Category > People

Gavin Newsom Will Run for Governor of California

» 21 April 2009 » In Dope, People, Style » 4 Comments

Gavin Newsom Will Run for Governor of California

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Mayor Gavin Newsom formally announced his candidacy for California governor on Tuesday, offering himself as an heir to the same groundswell for generational change that helped send President Barack Obama to the White House.

Entering a race that could see him competing against men 15 and 30 years his senior, the 41-year-old Democrat pointedly used YouTube and the social networking sites Twitter and Facebook to disclose that he would seek his party’s nomination to succeed Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Click Here for The PlumpJack Cookbook: Great Meals for Good Living

The move mirrors Obama’s early efforts as a candidate to identify and mobilize supporters through the Internet. But Newsom, who campaigned for Hillary Rodham Clinton in the presidential primary, described it as emblematic of the “intuitive” comfort with technology, transparency and consensus-building he says he shares with Obama.

Newsom For California

“There will be legitimate questions nationally – is change an affectation of the personality of Barack Obama and is it exclusive to Washington, D.C. and the occupant of the White House? Or is that change, that generational mind-set, going to take shape across the rest of the nation, starting with the most populous state?” he said in an interview with The Associated Press. “We’ll see.”

Newsom said that to broaden his appeal beyond the San Francisco Bay area, he plans to highlight his background as a successful businessman – before becoming mayor, he founded a wine store that he parlayed into a string of restaurants – and as a politician who has been fiscally responsible. For several months, he has been crisscrossing the state and meeting with voters in markedly less liberal areas such as Stockton and San Diego.

“I’m socially progressive, no doubt about that,” he said. “People know I will fight for the things I believe in. But they may not know that other side.”


“We can’t afford to keep returning to the same old tired ideas and expect a different result,” the Democrat told supporters in his three-minute YouTube announcement, part of the unprecedented “virtual fly-around” campaign announcement done entirely in the new media.

The gubernatorial candidate’s announcement video, which premiered on his Web page,, utilizes three languages – English, Spanish and Mandarin – as well as images of solar technology, schools and health care facilities. It argued that Newsom – now in his second term as the city’s mayor – has created jobs, helped San Francisco establish a rainy day reserve and budgetary “sound fiscal policy,” and has tackled the challenge of providing universal health care to the uninsured.

Click Here for The PlumpJack Cookbook: Great Meals for Good Living

In his announcement, Newsom says his record on issues like environmental and green technology issues, health care and government spending “isn’t conservative or progressive. It’s just plain smart for everyone.”


Newsom is a smooth cat. This could be a big win for The Playboys of the World. I will definitely float some scratch his way. (Although his is a little too negative on Legalizing Prostitution.)

And his wife is an intelligent, classy woman. (And I don’t say that about a lot of women).

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

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Muhammad Ali: Associates VS Friends

» 13 April 2009 » In Art, Boxing, Dope, People, Style » No Comments

Muhammad Ali: Associates VS Friends

I have been thinking a lot about “friendship” lately.

It is almost amazing the amount of Treachery and Deceit one experiences in life.

True Friends are rare and hard to find. Associates I have many, friends very few.

Muhammad Ali on Friendship

Muhammad Ali Poem on Friendship:

“Friendship is a priceless gift that cannot be bought nor sold.
But, its value is far greater than a mountain made of gold.
For gold is cold and lifeless, it can neither see nor hear.
In time of trouble its powerless to cheer.
Gold has no ears to listen, no heart to understand.
It cannot bring you comfort or reach out a helping hand.
So, when you ask God for a gift, be thankful if He sends,
not pearls, diamonds, or riches but, the love of real true friends.”

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Wale – Rediscover Me

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Muhammad Ali: Master of Wordplay

» 12 April 2009 » In Boxing, People » 5 Comments

Muhammad Ali: Master of Wordplay

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Muhammad Ali, besides being the best Heavyweight ever, and the most important sportsman of all time, was the original master of the swagger wordplay.

Muhammad Ali Speech

“I done wrastled with an alligator
I tussled with a whale.
I handcuffed lightning, thrown thunder in jail!
Only last week I murdered a rock!
Injured a stone! Hospitalized a brick!
I’m so mean I make medicine sick!”

“I’m so fast, I cut off the light switch and was in bed before the room got dark.”

Muhammad Ali

Muhammad Ali vs Henry Cooper

The only person I ever asked for a autograph from.

I was 14.

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life


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John McCain seeks pardon for Jack Johnson (And I don’t mean that crappy singer either)

» 05 April 2009 » In Boxing, Dope, Guide, People » 3 Comments

John McCain seeks pardon for Jack Johnson (And I don’t mean that crappy singer either)

Click Here for The DVD” Unforgivable Blackness – The Rise and Fall of Jack Johnson A must have.

Click Here for The Book: Unforgivable Blackness: The Rise and Fall of Jack Johnson. A must Read.

Sen. John McCain said Wednesday he’s sure that President Barack Obama “will be more than eager” to pardon the late black heavyweight champion Jack Johnson, who was sent to prison nearly a century ago because of his romantic ties with a white woman.

In this corner – Jack Johnson

Appearing with three of Johnson’s family members and Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., McCain unveiled a resolution urging a presidential pardon for Johnson, who was convicted in 1913 of violating the Mann Act, which made it illegal to transport women across state lines for immoral purposes. The law has since been heavily amended, but has not been repealed.

McCain, R-Ariz., said he planned to speak to Obama about it, but added, “I think the last person I have to convince probably is President Obama.”

Miles Davis- A Tribute to Jack Johnson

“We need to erase this act of racism which sent an American citizen to prison on a trumped-up charge,” McCain said, adding, “I have great confidence this president will be more than eager to sign this legislation and pardon Jack Johnson.”

The White House declined to comment Wednesday. Obama was in London on Wednesday attending a summit on the global economic crisis.

Click Here for The DVD” Unforgivable Blackness – The Rise and Fall of Jack Johnson A must have.

Click Here for The Book: Unforgivable Blackness: The Rise and Fall of Jack Johnson. A must Read.

McCain and King — both of whom have done their share of boxing — are advocating the pardon along with filmmaker Ken Burns, whose 2005 documentary, “Unforgivable Blackness: The Rise and Fall of Jack Johnson,” explored the case against Johnson and the sentencing judge’s admitted desire to “send a message” to black men about relationships with white women.

Johnson became the first black heavyweight champion on Dec. 26, 1908, 100 years before Obama became the first black president.

“It certainly would be a moment in history,” King said, “to have the first African-American president granting a pardon to the first African-American heavyweight champion.”

The resolution announced Wednesday seeks a pardon that acknowledges Johnson’s career and reputation were wronged “by a racially motivated conviction prompted by his success in the boxing ring and his relationship with white women.” Similar resolutions offered in 2004 and last year failed to pass both chambers of Congress.

Burns helped form the Committee to Pardon Jack Johnson, which filed a petition with the Justice Department in 2004 that was never acted on. He called Johnson “the greatest boxer of all time,” and said when Johnson proved unbeatable in the ring, “the white power establishment decided to beat him in the courts.”

He called a pardon for Johnson “just a question of justice, which is not only blind, but color-blind,” adding, “I think it absolutely does not have anything to do with the symbolism of an African-American president pardoning an African-American unjustly accused.”

Johnson won the 1908 world heavyweight title after police in Australia stopped his 14-round match against the severely battered Canadian world champion, Tommy Burns. That led to a search for a “Great White Hope” who could beat Johnson. Two years later, Jim Jeffries, the American world titleholder Johnson had tried for years to fight, came out of retirement but lost in a match called “The Battle of the Century,” resulting in deadly riots.

Click Here for The DVD” Unforgivable Blackness – The Rise and Fall of Jack Johnson A must have.

Click Here for The Book: Unforgivable Blackness: The Rise and Fall of Jack Johnson. A must Read.

Authorities first targeted Johnson’s relationship with Lucille Cameron, who later became his wife, but she refused to cooperate. They then found another white witness, Belle Schreiber, to testify against him. Johnson fled the country after his conviction, but agreed years later to return and serve a 10-month jail sentence. He tried to renew his boxing career after leaving prison, but failed to regain his title. He died in a car crash in 1946 at age 68.

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Big ups to John McCain for this.

Jack Johnson is one of the Original G’s: Brash, Cocky, Charismatic, Sharp Dresser, Didn’t give a Fuck and Swooped Mad Girls.

True Revolutionary.

If it wasn’t for G’s like Jack Johnson, there would be no Michael Mason.

Click Here for The DVD” Unforgivable Blackness – The Rise and Fall of Jack Johnson A must have.

Click Here for The Book: Unforgivable Blackness: The Rise and Fall of Jack Johnson. A must Read.

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Jack Johnson Highlights

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The Dinnertime Bandit Extradition Ruled Illegal

» 26 March 2009 » In Crime, People » No Comments

The Dinnertime Bandit Extradition Ruled Illegal

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The 2006 extradition of Dinnertime Bandit Alan Golder from Belgium to the United States has been ruled illegal by a high-ranking Belgian court, officials said.

While those familiar with the case said it would be extremely rare for Golder to be sent back as a result of the decision, it is an issue Golder’s attorneys may bring to the Connecticut Supreme Court during his appeal, legal experts said.

“The question is, can they ask for Mr. Golder to be sent back?” said Jan De Lien, the Belgian attorney who argued against Golder’s extradition in 2006. “They probably cannot.”

De Lien, whose offices are based in Antwerpen, Belgium, said the Council of State Court — which functions as a supreme court — ruled that the government did not follow correct protocol when they allowed Golder to be returned to the United States.

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Free The Dinnertime Bandit.

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Click Here for The Man Who Robbed the Pierre: The Story of Bobby Comfort

Click Here for Secrets of a Superthief by Jack MacLean

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Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

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