from that say “for reals” and “whatevers”? Look skippy, just because you’re a bagger at Walmart doesn’t mean people can’t afford to buy nice clothes and have drivers. No, I actually don’t understand complicated concepts like “irony” but I do understand that you need to go back to your trailer park that you share with your parents. Also, who the fuck is “The Onion”? Your imaginary friend? What an incredible jagoff…….——MPM …..

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Locksmith
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

California Sale – Save up to 30% on San Francisco! Book by 4/7/08 for travel from now to 4/14/08.

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