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Guest G Manifesto: Top 10 American Criminals of all time

» 30 September 2007 » In Crime, Guest Manifesto, Guide » 9 Comments

Top 10 American Criminals of all time

Click Here for Secrets of a Superthief by Jack MacLean

So here is my Top 10 American Criminals of all time! What do I mean by Top 10? Well, to be honest, even I’m not too sure. I’m not limiting it to success (as a criminal), amount of valuables/money stolen, intelligence, bravado or audacity, but rather a mix of all of those and much more. There will be names here you might expect, and some you would never expect, and if you can better my list, feel free to email me on dinnertimebandit@gmail.com

First of all, let me say, there is one type of criminal I’ve never been interested in: bank robbers. With possibly the exception of Paddy Mitchell’s 90 Second “Stopwatch Gang”, I find bank robbers to be boring, far too violent, and just not that intriguing, so don’t expect to see any FBI photos of the Illinois “ninja bandit” on this list.

Alan William Golder aka “Dinnertime Bandit” (jewel thief) – www.dinnertimebandit.info Everything you need to know is there.

Click Here for Secrets of a Superthief by Jack MacLean

Peter Salerno (jewel thief) – “In anything that you read in the last 40 years in regards to jewel thieves, Peter Salerno’s name always comes up. And he’s the standard by which all other jewel thieves are judged.” ret. Det. Bill Adams on 60 minutes, quoted from www.dinnersetgang.com

What Salerno lacked in height, he made up for with front, attitude, a degree of class, skill, agility, fitness and strength. I’ve heard that some in the prison system call him Claws, for the brute strength in his upper arms.

Here is his Florida Dept. of Corrections page – http://www.dc.state.fl.us/ActiveInmates/detail.asp?Bookmark=1&From=list&SessionID=175518737

Bill Mason (jewel thief) – If you’re looking for a talented jewel thief who targets people while they aren’t at home, then you probably won’t find many better than Bill Mason. He is rumoured to have stolen anywhere between $10-30 million in his criminal career, which, now, is beyond the statute of limitations. In his time he stole from Armand Hammer, Phyllis Diller, and many other rich socialite’s who were in the society pages. He co-wrote his book “Confessions of a Master Jewel Thief” with author Lee Gruenfeld. A terrific read.

D.B. Cooper, aka Richard Floyd McCoy (hijacker) – The sheer audacity of Richard Floyd McCoy is what gets him his rightful place here in the top 10 American Criminals of all time. Of all the ways to illegally “acquire” (read:steal) money, who on earth would really hijack a plane, then hold the plane company to ransom, and parachute out the back into the middle of nowhere.

Ex-FBI Agent Russell Calame wrote a book called “D.B. Cooper – The Real McCoy”, which is another must-read. If you would like to order a copy of his book, drop him a line on MaryRuss21@aol.com Thankfully he still has some copies.

Jack MacLean (professional burglar, jewel/cash thief) – With a genius level IQ, and an in-depth knowledge of police communications technology, Jack MacLean, aka “Superthief” stole $133 million in over 2,000 professional burglaries. Jack wore scanners concealed under a cape-like trenchcoat. Never left fingerprints, mess or ransacking, and was always careful to reset alarms and leave things as he found them. This guy was on top of his game. He released a book in 1983 called “Secrets of a Superthief”, but it’s now out-of-print, so it costs like $100-200 to buy online.

Click Here for Secrets of a Superthief by Jack MacLean

Zodiac Killer aka Gareth Penn (serial killer) (the California one, not Heriberto “Eddie” Seda from NY State, he was lame) – I know what you’re thinking, why is a serial killer in the top ten? Despite my reservations about putting a murderer on this list, Gareth Penn was indeed a mathematical genius, who managed to run rings around SFPD and Vallejo PD for over 30 years. Very recently his complex coded clues and maps were solved by a man called Christopher Farmer, who owns and runs a company called Opord Analytical. This guy deserves props. His study, which is over 60 pages, is here in PDF format, and is a book in itself.



Unabomber (madman, extortionist, serial killer, serial bomber, anti-technology social house nigga) – Theodore John Kaczynski (born May 22 , 1942), also known as the Unabomber, is an American convicted murderer and social critic who carried out a campaign of mail bombings that killed three and wounded 23. He sent bombs to several universities and airlines from the late 1970s through early 1990s.

In his Industrial Society and Its Future (commonly called the “Unabomber Manifesto”) he argued that his actions were a necessary (although extreme) tactic by which to attract attention to what he believed were the dangers of modern technology. The Unabomber was the target of one of the most expensive investigations in the FBI’s history. [2]

The best information on the Unabomber is within the FBI Files documentary on him.


Judy Amar (female professional burglar) – Judy Amar was the mastermind behind over 500 near perfect heists in Florida in the late 80’s. Amar had a hotel room stocked with wigs, clothing and make-up that she would use to disguise herself. She changed cars every week, and license plates daily. Her success as a burglar infuriated the police for over a decade.

Click Here for Secrets of a Superthief by Jack MacLean

I know I know, a woman on the top 10? But seriously, if you’re into crime, you need to know about Judy Amar. She was so successful that the Detective on her case ended up taking his work home with him daily for years on end, then suffered a near-fatal heart attack. She was almost a cop-killa-by-proxy! She was featured on a Masterminds episode.

Blane Nordahl (silver thief) – Blane Nordhal was a sterling silver expert… especially when it came to stealing it. Cutting a swath all over the northeastern seaboard of the United States, he targeted the wealthiest homes and plundered their silver heirlooms to the tune of millions of dollars. Ivana Trump, Bruce Springsteen and sportscaster Curt Gowdy all fell victim to this most inventive and discerning of burglars.

Stealing silver is to Blane, what a hit of crystal meth is to criminals in Tennessee: more than a high, but a pre-requisite for feeling alive.

You can look him up here on NY’s D.O.C. page, http://nysdocslookup.docs.state.ny.us/kinqw00 Unfortunately, no photo on his rap-sheet! There is a photo of him here though -> http://www.massmostwanted.org/index.cfm?ac=casedetails&CaseID=20040022




James Mitchell DeBardeleben the 3rd – (Police defeater and serial sexual sadist) – As sickening as DeBardeleben’s crimes were, he was still a criminal mastermind to some degree. He would often sit down and write page after page of notes on how to defeat the police! He was a prolific note-writer. He sometimes wrote down gradual criminal progressions, what crimes he would build up to and how he would do them. For his planning, deep thinking, and defeat of the police, I’m afraid he has to make the top 10. It’s either him or Charles Ng, and I really don’t like Charles Ng’s face!.

Click Here for Secrets of a Superthief by Jack MacLean



Firm Biz- Nas Foxy Brown Az (The Firm) feat. Dawn Robinson

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How to Swoop Girls and Influence People (Australia Style)

» 28 September 2007 » In Crime, Game, Girls, Guide, Nightlife, Travel » 8 Comments

How to Swoop Girls and Influence People (Australia Style)

Click Here for How to Win Friends & Influence People

My friend “Ian” just picked me up at the Sydney International Airport. Feeling lovely. I had planned to spend some time picking up girls in King’s Cross, eating mad Kebab’s, and laying up at Bondi Beach and some of the northern beaches. Ian, though, immediately upon seeing me, says “Before we go out tonight, we have a bitta work to do…” I immediately got a bad feeling about what this “bitta work” entailed…

Men at work: Land down under

Before I get into that, let me back up first and give you the data sheet on Ian. Although I have not seen Ian in years, I have known him a long time from my London days flipping beans. Ian is actually from London, a true G, sharp dresser, fast cash, fast with his hands, quicker with the heater and fearless. Shrewd, tough, with bundles of nerve and heaps of dash. When we first met, only a fool wouldn’t be able to tell he was going places. However, His ambition sometimes gets him in trouble, for example, a bird in Belmarsh.

One of Ian’s highlights in Belmarsh was stabbing a top dog in the neck. I asked Ian why he stabbed the guy; Ian said “The bloke was being a real pain in the neck…”

INXS – Devil inside

After Ian’s time in Belmarsh, he was accused of some crime he didn’t commit and decided to “fuck off to where the water runs down the plughole the other way…” Hence, the reason I am meeting him in Sydney. Since he got to Australia, Ian had become an unholy terror and doing very well for himself. He is currently acting as sort of an “independent rep”, Standover man, doing collections, and various odds and ends for the top firms in Sydney and Melbourne.

Click Here for How to Win Friends & Influence People

So anyways, back to the “bitta work” we had to do. Apparently, this Sydney independent drug dealer we will call “Sami” had ripped off an associate of Ian’s. Bad move. Sami also apparently fancied himself as some kind of pseudo-playboy and a “Jack the Lad” as Ian says. Our job for the evening was to heist Sami at his crib. We got to keep the cash and jewels, Ian’s man upstairs got to keep the drugs. Sounds like a fair deal, only I had no interest in a “bitta work”, I wanted to be spitting lyrics at Aussie girls at the swank confines of Hugo’s Lounge in Kings Cross. Ian assured me we would go to Hugo’s afterwards, drinks on him. I was still far from gung ho. Then he told me Sami was a woman beater and I said I was all in. I hate women beaters.

Ian and I got ready, suited down (me in two button black pinstriped custom number, Savile Row, side vents, peaked lapels, Black Prada shirt, Grey Brioni Pocket Square, Prada loafers, Beretta 9mm with silencer, and ski mask in pocket. Ian was in a two button bespoke Armani, grey shirt by, I think, Canali, lace ups by A. Testoni, Glock with silencer, and also a ski mask. I probably looked more sinister overall, but Ian did have on a “brilliant” pair of lace ups.) We jumped in the Durango 75 and the engine purred away real horrorshow, headed for Sami’s crib in Double Bay.

On the way to Double Bay, Ian told me stories about some of his recent collection techniques. I will spare you the details, but many of them involved pliers and an acetylene torch. The tales, especially those involving the acetylene torch, made me want to throw up the airplane cuisine I had consumed hours earlier.

We pulled up a few blocks away from Sami’s huge crib in “Double Pay” and hearts pounding, palms sweaty, made our way there with a quickness. Posh crib, making it snow in Sydney must be good. I tried the front door, and unbelievably it was unlocked (note to drug dealers, always lock your front door). We made our way in like Leopards going for the kill and saw Sami on his couch watching TV, in a robe and flip flops, a pile of beaks and cash in front of him. Ian was on him before he knew what happened. Ian pistol whipped Sami twice, good shots I must say, and Sami went limp with some red, red kroovy coming out of his head. Heart doing somersaults, I checked the house for others and the safe. No other people. The safe in the bedroom closet (note 2 to drug dealers; don’t put your safe in obvious places).

Who can it Be Now- Men at Work

As I made my way back downstairs, (beautiful panoramic view from Sami’s crib, by the way) I noticed that Ian had Sami tied up and bolt cutters around his toes (note 3 to drug dealers, never wear flip flops). Sami was smarter than he looked; he gave up the combination right away and the location of his ill gotten stash. Even smarter, he gave us the right combination. Ian wasn’t fooling around, and neither was I since I wanted to get a cocktail in my system. Maybe some grilled Barramundi. Anyways, the contents of the safe were decent. Heaps of Australian dollars, which is good because the US dollar is pretty weak right now. Some decent diamonds as well, upon quick inspection. I wish I brought my loupe (note to self).

Click Here for How to Win Friends & Influence People

I went down stairs and showed Ian. He then said, holding his bolt cutters, in a disguised voice, “Go back to the car, have a lookout, you don’t want to see the next part, Mate”. He didn’t have to tell me twice. I still was feeling queasy from the airline omelet I ate. Poor Sami, (well not really, he did seem to be quite the wanker) in the future he shouldn’t put holes in his manners, especially in regards to women.

Overkill – Men at Work

Ten minutes later, Ian was at the Durango, we jumped in and the engine purred away real horrorshow back to Kings Cross.

After fencing the jewels (I am glad Sydney fences work late) and splitting the spoils, Ian and I were 23G Australian richer. I think I just paid for my trip. And since this was now a “working” vacation, I can write off my drinks and hotel tonight, right?

A little later, we walked into Hugo’s like two Titans. Or more like two G’s coming down off a heist-fueled adrenaline rush. Skipped the line, no need to pay a dime, didn’t hang my coat, but now it was time to move to the forefront make my rounds, Say peace and give a pound, have a drink, get down.

It’s a mistake – Men At Work

Hugo’s was filled with fly Aussie Nightlife Princess Contenders, black dresses, high heels, most of them curiously rubbing their noses. This should be fun. The bartender quickly made us two Goose and Soda’s, mad unnecessary extra limes. That’s how they do it in OZ. A fly blonde Aussie girl comes up to Ian and introduces herself to Him. I can’t believe it. In honey’s fairness, I really don’t think she got a good look at me, since my back was turned when I was ordering drinks. Ian goes to sit down with the Sheila on a couch. Guess who is paying for the drinks?

Anyway, I needed to simmer down from the “bitta work” we did earlier. I take a huge gulp of Goose and light up a Parliament Ultra light. Thank God they let you smoke in Hugo’s, or I might have to have a word with Hugo.

INXS – Need You Tonight & Mediate

Uploaded by pierrot77. – Explore more music videos.

On my third Goose and soda, two fly girls Fiona (half Greek and half Aussie) and Jilka (half Persian, half Aussie) come up to the bar (Australia is quite the melting pot). I said “Hi” to Jilka; she showed her dental work and said I looked familiar. I touched her on the hand, I had to feel her. Fiona did the same. I then said, “

You should know by now how this ends…do me a favor…

Click Here for How to Win Friends & Influence People

The Rest is Up to You…..

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA Chopper
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

(Want to see something in The G Manifesto? Send suggestions to thegmanifesto@yahoo.com)

Midnight Oil – Beds are Burning

Mark Chopper Read – Remember Me

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Q & A with Michael Mason on Weed:

» 31 August 2007 » In Crime, Dope, Guide » 4 Comments

Q & A with Michael Mason on Weed:

People have been asking me my thoughts on Weed for a long time. So I decided to share some of mine. Now, I don’t want to get a bunch of emails of people complaining about how you are more the “Weed G” than I am. These are just my opinions and the only reason I am giving them is because I have gotten like 750 emails with people saying things like “Yo, Michael, we know you are down with the grits, but what’s your thoughts on the Indo Smoke, Loc?” and other stuff, so here is a quick Q & A on Weed:

Q: What do you think about smoking out of bongs vs joints?

Michael Mason: Don’t smoke out of Bongs. Bongs are mad dirty and are incubators of colds. Smoke joints if you have to smoke. More style points. Think about it, anywhere in the world that is really Weed heavy, the people smoke Joints: Jamaica, Amsterdam, etc. Sure, you might get higher if you smoke out of a Bong, but ask yourself; how high do you really need to get?

How High (Original Version)

Q: What is a G Manifesto Certified weed move?

Michael Mason: Learn to roll a joint with one hand. Really statement making. And roll them with a filter, Amsterdam style. It’s more cultured.

Q: What about smoking indo in clubs?

Michael Mason: When you are an up and coming young Prototype G it is more than acceptable to be in the VIP of a dope Club with your crew lighting up Blunts. In fact, it might be preferred.

Q: Any G Manifesto tips for The Weed Game?

Michael Mason: The Weed Game is full of idiots. Most of them don’t how to make money. Never move Weed just so “you can smoke for free”. It’s illegal, skippy, (at least according to the Shitstem) and you should be compensated for it. If you are not on the Smuggling, Distributing or Growing end of things before age 26, I feel bad for you.

Q: Don’t you think some activities are better while smoking Chronic?

Michael Mason: Yes, some activities are more fun when you are smoking weed. Like, when swooping on two fly Southern California Beach Bunnies that you just scooped off the beach with The Greatest Pick up Line of all time: “Do you want to Smoke some Weed?” Or, when swooping two dope Jamaican girls with body and braids back at the Half Moon Resort in Montego Bay (The Ritz Carlton, Rose Hall, Jamaica works as well) .

Q: Does The G Manifesto think pot should be legalized?

Michael Mason: Great question. On paper I would say “Yes, all drugs should be legalized”. But then again, The Drug Game employs so many people in this world, that if we legalized drugs, our unemployment rates would skyrocket. I wouldn’t want to see the government or Wal-Mart make all that money, I would rather see the money in the hands of The People. I am kind of on the fence on this one (one of the few instances you will see me on the fence).

The Slickers- Johnny Too Bad (on the Jamaican G Tip)

Q: Do you puff haze?

Michael Mason: I once smoked Weed before I did anything. Now, I don’t smoke anymore unless of course, the situation Absolutely calls for it, i.e. a Fly Model girl wants me to smoke with her while we are in bed and I haven’t swooped her yet.

007(Shanty Town) – Desmond Dekker (also on the Jamaican G Tip)

Q: What is better, The Northern Lights, The G13, White Widow, Blue Cheese or the Silver Haze?

Michael Mason: Who cares? When you are smoking Weed of that quality, you are going to be out of your dome piece and more twisted than dreadlocks regardless. (By the way, “Nord light” is how they say it in Amsterdam, fyi…)

Q: Do you think hash is cool?

Michael Mason: Yeah, hashish is cool.

I hope this helped. The Rest is Up to You….

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Steppin’ Razor
AKA Johnny Too Bad
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

(Want to see something in The G Manifesto? Send suggestions to thegmanifesto@yahoo.com )

Bob Marley Waiting In Vain

Bob Marley- Waiting in Vain –

Damian And Stephen Marley, Pimpas Paradise

I-WAYNE cant satisfy her

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Guest G Manifesto: The Complete Guide to Burglary

» 22 August 2007 » In Crime, Guest Manifesto, Guide » 20 Comments

The Complete Guide to Burglary

Click Here for Secrets of a Superthief by Jack MacLean

1. Digital-capable Police scanner in car.

2. Digital-capable +/- Analogue Police scanners on waist utility belt.

3. Digital radio in car. Pioneer CD/MP3 player. GPS(TomTom? research needed). Mobile-Infrared Trip Device.
Laser detectors, jammers & veil. Phantom plate & spray.
Infrared GPS-based camera detection. Radar-based camera detection.

4. Two-Way radios. (Either links your to your buddy, or to the scanner in your car,
in which case you can dump the scanners ones on your waist)

Click Here for Secrets of a Superthief by Jack MacLean

5. Surgical gloves, thin leather gloves.

6. Coloured contact lenses, black nomex balaclava/skimask, black sunglasses, black bandana.
Oakley/Scott eye protection.

7. Chase Durer special forces watch, (Jack Bauer watch? lol.), casio digital watches.

8. Checking they are not home.
Don’t use landlines or mobile on the same day. Don’t ever mention your career on the phone. Leave your mobile at home.
If you must use one, use a payphone, or a spare pay-as-you phone. Hide your number (141 in the UK)
Burn the sim-card, throw the phone in the lake where you dumped that silly woman, lol.

9. “Digital Signal Processing” electronic voice changers.
Do you really want to go jail because the woman recognised your voice as identical to “that man in the balaclava”?
It’s already happened to one guy in America. Your voice is as individual as your DNA.

10. Footprints. Forensic problems + dirt placement. Rubber moulding can be used, but this affects the grip of the shoe.
You could just tape the bottom of your boots/shoes with thin strips of duct tape.
However, the police can still attain your shoe size from this.
Shoe size can be matched to approximate height, which if a seperate witness (post-crime) comes forward
can make you look a bit dodgy. I ain’t playin’ by whitey’s rules.

11. No fingerprints on any tools that are worn while inside a target. Surgical gloves + Rubbing alcohol.
(in case of a confrontation and dropping a Maglite or similar tool)

12. Don’t keep Stolen Goods in your own house, or anyone elses for that matter. Bury them in the woods.
Record the GPS location.
Keep the recorded location in a non-computerized non-digitized format (on a piece of paper!) somewhere hidden.
Better yet, memorize the co-ordinates.

Click Here for Secrets of a Superthief by Jack MacLean

13. Don’t keep Burglary Tools in your own house, or anyone elses for that matter. Bury them in the woods.
Record the GPS location.
Keep the recorded location in a non-computerized non-digitized format (on a piece of paper!) somewhere hidden.
Better yet, memorize the co-ordinates.

14. Leave no witnesses, prior, during and after, if at all possible.
It is very possible to remain unseen prior to the Burglary/Heist, and during it, but never underestimate the impact of being seen near the scene of the C, especially afterwards.
Even if you are not suspicious, the very fact you were seen is bad enough.
Being seen includes the possibility of forensic composites (drawn by sketch artists or computer) being produced.

15. 1/3/5 – Minute rule. Self-explanatory.

16. Cellular jammers(x2), 1) clamped to alarm panel, 2) worn on belt. www.spymodex.com

17. Wireless frequency jammers (x1), needs large range(high power), worn on belt. www.spymodex.com

18. Fingerprint dust for alarm panel, rubbing alcohol. Tiny camera can be planted if you’re prepared to bug them in order to
get the code.

19. Dogs can smell fear, don’t let it happen. Blane Nordahl walked past sleeping dogs, so can you.

20. Glass cutters, laser if necessary.

21. Handcuffs, cable ties, rope.

22. Stun batons, stun guns, tasers, flick batons, mace.

23. Method of entry (lockpicks, window/panel removal, breaching charges, C4)

24. Abseiling.

25. Fitness (5 miles must be possible in 30 minutes)

26. Strength training, agility, balance.

27. Tell nobody.

Click Here for Secrets of a Superthief by Jack MacLean

28. Alibi: plausable deniability. “Officer, how could I have been there? At the supposed time of this crime I was out at the x vs y boxing fight in NYC”.

29. Computer equipment should never enter the target location, except for very special circumstances.

Tactical, military, and radio equipment is preferred.

30. Smoke grenades, Flashbangs, Tear Gas.

31. Gas masks.

32. The police essentially have 3 things to work on. Evidence, witnesses and ‘modus operandi’.
The police are good at their job, but cannot solve the impossible.
Some departments have more time, money and resources.
Most will just attempt to attain latent prints at entry/exit points, and maybe darkened room footprint examination.

33. Evidence – What day did it occur? What time did it occur? Were residents present?
Nosy neighbours hear anything, see anything? Suspicious vehicles or people?
What has been stolen? What value does this have? Identifiable features?(serial numbers?)
Has anything been left behind? (Tools)
Fingerprints, footprints, hairs, DNA?
Is anything out of place, yet not “stolen”? Pillowcases?
Witnesses- BEFORE – Car area? Driver? Neighbourhood? Surrounding area? Suspicious people?
DURING – Were the home owners in? Did they hear noises and disturb the burglar?
Did people return home to find a window smashed or door pried open/kicked in, or even picked?
AFTER – Did anyone see a suspicious character in this rough area at XX:XXpm?
How tall were they? What were they carrying? How was their demeanour?
Were they seen in the company of anybody else? Did they get into a car?
Modus Operandi – What was the rough time of the crime? How was entry attained?
Were the home owners lax on home security or the total opposite?
Check the house for a different exit point to entry?
(especialy in cases where people return home and end up disturbing burglars).
How clean does the crime appear?

There are 4 type of burglars, OPPORTUNIST, JUNKIE, SEMi-PRO and PROFESSIONAL.

The chances of having your house targeted by professional burglars is extremely low. I ain’t playin’ wit ya ass, so don’t call up and play wit me.

34. Wait until people are out, B-IN, S-THE-STUFF.

35. Entry (2 routes) Exit (2 routes). At the very least.

36. The Internet is your friend, it’s not only for porn. Despite what Google claim, Google Earth and Google Maps were actually made for burglars.

37. Learn from the best. The 4 best burglars of all time.
(Alan William Golder – www.dinnertimebandit.info , Bill Mason – “Confessions of a Master Jewel Thief, The Dinnerset Gang (Peter Salerno), Court TV Masterminds show, www.dinnersetgang.com , and Jack MacLean – 1983 book Superthief.)

38. Watch Masterminds on CourtTV for hints. Watch Forensic science shows. CSI, Law & Order, LA Forensics, AMW, CrimeWatch UK. Learn to plant false evidence.

39. Military boots, and anti-sweat socks.

40. Hygiene (maybe a bit of a silly one, but I’d keep fingernails and toenails as short as possible, same applies to all body hair.)

41. Don’t trash the place, it wastes time and achieves nothing. Remember, this is nothing personal. This is not a competition, this is a co-operation.

42. Get a decent set of screwdrivers, pliers, alligator clips.

43. Get a decent tool for prying open doors and window frames. I recommened Blackhawk’s Hallagan tool.
Dynamic Entry make a good range of bolt cutters, prybars, and battering rams. www.blackhawk.com

44. Never target your own neighbourhood.

45. The big brother affect. If you are going to be entering and exiting any major cities, seriously think about
CCTV and cameras (I am a bit over obsessed with this topic).
If you are using a stolen car, it will flag up on CCTV possibly,
or on UK Police ANPR system (Automatic Number-Plate Recognition)
This system checks the database for the owner of the car, the status, the licence, tax, and past history.
If you use your own car, never park within 3 miles of a target (hence fitness becomes very important).
Use Radar-based and GPS-based camera detection, laser detection, laser jammers and laser veils on your car.
Use Phantom Plate covers and spray to make your car invisible to cameras.

46. Night vision goggles. Real life should be as similar to Splinter Cell and Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six, as possible.

47. Don’t leave messages behind. Again, it’s very tempting. Blame Don Vincent, aka “Reverend X”.

48. Attn UKers: Don’t cut the phone lines unless you know they don’t have BT Redcare.
BT Redcare monitors the phone line, if it’s cut, it still signals as suspicious.
BT Redcare has an option called Redcare GSM, where alarm landlines are monitored and have a GSM cellular backup link.
I’ve emailed several alarm companies asking them about jamming. I got conflicting results.
However, because Redcare GSM uses the BT O2 network, via a GSM signal, I think it could be blocked like any normal cellular phone.
BT Redcare GSM is only activated if the home landline is tampered with, but it is always “silently active”.
It does send the occasional signal to the monitoring centre. Not sure how often, probably 1 per minute at most.
Besides, over 90% of UK alarms are false alarms, so maybe you’re not scared of alarms.

49. http://www.smartwater.com/

These are basically marker devices. SmartWater can be used to mark home items, and spray over intruders.
The police use UV-lamps to analyse stolen goods and people who may be suspects.
Better get used to these, because they are here to stay.

50. Never use chewing gum on the same day as the crime.
Never bite your fingernails. Recently a BBC1 show called “Beat the Burglar” demonstrated how DNA can be extracted
and matched to the scene of the crime.
If breaking a window is required, make sure you are very careful. Wear two layers of gloves and cover the soles of your
shoes. “Beat the Burglar” featured SOCO’s (scene of crime officers) finding minute blood stains on broken glass from
both windows and doors. This is used to match DNA to offenders on record, to help prove innocence, and if arrested, guilt.

51. Mirrors on extendable rods, to check for sensors and type of sensor.

52. Once inside, find the landline phone sockets and phones. Remove the connection cable for the wall socket, and cut it.
If the phone or phones are “Digital Cordless” (for example DECT or wifi), this will make them useless. If it is a standard analogue phone, repeat the
same process, then cut the line linking the handset to the base. I have already mentioned cellular jamming, and this
is an excellent addition to your equipment. However, these tactics will probably not stop the “nosey neighbour” syndrome.

53. UV lamp for inspection of marker like Smartwater..

54. Burglars learn to adapt to security systems. In New Jersey, some burglars developed a unique break-in method.
The burglars would rattle the windows causing the alarm to sound and then hide in the bushes, waiting for the police to arrive. Once the police found nothing and left the location, the burglars would proceed with the break-in.

55. The problem with security systems is that they don’t necessarily stop people from breaking in. The security system is
only activated when the burglar has broken into the house. Also, by the time the intruder is detected and someone
responds to the alarm, there could be enough time for the intruder to remove items and leave. If the system does not
cause visible or audible alarms to flash or sound at the site, or there is no one nearby to see or hear these site
alarms, the intruder can leave without being seen.

56. How Do False Alarms Affect Service?
False alarms with security alarm systems are a significant concern. It is estimated between 95 percent and 99 percent
of the alarms received are false. Because of this, most police departments require the system, if it alarms remotely
by telephone, to first go through a monitoring company.
To combat the false alarm problem, some police departments are imposing fines for false alarms after a specified
number of false alarms.

57. Plant false evidence. See those cigarettes/chewing gum left on the ground immediately after use? Put on surgical/leather gloves.
Pick them up and put them in a an evidence bag. Leave them at the scene. Do not contaminate any evidence.
Raid bins for empty cans of juice. These provide valuable DNA evidence.

58. Keys left in door – coat hanger, string, straightening rods, loops.

59. Don’t be a moron, morons get caught.

60. Surveillance Via Cell Phones
It captures criminals:
Today, even murderers carry cell phones.
They may have left no witnesses, fingerprints or DNA. But if a murderer makes calls on a cell phone around the time of the crime (and they often do), they leave behind a trail of records that show not only who they called and at what time, but where they were when the call was made.
The cell phone records, which document what tower a caller was nearest when he dialed, can put a suspect at the scene of the crime with as much accuracy as an eyewitness. In urban areas crowded with cell towers, the records can pinpoint someone’s location within a few blocks.
Should a suspect tell detectives he was in another part of town the night of the murder, records from cell phone towers can smash his alibi, giving detectives leverage in an interview.
I am fine with the police using this tool, as long as the warrant process is there to ensure that they don’t abuse the tool.

61. Investigators tend to have difficulty solving crimes without cooperating eyewitnesses, knowledgeable informants, obvious suspects, or quick confessions.

62. The people who produce and write CSI have every right to take dramatic license. It is not their intention to mislead, but to entertain. Still, television is a powerful medium that can create false impressions. And the false impression created by CSI and other forensic science programs is this: That American detectives rely heavily on physical evidence, and do careful crime scene work. In reality, investigators in America have always gone for the quick solution to a case, preferring direct evidence in the form of eyewitness testimony, jail house informants, and confessions. Moreover, many prosecutors are uncomfortable pursuing circumstantial cases based entirely on physical evidence. Trials are less
about truth finding and justice than about winning and losing, and prosecutors want to win. Because circumstantial cases are risky, time consuming, and costly, prosecutors tend to avoid them. In reality, forensic science does not play nearly as big a role as it should in the solution and prosecution of criminal cases.

63. Pre-op surveillance.

Binoculars, directional/parabolic microphones.
Don’t be seen or heard. Ghillie suit. Camo’s.

1. The master bathroom. Walter says that nine times out of ten, he hit the jackpot with a jewelry box on the vanity or in a drawer.

2. The closet. You’re not fooling anyone by hiding your jewelry out of sight. An experienced robber will know just where to look.

3. Your dresser drawers. Drawers are another typical hiding place for cash or jewelry.

4. The underwear drawer. Someone looking for valuables won’t be embarrassed about pawing through your delicates.

5. A nightstand. Even if they’re on both sides of the bed, Walter says, a criminal will check them thoroughly.

65. Watch the “Spirit of Truth” video on www.youtube.com, featuring Don Vincent, aka Reverend X. It will change your life for the better.

66. Play as much Soldier of Fortune 2, Rainbow Six, and Splinter Cell, as possible.

67. Stealth, Surprise, Speed, Self-Belief, watch them from every angle, dominate and control space by being there yet being invisible and quiet.

Click Here for Secrets of a Superthief by Jack MacLean

The Dinnertime Bandit

Nas – Thief ‘s Theme

Mobb Deep ft Rapper Noyd-Give Up The Goods(Just Step)
This might be the dopest Mobb Deep track of all time

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Tear Gas used in Ginza, Tokyo Diamond Heist

» 17 August 2007 » In Crime, Guide, Travel » 3 Comments

Tear Gas used in Ginza, Tokyo Diamond Heist

Back on June 14, two Heistmen netted a jewelry score worth 290 million yen (about 2.53 million dollars by my calculations). The two men entered the Exelco Diamond Tokyo store in Ginza, and sprayed tear gas on a clerk. They they proceded to pry open the showcases and took a 100-carat tiara crafted in Belguim and a necklace. The Heist only took a few moments and the pair never spoke.

Unfourtunatly, for the Heistmen, the spray can was found later by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. The tear gas is widely available in France, but prohibited from being exported or being taken out of France. The TMPD then contacted the French Police thru Interpol and the can’s serial number revealed that the tear gas was purchased at a military surplus shop in Marseille. The police don’t know who purchased the tear gas, but it has led them to believe that the Heist could have been by the Pink Panther crime group known to base out of the South of France. (Side note: The South of France is a great place for Heistmen to lay low. I also like Pays Basque, Pais Vasco, and Catalunya.)

I always think that Heists are a lot less smooth when someone is harmed. The true “Art” of the Game is to have no victims save the insurance company or extremely wealthy people who are known to be less than outstanding citizens. For instance, a greedy Rich guy that let’s say, hits women. That kind of guy deserves to be heisted. He actually deserves worse. It would have been a better heist if they did not harm the clerks and maybe “tipped” the clerks on their way out. I have always thought that stuffing a C-note in the pocket of the jewelry store clerk on your way out is style.

Leaving clues behind is one of the greatest mistakes a Heistman can make. That can of tear gas found could really hurt these guys. Unless of course, they were trying to steer Interpol in the wrong direction. That of course, would be style. You can’t argue with the size of the heist. Heistmen can make even more than Hedge Fund Managers or Private Equity Barons. And it’s more honest work as well. The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

(Want to see something in The G Manifesto? Send suggestions to thegmanifesto@yahoo.com )

Le bien, le mal – Mc Solaar ft. Guru (Gangstarr)

MC Solaar – Victime de la mode

Mobb Deep, Getaway

Mobb Deep, Got it Twisted

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