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Somali pirates make off with $3.2 million ransom

» 05 February 2009 » In Crime, money, Travel » 1 Comment

Somali pirates make off with $3.2 million ransom

Click Here For Somali Piracy Yearbook for 2008

Click Here For Violence at Sea: Piracy in the Age of Global Terrorism

Click Here For Dangerous Waters: Modern Piracy and Terror on the High Seas

Somali pirates freed a Ukrainian ship carrying tanks and other heavy weapons Thursday after receiving a $3.2 million ransom. The U.S. Navy watched the pirates go but didn’t act because the pirates still hold almost 150 people from other crews hostage.

The seizure of the MV Faina was one of the most brazen in a surge of pirate attacks on shipping off the Somali coast. Vessels from the U.S. Navy’s 5th Fleet quickly surrounded it after it was seized in September, to make sure the cargo did not get into the hands of Somali insurgent groups believed to have links to al-Qaida.

U.S. seamen were inspecting the pirates’ departing boats to make sure they weren’t taking weapons from the Faina’s cargo, Mikhail Voitenko, a spokesman for the ship’s owners, said Thursday.

But the Navy was not taking action against the pirates because it did not want members of other crews still in captivity to be harmed, said Cmdr. Jane Campbell, a spokeswoman for the 5th Fleet in Bahrain.

“Even when you release Faina, there are still 147 mariners held hostage by armed pirates,” Campbell told The Associated Press. “We’re concerned for their well-being.”

The captain of the MV Faina, Viktor Nikolsky, said later Thursday the ship was under the protection of the U.S. Navy and will head to Mombasa, Kenya.

He said all crew members need medical attention.

Pirate spokesman Sugule Ali told the AP by satellite phone that the pirates were leaving the ship slowly because the waters are “a bit turbulent.” He spoke from the central Somali coastal town of Harardhere, near where the MV Faina had been anchored.

Ali said his group was paid a ransom of $3.2 million, which he said was dropped by plane.


Somali Pirates on a roll.

Click Here For Somali Piracy Yearbook for 2008

Click Here For Violence at Sea: Piracy in the Age of Global Terrorism

Click Here For Dangerous Waters: Modern Piracy and Terror on the High Seas

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
The Guide to Getting More Out of Life

Raekwon – Wu Ooh ft. Method Man & Ghost Face Killah

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Lianna and Naima: Last Nights Party

» 31 January 2009 » In Art, Girls, Travel » No Comments

Lianna and Naima: Last Nights Party

Good artistic videos:

Click Here to Buy lastnightsparty: Where Were You Last Night?



Click Here to Buy lastnightsparty: Where Were You Last Night?

Winter Music Conference is wack. Miami Beach in February is dope.

First girl “nature is my party” reminds me of some girls I have swooped. Not bad memories.


The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
The Guide to Getting More Out of Life

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Sè San Diego formerly the Setai San Diego

» 27 January 2009 » In Luxury, Travel » 1 Comment

Sè San Diego formerly the Setai San Diego

Some breaking news: The Setai San Diego has changed its name to Sè San Diego to avoid any confusion with The Setai Miami which is currently owned by the epic FAIL bank, Lehman Brothers. Straight from the official press release:

Today, Fifth Ave. Partners Llc., owners and developers of the hotel, Setai San Diego, are proud to announce that beginning Monday, Dec. 22, 2008 the property currently named Setai San Diego will be renamed Sè San Diego.

The Setai Miami is currently owned by Lehman Brothers. Due to the uncertainty of this ownership, Fifth Ave. Partners Llc. determined that a new hotel name and brand would be best for its development.

The developers believe the meaning of the Chinese word Sè – colour, look, quality; expression, sensuality and physical attraction – better represents the level of design, art and experience that will be unique to the San Diego property and long-term vision of the company.

The creation of the Sè hotel brand also supports the owner’s desire to have complete freedom to independently create and manage their investments. Fifth Ave. Partners Llc. are currently in advanced planning stages for additional Sè hotels in the Western US and internationally.


I called this one back here:

Keep in mind that the Setai San Diego has NO relation to the dope Setai Miami Beach. They only share the name (who knows for how long).

Still thinking airball on this one, no matter what they change the name to.

Tough location (which they are laughably calling the “financial district”) and the local San Diego economy is in shambles.

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
The Guide to Getting More Out of Life

Skeeter Davis — The End Of The World

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Steve Wynn VS Sheldon Adelson

» 18 December 2008 » In Luxury, money, Travel » 3 Comments

Steve Wynn VS Sheldon Adelson

(Hotel Review: Wynn Las Vegas , Las Vegas)

(Vegas Update: Soft Opening for The Palazzo)

Hotel developer Steve Wynn, confident he’s sitting on the next big thing, has a response for an archrival’s proclamation that the Wynn era was over.

Back in January, fellow gaming giant Sheldon Adelson, then the third-richest man in America with a $28 billion fortune, said Wynn’s time “has come and gone.”

“Yeah,” Wynn said in an interview with Vegas Confidential, “and I remember when he said it, I started to pack up. I figured anybody who is the master of the universe must know everything. Who am I to argue?

“My reaction,” said Wynn, “is the same as since his arrival on the scene. Total incredulity. He has surprised me in every single way. He’s quite an extraordinary fellow, Sheldon, and his approach has been singular, to say the least, to the industry and to life in general.

“And I think it’s pretty safe to say that hardly any of us have seen anybody quite like Sheldon and we wish him well.”

Whiplashed by an economic storm, Adelson, who built The Venetian and The Palazzo across from Wynn and went full throttle overseas, saw 95 percent of his wealth disappear this year.

“You have to give him credit for being fearless,” said Wynn. “Who else would have enough guts to start six hotels at once without the money to finish them? That’s extraordinary. I know it’s an old-fashioned idea but I’ve always had my money all done before I broke ground. I know that’s old-fashioned these days, but that’s why our interest rate is 3 percent here on our bank line, here and China. I don’t know what anyone else is paying but I borrowed the money before I started anything and my builder told me he’s going to give me back $40-odd million. We’re getting a refund.”


I have never “officially” taken sides in this heavyweight matchup as I like both Steve Wynn’s and Sheldon Adelson’s products and biz steez. And I have swooped mad amounts of fly girls in both cats Hotels.

But I will be willing to mediate if necessary.

For a “Up Economy” fee, of course.

(Thanks to Chris R for the Data Sheets)

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Arsonist who Burns with his Game regardless
The Guide to Getting More Out of Life

Official “Encore” Hotel & Casino Las Vegas TV Commercial

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Setai San Diego Hotel Almost Open

» 18 December 2008 » In Luxury, Travel » 1 Comment

Setai San Diego Hotel Almost Open

Keep in mind that the Setai San Diego has NO relation to the dope Setai Miami Beach. They only share the name (who knows for how long).

In fact, the Setai Miami Beach people have gone as far as dissing the Setai San Diego saying it “cheapens the Setai Brand” and dissing San Diego saying that “they had no interest in entering the San Diego market, and the only reason they did is that the developer promised them Larry Flynt’s building in Beverly Hills”. (I am paraphrasing).

I have been following the Setai San Diego and so far it seems like a debacle and they are miss-timing the market to say the least.

The Setai San Diego is “a striking essay in aluminium, zinc and stainless mesh. You might want to rob a bank for the Grand Penthouse, which will open in February: at 5,000 sq ft, with a 4,000 sq ft terrace, it’ll be the largest on the West Coast – hence the £13,400 a night tag. “That doesn’t include tax [£1,675],” we’re told, “but it does include breakfast.” Pray it’s all-you-can-eat. ”


Not sure the on my exchange rates right now, but £13,400 is what? $21,000?

Supposedly The Setai San Diego is open for drinks tomorrow.

This might be San Diego’s biggest Airball yet.



The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
The Guide to Getting More Out of Life

Ruby & The Romantics – Our Day Will Come

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