Tag Archive > tinypass

The First Two Things I Do When I Get To A New City

» 10 July 2012 » In G Manifesto, Girls, Nightlife, Style, Travel » 4 Comments

The First Two Things I Do When I Get To A New City

Whenever I arrive in a new city to chop up and swoop fly girls, I do two things first:

1. Lockdown A Bartender

When I first arrive in a new city, I like to set up a Base of Operations. And what better place for a Base, than a bar. Or even better, a restaurant bar.

I always lockdown a bartender first. This way, I know I can set up shop and get my drinks quick. I can gather some intel on the city as well. Grease well.

2. Lockdown a Driver

The second thing I will do is Lockdown a driver. Limo, town car or cab.

This way, I don’t have to mess around with directions, parking, DUI’s etc.

And I can focus on what I need to do.

And when I say “what I need to do”, I mean swoop fly girls.

Click Here for The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report

Click Here for Zippo 20903 Gold Floral Flush Lighter Great American Made

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life


Cheryl Lynn – Shake It Up Tonight (1981)

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One Hundred Push Ups In A Row

» 08 July 2012 » In Boxing, Dope, G Manifesto, Guide » 11 Comments

One Hundred Push Ups In A Row

A while back, I wrote one of the most innovative pieces of all time on fitness called Entering The Dragon.

I am mildly surprised that it didn’t revolutionize the entire fitness industry. But that is neither here nor there.

Anyways, I recently came across a site called One Hundred Push Ups.

Basically, it is a 6 week program where you progressively do more push ups until you can reach one hundred in a row. Make sense?

Well, I just completed it fool.

I did it with a little “G Manifesto Twist” of course.

First off, I took 8 weeks to complete it. This was mostly because I was Boxing and swimming a lot. And I was hung over tons of days.

Most days are broken up into 5 sets of push ups per day. I would do it like this:

1st set: Narrow Push Up (for lack of a better term).

2nd set: Wide Push Up

3rd set: Incline Push Up

4th set: Decline Push Up

5th set: Standard Push Up

This is a good way to do it. (On the days with more sets, just double up.)

Also, I would do it while I was getting my road work in. I just so happen to be in a city with mad beautiful parks, so I would just stop and knock them out on the concrete.

A couple side notes:

I have been doing push ups since I was a kid. My Dad used to make me do them before going to school each day.

Push ups, Sit ups and Pull ups, have been a staple of my work out routine my whole life. I set my high school sit up record, which still stands to this day.

Always remember to breathe.

The final day was actually pretty core.

I banged out the first 50 pretty easily. The next 20 were tough. The next ten were harder. The next ten were deadly. The next five were mental. The next four were core. The last one, I almost thought I couldn’t do.

But I am not the type to get to the one yard line and not finish.

Great headrush. Like Drugs.

Keep in mind, many people have pulled this off.

But what I would like to know is how many of those cats completed the program while smoking three packs of cigarettes per day, and partying and swooping girls till 7am many nights?

Hell, I was up till 7am swooping a fly French Moroccan Girl the night before I busted the hundred.

May guess would be very few.

Click Here for Roosh’s Day Bang: How To Casually Pick Up Girls During The Day

Click Here for The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life


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The Ultimate Revenge

» 03 July 2012 » In Dope, G Manifesto, Game, Girls, Guide, Style, Travel » 11 Comments

The Ultimate Revenge

“The secret of success is making your vocation your vacation.” – Mark Twain

One thing I have learned in life is that success is The Ultimate Revenge on your rivals. That also includes anyone that has ever doubted you, held you back, or tried to slow you down.

I would like to say I don’t feel pleasure when my rivals feel pain, but I do. And it is pure torture for them when I travel the world, swoop fly girls and do it while smoking cigarettes and wearing Custom Suits when they have to sit in their cars in hellish commutes or trap themselves in excruciating relationships with weesh girls.

“Success” however must be defined differently for everyone.

Personally, I don’t play the Game of “who ever has the most money wins”. That is a losing Game to play.

Money only gets you so far. I would rather have time and freedom at the cost of a little money.

In fact, I don’t know too many out there that make as much scratch as I do and works as little as I do. It’s a good niche that International Playboys have, and they mostly fall into two camps:

1) Cats who travel tons but stay in hostels and have no cake or

2) Cats with tons of cake but no time or freedom.


I have cake and freedom.

You seek enlightenment, you can be my disciple.

Success for me is having:


Because no matter what anyone tells you, the cat who spends his time swooping topless girls at the beach, wins The Game of Life.

The rest is just bullsh*t.

Click Here for Roosh’s Day Bang: How To Casually Pick Up Girls During The Day

Click Here for Zippo 20903 Gold Floral Flush Lighter Great American Made


The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life


Bobby Womack – I Wish He Didn’t Trust Me So Much

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Summertime Success, Preparation and Practice

» 01 July 2012 » In Boxing, G Manifesto, Game, Girls, Guide » 7 Comments

Summer Preparation and Practice

People are always coming up to me on Los Calles y Las Avenidas of the world and asking me, “Yo, Michael, how do you get to a new city in summertime and within a month you are the #1 Ranked player in the whole city?”

Great question.

It comes down to Preparation and Practice.

Here was my Summertime Preparation formula:

1. Yoga. I hit up the Yoga Steez heavy in preparation for summer. This got my body back in order for the brutal lifestyle of an International Playboy. Read these data sheets on the subject:

Yoga Game Part One: First Class

Yoga Game Part Two: Yoga Mat Street Game

Yoga Game Part Three: Changing Me

Yoga Game Part Four: Yoga Swoop

2. Boxing. Again, I hit up the boxing heavy in preparation for summer. And why not hit up the best goddamn boxing gym in the whole world, right? Wild Card Boxing Club, Hollywood, CA: It Ain’t Easy

3. Language Lessons. I got a French tutor and hit up the French heavy. Real cute and sweet girl too. I kept it professional in case you are wondering. Language Lessons.

4. Massage. Ever since I injured my back when I lost my passport in Spain, I have had a beautiful blonde Russian girl come to my crib once a week for a massage. No therapeutic release in case you are wondering.

I did try to keep this one professional for as long as I could. I swear.

This is the kind of preparation you need to do for Summertime Success.

That and Practice. And yeah, I do mean practice.

Click Here for Roosh’s Day Bang: How To Casually Pick Up Girls During The Day

Click Here for The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life


The Impressions-I’m So Proud

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Palm Beach: The Breakers Seafood Room Swoop Move

» 27 June 2012 » In Game, Girls, Guide, Nightlife, Travel » 11 Comments

Palm Beach: The Breakers Seafood Room Swoop Move

It’s no secret that I like Palm Beach.

I also like the historic Breakers Hotel in Palm Beach.

It is one of the better “Grande Dames” in The United States. For comparison, I think it dominates The Hotel Del Coronado in Coronado.

But that is neither here nor there.

What we are really talking about is swooping fly girls in Palm Beach.

And as you know, over here at The G Manifesto, we bring the Custom, specific moves For The People. Not like those other sites that bust out a bunch of vague bullsh*t and/or “PUA” theory that doesn’t do anyone any good.

Here is The Breakers Seafood Room Swoop Move:

1. So you got a fly girl in Palm Beach on hook. Set up the meeting for The Breakers Seafood Room at 9:30pm to 10:00pm. No need to rush. This isn’t The Police State of California. Full menu is served until 11:00pm. Smooth.

2. Roll in Custom Suited Down. Of course. What I will do, and you should too, is roll a little early. “Insta-lock™” the place. Get the waitresses and bartenders on lock. This way when the Palm Beach girl comes to meet you, and everyone knows your name, she will ask, “Wait, you are from California. How does everyone here know you?” Right here, the duck is cooked. And I am not talking about The Police State of California banning Foie Gras, either.

3. When she meets you, all high-heels and flowing dressed out, give the “two-kisses” greeting, as per usual. Settle in for a couple of cocktails. Maybe let her get a martini. But make sure she only has one.

4. “No-look” the menu, for style points. Keep in light and agile. Go with the oysters, shrimp cocktail, or crab cake. Keep in old-school. All are excellent. No need to f*ck around.

5. Bust out a Bone-Dry Sauvignon Blanc with the oysters. Invariably, she will say, “Shouldn’t we have the oysters with Chardonnay?” Correct her and go with a Bone-Dry Sauvignon Blanc. Power move. And she will thank you for schooling her to The Game.

6. Keep the cocktails pumping with the bartender you have on lock. You are sitting at the bar, right? Enjoy the aquarium bar counters and watch small fish and other marine life explore the coral stones.

7. Go outside for a smoke and check the ocean with her.

8. She won’t be able to resist kissing you with the moon shimming off the ocean.

9. Now the deal is really cooked.

10. If you want to “carry” her a few more rounds a la Manny Pacquiao, roll to Cucina with her for a little dancing. Any way you slice it, you are swooping.

And there you have it.

I have done this move with five different fly girls.


I am I not talking Undefeated Gucci Loafers either.

Or maybe I am.

A higher level of The Game.

Bust out the move and send thank you cards.

Click Here for Roosh’s Day Bang: How To Casually Pick Up Girls During The Day

Click Here for The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life


Sister Sledge – I’m a Good Girl

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