Manifesto Destiny II: Innovative Gentleman’s Club Concepts
Manifesto Destiny II: Innovative Gentleman’s Club Concepts
Click Here to Download The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report (pdf)
Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!
“Y’all need to open your ears up and soak this game up
If nobody don’t know ya im gunna make you famous……….
This is 24 karots but it shine like stainless
Just look at how the diamonds compliment my fingers
Chasin with the Grey Goose now thats how a G play
Especially when them girls shakin that ass and a DJ
Yes sir its the bubble right hurr
Y’all beautiful women if you insecure”—Juvenile
We have already covered the basic concepts of how to dismantle the Gentleman’s Club in: Manifesto Destiny: The Gentleman’s Club (if you are one of the many hundreds of new people that read the G manifesto everyday)
Today, we are going to go over some extremely innovative and forward thinking concepts. This is the kind of stuff that most so called G’s will be doing in 3 to 5 years….if they are lucky. This information literally represents hundreds of nights and countless hours of data assimilation. But this is data that even Bill Gates CEO of Microsoft couldn’t assimilate. This is strictly for the G’s.
1. Always be aware of your “traffic lanes”. When your in a Gentleman’s Club, be aware of “how the river flows”, meaning; which direction is the flow of the exotic dancers. This might take a minute to figure out. Know where the girl’s dressing room is and know where the girl’s bathroom is. Flow usually moves in these directions. For instance, if you want to be in the center of the action, position yourself so you will get the flow of girls towards the dressing room. Also, keep aware of the walk ways and where there it a “T”. Positioning yourself where the two points meet will also increase the amount of traffic of girls. Being in a highly traffic zone will obviously increase the amount of girls that will fall prey to your Armani Tie that Georgio custom made for you (I like to go with a grey, green and blue Armani Tie, Custom Versace suit, with peaked lapels, two-button, grey Sea Island cotton bespoke shirt from Jermyn Street, blue Canali Pocket Square and split toe lace-ups by Bruno Magli…total cost a steal at under $7000.00) and air-tight game. Also, keep in mind that you might want to turn down the volume of the flow of girls if you step into a spot early in a night to avoid getting “buzzsawed” or “grinded out” too early. Either way, always be aware of your traffic lanes……..
2. Bar Positioning. This also applies to the traffic lanes. Also, if the Gentleman’s Club has multiple bars, you will want to “case the joint” to make sure you are at the best possible bar. And when I say “case the joint”, take it very seriously. Take it as serious as famous Irish Bank Robber Willie “because that’s where the money is” Sutton would case a bank. For instance, you don’t want to be “downstream” from some jackass phony player who spools up all the girls before they get to you. This can really mess with the vibe. Also, watch out for phony and real Pimps trying to recruit. You don’t want to sit too close to these guys for many reasons. The main reason being that these guys again screw up the mojo…..
3. Be careful not to get “Boxed In”. The G typically sits at the bar (suited down of course) facing the opposite direction of the girls on stage. The Regular guys all either sitting at the bar or standing facing toward the action. This is how you can appear disinterested and separate yourself from the status quo (refer to: Manifesto Destiny: The Gentleman’s Club ) But if the Gentleman’s Club is getting full and the lanes are clogging up you can get Boxed in by Regular Guys. This occurs when guys are standing between you and the action. This can make it difficult for girls to see you and get to you (because it is you they want to hang out with pro-bono after work, right?). So always have secondary spots to chill and smoke when your primary spot gets two crowded. You have to be able to stick and move, so to speak. Spots by the girl’s dressing room are known to be effective…..
4. Always be aware of the Shift Changes. This is most important for Las Vegas. In other places you usually know when girls get off work: it’s when the club closes. However, in Vegas a lot of the clubs never close. For instance a lot of girls work the 3 to 9am shift. You don’t really want to try to close too heavy at 4am or you might get caught “chasing the dragon”. On the flip side, 7am is a good time to turn up the heat. If you need to, write the shift changes on a “cheat sheet” or note card. It’s that important. (Obviously, I have the shift changes committed to memory).
5. The Art of saying “No”. A lot of times you are waiting for the right exotic dancer who hits your nervous system the right way. The problem is, there are always going to be a lot of other girls coming up to you that you are not all that interested in (especially when you are always the Top Ranked G in the spot, as I always am, or you if you dress as smooth as me). The key is you want to keep everything moving forward and you don’t want any hard feelings. A great response to girls is “I am just waiting for my girlfriend to get off work”. Almost all girls will just move along out of respect. You can’t use this one too much or you will seem cheap jackass. And obviously if a girl just got off stage and she dances dope, take care of her, you cheap jackass……
6. Champagne- Spa Close. This one is a classic. Really works well. Hell, this one works on civilian girls during the day…….Essentially this is best done a little before shift change where you say something like “Lets just get out of here and roll to my suite in THE HOTEL in Mandalay Bay and drink some Champagne”. If you need a second punch for a One- Two, then say “And in the morning you can go to The Spa get a massage, etc……” Be creative with it. If you are on a budget, THE HOTEL and many other Casinos, have a tienda with Champagnes for as little as $15.00. Just pay for it when the girl isn’t looking. Of course, in the morning, make some excuse about how you need to shoot out to NYC for a restaurant deal meeting you have with Nobu and Masa or something. Or if you want to, hell, go to the Spa with her…..she deserves it.
Soon, we will get into some more advanced techniques for Gentleman’s Clubs like: How to overcome the “I can’t go to your suite, I have to go home and feed my pet” objection. Till then, The Rest is Up to You…………………………………….
Emails of the week in regards to: The Art of the Grease
“Wow! I’m speechless. So much useful information. You should think about putting together a quick reference card. You know how some people are with information like this. Jerks will be greasing bouncers with Super Tuscans and their tailor with fruit baskets and walk around in bad fitting suits not being able to get into any clubs all the while bad mouthing The G Manifesto for their inadequacy’s. I see a real slippery slope with delving out this kind of information to every wanna be G. Think about guys you know. Maybe it’s the local huckster from Santa Barbara or the Pillsbury dough boy from Green Bay. Guys like that will take bits and pieces of this critical information and completely pervert the way of the true G. 3 words- quick reference card- Keep them coming (so to speak) by the way, what fundraiser were you going off to?”
———point taken, but all in all, I think this will do more good than harm. The fundraiser? I would tell you but the all the scratch I am shooting to him is from numbered Swiss accounts. You can appreciate that, right?—MPM
“The only thing that was greased was my ass this Holiday Season Mr. Mason. I thought I found my Muse in life, but instead I feel like the time my childhood idol John Elway walked right by me and belched because he was so intoxicated, when all that I wanted was a “how’s it going sport”. Maybe you should take some PR classes to learn how to deal with your fans and not steal their jewelry, car and cash, sleep with their wife, toy with their emotions and then sleep with their wife again. Bah Humbug to you!”
—–Really weird. Why would you ever idolize anyone from Denver? Obviously, your problems don’t end there……—-MPM
“I have never been slapped in the face by a man before, at least one that saw it to the next day, but this is the closest thing. I mean no posted quote from your most loyal fans or critics and bashing my livelihood and Real Estate industry all in one swoop??? What is your deal or malfunction Mr. Montefisto?
Where is the loyalty Mr. Mason? Have you sold out on your fans? Are you at the top of the mountain?”
—–I actually hate the mountains….to cold, and not enough Cuban Model Girls either……———-MPM
Click Here to Download The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report (pdf)
Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!
Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA “Because that’s where the Exotic Dancers are”
The Guide to Getting More out of Life
(Want to see something in The G Manifesto? Send suggestions to
Juvenile – Rodeo (Uncensored)
T-Pain Im N Luv Wit A Stripper Remix