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The G Manifesto Tip: Halloween Parties and Vampire Naps

» 03 November 2005 » In Game, Guide, Style » 8 Comments

Halloween Parties and Vampire Naps

(Click Here for The G Manifesto’s The Best Halloween Costumes for Guys)

As the Holiday Season approaches, the social calendar fills up with many options. Halloween parties generally kick off the whole Holiday party circuit and New Year’s Eve finishes the circuit. Halloween Parties, specifically can be very strong on paper: People in a festive mood, Drugs flowing freely, and Girls dressing in outfits that put the Women’s Movement back 20 years (I mean, what other time of year are you going to go home with a girl dressed in a “Brittany Spears” outfit?). And, don’t get me wrong, some of these parties live up to and exceed the hype. For instance, Hef throws a decent gig on Halloween and Versace used to throw a good gig in South Beach, Miami before his untimely death. However, it has been my long standing policy to “sit out” these Halloween parties and Holiday Parties in General (especially New Years…..any night that has it’s peak at 12am is not for the G). Why would you sit out such a “big” party night you ask? Keep reading and you will find out…young grasshopper.

Buy Halloween Costumes Click Here!

First of all, any time you try to set up a “big night”, your chance of failure is higher. It’s the whole high expectations thing. For me, “Tonight” is the most important night. I don’t care if it’s Tuesday night, Wednesday Night, or the Ides of March……any night can be a potentially a “Big Night”. I don’t need the people at Hallmark to tell me when it’s ok to get a little out of hand. Also, on Holidays, Girls tend to be a little more emotional, there are tons of Guys out, and also tons of Cops. So, if you happen to like Overly Emotional Girls, Tons of Guys and Tons of Cops, then I wish you the best of luck dressed in your Spandex “Batman” costume. What Halloween is however, is a great time for a Jewelry Store Heist……………

Robbing Banks and Heisting Jewelry stores isn’t what it used to be in the Days when our fathers and uncles where out there doing it. In this day and age, the FBI has computers, parabolic microphones, DNA samples, and drugged out Informers up the Kazoo. So as a full-time occupation, being a Heist Man has lost some of its luster. That being said, there is still a lot of upside in “hitting” a Jewelry store every now and again for “old time’s sake”. Number one, you don’t have to go thru a big interview process and drug test to get the job. Number 2, the hours are not long and you get plenty of vacation time. And Number 3, the Wages are phenomenal. And Halloween is the perfect time to do it…..

First of all, you don’t look suspicious, walking around in a mask, or a disguise! You just want to make sure you have a few things in order before you “wack” the Jewelry store.

1. Make sure you case the joint fully. Find a place that has at least $500,000 retail in the window. Know how many people work there and when are slow hours. “Clock” the joint, so you know the whole routine.
2. Do the job solo, or with one trusted Running Partner. Keep your crew small.
3. Have guns (Colt .38’s are good, they wont jam and you will have plenty of fire power if things get dicey), duct tape and bags to haul away the score.

Buy Halloween Costumes Click Here!

When the time is right, walk in (suited down of course, I like to wear a 3 button Zegna for style points….cost $2200, and make sure you have your disguise on) and ask the jeweler if you can look at one of the diamond bracelets in the case. As he opens the case, make your move and get the “drop” on him so he can’t hit the silent alarm. Tie him up in the back with the duct tape. Now, empty out as many open cases as you can. Sometimes you will get lucky, and the safe will be open (my first job ever, I got lucky). Make sure you walk…not run…out of the Jewelry store. You will be floating in “Thieves Paradise” anyway, so make sure you slow down the pace to not cause any suspicion. Drive off in the getaway car to designated hideout spot to inspect the loot. Many times leaving the “Job” on foot is the best course of action, like in Mid-Town Manhattan for instance.

Very important: Many heist men settle for too little when they are negotiating with Fences. Don’t do it. (We will handle negotiation in another G Manifesto tip.)

Leave the city that you did the “Job” in and let the heat die down. For instance, I am going to San Francisco this weekend….

I am not saying this is what I did over Halloween, but check the papers………………..

Vampire Naps

Many people stop me in the street or reporters come up to me, and ask me “How do you do it? How do you go out every night and have so much success?” Talk about a question that could take a lifetime to explain…………… Well, I will give you one big reason: Vampire Naps. Basically what a “Vampire Nap” is right before you go out, you jump in the Coffin you keep in your house, lie down in it and shut the coffin door. Meditate for 5 to 20 minutes or however long you have before you need to go out again. Do this, and you will feel completely refreshed and ready to stay out for another night. This is almost like some Eastern meditation thing. Now, keep in mind you don’t really need a Coffin, that’s just the image you want to keep in your head when you do this. Keep practicing, and you will be able to stay out night after night like the Fanged Ghoul Himself………..The Rest is Up To You………….

Side notes

Robert McCormick, the CEO of Sawis Communications who spent $241,000 in Scores was recently placed on unpaid leave………………….This Guy really should have read the G Manifesto Tip on Gentleman’s Clubs.

Also, the new James Bond is going to be outfitted in Brioni as stated in an earlier G Manifesto tip.

Emails of the week in reference to THE NINE HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE G’s:

“The G Manifesto once again brilliantly provides all of us Average Joes with a wake up call on life. He truly is a genius and innovator, a modern day Howard Hughes.”

“Good stuff. I’ve never seen that Covey guy at the playboy mansion either. I haven’t been this inspired since I read, “The Tao-Te Ching,” by Lao Tzu. Although Tzu’s theory of thought leans more to peace through passivity and not so much the self serving, misogynistic view point of a player. I can definitely find room on my bookshelf for both. Keep them coming.”

— It’s very comforting that other people out there understand The G Manifesto and all it has to offer—MPM

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Halloween Costume 3 Button

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» 27 October 2005 » In Game, Guide, money, Style » 12 Comments


Click Here to Buy The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists by Neil Strauss

Click Here to Buy How to Pick Up Strippers by Gary Brodsky

Click Here to Buy Emergency: This Book Will Save Your Life By Neil Strauss

There are a lot of “Self-Help Gurus” out there today. Many of these People write about their “Keys” to success in business, relationships, and life in general. None of these “experts” really know what its like to be a G. Most of the information these Guys are pushing is pure trash with no application to the Real World, the Night Club or the Street. In fact, if you have one of these guys’ books and a dollar, you can probably get a cup of coffee. And no chance at a double espresso in NYC……….

Many people have read the The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey. Decent read. I think this guy is really on to something. For the G Manifesto Tip this week, we are going to give you Nine Habits. We are going to out-do that Covey guy by Two Habits. I mean who is this Covey guy anyway? I have never seen him at the Playboy Mansion, and I certainly have never seen him in South Beach at Model Parties during February……………..

1. Dress Sharp. In fact, dress as sharp as one of Miyamoto Musashi’s Samurai Katanas. You might not always be the smartest, richest, or best looking person in a room—but you can be the Sharpest Dressed. Work on the things you can control. Believe me, if you know my Tailor you can be the best dressed in any room you step into. Look at it this way, if you roll up to the spot dressed like Eminem, you better be able to flow like Eminem. Otherwise you command no respect on a first impression, nor should you. A lot of times on the west coast you will see guys get away with the whole “casual” look. That’s great. Watch what happens when they try to roll to the Big Cities back East and in Europe: you will see “Mr. Casual” waiting in line outside the Night Club, freezing there asses off in their Board Shorts and Flip-Flops with zero hope of gaining entrance (While someone like me, Kiton suited-down is dicing the line with two Hungarian Model chicks dressed in minks………who would you rather be?).

2. Knowledge. Knowing how many Passing Yards that Brett Favre jackass has thrown for this year doesn’t count. Every white trash jerk in every Sports Bar in America has that Data. You want to be “Worldly”. Know about current events. Get “inside information”. Travel, read, or least watch the Travel Channel for God’s sakes, so you can fake it. Everyone, and I mean everyone, finds Travel and Foreign lands interesting. At least anyone you want to get to know. And when I say “Travel”, I don’t mean taking a trip to the Trailer Park you grew up in on the outskirts of Phoenix. Go somewhere culturally stimulating, like Saint Tropez, France or Buenos Aires. (Just don’t go somewhere too exotic, like where the natives are cannibals or where you’ll catch Malaria or get some major stomach problems) Expand your horizons….

3. Skillz. Know how to open a bottle of wine with out “blowing it”. This is an easy one to master. Just go to a good wine store and buy a case, maybe try the 2004 Marquis Philips Shiraz…..open and drink each bottle…..by the time you finish the case you will know how to do open a bottle of Vino like a pro! As a side benefit you will be drunk for a few days. Also know how to open a Bottle of Champagne. Nothing ruins an evening better than having the girl of your dreams back at your hotel and you’re trying to open the Bottle of Bollinger Vieilles Vignes Francaises and have the cork shoot out and hit the girl in the eye….. Also learn some other languages besides just English (News just in….its a global world) …Know some phrases in French, Spanish, Italian, ….Somalian….I mean how are you ever going to swoop on a couple of Models from Denmark if you don’t know how to say “Why don’t you and your girlfriend come back to my crib, eat some E-Tabs and show me how you do Handsprings and Cartwheels…” in Danish?…………………..

4. Availability. Always go out at night. Even when you’re “taking it easy” you should go out at least Two nights a week. I don’t care how much Game you think you have, nothing good ever comes out of a night on the couch with the TV on (Think of the last great night you had sitting at home watching “Elimi-date”………………exactly.). And when you’re out, make it happen. Always be thinking Money and Girls. Those are your two goals. Every conversation should be about making connections to make more Scratch or maneuvering girls. “Enterprise while you Socialize”—Damon Dash, CEO Rockafella Records.

5. Be Persistent and Positive. The Robber Baron and Founder of Standard Oil, J.D. Rockefeller once said, “The secret to success is to get up early, work late and strike Oil”. Striking oil never comes from luck…it comes from hard work and being persistent. I can’t tell you how many nights I have gone out where I rolled to a restaurant—nothing really happening, then rolled to a club—nothing really happening, then rolled to a gentleman’s club—nothing really happening, then rolled to another better Gentleman’s Club—and……… Struck Oil! Non-G’s would have given up on the night at 2am. Not the true G. Be Confident. That’s the difference. Be in Control of your Destiny……Manifest Destiny…what you want to become you will become…and That is The G Manifesto in its simplest form. If you want and act like you have a Mansion in Barcelona, one day you will reach in your pocket and there will be the Keys to a crib in Barcelona……..

6. Don’t Sleep. “Money Never Sleeps”—Gordon Gekko. “A Shark Never Sleeps”—Famous Sports Agent. “Kings Don’t Sleep”—Well known G. That’s enough reason for me to know that little good comes out of sleeping. Look at the flip side of these Quotes: Broke, Minnow and a Pawn. Easy choice. If you need to, take naps. Plenty of time to sleep when you’re in a coffin. “I never sleep, cuz sleep is the cousin of death” –Nas Escobar

7. Network. Know people, and put people you know together. This will only make you a more valuable person and you can make Heavy Scratch off this too. Examples of people you should know: Politicians, CEO’s, Rich Cats, Union Bosses, Neighborhood Dons, Restaurateurs, Prize Fighters, Tailors, even Mechanics. Anyone really that can be of Value. Don’t be afraid to cross over into the Underworld as well. For instance, it is good to know a few beautiful “Fee for Service” girls you might want to turn on to someone your trying to do business with to “Grease” Thru a Deal. It’s always good to know a good Safecracker, or a first-rate Second Story Man. It has never hurt anyone to have some Yakuza Assassins (these guys are easy to take money off of in poker games) in their rolodex. You really should try to be a “Yellow Pages” of the Upperworld and Underworld. This will make you twice as valuable.

8. Be Ruthless. When you have the opportunity, you must Crush your Enemies and Rival Players. When you see the opening its not the time to let your inner “Ben and Jerry” come out (although I heard now these guys are ruthless business guys and big-time polluters…..safe to say I don’t run in the same circles as these two ice cream moguls/ hypocrites) and be all forgiving. You need to take these guys out completely. Take their heart, take their soul, take their girlfriend (of course, give her back at some point…you don’t need any extra headaches..)….just make sure the guy is finished.

9. Adaptability. Many so called “players” have a good run one summer. Some even go on a roll for a few years. Even less of the phony “G’s” out there will string together a number of “fruitful” years. Good. Great. Glad to hear it. How about, Being Razor Sharp thru 4 Decades? ………then Skippy….then you can sit at my “Poker Table”. Most guys don’t make it for the long term because they have no Adaptability. Just think of the early 90’s long haired “player” who bit Kurt Cobain’s style, had a full arsenal of flannel shirts, had every “Porno for Pyro’s” album and used to get mad chicks. I’ll bet heavy scratch that in 2005 he is laying on his couch, twitching, at some shitty crib in the desert somewhere with a crappy used-to-be hot Blonde wife with premature wrinkles that doesn’t even know how to cook. Poor guy, he used to have it all. Problem was he had no Adaptability. Or that late 90’s Pro-Athlete guy who was really “running things”. Now, his steroids are wearing off, his face is puffy, and his Cro-Magnon game gets him just about nothing. Problem was, he had no Adaptability. If you don’t Adapt you become extinct (When was the last time you saw a Dinosaur walking down the street?). I’ve seen it happen to many people, and Believe me, it isn’t pretty………..

Being a G for life is no easy task. Some people probably don’t even have it in them to do it. The above habits should be worked on and practiced every single day. This is how your dreams will be Manifested….Manifest Destiny….See you in the French Riviera…The Rest is Up To You………………………

Here is the email of the week regarding lasts weeks G Manifesto Tip: “Top to bottom…….. Solid!”

Here is another: “Another masterpiece!!!!”

I couldn’t agree more——–mpm

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ

The Guide to Getting More out of Life

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10/19/05 G Manifesto tip of the week: Manifesto Destiny: The Gentleman’s Club

» 20 October 2005 » In Game, Gentleman's Club, Girls, Guide, Nightlife » 22 Comments

Manifesto Destiny: The Gentleman’s Club

How to Pick Up Exotic Dancers

Click Here to Download The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report (pdf)

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

This Decade so far has been a compendium of bad things: Horrible Natural and Terrorist disasters, astronomical oil prices (which I have made Money from because I know how to trade commodities), a war in the Middle East with the wrong Arabs, the male race turning into whining/ complainers, people not respecting their elders, people believing that White Trash is “cool”, messy hair being fashionable, Hip Hop culture morphing into materialistic crap for suburban white kids, the corporatization of what was once hip, people protesting restaurants serving foie gras, the persecution of smoking indoors, Reality TV.

The one thing that has stayed relatively unchanged thru the decade is the value of Gentleman’s Clubs. Although they have been cracked down on a little, they are still as relevant as ever. Today’s Manifesto Tip, is Beginner Concepts to making these joints pay for themselves. And pay attention, because if you have ever been in a Gentleman’s Club and seen the most beautiful girl you have ever seen, and said to yourself: “I wonder what kind of guy that girl goes home with after she gets off work?” The answer is: I am that Guy…………………………

1. Attire. We have already covered how you want to dress in other manifesto tips. Basically the only question you should be asking yourself is: “Should I wear a tie or not?” If you roll to the Gentleman’s Club with another guy a good move is: one with tie, one without. This way you have all your bases covered. While we are on the subject, rolling solo is a good move in these places. Going with someone else should only be done if the other person has plenty of game and is an advocate of “The Life”…….Look at the flip side: Stepping into the joint with 4 buddies with Sigma PI Alumni T-Shirts on is going to get you absolutely no where. At best you will end up looking like the other 5 Jerkoffs who are already in the Club with the Beta Nu shirts on….and trust me ….they aren’t getting anywhere either……….

2. Entrance. So roll in solo or with one other person who knows what time it is. Have a good positive vibe going. No need to yell and “whoop it up”…….keep it smooth….shake the bouncers hands…..These guys can potentially ruin your “close” later on in the night…so get them on your team…grease them….if you are starting to notice some common themes with prior tips, that’s good…that means your paying attention…(Also, if your in NYC at the Penthouse Executive Club, these guys will let you go in and out of the bar to smoke cigarettes with no hassle….I mean, what’s that worth? Certainly a C-Note)

Click Here to Buy The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists by Neil Strauss

Click Here to Buy How to Pick Up Strippers by Gary Brodsky

Click Here to Buy Emergency: This Book Will Save Your Life By Neil Strauss

3. The Bar. After you have made your entrance, head to the Bar. Don’t get a table or sit by the stage. Every girl will try to fleece you and you will appear to be a “mark”. Plus, that’s what every jackass does when they walk into a Gentleman’s Club. The whole idea is to separate yourself from the Status Quo. News just in….The Status Quo does not end up going home with Exotic Dancers……Also, no lap dances…..for the same reason. Getting the bartender on your team is also a good move…if the bartender is a beautiful girl, all the better…..she can make a great ally and give you plenty on “intel” on the joint….and she may want to kick off her heels, stretch her legs and drink a glass of Vino with you at your luxury hotel suite as well……..

4. Vernacular. Make sure you use proper “speak” in Gentleman’s Clubs. Even if an Exotic Dancer refers to herself as a “stripper”, correct her, tell her she is an “Exotic Dancer”. If she calls it a “Titty Bar”, correct her…it’s a “Gentleman’s Club” This will transcend into your whole aura and girls will view you as a man of style and taste. This again will separate you from the sheep. Obviously, you want to be the Lone Wolf, Top Predator, with Top Pedigree in this “Ecosystem”. Growing up, Irish Mobster/ Playboy, Butch O’Farrell once told me (although I don’t approve of his choice of language), “Treat the queens like whores, and treat the whores like queens.” Obviously, this is an extreme example, but Butch makes a great point here (Butch………. rest in peace).

5. Drawing Exotic Dancers in. The $1800.00 suit you have on obviously helps. So does having plenty of smokes, a Zippo, and flashing a Big Bankroll when you buy Goose and Sodas. These girls tend to notice things like these better than “Civilian” Girls. Buy the Dancers plenty of drinks…no explanation necessary. Again, no need to yell, whistle or cat call. Seem disinterested…seem bored….like seeing naked girls is really no big deal for you…. (Which for me, isn’t a big deal, in fact a topless girl is rubbing my shoulders as I write this….) either way…at least act like this is just another night for you… (which for me, it is)…….very quickly, girls will be coming up and introducing themselves to you as if you were Sherman Billingsley at the Stork Club……

6. The Rap. The key to your rap is to get the girl to lower her guard, qualify the girl, and get her interested in what you have to offer. Keep in mind the most beautiful “Pam Anderson” type girl might not be the best move….go with the best prospect that you have the best connection with… (Plus, often times you have to compete with that Oil Sheik Money for the Pam Anderson ones). Once you have found the right girl, you need to have the right answers to topics that will always come up: Your Occupation? Now is not the time to be honest and tell her you are an Accountant……or a computer Programmer….or that you’re in town for an Insurance Salesman’s Conference. Come up with something mysterious and interesting i.e.…..”I am involved in Import/ Exports based out of Miami” or “I do Leveraged Buyouts” or “I am in the Emerald Business with offices in Switzerland and Columbia” …………when I was younger, I went with: “I am a Stuntman in Hollywood…mostly Car and Motorcycle stunts with some fight scenes…you have seen “Heat” with Pacino?…right?…” The point is come up with something vague, that implies CASH, organized crime, or something dangerous or cool……just make sure the story is air tight. For instance, if you go with the Emerald business, make sure you know that “three main Emerald mining areas in Colombia are the Muzo, Coscuez and Chivor mines” just in case the girl’s dad was an Emerald Trader. Or if your a stunt man, and you drop some movies that you were in, know the names of the real stunt men in the movies from the credits and say that was your “alias”….you get the point.

Do a lot of name dropping. Tell girls that Chris Pacello of Liquid was a good friend of yours before he got sent up the river. Or how Jean-George Vongerichten is one of your business partners…..don’t be afraid to get a little Hollywood, maybe say that Andy Garcia is one of your cousins on the Spanish side…or Mickey Rourke is your 2nd cousin on your Irish side….(News just in….Exotic Dancers actually like that Hollywood crap).

Make some subtle, big plans with the girls. For instance: “I do a lot of Banking in the Bahamas……for tax reasons…..have you ever been to The Atlantis? You haven’t? ……I have a place there….we should go next time I go down there…….its so beautiful…..”

7. The Close. The art of closing is more in what leads up to the close than the actual close itself. The clichéd move is the drugs/cocaine close….although I am not an advocate, this is known to be very effective close, but is far from artistic……Asking the girl to meet you at the lobby bar in a 5-star hotel or at a great open restaurant are also very effective closes….My favorite close I am saving for another manifesto… (Hey, I told you these were going to be beginner tips……)

These tips when used correctly, are extremely effective. The only competition you will face will be from Pro-Athletes, Musicians on MTV, and Hollywood Actors. However, I can recall an evening in Ricks Cabaret in New Orleans when there was a singer from some crappy, famous band, a Superstar from the World Champion Chicago Bulls, a well-known Actor and myself all enjoying the “subdued environment” of Ricks. Although these three guys are at the top of their “respected” fields, they were all “riding the bench” when I was in the Club with them, as I came out Tops on the night……….true story….The Rest Is Up To You…….

Click Here to Download The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report (pdf)

Click Here 007 Lifestyle – Living Like James Bond!

Don’t be weesh. Sign up The G Manifesto Newsletter!


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Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

(The G Manifesto is really starting to become critically acclaimed. A famous New York Publicist has recently called me: “The Voice of a Generation”……funny, the only thing I can remember my Voice saying consistently is “Princess, I’ll meet you at the Lobby Bar of the Ritz-Carlton in a half an hour”………go figure)

t-pain im in love with a stripper
I’m in Luv with a stripper

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G Manifesto tip of the week 10/12/05: Behind Enemy Lines

» 13 October 2005 » In Game, Guide, Style » 5 Comments

Behind Enemy Lines:

Home turf for the G is obviously 5-Star Hotels, The Best Nightclubs/ Gentleman’s Clubs, Top-Notch Restaurants, and Dope Lounge Bars. When you’re in these types of joints, life is good. And obviously, hanging out with Models and High Society Girls is part of the Goal of “The Life”.

But every G can’t just live off a steady diet of Models and High Society Girls. You need to intermix some different types of girls into the fold. For instance, you might meet a beautiful “Suicide Girl” that strikes your nervous system the right way. Or meet a fly beach bunny or college girl. Or really, any illmatic girl from a different social strata. The upside is these girls can really give your body a workout and your mind a rest. The downside is that when you are hanging out with these girls you sometimes might find yourself “Behind Enemy Lines”. This happens when the girl your with convinces you to go to a place that her and her friends hang out at. The kind of place you would never, ever make a decision to go to with a sober mind. Like when you are at some artsy, tattoo, and nose ring type gig. Or at a shitty beach-type bar. Or at some weesh house party. The dead give away is when you walk in to the joint, and your suit–shirt–tie ensemble costs way more than what everyone else in the bar is wearing combined. Or you will know when the cash in your pocket is way more than everyone else in the bars bank accounts combined. Or when you see a lot of guys buying their drinks with Plastic. Or when the bar doesn’t have any Grey Goose. Or a wine list. Or when there is no Tartare on the menu. Or when drinks cost less than 10 bucks. Or when there are way more guys with “MTV Hair” than are guys in Zegna suits. Or when everyone in the bar missed the boat on the “South Beach Miami Model Renaissance” in the late 1990’s. Or when you look around the bar and you don’t recognize anyone…..from anywhere. Or when….you get the point. The bottom line is that you are “Behind Enemy Lines”.

This week’s tip helps you deal with this unfortunate situation. Usually when you are “Behind Enemy Lines”, every girl in the spot is checking you out and every guy in the place is Hating you. You and your $2300.00 suit really have a target on them. This can be a potential time bomb situation. But if you follow these tips you can emerge with a victory on the night.

1. Always stake out a good corner spot. We have already gone over the importance of this, but try to get a spot where your back is to the wall. You want to be able to observe everything that’s going on around you. Now is not the time for any surprises…

2. Make sure your Energy is up. Drink a Rock Star before you go to the spot….or for style points, drink a double espresso….just make sure you are on-point like Phife Dog on the mic during the first three Tribe albums….

3. Be Proactive. Get the bartenders on your team. To deal with this kind of a night, you’re going to need drinks, and you are going to need them right away. So grease the bartender…..Also if you see any guys giving you bad looks, go up and introduce yourself. De-fuse any potential problems.

4. Blackslaps. When you are introducing yourself throw in a lot of Backslaps. Act like you’re the Mayor or at least the silent owner of the bar. Hit people with positive energy. Control the room. (This is the Legendary Washington DC Restaurateur/ Mob Bag Man “Duke” Ziebert’s technique of working the room…..)

5. Get the bouncers on your team. Most bouncers haven’t had a good day since the last football game of the season Senior year of High School. Be cool to them. Maybe Grease them. If problems arise, they will usually back the guy that slipped them a cool C-Note. (I mean, what do they make on a shift? $80 bucks? A C-Note is a lot of leverage with these guys……)

6. Have lots of CASH on hand. This really goes with out saying. Believe me, it’s way better to be in a place that sucks with a lot of CASH than not enough…..Plus if some jackass guy tries to compete with you for the girl you brought, you can take him into deep financial waters and drown him……………

7. Keep your eyes peeled for the girls that are really checking you out. Get some phone #’s while the girl you came with isn’t looking. Might as well get some “new leads” while your out….just consider it “pay back” to the girl who convinced you to go her crappy spot and introduce you to all her crappy friends. Just make a mental note not to let any of these “new lead” girls convince you to go to any lame spots in the future.

8. Always keep a driver on your payroll. Town cars, in my opinion, are the best….the most style points….limos are decent but are not really all that Agile. When you are finally able to get out of the joint…you want out…and fast…..hailing a cab with all the other fuckheads who were in the bar is completely out of the question…….

9. Worst come to worst, and you get into a serious confrontation, remember to bring a Nickel-Plated Beretta with you. I personally prefer the 9mm. Make sure its Nickel-Plated, because when you wave it around, the lights in the bar will reflect off it and everyone will notice…..hell, at this point you might even want to Heist the joint for all your troubles and turn a little profit on the night…..

You never want to find yourself in Un-friendly G environments. But sometimes it happens. Follow these rules and you will make it out of the spot with the girl who persuaded you to go there, and some new girl leads for the future……The Rest is Up To You…..

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ

(Check out the first generation of the site http://www.gmanifesto.com/ for all the past and future tips of the week)

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