The G Manifesto »
12 February 2013 »
In Food, G Manifesto, Guide, Luxury, Nightlife, Travel, Wine »

Montreal: Restaurants Data Sheet
Now before I went to Montreal for the summer, I checked the Internet for any decent Data Sheets on restaurants there. There is some ok info on the Internet, but nothing really comprehensive. So I decided to put together the dopest Data Sheet on Montreal restaurants on the Internet, For The People, of course.
Keep in mind, I would have paid someone (Continue reading…)
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Tags: Canada, Data Sheet, Data Sheets, Dope, Eating, Foie Gras Game, Food, French Food, Montreal, Restaurant Game, Restaurants, Sushi, Tartare, tinypass, Wine
The G Manifesto »
23 January 2013 »
In Boxing, Dope, G Manifesto, Game, Girls, Guide, money »

My Game Just Rewinds
I haven’t been updating The G Manifesto too much lately as I arrived in a new city and have been in “Pipe-Building Mode”. Real successful.
And now, I am just enjoying the fruits of my labor. Girls are exiting out the back door of my building and right after, girls are entering the front door. Pretty sick. Girls flights leaving at 11am and lunch swoops with a different girl at 2pm type sh*t.
I have even had fly Sioux and Pawnee girls creep me in their teepee.
And pushing out all the weesh guys in my way with their “Econo-Spray” game.
My biz prayers were answered today too.
Even white girls from the suburbs are are starting (Continue reading…)
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Tags: American Indian Girls, Boxing, Game, Girls, John The Beast Mugabi, Lifestyle, Pawnee, Sioux, Teepee's, tinypass
The G Manifesto »
12 December 2012 »
In G Manifesto, Guide, Luxury, Nightlife, Travel »

Montreal: Bars and Nightclubs Data Sheet Updated
On my first trip to Montreal, I wrote up a Montreal, Canada: Nightclub and Restaurant Data Sheets. Look at this as an update after spending 4 months in Montreal this summer. Again, this is easily the best info you will find out there. When I was in Montreal, a lot of the stuff you will find on the Internet actually steered me wrong. But I am here for you, keeping in underground for you and ripping the lid off the wack info that is out there, Oh my brothers.
I hope you guys appreciate this, hell, I would have given someone 10k in a brown paper bag if they would have given me this Data Sheet before I arrived in Montreal.
Wood 35 – This place gets a lot of high marks from people. I think it sucks. I actually called it “Brick 35”. It is unfortunate because “on paper” it seems it would be good. There are fly girls, but (Continue reading…)
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Tags: Bars, Canada, Chicks, Data Sheets, Girls, Montreal, Naming Names, Nightclub Data Sheets, Nightclubs, Nightlife, Not Those Wack Data Sheets That Everyone Else Puts Out, Places to Go, Quebec, Specific Tips, tinypass, Travel
The G Manifesto »
09 December 2012 »
In G Manifesto, Game, Gentleman's Club, Girls, Guide, Nightlife, Travel »

Montreal: Strip Clubs Data Sheet
Montreal is a city known for its legendary Gentleman’s Clubs. For the life of me, I am not sure why. And I consider myself somewhat of a Gentleman’s Club Aficionado. You know The G, I am as vicious as the realest you know only difference is consistence I’m considered a pro.
Keep in mind where your humble author is coming from though. I think I have spent too much time in Las Vegas at places like The Spearmint Rhino with 100 girls working at a time, that rolling to the smaller Club de danseuses of Montreal just doesn’t hold the same allure.
Many of the Montreal Strip Clubs are hard to Post and Chop. They aren’t really set up for macking.
I have to conclude that Montreal Gentleman’s Clubs get their worldwide reputation from the activities in the back room. But as you know, The G doesn’t play that.
Anyways, I will break down the Strip Clubs of Montreal for you. Keep in mind, I was looking for a good (Continue reading…)
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Tags: Cabaret Les Amazones, Canada, Chez Parée, Club Super Sexe, Downtown, Exotic Dancers, Exotics, French Girls, Gentleman's Choice, Kamasutra, Le Grand Prix, Montreal, Strip Clubs, Strippers, tinypass, Travel, Wanda's
The G Manifesto »
27 November 2012 »
In Food, G Manifesto, Game, Nightlife, People, Travel, Wine »

Montreal: Georges St-Pierre VS Michael Porfirio Mason
Part I
First night in Montreal:
I was going to meet this fly girl that I met at Cavalli on my earlier trip. She is mad fly; blue eyes, dark haired Québécois girl. She actually spent the time and found my apartment for me. What a sweetheart. And I haven’t swooped her yet.
I take a cab over to Bice. It is not my choice, it was hers, but (Continue reading…)
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Tags: Bice, Boxing, Georges St-Pierre, Georges St-Pierre VS Michael Porfirio Mason, Hector 'Macho' Camacho, Michael Porfirio Mason, MMA, Montreal, Nightlife, Restaurants, Rosalie, The G Manifesto Hall of Fame, tinypass, Travel, UFC