Tag Archive > Crime

Picasso Painting Heisted in Brazil

» 21 December 2007 » In Art, Crime, Guide, Travel » 1 Comment

Picasso Painting Heisted in Brazil

Two dope pieces of artwork by Pablo Picasso and Brazil’s Candido Portinari were heisted Thursday from the Sao Paulo Art Museum (MASP) where they were on exhibition.

The (what seems to be very professional) thieves stole Picasso’s “Portrait of Suzanne Bloch,” painted in 1904, comes from Picasso’s blue period and has to be one of the most valuable pieces in the museum.

“O Lavrador de Cafe,” by Portinari was also heisted which depicts a coffee picker, was painted in 1939 and is one of the most renowned works by one of Brazil’s most famous painters. Portinari, is known for his “neo-realism” painting steez.

According to police, it took only three minutes for thieves to steal the oil-on-canvas paintings, which were exhibited in two different locations at the museum. The crime took place from 5:09 a.m. to 5:12 a.m. local time, although three security guards were at the spot at that time. Security cameras recorded the theft which I am sure are of poor quality.

The thieves used a hydraulic car jack to pry their way past the pull-down metal gate that protects the museum’s front entrance. Then, they smashed through two glass doors, probably using a crowbar, to get to the paintings on the second floor.

International Heistmen have been targeting Brazil’s museums lately. In February, artwork by Picasso, Henri Matisse, Salvador Dali and Claude Monet were taken from Chacara do Ceu Museum in Riode Janeiro. I have mentioned this trend before in Criminality in The Luxury Sector.

These paintings are valued at an estimated $100 million.

This had to be a “heist to order” job for a art collector because the paintings were in different rooms and thieves have tried to steal them before.

No one was hurt and it appears to be a very professional job. The quickness that the men did the job is remarkable. All in all a great result.

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

(Want to see something in The G Manifesto? Send suggestions to thegmanifesto@yahoo.com)

Jamal – fades em all

RealOne SuperPass

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Give Martina Hingis a Break

» 16 November 2007 » In Crime, Guide, People » 17 Comments

Give Martina Hingis a Break

Click Here for Cocaine Cowboys

Click Here for Cocaine Cowboys 2: Hustlin’ with the Godmother

I have always held a certain affinity for professional female tennis players. Hell, I have swooped may fair share. And although I have never swooped Anna Kournikova, I have smoked cigarettes with her on Miami Beach.

Martina Hingis has recently retired because she has failed a test which revealed trace of cocaine in her blood. Hingis denies that she has ever used cocaine.

My opinion on the whole deal is: Who cares? Either way, it’s not like cocaine really helped her tennis that much. Even if it did, give female tennis players a pass. After all, professional female tennis players are some of the flyest girls out there. They are the last type of girls we want to crack down on as a society. Personally, I think we should crack down on white girls that can’t dance. But that might just be me.

Even if she did beeks, who really cares? Someone has to buy cocaine. Cocaine makes the world go round. Right? It help build the skyscrapers in Miami anyway. Cocaine Cowboys.

Click Here for Cocaine Cowboys

Click Here for Cocaine Cowboys 2: Hustlin’ with the Godmother

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Locksmith
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Cam’ron – Just Us

Cam’Ron – Glitter

N.O.R.E. – Cocaine Cowboys (banned on myspace)

Get Premium Tickets at TicketsNow

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Golden Triangle Opium King

» 31 October 2007 » In Crime, Guide, People » No Comments

Golden Triangle Opium King

Khun Sa, The Golden Triangle Opium King has died at 73 in Yangon, Myanmar (formerly Burma), anonymous sources say. For decades, Khun Sa was The G of the Heroin trade in the Golden Triangle; which ecompasses the northern part of Myanmar, Laos, and Thailand. Mynanmar has been closed to outside journalists since the ruling junta cracked down due to recent anti-government protests.

Today, the Golden Triangle only produces about 5 percent of the world’s opium, down from 70 percent thirty years ago. Afghanistan now is the top dog poppy seed producer.

At the peak of Khun Sa’s reign, he controlled over 70 percent of the countries heroin biz. He ruled the “manor” with an army of tens of thousands and crazy heroin labs. He even had his own fiefdom, the Shan empire, in the northern reaches of Burma and fought for his people’s freedom. He is known by his people as someone who always fought for their survival, a true Man of The People. He even refered to himself as The King of the Golden Triangle.

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Cormega – Beautiful Mind

Cormega – Verbal Graffiti

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Criminality in The Luxury Sector

» 25 October 2007 » In Crime, Guide, Luxury, money » 8 Comments

Criminality in The Luxury Sector

Click Here for Confessions of a Master Jewel Thief

Click Here for The Top Ten ways to Make Money in a Down Economy

Recently, in Paris, some G’s made off with $28.4 million in gems, one of the largest jewelry thefts ever. Four men in balaclavas (ski masks for those unfamiliar with the UK crime scene) entered the Harry Winston boutique near the Champs-Elysees at 10am. The heist men then overwhelmed the six employees arriving for work and had them open the safe (smart move). It was true to “the art” as no one was harmed. Very professional with plenty of dash and style.

Interpol is now claiming that jewelry store robberies are up 20% from 2005 (coincidentally, the year The G Manifesto went online). The hot talk is now is about a “new era” of criminality in the luxury sphere. Every time I hear this, it makes me laugh.

To clue everyone in, there are a few key elements going down in The Underworld.

1) Internationally, the penalties for small heists are very similar as big ones. Anyone with any kind of pedigree is making a move on the big stuff. Being involved in a car stereo thieving cartel doesn’t hold the glamour as it did when we were 13 years old.

2) The Underworld isn’t the same place as it was for our fathers. Drugs changed everything. Too many a snitches and informers. The sons of true old-school G’s are trying to exit stage left out of “The Life” as quickly as possible. Now, what is the easiest way to do that? Exactly, Big Heists.

The Coup – Fat Cats and Bigga Fish

3) The chasm between poor and rich in this world is only growing wider. Believe it or not, most “professional” Heistmen (I am talking the crème de la crème here) have deep concern for the poor, the future of the planet and mankind in general. I personally have never had a problem redistributing some of the world’s wealth. I hate seeing malnourished kids with bloated bellys. Rich beware, there are more poor out there than you. You can thank me and “my kind” from your gated communities, suburban enclaves and lame country clubs that “The Revolution” hasn’t already come.

4) The dollar is so weak now. Every International Playboy/Heistman/G is not going to break his back in the US only to get gouged on exchange rates in Europe. Trust me, the exchange rate can really sting when you are buying some handmade suits on Savile Row, London. Hence, more International high dollar heists.

5) Most importantly, the “tech” crims are making all the long coin these days. Hacking into a banks computer and moving $15,000,000 into a numbered Swiss account is a lot easier than actually going into a bank, Prada suited down with heaters and ski masks. My peers (G’s with ties to the old-school) are feeling like we are getting evolved out. And, truthfully, we are. We are feeling the heat, and we are running for the exit doors of “The Life” as quickly as possible. Of course, the “exit doors” means living the life of a Gentleman of Leisure on some tropical beach with a couple of Latina girlfriends. So, don’t shed a tear for us, Argentinian girl. Either way, that is the main reason for the increase in high dollar heists.

N.W.A. – Appetite For Destruction (listen for Eazy E’s verse)

Right now you are seeing the last generation of true heist men out there. We are about to become extinct not because of police pressure but by technology. This is our last great chance. (Our fathers and grandfathers had it so easy.)

And why not? Most of us are living much better than fine, young, brash, and handsome like Ali in his prime. Sure, we could maybe be “tech” crims or put tech crim crews together (say that ten times fast), but there is nothing quite like being an International Playboy/ Heistman. When was the last time you saw some “hacker guy” with a model on his arm? There will never be another quite like me. Enjoy it while it lasts.

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA Your favorite International Playboy’s, favorite International Playboy
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

(Want to see something in The G Manifesto? Send suggestions to thegmanifesto@yahoo.com)

Styles P. Feat. AZ – The Hardest

Janet Jackson-Got till it’s Gone

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Blue Magic Heroin, Jay-Z American Gangster

» 21 October 2007 » In Crime, Guide, hip hop, money » 5 Comments

Blue Magic Heroin, Jay-Z American Gangster

Here is the new Jay-Z track Blue Magic. Pharrell Williams on the Beat. Chorus is an interpolation of En Vogue’s “Hold On”. Blue Magic was the blue packets of Heroin that Frank Lucas’ crew used to push.

Frank Lucas ruled supreme on One-sixteenth Street between Seventh and Eighth Avenue where he made more than a million dollars a day. There were many “brands” of Heroin in those days. Most were at about 5% purity. Blue Magic Heroin was at 10% purity and the dopest.

Jay-Z Blue Magic, Official Video

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

(Want to see something in The G Manifesto? Send suggestions to thegmanifesto@yahoo.com)

En Vogue- Hold On

Jay-Z – Blue Magic

RealOne SuperPass

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