Tag Archive > tinypass

Ricky Nelson: Real International Playboy Track

» 29 March 2012 » In Girls, Guide, Music, People, Travel » 6 Comments

Ricky Nelson: Real International Playboy Track

Ever hear a track, that you can really relate to?

Yeah, it happens to me too every so often.

Ricky Nelson’s Travelin’ Man is one of those tracks.

It is basically my scene, except I have way more locales cooking.

And more fly girls cooking.

I’m a travelin’ man
And I’ve made a lot of stops all over the world
And in every port I own the heart
Of at least one lovely girl

I’ve a pretty Seniorita waitin’ for me
Down in old Mexico
If you’re ever in Alaska stop and see
My cute little Eskimo

Oh my sweet Fraulien down in Berlin town
Makes my heart start to yearn
And my China doll down in old Hong Kong
Waits for my return

Ricky Nelson – Travelin’ Man 1961

Pretty Polynesian baby over the sea
I remember the night
When we walked in the sands of Waikiki
And I held you oh so tight

Oh my sweet Fraulien down in Berlin town
Makes my heart start to yearn
And my China doll down in old Hong Kong
Waits for my return

Pretty Polynesian baby over the sea
I remember the night
When we walked in the sands of Waikiki
And I held you oh so tight

Oh, I’m a travelin’ man
Yes, I’m a travelin’ man
Oh, I’m a travelin’ man

The homeboy Ricky Nelson has got lyrics.

International Playboy theme song on the real.

Ricky Nelson was also a hard partying, drug using, International Playboy in his own right. So he makes The G Manifesto Hall of Fame as well.

Click Here for Roosh’s Day Bang: How To Casually Pick Up Girls During The Day

Click Here for The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life


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Custom Suits: Building Up Your Wardrobe

» 21 March 2012 » In Dope, Style » 12 Comments

Custom Suits: Building Up Your Wardrobe

So you are an up and coming G on the rise, and you have decided to take the plunge into the world of Custom Suits.

My advice?

Do it slow.

As tempting as it is to go to your tailor and hand him $45,000 in a CASH in a brown paper bag for 10 Custom Suits, don’t do it (CASH discount).

Over time, you are going to like different things about suits, ie Ticket pocket VS No Ticket Pocket, Peaked Lapels VS Notched Lapels, Straight Pockets VS Hacking Pockets, Center Vent VS Side Vents, Pinstripe VS Chalkstripe, etc etc etc

There is no way you are going to know the answers to all of these important questions until you have play tested some suits. And I mean “in the field”. While Swooping Fly Girls.

And your body may change from all the sparring you are doing.

You want your Custom Suits to be as ill as a convict who kills for “phone time”.

So like I said, take it slow and go one Custom Suit at a time.

Thank me later.

And I don’t mean that wack album from Drake AKA “The Hugh Grant of Hip-Hop” either.

Click Here for Roosh’s Day Bang: How To Casually Pick Up Girls During The Day

Click Here for Zippo 20903 Gold Floral Flush Lighter Great American Made

In other news, someone posted the Sergio Maravilla Martínez vs Matthew Macklin fight.

Another brilliant performance from Martínez. Larry Merchant and Jim Lampley were quick to criticize him in the early rounds, but he made them eat their words with a stunning straight left.

Check it:

Sergio Maravilla Martínez vs Matthew Macklin

Sergio Maravilla Martínez vs Matthew Macklin

Click Here for American Desperado by Jon Roberts

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life


Don Omar – Taboo

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Ozwald Boateng: A Man’s Story Documentary Film

» 20 March 2012 » In People, Style » 2 Comments

Ozwald Boateng: A Man’s Story Documentary Film

He’s survived bankruptcy, two marital breakdowns and a persistent habit of referring to himself in the third person: Ozwald Boateng remains a force to be reckoned with. The first black tailor on Savile Row and former creative director of Givenchy, Boateng this month releases A Man’s Story, his 12-years-in-the-making film of his remarkable career. “I’m not nervous about the film, I’m excited – it’s like the first time I sold a suit,” he explains to GQ.com, sitting in an elegant café in London’s Mayfair. “I was always the youngest one around. When I went to Paris for my first catwalk show I was always the kid. Now I’m 45 years old. I’ve got mileage in the tank.” Here he explains how men should wear colour, why Giorgio Armani still inspires him and why everyone should follow the sartorial example of ageing rockers…

Confidence can sometimes be misconstrued as arrogance.

Shirt collars are very important to me. Putting a very soft shirt collar with a formal suit doesn’t work for me at all.

The shoulder line is key on a bespoke suit. Once you have a strong understanding of that, the rest flows from there.

The idea of an ill-fitting suit is something I cannot register. If I register it once then it goes off and destroys! It starts interfering with the mainframe of my computer. It’s like dust in the lens – you grow accustomed to the dust and it starts building up.

Dressing well on a budget is about what we call “strategic shopping”. Spot what you like and then be first in the queue when the sale comes. Be patient enough to rummage through the rails. Sort your basics out and then save up for the key pieces. Make sure you always spend money on shoes though.

The most common style mistake men make? The guy who sits down with his buttons closed and doesn’t know he has to relax the jacket. I understand that the harness of the jacket creates [a particular] shape but there are some rules. Release the button.

If your suit is not handmade, get the other elements really right. Make sure your shirt is pressed and has that sharpness of line. It demonstrates that you pay attention to the way you look.

Style is about consistency and not having just one great day or one great photograph. Paul Bettany always looks good. He’s got a good presence about him. I haven’t seen him slouch and it’s easy to slouch.

‘A Man’s Story’ Preview – Ozwald Boateng documentary film

Casino – that movie really sang for me. It was beautifully shot and you could feel the colours jump off the screen. They must have been in my store when they did that film! The suits were immaculate and there was real attention to detail about the clothes – when [De Niro’s] sitting down he doesn’t want to get his trousers creased. If you love what you wear, that’s what you do.

The rulebook says for black tie it should be a black suit with a satin lapel. But there are lots of things you can do to make it different. I like to play with the traditional themes – it doesn’t have to be black, so I’ve got my signature dark purple tux. It’s a bit boring that the women have all the opportunity and the guys don’t.

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Click Here for Roosh’s Day Bang: How To Casually Pick Up Girls During The Day

Click Here for The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report

Ozwald Boateng – Why Style Matters

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life


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Sugar Ray Robinson VS Jake LaMotta: The Way It Was

» 19 March 2012 » In Boxing, People » 1 Comment

Sugar Ray Robinson VS Jake LaMotta: The Way It Was

“The three toughest fighters I ever fought were Sugar Ray Robinson, Sugar Ray Robinson and Sugar Ray Robinson. I fought Sugar so many times, I’m surprised I’m not diabetic.” —Jake LaMotta

It is no secret that I am a big advocate of watching fight tape.

Here is a great one, with commentary from the great Sugar Ray Robinson and Jake LaMotta.

It is also no secret that I didn’t do too well in college (I was mostly swooping girls, surfing and learning “International Business” while “on the job”.)

However, I did do a paper on Raging Bull: My Story (the book) in I think some psychology class. (And I can tell you, LaMotta was a heavy, and I mean heavy cat).

I got an A.

Ray Robinson Jake LaMotta The Way It Was Part 1

The Way It Was – Sugar Ray Robinson and Jake LaMotta look back on their rivalry 2/3

The Way It Was – Sugar Ray Robinson and Jake LaMotta look back on their rivalry 3/3

Click Here for Roosh’s Day Bang: How To Casually Pick Up Girls During The Day

Click Here for The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life


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Juan Manuel Lopez VS Orlando Salido II

» 18 March 2012 » In Boxing, People » 2 Comments

Juan Manuel Lopez VS Orlando Salido II

I finally had a chance to to watch this fight.

Amazing. This is what Boxing is all about.

All heart. Violent Beauty.

This might very well win “Fight of The Year” and “Round of The Year” (9th round) honors.

Peep it:

Juan Manuel Lopez vs Orlando Salido II – Part 1 of 4

Juan Manuel Lopez vs Orlando Salido II – Part 2 of 4

Juan Manuel Lopez vs Orlando Salido II – Part 3 of 4

Juan Manuel Lopez vs Orlando Salido II – Part 4 of 4

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life


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