The G Manifesto »
09 April 2013 »
In Food, Game, Girls, Guide, Nightlife, Travel »

Saturday Night Step-By-Step™ in Montreal
Here is my Saturday night Step-By-Step™ for Montreal:
1. Go say what up to the crew at Le Filet. Go for a little grind, get the Huitres Garnies like the Hon Shimeji, huile de truffe, creme d’huitres or Gratin de miso. Thank me later. Finish off with the Hamachi, sesame, sumac and Rilletes de Maquereau, fume, huile citron and toast. (You might want to make a reservation at the bar, which is something I love about Montreal). Get some vino and some cocktails in your system. Alternate opening salvo: Hit up Lemeac or Juni and package with Baldwin, although I like those spots better during the week. Or maybe Pixtos, although I like that place better during the week also.
2. Head over to St. Laurent and get another warm up cocktail at Kamasutra and spit some Game at some dancers (Continue reading…)
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Tags: Baldwin, Canada, Cooked Oysters, Hon Shimeji, Huitres Garnies, Juni, Kamasutra, Koko, Le Filet, Montreal, Pixtos, Quebec, Rosalie, Saturday Night, St. Laurent, Step-By-Step™, tinypass, Vortex Points
The G Manifesto »
09 December 2012 »
In G Manifesto, Game, Gentleman's Club, Girls, Guide, Nightlife, Travel »

Montreal: Strip Clubs Data Sheet
Montreal is a city known for its legendary Gentleman’s Clubs. For the life of me, I am not sure why. And I consider myself somewhat of a Gentleman’s Club Aficionado. You know The G, I am as vicious as the realest you know only difference is consistence I’m considered a pro.
Keep in mind where your humble author is coming from though. I think I have spent too much time in Las Vegas at places like The Spearmint Rhino with 100 girls working at a time, that rolling to the smaller Club de danseuses of Montreal just doesn’t hold the same allure.
Many of the Montreal Strip Clubs are hard to Post and Chop. They aren’t really set up for macking.
I have to conclude that Montreal Gentleman’s Clubs get their worldwide reputation from the activities in the back room. But as you know, The G doesn’t play that.
Anyways, I will break down the Strip Clubs of Montreal for you. Keep in mind, I was looking for a good (Continue reading…)
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Tags: Cabaret Les Amazones, Canada, Chez Parée, Club Super Sexe, Downtown, Exotic Dancers, Exotics, French Girls, Gentleman's Choice, Kamasutra, Le Grand Prix, Montreal, Strip Clubs, Strippers, tinypass, Travel, Wanda's