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The Making of an International Playboy

» 09 August 2007 » In Crime, Dope, Game, Guide, money, Style, Travel » 6 Comments

The Making of an International Playboy

Life is good. Life is so good, I can feel an intense Euphoria when I exhale a lung full of Parliament Ultra Light smoke (and I don’t mean that Exotic Dancer from The Rhino in Las Vegas named Euphoria, real name Tricia, etiher). Well, let’s just say my life is way better than yours. Just this week I have slept with six different beautiful women (a diversified portfolio of 2 fly exotic dancers al mismo tiempo, a top tier Nightlife Princess, a Brazilian model girl from Elite, a Czech/ Canadian model from Toronto, and a rich daughter who’s dad is a West Coast titan of industry microchips and such, I think). I have been in three different dope cities, and dined at some of America’s best restaurants (Alinea in Chicago being a standout, Grant Achatz is a rising star on the Holyfield), most of it comped. Bartenders have refused to take my money. I have insisted. I haven’t gotten out of bed (and I don’t mean Club B.E.D in Miami Beach either) before 10am every morning and that is only to kick out the girl or girls from the night before (kick outs are always done respectfully of course). I had a money counting session with some Koi Fish Japanese guys I know, that let’s just say required a money counter. And I have done it all while puffing on cigarettes and swathed in custom made Italian fabrics so my style points have been off the charts. I even started to floss every day. By the way, how was your week? But it always wasn’t like this. There are many moves and lessons I have picked up along the way, many during childhood. Here are some of them:

Get a Good Running Partner

Back in elementary school, first grade, I met one of my best friends who became very instrumental in my becoming an International Playboy. The first day of school we had a new kid come to class, let’s call him “Jason”. We were all sitting on a rug listening to the teacher try and teach us stuff about reading or animals or some crap. Now, for some reason or another, my inner city elementary school had a pretty bad cockroach problem. Not sure why, our school just had mad amounts of these critters scurrying across the floor. So, anyway, when the teacher was trying to go over our lessons, Jason starts picking up the cockroaches and throwing them at all the little girls in our class. You could imagine that the shrieking coming from the girls was absolutely deafening. Personally, I was laughing my head off. The teacher was screaming at Jason to stop it, and screaming at me for laughing. Once the teacher settled everyone down, Jason would grab another cockroach and throw it at the girls. I could tell he had zero respect for authority and plenty of heart. He was soon sent out of class to sit in the hall. I also noticed that the girls actually kind of liked him. I was really too young to care, but I did etch it in my young skull that maybe being a “nice guy” wasn’t the best way to get girls.

Later during recess, I saw Jason playing on the monkey bars and I could see he had mad skills. Backflips off the monkey bars and such. I approached him. I think I said something like, “I know your new here and don’t have any friends. I really love your material. That whole cockroach thing was genius. You and I need to team up. I think we can do well together”. He agreed. He became my first “Running Partner”. See, I was a great idea man, and I needed someone with heart to help carry out my schemes. Jason was it. We pulled off a lot of great heists together, and later in life, Jason’s climbing ability, utter disrespect for authority, and fearlessness made him a great Second Story Man.

LL Cool J, I’m Bad

Bullies and Peoples Champs

Around this same time, we had a school Bully we will call “Billy”. Way bigger than the rest of us, Billy was as mean as he was tough. He generally steered clear of me and my Syndicate that I had developed in first grade. He mostly picked on the weaker kids. Even as a little kid, I have fancied myself as a “People’s Champion” and a protector of the weak and oppressed (that is why even today I give a lot of my “earnings” back to the poor and help bankroll liberal politicians). One day, Billy went after one of the kids in my outfit and gave him a pretty good beating. I had fought Billy before with minimal success, although I was quicker, and had mad hand speed like a young Sugar Ray (and I don’t mean that Crappy band from Newport Beach either), he was just too big. So, later, my crew and I came up with a scheme. We would “do it for Johnny”. Four of us came after Billy. I stepped up first and I started dropping Bees on his face. Pretty soon he was leaking some red stuff that looked like the Cabernet my MOM used to drink every night while she cooked Tortilla Espanola and Paella. Billy then grabbed me and I got him in a head lock. I was done for except for my friend who we will call “Charlie” (who was half Irish, half African American, the fastest of us and later in life a great getaway driver and Playboy in his own right), Picked up a huge rock and dropped it on Billy’s ankle. It had to hurt. Billy even cried for the first time. Other kids were in celebration. Our crew was tops. Girls congratulated and sweated us. Billy continued his Bullying ways but not on us. In fact, Billy and I kind of became friends. I used him for certain “muscle” jobs later on.

Palmer Park’s own, Sugar Ray Leonard, the 2nd Sugar Ray (the first being Sugar Ray Robinson)

Style and Smoking

When I was in I think in third grade, my family and I went on a trip to Northern Ireland. Most families go to tropical places on vacation, Bahamas, Bermuda, Hawaii and the like. My family went to war-torn Belfast. I guess that’s the price you pay when your father is a Heist man/Revolutionary/Playboy (that is until he met my MOM, and the Playboy stuff was over). I remember my dad took me to meet some of my relatives, IRA all of them. My uncle who dressed in the Irish IRA height of fashion for those days; black leather jacket, black slacks, and Irish flat cap, was sitting on the back of truck. Then I saw him take a “strike-anywhere” match, strike it on the bumper of the truck and light his cigarette. I was awe-struck. It was the coolest thing I have ever seen done in my young life (probably even cooler than Jason’s cockroach thing). Puro Cool. Un-cut Raw like the Toro at Nobu London. I also noticed that two fly girls, Irish Lasses, one red head with freckles the other brunette, looked over at him and giggled. He subtly ignored them. There were so many things I learned that day. Not the least is I realized I liked girls with freckles. Most important I learned how to have true style and that if you want true style you are going to have to smoke. No other way around it.

Rumble Fish, Rusty James VS Biff Wilcox

CASH and Making it

When we hit the fourth grade, I wanted to start making some dough like a bakery. I remember at the time that Bubble Yum and Bubblicious, the gum companies, were in a marketing war. All the kids wanted the stuff. There was a high demand. I decided I was going to be the supply. My crew and I would skip school or go after school to our local deli and buy packs of gum (5 pieces per pack). We would also find money returnable Coke bottles to help finance our operation (so I guess you could say we were budding environmentalists along with prototype G’s). Let’s say the gum cost 25 cents per pack. We would then sell the gum for ten cents apiece. We were doubling our money and soon had a Bankroll. We used Billy for protection and collections. We also learned not to “get high on our own supply” and chew up all our profits. My friend Jason also had an idea that if we stole the gum we would be making all profit. This worked great until we got caught. We learned never to screw over our supplier. I also learned that its good business to buy something in bulk and to sell off the pieces (is it any wonder I would later get involved in the pharmaceutical trade?). Most importantly, I learned that if you had something “illegal” and had CASH, girls were drawn to you. In my case, it was a girl named “Claudia”, the daughter of an Argentinian Diplomat. She was beautiful, rich, classy, had great style and crazy fly. And she was down with me. If I think about it, my life with women has really gone all downhill from this point. Of course, I didn’t swoop her, I still had no Game nor interest in girls at this age. But I did notice that showing no interest made Claudia want me more. I did make a mental note of all this, but I will admit, I blew it. I did see Claudia in some International cosmetic ads years later on, she didn’t have to model, she just did. I think she is back in Argentina now and goes to Punta del Este often. C’est la vie.

The Intruders, Cowboys to girls

The Warriors, The Warriors VS The Punks


Around this time, Jason, “Tommy” and I wanted to make a big splash and cement our status as the number one top prototype baby G’s on the set. (My friend Tommy was Japanese, knew Karate, and I was to learn later the son of a Japanese political figure/ Yakuza heavy weight…I went to a pretty Urbane, Cosmopolitan, International School). We knew we needed something big. I had the Plan. Let me explain… At our school, we would go to recess, then after recess, we would all rush into school and go to lunch. All the kids would put their lunchboxes in a row in the hall, when the bell rang for lunch the kids would enter thru double doors, freaking out, grab their lunch boxes and run to the lunch room. It was pretty chaotic. What we did during recess was each ask a different teacher if we could go to the bathroom. We all met up in the hallway and one by one we unlatched all of the lunchboxes. Then we returned to recess. Once the bell rang, all the kids spazzing out, ran thru the double doors and proceeded to grab their lunch boxes while running to the lunch room. Only this time all the lunch boxes were flying open with food flying everywhere. Italian kids had Cannelloni, Caponata di Carciofi, and canolis flying everywhere. Irish kids had Corned Beef and Cabbage flying everywhere. Cuban kids had Cuban sandwiches and Ropa Vieja flying everywhere. Jewish kids had Matzo Ball Soup and Potato Latkes flying everywhere. Colombian kids had Ajiaco and Bandeja Paisa flying everywhere. Thai kids had Pad Thai flying everywhere. Ethopian kids had Injera Bread flying everywhere. Korean kids had Kim Chee flying everywhere (I told you I went to a very International school). Everyone was slipping and sliding everywhere. It was so beautiful. It was hilarious and we kept our mouths shut and were never fingered for the “heist”. We also realized we didn’t make any CASH from this. But we did realize that proper planning, working with a good crew, proper execution and keeping our mouths shut was paramount to any crime. The Rest is Up to You…

Common, The People

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

(Want to see something in The G Manifesto? Send suggestions to thegmanifesto@yahoo.com)

The Outsiders, wack song, Dope Rumble, Greasers vs Socs

The Warriors, The Warriors VS The Baseball Furies

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Four Paintings Heisted in Nice, France

» 06 August 2007 » In Art, Crime, Guide » 3 Comments

Four Paintings Heisted in Nice, France

Five men pulled off a bold day time heist at the Beaux-Arts Museum in Nice, France. The Heistmen entered the Museum, took four paintings, put them in bags and escaped.

The Impressionist works that changed possession were “Falaises pres de Dieppe” (Cliffs near Dieppe) by Claude Monet, and Alfred Sisley’s “Alle de peupliers de Moret” (The lane of poplars at Moret). The “Falaiises pres de Dieppe” is exceptionally Beautiful.

Two Baroque paintings changed hands as well. “Allegorie de l’eau” (Allegory of Water) and “Allegorie de la terre” (Allegory of Earth) by Flemish painter Jan Breugel.

I am very familiar with these paintings and have visited the Beaux-Arts Museum many times during my stays on The French Riviera. This job most likely done “to order” as these paintings would be very hard to move unless you already had a buyer due to their high-profile.

No one was hurt in the heist, unless you want to count the Insurance company.

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA Your favorite International Playboy on the Rise’s favorite International Playboy on the Rise
AKA I can’t leave the Streets alone, The Game needs Me
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

(Want to see something in The G Manifesto? Send suggestions to thegmanifesto@yahoo.com)

Big Pun, I’m not a Player with the O’Jays

Damien Marley, and Bobby Brown, Beautiful

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Two Heist Men Rob Los Angeles’s Celebs

» 20 July 2007 » In Crime, Guide » 3 Comments

Two Heist Men Rob Los Angeles’s Celebs

A team of Heist Men have heisted more than $7 million in Jewelry, antiques, antiquities, rare books and CASH from some of Los Angeles’s wealthiest hoods. They have been targeting homes of celebrities, sports stars, corporate magnates and moguls.

These guys are obviously pros from the old school as they haven’t left hardly any clues behind, although on one job in Encino they were caught on video (you always have to disarm the video cameras). Keep in mind, $7 million sounds like a lot but they still have to pay out tipsters, fences, and kick money upstairs as well. Let’s hope they give back to the poor as well, Robin Hood style. (I have always thought of myself as a modern day Robin Hood, except I don’t wear those goofy tights and pointy shoes…I strictly rock bespoke Italian suits and hand made English custom shoes)

I can’t think of too many people who will shed a tear for the rich and famous that have been heisted for some of their trinkets or their insurance companies who will ultimately be stuck. Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to feature your house on MTV cribs…Skippy….The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA Your favorite International Playboy on the Rise’s favorite International Playboy on the Rise
AKA I can’t leave the Streets alone, The Game needs Me
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

(Want to see something in The G Manifesto? Send suggestions to thegmanifesto@yahoo.com)

Papoose, Love is a BattlefieldNas featuring Amerie, Rule

The Spinners, Ill be around

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Guest G Manifesto: The Dinnertime Bandit

» 09 July 2007 » In Crime, G Manifesto, Guide » 6 Comments

(This is the first “Guest” G Manifesto. By The Dinnertime Bandit)

Dear G Manifesto,

“He has the agility of a cat, the cunning of a spy and the eye of a jeweler.”

“He can break into your house while you’re eating dinner and be gone with all your valuables before dessert.”

Following his arrest in Antwerp, Belgium on 14th December 2006 by Belgian Federal Police, I realized just how much of a G, Alan really is. His criminal career has come to a sudden and abrupt end, and he faces the rest of his life in jail due to Parole Violations and the crimes he is also wanted for. He may also end up serving time in Belgium itself.

Alan William Golder, born on 9th August 1955, is quite possibly America’s most talented jewel thief of all time. His story far surpasses that of the “Dinnerset Gang”, as he worked alone.

The son of a career criminal who was caught several times, and a mother who worked part-time as a waitress, living in a dilapidated wooden shack in Queens, Alan Golder knew he came from the wrong side of an American society that places so much emphasis on material wealth and status.

Alan turned to crime because he couldn’t legally have what other kids had. His first theft a matchbox toy car from Woolworths aged 6 years old. By the age of 10 he had graduated to stealing bikes. At 16, he dropped out of high school to pursue crime full-time, first hitting small businesses and then home burglaries for baubles by Faberge, and jewelry from Harry Winston and David Webb. By 21, Golder was stealing millions in jewels, funneling them onto the black market through a New York City jewelry store which had Genovese crime family fences. His equipment consisted of a ski mask, large flashlight and a long screwdriver. He never carried a gun, but always wore tan Isotoner gloves, which appeared less suspicious than black ones.

Alan used Architectural Digest and Unique Homes to scope out suitable targets, as well as the advice of the Genovese Crime Family, who knew only too well the route that rich jewelry kept to.

In the late ’70s Mr. Golder stole from the houses of talk-show host Johnny Carson, country singer Glen Campbell, author and screenwriter Irving Wallace and Jackie O’s mother.

According to his own story Golder reached the zenith of his criminal career in the late 1970s, after coming to the attention of mob figures while regularly disposing of high-quality hot gems at a Manhattan jewelry store that was a front for the Genovese organized crime family. The store’s two owners and a Genovese associate named “Figgy” (Anthony Ficarotta), saw the young thief’s potential and groomed him for bigger and better heists. They taught him to look for anything bearing such designer names as David Webb, Carl Faberge, Harry Winston and Tiffany, and to leave less-valuable baubles behind.

Golder’s overseers were members of a jewelry fencing operation so sophisticated that a diamond necklace stolen in the United States one week would be for sale on the European black market the next. The FBI’s code name for it’s investigation of the organization was “Gold Ring.”

Golder’s mob handlers instructed him on how the affluent usually took their most precious gems with them as they migrated seasonally, and had him follow victims to such places as the Hamptons, N.Y., Newport, R.I., and Nantucket Island, Mass., in the summer, Houston and Bel Air in the fall, and Palm Beach, Fla., in the winter. Despite being a star performer, Golder was pressured into scoring even bigger and was told by his overseers to go for the bigger “stones” – the diamond, rubies and emerald rings that some wealthy women wore all the time, even to bed.

Between 1976 and 1980, the FBI estimated that Golder had stolen at least $25 million worth of gold and precious gems from the homes of some of the richest and most famous people in America.

He stripped a 6-carat pear-shaped diamond ring right off the finger of Mrs. Glen Campbell as she stood screaming in the dining room of her hilltop mansion.

A similar scene was repeated with oil baroness Marjorie Phillips, from whom Golder grabbed a 21-carat diamond, and from Johnny Carson’s first ex-wife, Joanna, whom he forced to open a safe containing $250,000 in jewelry.

Things changed for Golder on Dec. 4, 1978, when multimillionaire developer Lawrence Lever walked into the master bedroom of his Old Brookville, New York mansion and found two ski-masked men ransacking it. As he tried to reach a shotgun hidden in the closet, the intruders drew guns and one shot him in the chest. Golder, under the pressure of the mob,was trying to “train” two young thai men in the art of his style of crime. One of the Thai men came armed. A confrontation in the estate ensued and Lawrence Lever ended up losing his life. Golder was sentence to 15 years to life, in exchange for a deal where he informed on 24 mob figures, most in New York City, the rest spread all over America.

Golder was paroled from prison in June 1996, after serving the minimum amount of time on a 15-years-to-life sentence for the 1978 murder of Long Island real estate developer Lawrence Lever. In that incident, he is not believed to have been the triggerman. It is believed that “Boonlert Thanarajakools” of Thailand was the triggerman. He is thought to be in Thailand since 1978.

His Unsolved Mysteries page (http://www.unsolved.com/1104-Golder.html) states “Since his parole in 1996, authorities estimate he has stolen $5 million in gems from estates in Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. In November 1997, Golder disappeared from his Queens, New York apartment and went on the run. He is known to have contacts in Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Texas and Florida. Golder is in great physical shape and is known to frequent gyms, tanning salons, fine restaurants and nightclubs.”

Date: October 1997.

Location: New York City, NY.

The Score: Police are investigating whether Golder may have been responsible for the heist of $500,000 in jewelry from the home of the consul general of Thailand as she was entertaining 15 dinner guests in New York City.

Date : October 2nd 1997.

Location: Scarsdale, NY.

The Score: Alan Golder is suspected of stealing $50,000 worth of jewelry from a house in Scarsdale, NY, as 30 people celebrated the Jewish New Year, Rosh HaShana, downstairs.

Date: January 10th-11th 1998.

Location: Preston Hollow, suburb of Dallas, Texas.

The Score: Alan William Golder is suspected in the theft of least 100 pieces of jewelry valued at about $1 million, from a “secured area” in the bathroom of the home of billlionaire and republican fundraiser, Harold Simmons.

On Dec. 14, police in Belgium collared Golder, 51, in Antwerp, the diamond capital of the world. He is not currently charged with any crime yet. He has been held for over 6 months now, and is not allowed phone or mail contact. It is not known if he is allowed a court-appointed lawyer. The US wants his extradition as soon as possible, but the Belgian authorities are holding things up.

References: http://www.amw.com/fugitives/brief.cfm?id=24269

If you wish to refer to my site www.dinnertimebandit.info or http://dinnertimebandit.blogspot.com please feel free to do so.

You may email me on dinnertimebandit@gmail.com

Please understand this is a very basic summary of Alan Golder’s life and crimes. I have tried to demonstrate why it’s an interesting case for your site to feature, and I believe the public would like to hear the story.

Kind Regards


Big Daddy Kane, Smooth Operator (G Manifesto Certified Track)

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Coke is it: 40,000 Pounds of Cocaine Seized from the Gatuan

» 25 April 2007 » In Crime, Guide » 3 Comments

The U.S. Coast Guard unloaded about 20 tons of cocaine that was seized in mid-March from off the coast in Panama. Coast Guard aircraft spotted the vessel, The Gatuan, of the coast of Isla de Coiba, Panama. Fourteen crew members were arrested.

The bust is said to be the largest in U.S. maritime history. The Beeks has a street value of about $500 million which will be destroyed in Miami. Seems like such a waste. Chalk up a win for the bad guys.

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
The Guide to Getting More Out of Life

(Want to see something in The G Manifesto? Send suggestions to thegmanifesto@yahoo.com)

Clipse- Grindin (G Manifesto Certified Classic)

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